Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Toward Parental Responsibility

God has placed parents in a position to teach their children and to train them in His ways. It is a lofty responsibility, but so important as we consider how the next generation can be impacted by parents transmitting their Christian faith and teaching their children to think for themselves and to possess their own faith. 

Deuteronomy 6 contains these words:
5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
6 "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.
7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Culturally-speaking, our governmental authorities should be supporting the work of parents, recognizing their role in contributing to a stable society.  In the state of Tennessee, powerful new legislation does just that. The Christian Post reported recently that "Gov. Bill Lee has signed into law a measure that aims to safeguard parental rights in the classroom and beyond that one advocacy group warns are being 'eroded.'" It's called the Family Rights and Responsibilities Act.

The article noted that:

The rights and responsibilities granted to parents under the legislation include the ability to "direct the upbringing of the child," the right to "direct the moral or religious training of the child," the power to "make all physical and mental healthcare decisions for the child and consent to all physical and mental health care on the child's behalf." The measure also gives parents the right to "access and review all health and medical records of the child."

Matt Sharp of Alliance Defending Freedom is quoted in the article, stating: "Parents love and know their child best, and they have the right and duty to direct the upbringing and care of their children..." The article said: "Sharp lamented that 'parental rights have been eroded by government actions that exclude parents from critical educational and health care decisions.'"

The Christian Post also noted:

According to a 2023 report from the advocacy group Parents Defending Education, at least 1,040 school districts across the U.S. attended by more than 10.7 million students have "Transgender/Gender Nonconforming Policies" that allow or require employees to keep a student's gender identity status hidden from parents.

In California, there is a move afoot to pass a statewide law to codify this type of secrecy. The Daily Citizen of Focus on the Family reports:

AB 1955 allows schools to “socially transition” children to identify as the opposite sex – without parental notification or consent.

The bill is retaliation against school districts that passed parent notification policies that require school staff to inform parents if a child says he or she wants to identify as the opposite sex or as a different “gender.”

The districts, in turn, were pushing back against California Department of Education guidelines that encourage schools to hide information about children struggling with sexual identity confusion from their parents.

This bill has already passed the Senate and was scheduled today to have a hearing before a committee of the other chamber, the Assembly.

Make no mistake, there are powerful forces that want to undermine parental responsibility. You have authorities that want to remove children from homes where parents do not affirm a child's chosen so-called "gender" and deny prospective foster parents from participation because of their traditional beliefs that are consistent with the Biblical teaching that there are only two genders. 

It's been pointed out that you have lawmakers who believe they can do a better job of parents than the actual parents. And, parents have to be so committed and not abdicate their God-given directives. Parents are important, and are charged with the training of their children, preparing them for this world. When you see teens and young adults that are engaging in criminal behavior, certainly they are responsible for it, but you have to wonder where their parents are and what they have done.  Much has been said about the fatherless crisis that we have in our nation today.  It's a high calling and quite a challenge to raise children in this world, but God gives the strength and wisdom to those who undertake it. 

(6/27) Toleration of Sin

Contrary to what some activists erroneously declare, Jesus taught about the institution of marriage, defining it to the exclusion of what some have re-defined marriage to be. In Mark 10, we find His words:
6 But from the beginning of the creation, God 'made them male and female.'
7 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,
8 and the two shall become one flesh'; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.
9 Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."

Once, not too long ago, the percentage of Protestant pastors supporting gay marriage was increasing. That number seems to have leveled off, according to a Lifeway Research survey released recently and conducted last year. The survey summary states:

One in 5 U.S. Protestant pastors (21%) say they see nothing wrong with two people of the same gender getting married, according to a Lifeway Research study. Three in 4 (75%) are opposed, including 69% who strongly disagree with same-sex marriage. Another 4% say they aren’t sure.

That is actually a drop from the last survey that Lifeway conducted on the topic, in 2019. The summary relates:

Previous Lifeway Research studies found growing support among pastors. In 2010, 15% of U.S. Protestant pastors had no moral issues with the practice. The percentage in favor grew to 24% in 2019. Today, support is statistically unchanged at 21%.
Scott McConnell, executive director of Lifeway Research, states: "...the overall number of Protestant pastors who support same-sex marriage is not growing,” adding, “The previous growth was seen most clearly among mainline pastors, and that level did not rise in our latest survey.”

But the difference between "mainline" Protestant pastors and "evangelical" Protestant pastors is striking.  Currently, just short of half of Protestant pastors are supportive of gay marriage - at 46%, which is pretty much stable from 2019, when the number was at 47.

On the evangelical side, never more than 10% has supported gay marriage. Lifeway reports that currently, "7% of self-identified U.S. evangelical Protestant pastors say they see nothing wrong with two people of the same gender getting married." 

And, younger pastors indicate more support for so-called "same-sex marriage," with 27% of Protestant pastors 18 to 44 years of age seeing nothing wrong with the practice. That contrasts with 15% of those over 65. But, McConnell notes: “...the differences we see by age make it noteworthy that the higher numbers of young pastors seeing nothing wrong with same-sex marriage is not yet having much of an impact on overall numbers.”

One must wonder how much the degree of support for this faux "marriage" was affected by pastors not teaching their flock a Biblical view of marriage.  Because pastors are called to be the megaphones of Biblical truth for their churches and for our culture, I think that the data shows that a significant number of pastors joined the chorus of support for gay marriage.  It's not a matter of what two people are doing in the privacy of their homes; sin has its consequences, not only for the individuals involved, but for those around them - consider the cost to taxpayers to fund benefits for this type of arrangements; consider children who may be adopted or produced by a surrogate who are growing up in these homes that are clearly outside the Biblical norm. 

For those who said Jesus did not teach on homosexuality, consider what he had to say about the institution of marriage - one man and one woman in a one-flesh relationships. The Bible clearly expresses God's intention for human relationships. As it's been pointed out, homosexual relations are never put in a positive light; in fact, Romans 1, inspired by the Holy Spirit and written by the hand of Paul, contains a sweeping expose of these unbiblical practices.  We must uphold Scriptural teaching on sexuality, and model God's plan for marriage. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Pride in What?

The sinfulness of humanity is expressed in so many ways - our standards of right and wrong have changed as a society, but God's Word has not changed. He gives us the ability to resist temptation and we can be confident that we can remain strong in Him. In Genesis 4, God spoke to Cain, a man who had sinned against God and was tempted to do more:
6 So the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?
7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it."
8 Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him.

With all the talk of LGBT "Pride," it bears mentioning that we are talking about a radical, destructive lifestyle. They have been successful in choosing this word to cloak the disregard for morality and biology in a gay relationship and using colorful rainbows, a symbol of God's love and faithfulness to humanity, to represent sinful behavior.

The Western Journal recently ran an article about the Silver Lake community in Los Angeles; it stated:

The east-central L.A. community is a hipster’s paradise, certainly, but in the 1990s, local residents were vexed when gays began cruising the area looking for one-night-stands with other gays. They felt the streets had become dangerous because cars were randomly making U-turns in the streets all night long to head back down the street.

So, the governing authorities decided to put up signs to put a stop to it...signs that said "No U-Turn" and "No Cruising," among others.

Also, there was a law put into place restricting someone from driving through the same area twice between midnight and 6:00.

As the article states:

Now the signs are officially history. At the removal ceremony, L.A. City Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez even explained away the act of hooking up for one-night stands as just an example of gays looking for “human connection,” according to a report by KCAL-TV.

“Cruising, of course, meant something very different. It meant an opportunity for the LGBT community to try to find human connection and intimacy,” he said at a small gathering to celebrate the removal of the signs.
It goes on to say: "Drag queen and Silver Lake Neighborhood Council member Maebe A. Girl (Yes, that is the name he uses) was thrilled at the demise of the signs they claimed were oppressing the LGBT community."

But, as The Western Journal states:

Oddly, the Silver Lake council voted to eliminate the signs 10 years ago, but many were still up until this week.

Another L.A. drag queen was thrilled to know that the evil signs were taken down and was glad the oppression was finally coming to an end, even though he never knew they existed until this month.

The Journal says that Maebe A. Girl was quoted by the Los Angeles Times, saying: “We are living in an era with where there are, annually, hundreds of bills being introduced discriminating against transgender people,” he said. “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu. And queer people are very much on the menu right now.”

To which the Journal replied, "One wonders if girls who are losing their sports to men competing as women would agree."

Maebe A. Girl must be unaware of the preferred status that he and his fellow LGBT followers seem to be enjoying these day.  Why, just the other day the cast of the television show, Queer Eye was on a video visiting the White House!  The Daily Wire reported:

Vice President Kamala Harris faced a wave of backlash over a video celebrating Pride Month and showing her visit with the cast of Bravo’s “Queer Eye.”

Harris posted the video on Tuesday, along with the following caption: “The cast of @QueerEye joined me at the White House to discuss the hard-fought progress the LGBTQI+ community has made in the past 20 years. Thank you for a meaningful conversation, for giving my office your stamp of approval, and for being fabulous.”

But, this favored status has worn thin, I believe, with many Americans.  Just look at how retailers have pulled back on their "Pride Month" merchandise. And, from a legislative perspective, there has been a wave of laws passed in a number of states that ban harmful treatments and surgeries designed to help a minor change his or her gender.  And, there have been positive developments in preventing males from playing in female sports.

But, there are new and different ways to express misguided ideas about sexuality. Consider that a host of The View, last year, identified a "spectrum" of sexuality. People reported that, on an episode of the Behind the Table podcast, Alyssa Farah Griffin stated: "I did say, if, for any reason, my husband and I didn’t work out, I think I would date a woman, and I stand by that.”

The article goes on to say:
“But, I told my husband I made the comment,” she added. “He just kinda smiles and I’m like, 'Are you thinking about what woman it would be or are you honored that no man would compare to you?' Because I think that’s how he took it.”

Host and View executive producer Brian Teta discussed the fan reaction to the former White House Strategic Communications Director’s comments including a tweet which read: “Low key, Alyssa came out as bi.”

"You know what… I do… listen, it’s a spectrum. We’re all on a spectrum," Farah Griffin clarified. "I feel like, in some senses, women would be easier to date, but, no, marriage for life to my husband."

This just shows the extent that some will go to to justify sin.  The enemy would want us to try to make our sin more acceptable, or to lessen our view of how sin is offensive to God.  This is not something to play with. 

Our culture needs a real transition. The Bible speaks of the transition from darkness to light, from death to life.  Ideas about sexuality that are unbiblical are rampant, affecting the culture and the Church. We need to allow the light of Christ to shine in our midst; we need the power of His Word to show us the way we should live. 

And, while there is certainly attention focused on homosexuality and transgenderism, we also have to admit as a Church that inappropriate relationships between male and female need work as well. When you hear of abuse, even among those who serve in the highest positions in the Church, it should break our hearts and should be a warning sign that the enemy is very active and that we are all tempted.  We can't just excuse bad behavior - we must deal with sin at its root.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Light in Dark Places

God specializes in taking small things and producing great things through the faithfulness of those who would believe on Him. Matthew chapter 13 says:
31 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field,
32 which indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches."

As we look at God at work around the world, I want to shine the spotlight on a nation that unfortunately is known for its association with terrorism. A place where the Church is small, but their small numbers have the potential to produce growth as they believe in and follow the Savior. In fact, a recent Mission Network News piece reported stated that...
An unexpected pair poses a new threat to Yemen. The Iran-backed Houthis are working with a feared local branch of Al-Qaeda on several fronts, including prisoner swaps and weapon deliveries.

The article goes on to say that: 

Unknown Nations’ Greg Kelley says the partnership creates even more danger by adding another layer of chaos to war-torn Yemen. Currently, “you have the Houthis fighting, you have the military involved, and then you have Saudi Arabia and Iran doing a proxy war inside of Yemen,” Kelley says.
Unfortunately, economic conditions for many of the Yemeni people are dire. Kelley says, "You have millions and millions of people who are affected and at risk of dying of hunger, due to unstable conditions prevent aid from coming in and the adverse effect of economic sanctions." The article says: 
Half of Yemen’s population, more than 17 million people, face severe hunger. A more significant percentage desperately needs Jesus, the Bread of Life. “Almost 100 percent of Yemenis are Muslim, and less than one-half of one percent are followers of Jesus,” Kelley says.

The ministry organization Unknown Nations trains people in Egypt to share the gospel in Yemen.

But, amidst it all, the Church in Yemen has been growing, according to a previous Mission Network News article from earlier this year, which said:

Trey Hulsey, a consultant for Middle East ministries, says, “The Yemeni church is growing, and we can speak of a Yemeni Church confidently and tangibly now. That wasn’t the case, maybe even 10 or 15 years ago.”

The Gospel message and teachings of Jesus are revolutionary in a place like Yemen.

“Christ teaches us to love our enemies, not to hate them. In Yemeni culture, that is a completely new message. That’s one of the things that really sticks,” Hulsey says.
But, as Hulsey notes, “It takes an incredible amount of wisdom to navigate the unbelievable complexity of work in Yemen.”

The Voice of the Martyrs website describes life for a Christian in Yemen:
Converting to Christianity from Islam is a crime punishable by death, and families consider it extremely shameful for a family member to become a Christian. Christian converts face harassment, the possibility of losing jobs and family relationships, and potentially death. Christians worship secretly in homes or in small groups outdoors.

While there are Christians in that nation that are able to read the Bible online, Voice of the Martyrs is involved in getting Bibles into that country.

This is a reminder that there are many areas of the world where it is especially tough to be a Christian.  External circumstances, including conflict and economic peril, weigh on the citizenry as a whole. For Christians, the pervasiveness of the Islamic faith and the threats of punishment for following Christ are a challenge each day.  So, we need to pray.

But, we can be encouraged. Jesus is moving in the Middle East, even among the difficulties. Where once there was no Church to speak of in Yemen, now there is a presence of the Church. But, the percentage is small, as Voice of the Martyrs reports, "only a small fraction of 1 percent of the population."  Talk about a remnant, a mustard seed of a Church. But, I would contend through that mustard seed faith of the believers in Yemen, the Church can grow as God uses His people to share the love of our Savior.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Grace Under Pressure

The light of Christ is present within our hearts, and we can shine His light in the interactions in which we participate. 1st John 1 contains these words:
5 This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.
6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.
7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

Does a Bible-believing Christian have a place as a co-host on a television program that collectively, has a net effect of not promoting a Biblical perspective?   Elisabeth Hasselbeck faced that prospect, serving as co-host of the TV talk show, The View, which features a panel that certainly is left-leaning and will represent a worldview that is not consistent with Scripture.

Hasselbeck had the opportunity to be a voice of Biblical truth, and a Movieguide article reported on a conversation she had with Kirk Cameron recently. The article states:

“I believe, whether it’s SURVIVOR or your school lunch table or it’s your family situation — it’s all preparation,” she said in a conversation with Kirk Cameron. “God is not going to assign a platform to you without preparation in your heart first.”

Hasselbeck reflected on her time on the show, calling it “a blessing and a privilege,” and saying she “found joy” in moments on THE VIEW.

The article went on to say:

Cameron then asked how she came to work, day after day, knowing she would be challenged by both her co-hosts and the audience.

“The Holy Spirit just had my back,” Hasselbeck said. “When you try to do it in your own power, you lack joy. Your effort fails at some point, and you end up losing not just the battle of words and rhetoric and debate — you end up losing your spirit in it.”

She continued, “God just guided me, and I didn’t always do it perfectly, but I hope that overall it was glorifying to Him at the end of every day.”

In her book, Point of View: A Fresh Look at Work, Faith, and Freedom, she has written, according to a People magazine story referenced by Movieguide: “It was called THE VIEW, as in definite and singular,” adding, “Yes, there were bonds of friendship formed around the table despite opposing views, but there were also bonds broken because of those differing perspectives.”

And, there are instances of Hasselbeck sharing her faith with her colleagues. Movieguide relates such a occurrence involving a conversation with fellow co-host Joy Behar:

“For 10 years she and I debated, and reacting in those situations perhaps I could have offered a more tender witness to this awesome God- instead many times- I reacted,” Hasselbeck wrote in an Instagram post about her relationship with Behar. “Did I always show grace…sometimes not. And sometimes I felt the need to stand firm and be bold… For now, I pray to always be able to have grace filled #Godversations like this…”

She defines a "Godversation” as ​​”a conversation minus condemnation when talking about God.” 

There was also a reference to Elisabeth's response to Whoopi Goldberg's supportive declaration on abortion, from a previous Movieguide article:

Hasselbeck explained, “I personally believe, not because I believe life has value [but] because I believe our Creator assigns value to life and that those lives have plan and purpose over them, as designed by God, that are not limited to the circumstances of conception, nor the situations they’re born into.”

There are situations in which we may find ourselves, in which we can even recognize the hand of God placing us there, where we have the opportunity to truly be the light of Christ. And, Elisabeth Hasselbeck admits that her responses were not always the most - well, graceful.  But, that doesn't mean we should not continue to be steadfast in our faith, yet willing to lovingly share what God has done in our lives.  We will encounter what the world might call failure, but we can allow those times to govern our future interactions.  

So, that's one thing I take away.  We can also realize that there is tension between our being in this world and not belonging to it.  She took a job in which she was interacting with people who didn't share her worldview - it's really an odd concept, where you have one person who is seemingly ideologically different with the other co-hosts, put in the position to stand her ground.  You may feel surrounded in your workplace or in other life situations - in those times, we can certainly depend on the Spirit within us to give us the right words to say and the proper responses that He would intend.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Reversing Trends

The Bible is clear on the subject of sin - there are certain behaviors that are characterized as sinful, and if we participate in them, it will adversely affect our relationship with Jesus. A sampling is found in this passage from Colossians 3:
5 Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.
6 Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience,
7 in which you yourselves once walked when you lived in them.
8 But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth.

Noted researcher George Barna is calling for "generational transformation," and it couldn't come soon enough, because, as he points out in an article at his website, the percentage of Americans possessing a Biblical worldview could decline another 2 percentage points within the next 15 years.

The article notes: 

“If you trace the worldview perspectives of adult generations over the course of decades, you can predict the aggregate incidence of biblical and competing worldviews,” Barna explained. “Biblical worldview incidence has declined with each of the last five generations. During that time, the national incidence of adults holding a biblical worldview has plummeted from 12% to today’s 4% level.”

“Our studies of teenagers and preteens indicate that the national incidence will drop another two points within the next 15 years, unless some dramatic and unusually effective spiritual renewal event occurs,” Barna continued. “The expected decline can be explained by the increasing influence of the worldview championed by Millennials and Gen Z as the proportion of adults from the Boomer and Elders generations substantially decreases.”

Barna, who has been a guest on The Meeting House multiple times, is the Director of Research for the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.  The article goes on to say:

Data from the American Worldview Inventory 2024 show a dramatic shift in morals.
  • A majority of adults accept lying, abortion, consensual intercourse between unmarried adults, gay marriage, and the rejection of absolute moral truth as morally acceptable.
  • Less than half of all adults embrace the Bible as their primary guide to morality. A minority believes that every moral choice either honors or dishonors God.
  • A large minority of adults accept the notion that as long as you do no harm, you may do whatever you wish.
The pivot generation has proven to be the Millennials, now 22 to 40 years of age. Barna's piece states, "Millennials have proven to be social disruptors, reshaping the moral belief and behavior norms established by Boomers and Busters (also known as Gen X, currently ages 41 to 59). Gen Z, individuals born between 2003 and 2021, has followed the lead of the Millennials in some crucial moral dimensions."

Some examples:
  • Accepting abortion. While six out of 10 Boomers and Busters consider having an abortion to be acceptable behavior, seven out of 10 Millennials (67%) and Gen Zs (69%) endorse abortion.
  • Accepting consensual sex between unmarried adults. Echoing the pattern related to abortion, the AWVI 2024 shows that six out of 10 Boomers and Busters consider sexual intercourse between consenting, unmarried adults to be morally acceptable, but a higher proportion of younger adults (69% of Millennials and 73% of Gen Zs) endorse such sexual encounters.
But the article notes that, "Gen Z has forged new levels of acceptance of other moral beliefs and behaviors, going where not even Millennials had dared to tread..."  Examples include:
  • Accepting behaviors that produce no apparent or significant harm. Three out of every 10 Americans (29%) from the generation that made “if it feels good, do it” a catch phrase (i.e., Boomers) maintain that it is morally acceptable to do anything you desire as long as it does no harm. That in itself is alarming. But the numbers swell with each succeeding generation. Among Gen X, 40% embrace that mindset. A solid majority of Millennials (55%) accept the mantra, which grows even larger—to two out of every three Americans—who are part of Gen Z (66%).
  • Rejecting the Bible as one’s primary moral guide. A mere one out of five Gen Z representatives (21%) identify the Bible as their primary source of moral guidance. That is notably lower than the proportion of adults from older generations (29% of Millennials, 34% of Baby Busters, and 37% of Baby Boomers).
But Gen Z seems to be coming around in some areas; for instance, they are "less likely than people from earlier generations (including Millennials) to believe that people are basically good." And, even though they are morally OK with abortion, "they are less likely than adults in older generations to have participated in an abortion."

Even those who meet the criteria for a Biblical worldview are not unanimous concerning the Biblical position on a host of moral issues. The article says that, "People who possess a biblical worldview, known as Integrated Disciples, are very distinct from those who do not have a biblical worldview in terms of moral dispositions. On average, more than nine out of 10 Integrated Disciples (91%) possess biblical beliefs and behaviors related to the moral factors researched, compared to just 41% among those who are not Integrated Disciples. In other words, Integrated Disciples are more than twice as likely as most Americans to demonstrate biblical morality in their thoughts and actions."

This group brings Barna hope for the future; he says, "Americans consistently tell us that their life is becoming more painful. Much of that pain is self-wrought...If Americans want to form a nation of people who are kinder, more compassionate and understanding, generous, and have reasonable hope for the future, my reading of the data says that Integrated Disciples have many of the answers we’re looking for. Their attitudes, values, lifestyles, and level of hope is unlike anything else I see on the national landscape. We learn best by modeling ourselves after those who have figured out what we are questioning. Integrated Disciples appear to be viable role models for the life that millions of Americans have found elusive.”

There is a contrast between the selfishness that is prevalent in the world and the selflessness that is derived from a Biblical worldview. Barna states, "You cannot trust people who believe that everything is conditional and who make every decision solely on the basis of personal needs and interests...," and notes, "Lying, stealing and cheating have become the new moral norm for a majority of our citizens."

We can choose consistently to make our decisions based on the teachings of Scripture. But, we have to know the Word of God and have His principles foremost in our consciousness. And, Barna challenges parents to model those principles for the next generation. He's written a book called, Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind and Soul.  So, parents modeling the Christian life for the children and teaching them to possess a Biblical worldview can contribute to a reversal of the decline in the number of people who have that worldview.   It's a simple premise: thinking and living according to the Scripture.  But, just because it's simple doesn't mean it's not hard.  We are facing enormous spiritual forces, and we must take the sword of the Spirit so that we can stand strong against the influences that would deceive and distract us.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Because we live in this fallen world, we can recognize that we will come face-to-face with the one whom Jesus said in John 10 comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Destruction is found in human hearts and manifested in seemingly countless ways. 1st Timothy chapter 6 states:
12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
13 I urge you in the sight of God who gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus who witnessed the good confession before Pontius Pilate,
14 that you keep this commandment without spot, blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ's appearing,
15 which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
16 who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power. Amen.

We are approaching the two-year anniversary of the landmark Dobbs decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, and while that action has opened up incredible doors for the advancement of the pro-life cause, there are concerns over injustices against those in the pro-life movement.

The Daily Citizen from Focus on the Family highlighted a recent ruling against a 75-year-old woman, Paula Paulette Harlow, who "was sentenced to 24 months in prison for her role in a protest at a notorious abortion clinic in Washington, D.C."

The article notes that:

Harlow becomes the 10th pro-life supporter sentenced to months – or years – in federal prison by radical, far-left U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly.

According to the DOJ, Harlow was sentenced “for her role in a conspiracy that created a blockade at a Washington, D.C. reproductive health care clinic to prevent the clinic from providing, and patients from receiving, reproductive health services.”
The ten "activists" at the Washington Surgi-Clinic who staged the protest "...were concerned that the clinic’s abortionist, Cesare Santangelo, was likely violating the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by refusing to provide life-saving care to infants born alive after a failed abortion, and/or the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. The remains of several later-term aborted babies were discovered by one of the ten activists, supporting their claims."

The article goes on to say:
Several federal lawmakers have introduced a bill to repeal the “unconstitutional” FACE Act.

They point out that while the DOJ has used the law to go after pro-life supporters, it has ignored the over 400 attacks on Catholic churches and pregnancy resource centers. In response to those attacks, zero FACE Act cases have been opened.

Meanwhile, last fall, The Washington Times reported:

A New York crisis pregnancy organization has sued two pro-choice activists under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, sending a message to the Biden administration over its lopsided record on abortion-related prosecutions.

The lawsuit accuses two women from Buffalo, New York — Hannah E. Kamke and Jennifer L. Page — of separately violating the FACE Act while targeting CompassCare, a pro-life pregnancy service with offices in Albany, Rochester, and the Buffalo suburb of Amherst.

The article went on to say:

CompassCare CEO James Harden said Monday he decided to take legal action out of frustration with the lack of a federal response to the protests and vandalism, which include the June 2022 firebombing that forced the center to close for nearly three months and did $550,000 in damage.

“It is ridiculous that as pro-life citizens we are forced to do the job of both the FBI and DOJ,” Mr. Harden said in a statement to The Washington Times. “The FBI refused to investigate so we hired private investigators. The DOJ refuses to indict, so we brought FACE charges.”

James Harden has been a guest on The Meeting House in the past.  On June 5, the CompassCare Community website stated:

Friday, June 7 marks the two-year anniversary when the pro-abortion Antifa front group, Jane’s Revenge, firebombed one of CompassCare’s pro-life medical offices in Buffalo. The firebombing caused a half-million dollars in damage, injuring two firefighters in an attempt to shut down CompassCare’s services. In this regard they failed totally, CompassCare rebuilding even bigger in a miraculous 52 days. The attack happened ahead of the then expected Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.

Antifa and their government allies continued with over 500 attacks on peaceful, pro-life people and organizations, including imprisonment, ahead of another potentially explosive SCOTUS abortion ruling expected any day. This case relates to the legality of the FDA’s approval of the dangerous chemical abortion drug, Mifepristone, representing over 60% of all U.S. abortions.

The article adds, "The current and new attacks against pro-lifers are coming in the form of malicious violence against religious liberty (1st Amendment), and equal protection under the law (14th Amendment)."

The CompassCare piece also notes, "While the domestic terror attacks waxed, pro-abortion politicians and litigators picked up the activist baton. Attorneys General from abortion hub states, including California and New York, filed suit against pro-life pregnancy centers alleging fraud for simply educating and serving women seeking to reverse the effects of chemical abortion. The timing of the lawsuits is suspicious if not obvious political theatre."

What we are looking at is spiritual warfare - life vs. death.  The power of God's Word vs. the ideologies of this world.  Supporting life vs. the destruction of life in the womb.  Certainly, there is a legal system in place, and pro-life individuals and organizations should leverage those resources.  But, ultimately, this battle of good and evil is carried out in the court of Heaven, and Bible-believing Christians should be petitioning the ultimate Judge and release His power through prayer

The two-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision on Monday should motivate us to redouble our efforts to preserve life.  And, to help us realize there is much work to be done.  Our message is Biblical, it is righteous, and we can communicate it with conviction, as well as compassion for not only the unborn, but their families, as well...the mothers, and (as you'll hear Matt Hammitt talk about next Monday on The Meeting House), the fathers.  The pro-life movement has not only a life-affirming message, but can help those affected by a crisis pregnancy to explore options in order that the child might live. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Our Need For Godliness

In Proverbs 14, we can read a passage that shows us the importance of a nation and its leaders who exercise wisdom - true wisdom, consistent with Scriptural teaching. It says:
33 Wisdom rests in the heart of him who has understanding, But what is in the heart of fools is made known.
34 Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people.
35 The king's favor is toward a wise servant, But his wrath is against him who causes shame.

It was a trap.

The U.S. Supreme Court, over the last few years, has made some decisions that have rattled the progressive establishment, not the least of which is the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.  Those upset with the Constitutional appointment of justices to the high court have suggested such outlandish measures as expanding the court and attempting to falsely paint certain justices with whom they disagree as somehow compromised.

Samuel Alito is the author of the majority opinion in the Dobbs case which overturned Roe.  And, he is certainly on the receiving end of attempts to sully his record and his character. And, as The Daily Citizen, the news arm of Focus on the Family, reported: "Liberal political consultant Lauren Windsor attended a dinner...for the Supreme Court Historical Society, pretending to be a religious conservative. She struck up conversations with Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Alito, secretly recording her interactions with them."  The article went on to say:

Trying to bait Justice Alito into saying something inflammatory, Ms. Windsor said that “as a Catholic,” she doesn’t think “we can negotiate with the left in the way that, like, needs to happen for the polarization to end. I think that it’s a matter of, like, winning.”

The article noted:

Justice Alito responded,
I think you’re probably right. One side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised.
As recounted by The Wall Street Journal, “Ms. Windsor then suggest[ed] people of faith ‘have got to keep fighting for that, to return our country to a place of godliness.’”

Justice Alito replied: “I agree with you. I agree with you.”

The Daily Citizen states, "So, where’s the scandal? What’s the problem with the justice’s remarks?" The article goes on to say:

Joan Biskupic, CNN’s Senior Supreme Court Analyst, claimed Justice Alito’s comments “reinforce why people are skeptical of the Supreme Court.” She said his comments were full of “religious zeal” that has “long been evident in Alito’s statements and written opinions.”

Biskupic implies that Justice Alito’s faith – and his recognition of the deep partisan divide in our nation – undermines his ability to do his job.

The article likened this analyst's comments to those of former California Senator Dianne Feinstein, who in a Congressional hearing, said to then-federal appeals court nominee, now-Supreme Court justice Amy Coney Barrett, according to First Things: “The dogma lives loudly within you...And that’s of concern.”  That is a reference, as The Daily Citizen points out, to Barrett's Catholic faith.

The problem with Alito's remarks, which were solicited under false pretenses - that, by the way, is the big story here, is that they do not conform with the progressive viewpoint that is prevalent in media and certain sectors of government today.  The Daily Citizen addressed Alito's judicial philosophy of interpreting the Constitution based on its original wording, and the justice is duty-bound to uphold the Constitution. But, I do believe that his judicial philosophy is consistent with his worldview, which is shaped by his religious beliefs.  The founding principles of our nation, and by extension, the Constitution, are consistent principles found in the Bible

Alito, apparently, did not say the word, "godliness."  That was a trap by the columnist.  But, we should be glad that he recognizes the moral decline our nation is facing.  Wouldn't we rather have a nation that is predicated on the teachings of Scripture than the lawlessness that has produced so much concern across our country?   Godly leadership should produce moral behavior. Some are uncomfortable with that, but too often they offer bankrupt ideas that do not contribute to an orderly, functioning society.  

So, as we continue to pray for our leaders, including our Supreme Court justices, who have difficult decisions that are before them on a consistent basis, I don't think it's out of line to pray that they exercise godly wisdom.  Wisdom based on the Scriptures can contribute to a nation that reflects the principles upon which it was founded and has been sustained.   

Monday, June 17, 2024

For a Greater Purpose

God specializes in shining His light into dark places, so in the manifestation of His presence, people will be drawn to Him. In the midst of our challenges, He proves Himself faithful. 2nd Corinthians 4 states:
6 For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.
8 We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed--
10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.

By now, perhaps you have heard about a series of shark attacks along the Florida Gulf Coast, in which three people suffered injuries.

One of those was a teenager from Mountain Brook, Lulu Gribbin.  Her mother spoke about the incident online, and that was covered in an 1819 News story recently.  

Ann Blair Gribbin and her twin daughters, Lulu and Ellie, went to the beach with friends.  According to the story:

Gribbin said things started to get tense after one mother called for her daughters and couldn’t find them.

Lulu later told her parents she was in waist-high water with six friends, looking for sand dollars, when the shark attacked. She said a man pulled her out of the water, and another boy helped carry her to the beach. Other beachgoers helped apply tourniquets.

Her sister, Ellie, had found Lulu lying on the beach.  The article relates:

Gribbin said her daughter was lifeless and pale. She said the damage left behind by the shark was horrific. EMTs quickly responded and airlifted the teen to Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola.

After an hour and 20-minute ride by a friend and multiple prayers for survival, Gribbin finally reached the hospital, where Lulu was already in surgery. Lulu had lost her left hand in the shark attack, and her right leg had to be amputated.
Ann Blair Gribbin, Lulu's mother, wrote, “At this point, we will have multiple surgeries in the days to come and our lives will be forever changed,” adding, “Lulu is strong, beautiful, brave and so many more things I can't count. God has a plan for her, and we will be there to support her every way we can.” She also said: "I know this was a terrible accident, but God was there and had the people there who helped save her life...Lulu said she felt God in the back of the beach truck. She is truly a miracle.”

On his Facebook page, Rick Karle provided some incredible context about what happened at Seacrest Beach, Florida that day: "Dr. Ryan Forbess of Orange Beach Family Medicine...doesn't get a lot of time off, but last Friday he was enjoying the surf with his children and his good friend, Dr. Moh Ali..." He said:
They heard the fear and saw the splashes.
"Shark! Out of the water!," they heard.
Dr. Forbess and Dr. Ali ran to the scene as a man carried a teenage girl out of the ocean.
Beachgoers Matthew Lidle, Sterling Duncan, Stephen Beene and others had sprinted toward Lulu, going so far as to beat the shark.
Two trauma nurses were nearby- they jumped into action to join the doctors and others,
Within seconds the beach patrol was on the scene, and first responders would follow.
What took place was a group of doctors, nurses, lifeguards, paramedics, fire department officials and yes, everyday folks like us working in concert to save lives.
"It had to be a God thing," Orange Beach Family Medicine employee Shari Woody told me.
"All of those people being in the exact place where they were needed was a miracle," Shari added.

The incredible narrative continued:

Doctors Forbess and Ali went to work, placing a tourniquet on Lulu Gribbin's left wrist and her right leg.
"Dr. Ali is a radiologist and he knew exactly where to put pressure on the girl's limbs," Shari told me.
"It looked like a trauma unit at work, except it was happening on a beach," said Shari.

It was a terrible occurrence, and three people, including two Mountain Brook teenagers, suffered injury.  Some might wonder why God didn't stop the shark from attacking.  The truth is, in this fallen world marred by sin, tragedy will occur.  There will be destruction, and even death.  Lulu Gribbin is now experiencing a "new normal."

But, consider the impact of what really happened in the Gulf and on the beach that day. A greater purpose was at work - it showed the miraculous orchestration of the Creator of all things to accomplish an outcome that is far beyond our understanding.  God, in His sovereignty and foreknowledge, had just the right people in place in order to provide a set of developments that could cause people to marvel. And, Lulu and her family have an opportunity to bring God glory through suffering. 

We can adopt a mindset of being thankful to God, even in our suffering; because through our adversity, we can experience the inward work of the Spirit and we can testify to the goodness of God, who walks through us in our difficult times.  And, that can be comforting to people who are facing their own struggles.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Longevity...and Letters

Jesus calls us to a life of service - to glorify Him and to possess a humble spirit so that we can exemplify His presence in us by serving others. The Bible teaches in Colossians 3 that we should do our work for Him; it says:
22 Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God.
23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,
24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.

You may be familiar with a college out of Michigan named Hillsdale College. It's been around since 1844, according to its mission statement on its website, and was " men and women 'grateful to God for the inestimable blessings' resulting from civil and religious liberty and 'believing that the diffusion of learning is essential to the perpetuity of these blessings.'"  The statement goes on to say: 

As a nonsectarian Christian institution, Hillsdale College maintains “by precept and example” the immemorial teachings and practices of the Christian faith.

A few weeks ago, the Chairman of Hillsdale's Board of Trustees spoke to its Commencement ceremony, according to the school's website.  In the address he said:

“I am always reluctant to get into the ‘world is falling apart’ mode because people my age have always felt the world is falling apart… but there does seem to be something more insidious going on this time in our politics and social media, COVID, in our education establishment, or whichever you think the guilty entity might be. But it does seem to be a growth in animosity between and among individuals...”
The speaker added, “Those of you graduating today have so much to offer the world, whether it is in business, health care, education, raising a family, or a hundred other ways. Your Hillsdale education and the values you learned here will make this country and this world a better place. But, I humbly ask that you also strive to practice civility in everything you do.”

This speaker has been on the Hillsdale Board of Trustees since 2002, having served as Vice Chairman from 2003-2019 and as Chairman since 2019. But, he had been in his occupation, prior to his recent retirement, for much longer, since 1981. Hillsdale President Larry Arnn said about him, "He is retiring after an unprecedentedly long career at the top. There have been huge changes in the media, and his show is a constant — he has been a constant,” adding, “Above all, what is important to him — his family, his work, his achievements, his life — he is trying to be a good fellow and take care of those he loves and do a good job at his job. I should say, on behalf of the College, that it is grateful, as it has profound reason to be..."

Well, this man may have been promoting helping people acquire a personal fortune by spinning a large wheel, but he seems to know what is truly valuable.  I'm talking about Pat Sajak, who recently hosted his final episode of the legendary TV game show, Wheel of Fortune.  The Hillsdale website says he's hosted over 7000 episodes.

In an interview with GOOD MORNING AMERICA, he discussed his thoughts on his departure from the show.

“Surprisingly okay,” he said when asked how he felt about leaving the show. “You know, this was announced a long time ago, almost a year ago, so I’ve had time to sort of get used to it. But I’m enjoying taking it all in and reflecting on a great run. I do know that somewhere along the line, we became more than a popular show, we became part of the popular culture, and more importantly, we became part of people’s lives. And that’s been awfully gratifying.”
But, Pat notes that he has other things he plans to do in the next season of his life, stating, “Could I still do it? Yeah, I think I could for a while. There’s also some other things in life that we’d like to do, and I’m enjoying this last year. It’s been a great 40 years, and I’m looking forward to whatever’s ahead.”

So, what do we learn from Mr. Sajak? Well, for one thing, I think longevity and loyalty are two admirable characteristics.  Of course, I speak from the standpoint of someone who has been at this ministry for over 33 years.  Media jobs fluctuate, and I have known my share of that.  But, I think we should all work at our jobs as unto the Lord and possess a sense of loyalty to Christ and our employer to do the job we do for as long as He calls us to do.  Some people seek upward mobility or financial advancement to the extent that they can never be settled, never be content, and I think that could possibly inhibit him or her from doing their very best.  We should always do our work as unto the Lord, as the Bible teaches.  As the President of Hillsdale College stated, Pat Sajak "...he is trying to be a good fellow and take care of those he loves and do a good job at his job."

And, Pat made a statement on Good Morning America, that is telling and should be a source of motivation for us. He said that more than the show's popularity or cultural impact, "we became part of people’s lives."  I think that is consistent with a Biblical work ethic. We are people who are called to serve. To work to provide for our families.  To honor the people for whom we work.  And, to recognize that we have the potential to touch people's lives - ultimately for the glory of God.  Jesus taught His disciples that He did not come to be served, but to serve; and as He said, to lay down His life for us. In an age in which the nature of customer service is changing and in some instances, declining, a truly service-minded individual can make a huge difference.  Christ gives us the ability to do that, because we are people who humble ourselves before Him, loving Him and loving others.

Fly Your Flag

What we believe, we live out and proclaim. In fact, there are numerous ways we can do that. Psalm 60 teaches us about the importance of displaying what we believe; it says:
2 You have made the earth tremble; You have broken it; Heal its breaches, for it is shaking.
3 You have shown Your people hard things; You have made us drink the wine of confusion.
4 You have given a banner to those who fear You, That it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah
5 That Your beloved may be delivered, Save with Your right hand, and hear me.

Prompted by a certain U.S. Supreme Court justice who has displayed flags outside of his homes, Paul Batura of Focus on the Family, writing at The Daily Citizen, stated:

I like people who fly flags.

What type of flag you fly matters, of course, but it’s been my experience that there are more good people who fly good flags than bad people who fly bad ones.

You can never go wrong with flying Old Glory.
He says that, "I think one of the many reasons I like people who fly flags is because the act tends to reflect a degree of creativity and appreciation of history on behalf of the person flying it." He adds, "Flags can teach or communicate loyalty, whether to a state, a cause, a college or even a team."

Tomorrow is Flag Day, and I came across a survey from 2022 dealing with the American flag - it was conducted by YouGov, and the main statistic, according to a summary article, was, "60% of Americans say they have a 'very positive' view of the U.S. flag."

Quite frankly, that doesn't bode very well with regard to American patriotism, with love of our country. The survey did indicate that an additional 17% had a "somewhat positive" view of the flag. The summary goes on to say: "More than half of Americans (54%) say they have a U.S. flag at home. Among this group, 40% say they fly it daily, and 30% save it for holidays and special occasions."

Unfortunately, in the words of this article, "...younger Americans — who see the American flag in a less positive light than older adults — also are less likely to call themselves patriotic."  Less than half - 41% - of young adults under 30 have a very positive view of the flag, and only 20% view themselves as "very patriotic." 

All in all, 45% of all U.S. citizens surveyed described themselves as "very patriotic," with an additional 31% saying there were "somewhat patriotic."

Miles Smith of Hillsdale College, writing at First Things, examined the history of churches displaying flags of various countries.  He says:
In America, displaying the national flag in a church is a sign that we expect our government to fulfill its duty to protect our religious freedom. Not freedom of worship, not freedom of indoor sacramental observance, but freedom of religion, as it is exercised in ecclesiastical, domestic, and public spheres. If Americans want to keep a healthy disestablished Christianity, it seems particularly important to hold our government to this duty. The American flag promises to protect other religions besides Christianity, but it also does not promise less than the protection of Christianity.

And, Liberty Counsel went to bat for the right of a Boston pastor to fly a Christian flag on a pole outside City Hall, since city leaders had disallowed it simply because of its religious nature.  Since the U.S. Supreme Court decided in favor of Hal Shurtleff, there has been a "ripple effect" of municipalities revising their flag policies, including the display of the gay pride flag.  The Liberty Counsel website states:

In Clearwater, Florida, Mayor Bruce Rector stated that the city will host events and a proclamation for “pride month” but have ended the practice of switching out the city flag at the downtown Municipal Services Building. Rector said that it could create “a slippery slope” with the city making judgment calls on groups that may “ask for the gesture in the future.”

The city council banned the “pride flag” in Hamtramck, Michigan on public property after debate on LGBTQ+ discrimination and religion due to the “beliefs of some members of their faith.” The council voted to display only five flags: the American Flag, the Michigan flag, and the countries of immigrant residents.

In Downey, California, the city council voted 3-2 to adopt a “neutral” flag policy allowing only the United States flag, the state flag, the city flag, and the POW/MIA flag.

Even though Huntington Beach, California had previously flown the rainbow flag during “Pride month” during the last two years, voters approved a measure that restricts all non-government flags from being flown on city property and only allows that the American flag, the State of California flag, the County of Orange flag, the City of Huntington Beach flag, the POW-MIA flag, the six Armed Forces flags and the Olympic flag during the Summer Olympic Games may be flown on government flagpoles.

And, as you may remember, the city of Montgomery approved a policy that, according to WSFA, said that "...Only U.S., state and city flags will be flying on the poles outside of Montgomery City Hall."

The flags we display can say quite a bit about our beliefs and our character. We have a great country, founded on principles consistent with the Christian faith, a country that, as Professor Smith points out, has at its core a dedication to religious freedom. It is not idolatrous to be patriotic, especially when you consider God's hand in the sustenance of said country.  Now, there are folks that place love of country over love of God - and that's something they need to deal with before God. But, by and large, we can be confident, as Christians, in loving our country.

We can also consider how we are displaying our love for God. We belong to Jesus, and He calls us to be visible representatives of His presence within us. We have to be careful in how we express ourselves, so that in all things we are showing our love and devotion to our great God and King, above all. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Preserving Even the Smallest Life

Our God, who is the Creator and author of life, calls on us to live according to His principles; and our regard or disregard for life can affect the way we treat other humans, as well. Moses underscored a proper attitude in Deuteronomy 30, writing:
19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;
20 that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them."

The Southern Baptist Convention, in its annual meeting in Indianapolis, has taken up the issue of in vitro fertilization, calling for a pro-life approach to "reproductive technologies," according to The Tennessean website. This comes after a life-affirming Alabama Supreme Court decision declaring embryos produced in the IVF process as human beings.  

The report on that publication says:

The resolution calls on Southern Baptists to only support reproductive technologies that affirm the "unconditional value and right to life of every human being, including those in an embryonic stage."

It also said, according to the website: 

The SBC's resolution contends that IVF "most often engages in the destruction of embryonic human life and increasingly engages in dehumanizing methods for determining suitability for life."

It calls on Southern Baptists to "advocate for the government to restrain actions inconsistent with the dignity and value of every human being, which necessarily includes frozen embryonic human beings."

There was a question posed by a website recently that I think should be instructive to those in Alabama who are pro-life.  The Alabama Reflector stated that after the bill passed the Legislature during its regular session offering immunity to in-vitro fertilization clinics in the state that "legislators said they planned to form a commission to study the issue further." It adds, "Almost three months later, that commission has yet to form."

The bill's sponsor was quoted in the article and said that she didn't have further information, but that there were plans to tour IVF clinics in the state. The article said: "Following a Feb. 16 Alabama Supreme Court decision that declared frozen embryos children, the Legislature moved quickly to protect IVF clinics from criminal and civil liability." It noted that "critics called the legislation a 'Band-Aid fix,'" and said that some lawmakers "signaled they would study the issue further."  The article went on to say:
The court’s ruling stemmed from a lawsuit regarding the unauthorized destruction of frozen embryos at a Mobile clinic in 2020. It decided that the parents could seek damages under an 1872 state law for the deaths of their children.

Following the ruling, several IVF programs closed due to legal risks to patients and providers. The Mobile health care system that provided in vitro fertilization (IVF) care said the clinic will stop the services at the end of the year, citing lawsuits over the fertility treatment.

While progressive lawmakers said the bill was a "Band-Aid," pro-life groups believed that the legislation did not protect those that the Supreme Court decision was intended to protect - children who are produced by IVF. Live Action reported:

The new law came quickly on the heels of a legal case regarding embryos that were destroyed when a client managed to access the storage area of a fertility clinic. The parents of those embryos sued the fertility clinic under the state’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act and the Alabama Supreme Court ruled in favor of the parents. That decision — that frozen embryos must be considered children under the state’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act — set off a media frenzy of inaccurate reports claiming that IVF treatments were at risk.
The article goes on to say: "Interestingly, the law admits that the destruction of embryos is equivalent to the “death” of those embryos, which means, that legislators admit human embryos are alive before they are destroyed...," and noted, "The Alabama Supreme Court ruling had been in favor of the parents whose embryos were destroyed. This law makes it difficult for other parents to file similar lawsuits." Since multiple embryos are produced in IVF, the important question has to do with what happens if these embryos are not implanted - are they put to death?  

Live Action president and founder Lila Rose is quoted, saying:

This law violates the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which mandates that no state shall deny to any person the equal protection of the laws….

This new law also violates the Alabama Constitution, which states that Alabama “acknowledges, declares, and affirms that it is the public policy of this state to recognize and support the sanctity of unborn life and the rights of unborn children, including the right to life. This state further acknowledges, declares, and affirms that it is the public policy of this state to ensure the protection of the rights of the unborn child in all manners and measures lawful and appropriate.”

According to the SBA Pro-Life America organization's website, prior to votes on the legislation, SBA Pro-Life America, Alabama Policy Institute, Alabama Pro-Life Coalition, and Eagle Forum of Alabama issued a statement, which said, in part:

“It is unacceptable the Alabama legislature has advanced a bill that falls short of pro-life expectations and fails to respect the dignity of human life. Alabama can do both: allow the continued practice of IVF with care for those suffering from infertility and respect life created through the IVF. We have full confidence that the same legislature that passed a law protecting the unborn throughout pregnancy will also take this crucial step to continue protecting all human life, in keeping with the people of Alabama who are ardently pro-life.”

IVF was not in danger of being eliminated in Alabama, so a panic turned into bad policy. In an effort to get the clinics to re-open, the Legislature passed insufficient legislation, providing immunity for clinics and not providing protection for the human embryos, deemed to be persons by the Alabama Supreme Court.  That was not addressed; in fact, one Senator even wanted to change the definition of "life" due to this faux crisis. 

Now, the Alabama Legislature must act - instead of chasing the false fantasies of gambling, perhaps sober-minded legislators can devote time to really putting their stated pro-life credentials on display. Sometimes you have to make the tough choices - and protecting these embryos that are produced in IVF.

In our own lives, in many cases, action is better sooner rather than later.  The Legislature could have and should have addressed this in the 2024 regular session, but it did not. We have to make sure, in our personal lives, that we are not procrastinating, kicking the can down the road, in order to avoid a decision that may be difficult.  We have the Word of God, the wisdom of God, and the direction of the Spirit - we don't have to make hasty decisions, but we should be intent on making timely ones.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Dollars and Sense

In Deuteronomy chapter 8, Moses reminds the children of Israel about God's faithfulness and challenges them to continue to remember to surrender to Him. In verse 17, the passage takes a turn, as he encourages them to stay humble:
17 then you say in your heart, 'My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.'
18 And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.

Andrew Sorrell is the State Auditor of Alabama.  He is certainly in an important position to hold the state of Alabama accountable for its financial practices.  Recently, he called attention to financial trends impacting the private sector that are become more prevalent in our culture that negatively impact people of faith.

He wrote recently at 1819 News:

Over the past few years, there has been an uptick in politicized "debanking," a tactic that the activist Wall Street crowd uses to harass, silence or blacklist individuals and organizations that don't align with their narrow, woke political agenda. They are targeting gun stores, energy companies and sometimes even churches for destruction by denying them access to credit and basic banking services.

He has experienced that first-hand in a business of which he owns a portion.  In the article, he outlined instances in which government and those in the financial sector have attempted to punish citizens and consumers because of their ideology.  Here are some examples:

As we now know from the "Twitter files," hundreds, if not thousands, of people lost their reach on social media or were banned entirely at the request of government operatives — in this case, the FBI.

During the Obama administration's infamous Operation Choke Point, The FDIC and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency warned financial institutions that doing business with ammunition sellers, coin dealers, and other lawful businesses disfavored by the administration increased their risk of fraud. Banks took the hint, terminating many long-held, mutually beneficial relationships, typically without warning or explanation.

Last year, 19 state attorneys general castigated Chase CEO Jamie Dimon for the bank's "attempt to condition critical services on a customer passing some unarticulated religious or political litmus test," saying that it "flies in the face of Chase's anti-discrimination policies." A separate letter signed by 14 state financial officers urged Dimon "to immediately take steps to identify and address internal drivers of political or anti-religious bias that could undermine its fiduciary obligations and impair the freedom of its customers to access financial services without fear of discrimination."
He also included this in the article: "Just this April, a 15-state coalition of state attorneys general, including Alabama's Steve Marshall, were compelled to send a letter to Bank of America's CEO Brian Moynihan for 'conditioning access to its services on customers having the bank's preferred religious or political views.'"

This hearkens back to a discovery made public by U.S. Representative Jim Jordan, who stated in a letter, according to The Washington Stand, "The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) 'urged large financial institutions to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges on the basis of protected political and religious expression...'"

That article said:

One noteworthy red flag was “the purchase of books (including religious texts) and subscriptions to other media containing extremist views.” Given the context, “extremist views” should here mean those that incite violence or otherwise encourage acts of domestic terrorism, such as pro-ISIS mullahs encouraging “lone wolf”-style terrorist attacks in the U.S.

The Washington Stand also noted that action by government actors "raises the possibility that more mainstream religions were also considered 'extremist.'” For example, 

Documents obtained by the weaponization subcommittee indicate that FBI field offices from coast to coast were involved in drafting a memo targeting “radical, traditional” Catholics as a potential source of domestic extremism, and the FBI recruited at least one undercover agent to spy on the religious group.

Are you kidding me?  A spy sent in undercover to monitor a religious organization?  Financial institutions monitoring its own customers to look for purchases it may deem to be concerning, just because it's religious? Banks terminating financial relationships with people of faith?  This is the land in which we live. 

This certainly calls for vigilance and a knowledge of who is doing what.  But, through it all, we can be faithful to the cause of Christ.  At last year's National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Orlando, Franklin Graham issued words of warning, CBN News reported:

The evangelist urged Christian organizations to prepare to defend themselves against the growing cancel culture in business, insurance, banking, and technology. He challenged them to continue sharing the hope of Jesus Christ in the face of increasingly difficult circumstances.

Graham said any organization sharing the Christian message could be targeted and canceled by financial institutions and big tech. As CBN News has reported, there have already been multiple cases of banks ousting Christian ministries or big-tech de-platforming Christians.

"Now, if you don't preach the Gospel, you don't have anything to worry about," he said. "If you're not going to talk about sin, you don't have anything to worry about. But if you're going to try to preach and proclaim the Gospel, they're going to try to shut you up."

But he said Christian communicators are called by God to keep telling the Gospel message "the way it is" no matter what may happen.

Well-known Christian evangelist, paraplegic Nick Vujocic experienced the phenomenon of being "de-banked" some six years ago.  Another CBN News story covered Vujocic's steps to open a pro-life bank, which has faced issues in raising capital.  The backstory:

As CBN News reported, Vujicic began exploring the idea of starting-up a bank in 2018 after he was kicked out of his own bank for supporting the pro-life cause.

"I got kicked out of a bank with no warning. They froze my credit cards, froze my debit cards," he said. "They gave me a letter to say that they did a review of me as a client and they don't want anything to do with me."

The pro-life advocate chose to take on the project with Gray to educate others by exposing banking networks that partner with abortion providers.

"We want to tell everyone, yeah, there's a choice coming for you," Vujicic told the Epoch Times at the time. "And not only will this be a for-profit bank, we are actually known as a for-giving bank. We will not fund abortion, but we'll actually fund 50 percent net profits to Judeo-Christian-aligned nonprofit organizations that are biblically aligned in doing the will of God according to our belief systems."

According to its website, the bank is scheduled to open later this year. It says that "We are visualizing a global financial ecosystem and community that honors God’s wealth and inspires change in our world." It will feature an "independent technology platform."

This is another example of being in the world, but not of it.  The Pro-Life Bank and Pro-Life Fintech are attempting to establish themselves independent of the world's technology to preserve financial integrity and independence.  We are rapidly advancing toward an age in which only those who demonstrate allegiance to a world power will be able to participate in commerce.  With this approaching, we should develop a sense of urgency to impact this world for the gospel, recognizing that once the Church is gone and the Antichrist is in control, total surrender will be the order of the day.  Our allegiance, as always, should be to the cause of Christ. 

Friday, June 7, 2024


Jesus shared some powerful imagery in Matthew 7 that can motivate us to make sure our lives are built on the solid foundation of a strong relationship with Jesus. He taught:
24 "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock:
25 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
26 But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand:
27 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall."

God's sustenance through natural disasters is a theme that we see quite commonly, and we can give glory to God for the manifestations of His presence. Now, we are reminded that people lose their lives in such disasters, and the presence of God can provide comfort in those difficult circumstances.

Recently, there were close to 100 people gathered in a sanctuary in Finleyville, Pennsylvania when an F1 tornado touched down, resulting in the roof being taken off the building.  The Christian Post quoted  from Pastor Ken Barner of Crossroads Ministries, who shared comments online:

"The tornado came up the hill at about 6:14 p.m., and it came up, and it took the roof off of that building, and it sent it into the woods," he said. "I just have to tell you God was with us. The steeple got knocked out. Cars were damaged. Nobody was injured. There's a few cuts and bruises and bumps, as you might imagine, but nobody had to be hospitalized that we know of, and we're just thankful for that."

It was during a Saturday night service, and according to The Observer-Reporter, Barner said: "My wife, Rhonda, was singing, and all of a sudden, you could hear the noise of the storm. You could hear the wind outside. The power jumped once, then the power went out and came back on. I knew there had been a tornado warning for Lawrence County at 5 p.m., so I started evacuating people downstairs where there's a cinder block basement..."  The Christian Post article went on to say:

"It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced in my life," Lynn Michigan, who attended the Saturday evening service with her husband, Rob, told the publication.

Rob Michigan, a member of the Castle Shannon Volunteer Fire Department, helped lead the parishioners to safety in the church basement. He said he would never want to experience what happened in the tornado again.

The pastor had shared in his online statement that church activities had been canceled, and he offered these words:

"This is just a building folks. I thank God for it. The people who've gone before us, they have done a good job to hand us what they could do, and we've been doing our best to take care of it and really use it for the honor and glory of God, but folks, this is just a building here, and I know that God is really using us as his church," he added. "I want you to know that by next weekend, we will meet somewhere."

This occurred in mid-May, and by the end of the month, according to the church's website, the roof repair was nearly complete.  The church is back in its building!

What an inspiration - after a devastating set of circumstances, this small church, which actually runs three services every weekend: 1 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday morning, is back in its building.  It's a reminder that, as the pastor related, the church is not the building, and the building is not the church, and the work of the church has continued.  So often, when we refer to a community, we talk about a "church" - it becomes a landmark, a gathering place.  But, the real church is the people inside. There are empty "church" buildings that no longer house a congregation - it's the Church, God's Church, that has the potential to effectively represent Christ and to share His love. 

This congregation experienced the presence and protection of God in a profound way - apparently, a direct hit by a tornado.  They were gathered in worship, and tested in affliction.  We may not have an F1 heading our way, but there will be storms.  This story can remind us of the importance of maintaining a spirit of worship and trusting in the Lord, even when we face challenges.  And, our storms can show us what we're made of. 

Discovering God Through Pain

In our suffering, we can develop the right perspective and honor our loving God, who is active in our lives. 1st Peter 4 provides this reminder:
12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you;
13 but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.

Later in the chapter, Peter writes:
16 Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.

Alexa and Carlos PenaVega are actors who are Christians, and God has given them a great platform through which they can share their faith. And their response to tragedy has become an opportunity to testify to His goodness.

The Christian Post reports that:

In April 2024, the outspoken Christian couple revealed their daughter, Indy, was "born at rest" after a "beautiful and peaceful delivery."

"It has been a painful journey. But in the pain, we have found peace. God continues to comfort and hold us in his arms. The prayers from the community around us have been so sustaining in this difficult season," they wrote on Instagram.
Alexa is quoted as saying, "God has really been meeting us where we're at, and He's just been providing us so much peace...He's really been so graceful to us. … He's been the only reason we've been able to get through this season." She added, "To have now gone through the hardest thing we've ever gone through, ever, you just realize the world is just so much bigger than your bubble..."

She also shared this: "... the one thing God kept reminding us through our grief was how great He is and how His heart hurts for us to go through this pain. His intention was not for us to feel this pain. … He is going to turn this pain around, and He's going to give us pain with purpose. I feel like if there was a slogan for the season we're going through, it's called 'pain with purpose.' … When you give your pain to God, He will turn it into purpose."

The PenaVegas have a new project out called, Mr. Manhattan, now available on Great American Pure Flix.  The plot is described by The Christian Post:
The film centers on Mason Bradley (Carlos), a highly successful lawyer who prides himself on being able to tackle any challenge. His world is upended when he learns that his brother and sister-in-law have passed away, naming him as the legal guardian for their children.

Despite his lack of parenting experience, Mason takes on this new responsibility. However, juggling a demanding new client and accommodating his niece and nephew in his not-so-kid-friendly Manhattan loft soon proves overwhelming. The children look to Dani (Alexa), their mother's best friend and former babysitter, for help. Dani, also Mason's ex-fiancé, becomes an essential part of this unexpected family dynamic.

The article notes:

Today, the duo's faith plays a crucial role in their career choices — something "Mr. Manhattan," which highlights God's faithfulness despite life's challenges, reflects.

"We believe in making worldly content with a Kingdom heart because the world is broken, and it needs healing," Carlos said, adding that the couple is committed to projects that glorify God, whether overtly faith-based or subtly impactful.

Alexa agreed, "Sanctification is a journey. The more we know the Lord, the more we want to reflect Him in our day-to-day life. It's about constantly bettering each other and the projects we choose."

The PenaVegas have been married since 2013 - and, as the article notes, they have experienced spiritual growth since the early days in which, as Alexa relates:

"We weren't like crazy party animals, but we liked going to the club and having a few drinks and dancing. After a month, we were like, 'This probably doesn't add up.' The more that we let God into our hearts, the more He started changing and molding us. I feel like over the years, He's done that more and more and more, especially when it comes to all these projects."

Carlos and Alexa have recently experienced the hard reality - there will be pain in this life.  But, they have also relied on their faith in the One who will comfort in our times of pain, of grief, of loss.  And, that's a great example for each of us - life will not be without challenge; and we should be thankful that it is not.  But, in our challenges, through our trials, we discover more about His goodness and faithfulness and learn more how to rely on His resources to get us through those tough seasons.

We can trust that God is using our pain for each of us internally, as well as externally - who knows how many people have been touched by the PenaVegas' story. And, in the loss of little Indy, people can be motivated to rejoice in suffering.  To lose what you have loved can draw us closer to the Savior who loved us so much that He gave His life so that we might know Him.  And, our incremental growth can prepare us for the next time.