Friday, September 2, 2011

September 2, 2011 - Embracing Biblical Truth

New survey shows that 10 years after 9-11, we need to embrace Biblical truth

Are you familiar with this phrase? "We often suffer, but we are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up."

In a new survey, 63 percent of U.S. adults incorrectly attributed that Bible verse from 2nd Corinthians 4:8 about overcoming suffering and hardships to civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr., former President George W. Bush or comic book hero Captain America rather than the Bible.   Martin Luther King Jr. received the highest percentage of attributions.

The survey was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of American Bible Society to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the attacks of Sept. 11 and the release of The Freedom Bible also found that:

Despite significant security measures taken since Sept. 11, only 9 percent of Americans feel safer today than they did prior to Sept. 11. Thirty-six percent felt safer prior to the attacks of Sept. 11 than they do today.
Only 4 percent of Americans rely most on professional counseling to help deal with trauma. Four times as many (16 percent) rely most on the Bible.
Despite living in a predominantly Christian nation, 82 percent of Americans who have dealt with trauma rely most on sources other than the Bible to cope, including 6 percent of whom say they do not rely on anything.
Geof Morin, the American Bible Society's chief communications officer, says, "Though 10 years have passed since the attacks on the U.S., many of us vividly recall the images and emotions of that day...In the aftermath of 9/11, we at American Bible Society saw firsthand the power of the Bible to help people deal with unfathomable trauma." 

The Society is based in New York City and responded to the families of the victims and the first responders.  In the aftermath of the tragedy, God's word, delivered by His people, provided hope and truth.  Morin also said, "Sept. 11 forced us as individuals and as a nation to choose between being prisoner of the trauma of that terrible day or finding the hope and freedom to move forward...For thousands of Americans, the comfort offered through the Bible allowed them to choose freedom."

Press release from American Bible Society

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