9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.
10 "For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater,
11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
“Honestly, I see it as a blessing and a purification. Yeah, you lose. Yeah, it’s going to be murder getting the insurance. It’s going to be a real cluster-buster. [But] I got a lot of faith… [and] not in our elected officials..."
Gibson says now is the perfect time to begin preparing for a new role in “The Resurrection of the Christ” – the sequel to the 2004 blockbuster “The Passion of the Christ” featuring Jim Caviezel as Jesus.
“Society is devolving…We need a reminder of the most basic things that form our civilization…Civilization (is) being threatened,” he said.
Gibson added, “I believe it’s not in my timing. Man, I thought, it’s too late. It’s been 20 years. I thought 20 years may have been too late, but now it’s perfect. And I have had all this taken and now it sort of frees me up to not worry about that stuff and just move ahead and do what I am being called to do. And I am being called to do it.”
Gibson also appeared on Joe Rogan's podcast recently, according to Faithwire, where, as the article notes:
Of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, Gibson said, “I think, if you ever hit on that subject matter, you’re going to get people going because, of course, it’s a big subject matter.”
“The idea was that we’re all responsible for this, that His sacrifice was for all mankind, and that for all our ills and all the things in our fallen nature,” he continued. “It was a redemption, so, you know, and I believe that.”
Rogan was described in the article as "agnostic," but apparently he doesn't have a problem talking about topics related to faith. Rogan stated:
“Christianity is the one religion that you’re allowed to disparage,” he said, going on to describe Hollywood as teeming with “progressive, open-minded leftist people” who are open to other religious beliefs but view Christianity as “negative.”
The article went on to say:
He went on to say he believes in the truth of Scripture, in part because the disciples were willing to die for their faith. “Every single one of those guys died,” he said, “rather than deny their belief.”
“Who gets back up three days later after He gets murdered in public?” the actor asked rhetorically, referring to the resurrected Jesus. “Buddha didn’t do that.”
Rogan then turned the conversation toward evolution, asking the “Braveheart” star and director for his views on creation.
“I don’t really go for it,” Gibson said of the evolutionary theory, later adding, “Anything left to itself without some kind of intelligence behind it will devolve into chaos.”
There are a couple of things I'd like to consider. One has to do with the importance of recognizing God's timing. The idea of making a sequel to The Passion has been floated by Gibson and Caviezel for a few years now, but it has not taken off - yet. Even out of a negative set of circumstances, God will bring his outcome. We may have the right idea, but we have to wait for God's timing - after all, as Scripture teaches, His ways are higher than our own.
And, we need to acknowledge His ways. At one time, there was talk that Gibson and Caviezel wouldn't work again in Hollywood. That certainly has not been the case. Even though in some entertainment circles, Christianity is disparaged, yet, you continue to see evidence of Biblical messages being embraced by Hollywood. You see high-profile entertainers making faith statements. The evidence of God is all around us. And, when we consider that He is our Creator and life should be lived to His glory and not our own, it communicates about the power of His truth.