Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Once to Face Death...

Across the U.S., there seems to be much celebration about the death of Osama Bin Laden.    And, while I don't think that the loss of life is a cause for rejoicing, especially for someone who dies without Christ, the victims of 9-11 and so many Americans that have that sense of loss in the wake of the destruction 10 years ago can be thankful that justice was served and that the military mission that has been a long-term undertaking has successfully tracked down this mass murderer who, in the name of religion, killed Muslims, Christians, and scores of individuals.

And, this is not the end of the war on terror - Bin Laden incited many radical Muslims to take the lives of others with the promise of eternal rewards from the hand of Allah.  Interestingly enough, he was not one of those who was willing to risk his life for said rewards, but instead lost his life in a heavily guarded million-dollar mansion.

There are many who have the same philosophy and worldview as Bin Laden and they are still alive, perhaps with fresh motivation to undertake their bloodthirsty schemes.   And perhaps they are willing to lay down their lives, as the 9-11 terrorists did.   The interpretation of the Koran to carry out jihad, holy war, on those who do not sell their souls to Allah, who is not the same as the God of the Bible, has resulted and will continue to result in the deaths of many across the world.

Death is no respecter of persons - Hebrews says it is appointed to man once to die, and then to face judgement.   Fundamental Islamic terrorists who give up their lives for this fictitious afterlife now know the truth.    There are 3000 people - innocent victims - who faced death on 9-11.

And, there are other innocent victims - over 250 in the state of Alabama alone, who woke up on April 27 thinking that perhaps that day would be like any other day, and that span of time ended with the termination of their lives - facing the judgement of God, as the Bible says...I trust they were ready to meet the Lord.   I think it's a bit surreal and ironic that we are renewing our remembrance of the 9-11 victims while we are also remembering the victims of the southern storms, praying for the injured, and helping to provide relief for the displaced.    We are reminded of the temporal nature of our existence here, and that we live in a fallen world.   God didn't cause 9-11, He didn't cause 4-27, but He will use, and has used these occasions to testify to the glory of His name!    He is still sovereign, and while we may not understand His ways sometimes, we can still believe that He is good, He is at work, God is on the move, and He calls on us to entrust our lives into His hands.

Song of the Day:  Selah's "Precious Lord, Take My Hand"