Friday, March 7, 2025

A Safe Environment

Families that are built on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ have the potential to create an atmosphere that nurtures the children and helps them grow spiritually, physically, and emotionally, and provides a tremendous blessing for parents. And, that can apply to areas of adoption and foster care. Psalm 127 offers this insight:
(1) Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain.
It goes on to say:
3 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.
4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth.

Other translations say that children are a "gift" from the Lord.

Actress Jen Lilley and her husband certainly believe that, and realizing their home is built on Christ, they can provide a loving environment even for children whom they choose to foster.  That's based on a CBN article, which relates that her exposure to foster care started when she was young - the article quotes her as saying:
“My parents were kind of what I call unofficial foster parents. My dad was a judge and my mom was a director of a women and children’s charity.”

Because of these roles, the family couldn’t legally foster children, but that preclusion didn’t “stop them from having compassion,” she said.

“Our home was kind of a rotating door at times for people that maybe just needed help transitioning and bridging in their life,” she said. “So, the idea of a child living in my home who wasn’t in my immediate family was not scary to me.”

She and her husband Jason embarked on the fostering journey by taking a little girl into their home; CBN reports:

The actress said her Christian faith motivated her to foster and adopt.

“When love is your motive, you have to look at these kids,” Lilley said. “You can’t look away.”

She is especially troubled, though, that the state of Vermont has shut the door on Christian parents adopting.  The article states:

Lilley also spoke out against Vermont reportedly blocking Christian families from adopting over their biblical beliefs — a story that made headlines last year after two families filed a lawsuit.

At the time, the actress warned the decision by Vermont’s Department for Children and Family Services to ax two families’ licenses was a constitutional violation.

“This action not only violates our constitutional rights but also jeopardizes the well-being of children in dire need of safe, loving homes,” she said. “The government is deciding that it’s safer for a child to remain in a dangerous and potentially life-threatening situation than to live in a home with Christian beliefs? Make it make sense.”

A statement from the Department for Children and Families expressed concern that Christian parents would not affirm a foster child's sexual orientation and/or gender identity.  The CBN article adds that Lilley has a strong message for the Church:

Lilley doesn’t know where the issue will go or what will unfold but added that the church needs to think deeper about the next steps, especially if Christians are de-licensed.

“Maybe that looks like the church stepping in before the government, opening up their homes as safe homes — that’s a thing,” Lilley said. “And how beautiful would that be if single moms, single dads, families that are going through crisis say, ‘I don’t have the ability to safely provide for my child,’ and the church steps up and says, ‘We have five homes within our church, how can we wrap around you? How can we serve you? How about we take care of your children and actually provide them love, stability, and safety?'”

There are two issues here - one is the bias against Christians in Vermont who have desired to foster, yet they have been prevented from adopting, reportedly due to their Christian faith.  That is another situation of calling good, evil, and prevents qualified, loving parents who are called by God from living out their faith and providing a safe, nurturing environment for a child.   

We can also recognize that there are children who are needing that loving environment, either through adoption and/or foster care.  Sometimes, foster care will lead to adoption.  Christian parents can be selected, trained, and equipped in order to provide a loving, Christ-centered home and become part, at least for a limited period of time, of that family.  We can also choose to walk in love and consider how God might use us to share His love. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

No Longer in Decline?

Each of us, as believers in Christ, are called to advance the Kingdom of God. We are part of the body of Christ, and we have been empowered and equipped by God to do His will - and there is an expectation that we will grow in the Lord. In Ephesians 6, as Paul concludes a passage relative to the armor of God, he writes:
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints--
19 and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel,
20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

We are entrusted with the Good News of the Kingdom of God, and as we are faithful to be obedient to the Lord, we can be involved with the growth of the Church.

But, Pew Research has shown since a Religious Landscape Study in 2007 that the percentage of the population identified as Christian has been in decline.  The second RLS occurred in 2014, and the most recent, the third, took place over a portion of 2023 and 2024.  The main takeaway?  According to a survey summary at the Pew Research website:
The latest RLS, fielded over seven months in 2023-24, finds that 62% of U.S. adults identify as Christians. That is a decline of 9 percentage points since 2014 and a 16-point drop since 2007.
That certainly is not encouraging news - from 78% in 2007 to 62% in the most recent study. But, there is a nugget inside the survey summary. Pew notes: "But for the last five years, between 2019 and 2024, the Christian share of the adult population has been relatively stable, hovering between 60% and 64%. The 62% figure in the new Religious Landscape Study is smack in the middle of that recent range."

As an example, there has been a downward trend among Protestants, but that has leveled off, according to Pew, which reports:
  • Evangelical Protestants now account for 23% of all U.S. adults, down from 26% in 2007.
  • Mainline Protestants stand at 11%, down from 18% in 2007.
  • Members of historically Black Protestant churches make up 5% of U.S. adults, down slightly from 7% in 2007.
It goes on to say:
Like the overall Christian share of the population, however, the total Protestant share of the population has been quite stable in recent years, hovering between 40% and 42% since 2019.

And, over the last 17 years, what is called "nondenominational Protestantism" has risen from 4.5% of American adults in 2017 to 7.1% now. 

What about those "nones" that have been identified over the years - "religiously unaffiliated adults," defined by Pew as "those who identify as atheists, agnostics or as 'nothing in particular' when asked about their religion?" Well, those are just under 30% of U.S. adults. But, the summary notes, "The size of the religiously unaffiliated population, which we sometimes call religious 'nones,' has plateaued in recent years after a long period of sustained growth."

There is a ton of information in this massive survey, so I'm likely to be returning to it.  I'd like to make a couple of observations.  One is that the Church may have been in decline, but history has taught us that the Church will always survive.  Because God has His hand on His Church, His body, and as Jesus said in Matthew 16: "...on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."  So, the staying power, even throughout the rise and fall of the Church, is the victorious power of the Holy Spirit.

And, keep in mind that this is a survey of American religious practices.  But, there are areas of the world where the Church is exploding, even in areas where persecution is high.  In the fires of affliction, God is doing a tremendous work, bringing people to Him and strengthening the body of Christ, even when persecution would threaten to weaken it.  

While an end to decline isn't exactly something you would think we would want to celebrate, perhaps we can see a shift occurring, and these statistics are an indicator.  As Paul relates in Ephesians 6, we can continue to be in prayer for the Church - that we might all grow spiritually and that we might be faithful to share what God has done in our lives and effectively communicate the gospel message. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Another Chapter in the Sexual Revolution

I speak often about God's divine order - He has a plan and gives us principles by which we can live our lives. If we abide in Him, if we walk in His ways, we can experience what He has in store for us. But, departure from His ways will lead to unbiblical outcomes. Joshua chapter 1 underscores the importance of walking in obedience to the Word of God:
7 Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.
8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

God has instituted marriage and the family, through which He carries out His purposes. But, the enemy wants to destroy the family - he provides all sorts of alternatives that are inconsistent with the principles of Scripture: when God calls for purity, the enemy integrates impurity.  God's plan for sexuality is being corrupted by the enemy and his ways. 

Consider this news out of the state of Maryland, which illustrates a disregard for the family, and specifically the innocence of children.  Live Action reported last week:
Lawmakers in Maryland have advanced a bill that would allow public schools to add vending machines that contain condoms and other forms of birth control. It passed in the House on Friday 89-41.

House Bill 380, Prohibition on Sale of Contraceptives and Contraceptive Devices by Vending Machine in School – Repeal, would remove criminal penalties, including a $1,000 fine, “related to the sale of certain contraceptives and contraceptive devices by means of a vending machine or other automatic device at certain schools; and generally relating to the sale of contraceptives and contraceptive devices in school.” If signed into law it would take effect on October 1, 2025, and would include “kindergarten, nursery school, or elementary or secondary school.”
Now, notice this contrast: "Supporters of the bill argue that repealing the law will modernize the state’s reproductive health policies and improve teenage access to contraception. Opponents, however, say that birth control vending machines will remove parental oversight and prioritize easy contraception access without education."

One of the representatives, Kathy Szeliga, is quoted as saying: “MD lawmakers have officially lost their minds. Condom vending machines in SCHOOLS—from preschools to high schools? Yes, you read that right,” adding, “Thanks to HB 380, the ‘Condoms for Kiddies’ bill, your child’s school could soon be a one-stop shop for birth control. What’s next, hormone therapy at recess? This is what happens when the people in charge put ideology over common sense."

But, thanks to a committee over in the Maryland Senate, the bill will move no further, with Fox 45 in Baltimore reporting:
A bill that would've allowed condoms and other birth control to be dispensed via vending machines in schools was unanimously rejected in Friday's State Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee meeting.
Szeliga was quoted in that article, as well - she was identified as Vice President of the Maryland Freedom Caucus, and she related in a press release: "This is a huge win for Maryland families...The Maryland Freedom Caucus led the charge in exposing the radical nature ofHB380, and today’s vote proves that even members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee couldn’t defend it. Maryland parents have spoken, and lawmakers were forced to listen.”

...while supporters frame such policies as a simple matter of making “protection” available, critics warn that facilitating easy access to contraceptives gives tacit support to youth sexual promiscuity, exacerbating problems related to morality, teen pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases rather than curbing them.
And, as the article pointed out, Planned Parenthood "is notorious for promoting ideas about underage so-called 'safe sex' that are anything but." The article went on to say:
Examples include its chatbot app “Roo,” intended for teens as young as 13 that suggested there is no right age to begin sexual activity and encourages birth control while also neglecting to note that no method is 100% effective;

Also, Life Site News mentioned Planned Parenthood's "sex education executive Bill Taverner, who advocates teaching children about pornography; flyers distributed to middle schoolers telling kids they don’t need parents’ permission for abortion or birth control; 'sex is hot' Facebook ads apparently targeted at teen girls; and much, much more.

The society in which we live has embraced a permissiveness that is so intent on promoting an anti-Biblical worldview on sexuality, leading to the destruction of innocence and breakdown of the family.  While culture, and even areas of the Church, have become desensitized on these issues, Christian parents have the duty and obligation to teach their children Biblical principles related to best practices according to Scripture.

That means protecting kids from corrupt ideas being sold to them through pornography and various forms of entertainment. Christians should develop the mindset of upholding the authority of Scripture in light of cultural trends.  Under the guise of liberation of the young, public officials have championed truly destructive policies.  It's all part of the devil's scheme to skew a child's viewpoint of sexuality, and by so doing, to undermine marriage and the family, which are institutions ordained by God for His good purposes.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Stop, Thief!

God has given us His Word so that we might know His heart and have direction for our lives. His Word even empowers us to walk in obedience. Deuteronomy chapter 10 says:
12 "And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul,
13 and to keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes which I command you today for your good?

There's an example out of England involving a violation of one of the 10 Commandments - by stealing Biblical artwork, including a rendering of the 10 Commandments!  As The Christian Post reports:
Thieves have stolen a mural of the Ten Commandments and other Victorian murals from a church in Lincolnshire, England. Having discovered the missing artwork and two other Victorian paintings, representatives of St. Andrew’s Church in Little Steeping wondered if they had read the Eighth Commandment.

All three were displayed in heavy wooden frames and depicted religious themes, including the Lord’s Prayer and Moses delivering the commandments, The Telegraph reported. Police have not confirmed their precise market value, but said they “have sentimental value to the church and its members.”

The Post article went on to include the words of churchwarden Basil Harwood, who said, according to the Independent: "They probably wanted to learn a bit more about the commandment ‘Thou shalt not steal,’...They clearly didn’t read it when they stole it. And if they did, they obviously didn’t understand it."

The Christian Post goes on to say:

Police have circulated descriptions of the stolen artwork to local dealers and haven't linked this theft to other incidents.

Harwood said he's relieved nothing else was damaged.

The congregation hopes the thieves recognize the Ten Commandments text and rethink their act.

Right now, courts and legislatures are attempting to consider the subject of posting the 10 Commandments in schools. This is especially important as courts consider religious liberty cases under new standards established in the Coach Joe Kennedy Case.   

Back in 1980, in the case of Stone v. Graham, involving a Kentucky law requiring the Commandments to be posted in schools, Justice William Brennan on the U.S. Supreme Court, according to Education Week, made these comments regarding young people reading the Ten Commandments

“If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments..."

That's certainly a noble goal - students ideally should read the Commandments and perhaps heed them. However, the justice threw cold water on that premise, stating: "However desirable this might be as a matter of private devotion, it is not a permissible state objective under the Establishment Clause.”

Justice Brennan, the article noted, "said the Kentucky statute did not pass muster under the Supreme Court’s then-prevailing “Lemon” test for evaluating government support for religion. The test, from the 1971 case of Lemon v. Kurtzman, says that a statute must have a secular legislative purpose; its primary effect must neither advance nor inhibit religion, and it must not foster an excessive government entanglement with religion."

Brennan noted, “This is not a case in which the Ten Commandments are integrated into the school curriculum, where the Bible may constitutionally be used in an appropriate study of history, civilization, ethics, comparative religion, or the like,” adding, “Posting of religious texts on the wall serves no such educational function..."

Of course, we know that God's Word does not return void, and we're talking about more than so-called "private devotion" - we recognize that the 10 Commandments, as Justice Rehnquist said in his dissent to the court's majority decision in Stone, "have had a significant impact on the development of secular legal codes of the Western World.”  That's a quote from the Education Week article, which says that Rehnquist noted that the 10 Commandments are "undeniably a sacred text."

The 10 Commandments, like all of Scripture, are intended not only to be read, but heeded.  So, these thieves in England obviously were not heeding the Commandments when they stole them.  From a church. And, the justices in 1980 on the high court denied school children in Kentucky the opportunity to be exposed to those sacred truths, which could have, as I believe it's been pointed out, changed their behavior. 

We also can see how our inability to keep the 10 Commandments show us the need for a Savior, as Ray Comfort says.  We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, the Bible says, and we need the power of God's Word operating in our lives so that we can come into salvation through Christ and live in a manner that pleases God.  

The enemy, as the parable of the sower shows us in Mark 4, will come to steal the word from our hearts.  He is a thief and we have to contend against im in the power of the Spirit to keep the Word growing in our hearts.  James tells us to be doers of the Word and not just hearers.  So, we can keep our ears - and our hearts - open to allow the message of Christ to energize our hearts and our walk with the Lord.

Monday, March 3, 2025

True Freedom

With the presence of Jesus Christ in our hearts, we can walk in true freedom - He empowers us to resist the power of the enemy of our souls, manifested through sinful desires, so that we might walk in victory in the true identity He has provided. 2nd Corinthians 3 provides this reminder:
17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Jesus has triumphed over the power of sin and death, and we can recognize that He has defeated the power of past ways in order to live a life that pleases Him.

But, there are those that do not believe that Jesus can set a homosexual free from desires and a lifestyle that contradicts the teachings of Scripture.  Homosexuality is regarded in some circles as a special condition that is to be accommodated rather than defeated.

Daren Mehl is not numbered among those with that set of beliefs. He is a former Meeting House guest, and serves as President of a ministry called Voice of the Voiceless. He wrote a piece for The Christian Post recently, in which he said:
As a pastor and a Christian who has walked a path from identifying as “gay Christian” to living faithfully as God desires, I’m troubled by the ongoing censorship of Christian ex-LGBT testimonies like mine in the digital public square. My journey is one of transformation and redemption, marked by a deep conviction that homosexual desires and behaviors are sinful, which then led to repentance and eventual marriage to my wife, who was identified as queer when we first married. Our marriage, an act of faith, has endured for 19 years, and we have found strength and guidance in the church that loved us as we sought God's truth.

He went on to say:

As I grew in my knowledge of God, I came to realize the traumas and lies I believed as a child. The truth of God’s Word broke those lies and brought healing to my broken heart — He set me free from the shame of being “less than” other men. At the same time, growing in intimacy with my wife, and in brotherly affection for my male friends, I found romantic and sexual desires for men disappeared.

But, he is concerned that stories like his are not being allowed to be told by the dominant media culture.  One positive development, as Daren related:

Amazon recently announced that they are allowing scholar Ryan Anderson’s book When Harry Became Sally, which is critical of transgender ideology, to be sold on its platform, after censoring it for years.
But, other books, he charges, are still being censored.  And, he provides a stirring reminder that there is still work to do in giving those who have been set free by Jesus in this area a voice in the culture.  Mehl wrote:
...LGBT activists still maintain their grip on the cultural discourse and many platforms. The exclusion of the ex-LGBT community and our testimonies is not just a matter of oversight; it is a direct affront to the principles of diversity and inclusion that these platforms purport to uphold. It was the work of a single homosexual activist on to appeal to Amazon to delete the books of those who left the LGBT identity and life behind, even though he admitted that he never read them. A campaign that I ran in response to this to have our books restored was met with silence, highlighting the hypocrisy of those who preach inclusion but practice exclusion when it comes to voices like ours.

Voice of the Voiceless still does not have a presence on Meta. Neither does Restored Hope Network, which has a similar mission.  And Daren expresses legal and constitutional concerns, stating:

This issue transcends mere censorship; it is a matter of religious liberty and freedom of speech. The ability to share our testimonies and lived experiences with Jesus Christ is integral to our faith and our mission as Christians to evangelize and disciple and is protected by the Civil Rights Act and the First Amendment. By silencing our stories, our books, and our community, these platforms are not only stifling our voices but also undermining our civil rights as well as the fabric of religious freedom in this country.
Seemingly, those that shout the loudest about inclusion seem to also be devoted to silencing or attempting to discredit Christian voices. Daren stated: "True diversity and inclusion mean embracing all voices, even those that challenge popular narratives."

But, we can find that elements of the truth of Scripture are not being allowed to be communicated in the public square.  We can be devoted to making a bold declaration of what Jesus has done in a person's life, compelling stories that need to be heard.  And, no story is so insignificant that God can't use it to transform someone, to lead that person into a relationship with His Son

Daren Mehl's story is probably different from your story.  But how you came to Christ - described as your testimony - is significant, as well, and if you're confident in the work of God in your heart and your life, that can produce boldness to share truth.  Just because the world might reject you, your story, and your God, doesn't mean it's not worth sharing.  And, we have to make sure that we are focused on God's overwhelming power to overcome sin that is given to all believers.

Monday, February 24, 2025

The Long Game

God is touching hearts and changing lives in various parts of the world, and we recognize that as His people are obedient to share what He has done and communicate the gospel, the Word will go forth and salvation will flow. Isaiah 57 states:
15 For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: "I dwell in the high and holy place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
16 For I will not contend forever, Nor will I always be angry; For the spirit would fail before Me, And the souls which I have made.
17 For the iniquity of his covetousness I was angry and struck him; I hid and was angry, And he went on backsliding in the way of his heart.
18 I have seen his ways, and will heal him; I will also lead him, And restore comforts to him And to his mourners.
19 "I create the fruit of the lips: Peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near," Says the Lord, "And I will heal him."

He is the One who saves, the One who heals the broken heart. Jesus brings restoration and redemption and that passage brings insight into who He is. 

In the Amazon rain forest of northwestern Brazil, the Spirit of God is moving.  A story relates:
The Amazon River here in the northern part of Brazil is filled with hundreds of these small tributaries that in essence snake through the jungle, and over the many years evangelical Christians have been traversing these waters in an attempt to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the Amazonian people.
The rain forest covers 6 million square miles in South America, with a population of some 30 million people.

Josué Bengtson is a local pastor who, according to the article, "has spent decades traversing the river's intricate network, first as a missionary then as a pastor spreading the evangelical message of salvation."
He is quoted as saying: "Back when we started evangelizing in this region, we had just a few workers and, in some municipalities, pastors had to walk 10 to 15 km to open a congregation," adding, "Today, almost all medium-sized churches in the Amazon have a small boat."

Thousands of churches have been established in the area, and the pastor relates that "In the first six months of this year we baptized 14,500 people. Our goal for this year is to baptize over 30,000 people..."

CBN also highlighted the work of Esequiel Santo, who stated, "I was 15 years old when God called me to reach the unreached peoples of the Amazon..." The article says:
Santo spent 32 years as a missionary in the jungle's interior.

"One of the biggest challenges was the isolation and getting used to living among the indigenous or riverside communities," Santo said. "But God was with us in the work, we saw lives being transformed, so many people heard the gospel and now we are seeing the fruits."

The article goes on to say:

José Eustaquio Alves, a leading Brazilian sociologist, says evangelical churches here benefit from long term pastors or missionaries like Santo who foster deep community ties and growth.
He says: "I think that the revival that we have been waiting for here in Brazil is happening in the Amazon..."

CBN concludes the article by saying:
Evangelical Christians often must rely on small canoes or medium-sized boats to hold church services and other ministry activities as they reach remote regions.

Meanwhile, church teams from Brazil's major cities send volunteers here to conduct educational, humanitarian, and medical missions.

This outreach often helps introduce people to the gospel message.

These pastors, missionaries and many others laboring in this vast expanse believe the shift is more than just a change in religious practice – it's a movement that promises to redefine the region's spiritual and social landscape for generations to come.

So, in the midst of the trees, in the forest, God is growing lives devoted to Christ. And, He is reaping His harvest, with thousands coming to the Lord and being baptized, an outward expression of the inner work of the Spirit.  We can be reminded that God is not bound by time, space, or location - He will provide the means for His Word to go forth.

We can also reflect on the importance of planting seeds.  Apparently, this move of God is something that Christians in the Amazon region have been praying and trusting God for.  Now, the seeds have grown into a bountiful harvest.  They didn't give up - those called to share the gospel have continued to be faithful, to wait on God.  That's a great lesson for all of us; we may not see the end result, but we recognize that, as it's been said, the results are up to God - in His time, according to His plan. We are called to be faithful servants who are devoted to doing His will.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Doesn't Have to be Distasteful

Because of the presence of Christ within us, we can walk in a way that is distinct from the world. We are not of this world, but Jesus has placed us within this world in order to shine His light, to be a strong witness for Him. We can read these words of exhortation in 1st John chapter 2:
15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--is not of the Father but is of the world.
17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

The Movieguide website has spotlighted comedian Nate Bargatze recently, not only to announce his starring role in a commercial that was shown during the Super Bowl, but also to highlight the influence that another Christian comic had on his life. The article states:
Nate Bargatze is grateful to God for putting a fellow Christian comedian in his life early on in his career.

“God [is] watching me all the time — the fact that He put me with you,” Bargatze said during an episode of Anjelah Johnson-Reyes’s FUNJELAH podcast. “Because, imagine if — I could have went out with so many other comics that do not have God in their life and are just dudes that are going to be dumb and whatever. That could have been — we were together so long, that could have spiraled me into a whole other realm, but He put me with you, someone that was like-minded with me.”

He added, “You’ve openly always talked about your faith, and so that was just nice for me to see.”

The article went on to say:

In a 2019 interview with Relevant Magazine, he said that when he started working as a comedian in Chicago, it was “the first time that I ever met people that either weren’t religious or didn’t believe in God.”

“A lot of people that I was around weren’t Christians and didn’t grow up in the church or anything,” Bargatze continued. “Sometimes guys can go away from that, but it just made me get more into it, because I just thought, ‘Why do you think you’re right?’ I’ve always said I trust my parents more than I trust anybody else I ever met.”

The Movieguide piece also referenced a Fox News interview, in which he said: “It’s how I grew up. I grew up that way. I come from a Christian family and Southern Christian, so I wasn’t allowed to watch anything, which I talk about in the special. And so growing up and only watching clean comedians, it was just how I was going to be. And it would feel forced if I was not.”  That Fox article, from 2023, also related these words:

Nate Bargatze recently celebrated his 20th year as a successful clean Christian comedian.

The 43-year-old comic, who has been dubbed the "nicest man in stand-up" debuted his Amazon Prime Video special "Hello World" last month after rising to fame with two hit Netflix specials, 2019's "The Tennessee Kid" and 2021's Grammy Award-nominated "The Great Average American."

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Bargatze explained that he chose a career in clean comedy — a family-friendly genre that is free of swearing, crude material or sexual references — largely because he felt that he couldn't tell dirty jokes in front of his parents.

"I think I still feel I will get in trouble," the Nashville native admitted.

And, beyond that, of course, the Savior Nate Bargatze serves will be watching. Yet, there are entertainment performers and writers who do not know God or do not respect or reverence Him. For years, the entertainment industry was dominated by films without language or sexual content. Now, it seems par for the course - with gratuitous sexual innuendo, inappropriate humor, and objectionable language that doesn't have to be there.  But, it's a reflection of the world we live in and of hose who are so steeped in the ways of this world that those are the values that they have adopted - unfortunately, families in general and Christian families in particular are finding their entertainment options more limited. 

Just this week, Movieguide released findings of a survey that shows that, as a summary said: "A new annual study of the top movies released in the United States and Canada shows that American moviegoers reject movies with scenes of explicit sex and sexual nudity in them."  The summary says: 

...only two of the Top 25 Movies at the Box Office in the United States and Canada in 2024, or 8%, had any strong, depicted or explicit sexual content, and all of the Top 25 had no depicted or explicit sexual nudity whatsoever!

Similar results were found with the Top 25 Movies at the Overseas Box Office in 2024. Only 12% had any strong, depicted or explicit sexual content, and all of the Top 25 Movies Overseas had no depicted or explicit sexual nudity.

Movies with no sexual content yielded a take of 3.8 billion in the 2024 box office.  That's just under half of the total box office dollars.  But, Hollywood continues to turn out products that are offensive to family viewers, at the expense of profitability.

Because, well, the ways of this world are so ingrained - you might say that's who these people are.  Nate Bargatze has become a popular comedian, even though he's a professing Christian and offers countercultural material.  Entertainment doesn't have to be distasteful.  But, sinners are going to sin, right?!

And, that's what comes down to you and me.  The Bible has declared that we are no longer sinners, but were are saints in the Lord.  So, if we believe what Scripture says about our identity, we should act accordingly.   We must reject worldliness when we are being tempted, when worldly ideas invade our consciousness, and replace the desires of the world with the direction of God's Word.