Monday, November 7, 2011

The Magic of Marriage

Ephesians 5:31 "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." 32 This is a profound mystery--but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. 

The concept of marriage is an incredible idea from the heart of God - two people coming together to become one and to illustrate the powerful relationship between Christ and the people He loved so much that He gave His life for.   I am delighted and so blessed by God to have a wife who loves God, who respects me, and who is my life partner, my best friend, and a woman whom I deeply love.   We are one - and it is disappointing to me that marriage has become such a beleaguered institution, with the inflated divorce rate and the redefinition of the institution itself reducing its stature.   But, that's not God's plan!

And, another so-called "celebrity" marriage has hit the skids - Kim Kardashian has filed for divorce from her husband of 72, count 'em, 72 days - Kris Humphries of the NBA's New Jersey Nets.   I wanted to isolate the language that he used in the press over the weekend: 
"I'm committed to this marriage and everything this covenant represents...I love my wife and am devastated to learn she filed for divorce. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it work."
That's a quote from Us magazine.   Now, he did refer to the marriage as a covenant, and that gives us something to ponder out of the box today.   Marriage is an agreement, a union of two people, where they pledge their very lives to one another.   And, unfortunately, so many enter in without having the commitment to stay in the marriage, even when there are difficulties, and in this case, even second thoughts.  

I don't get the Kardashians - I don't - but apparently they have some influence over a significant number of people.   And, to misuse that influence and send a message that marriage is dispensable - well, that's unfortunate.

If you've been gifted with influence, and all of us have to a certain degree, then we should use that platform, as Christians, to exhibit Christ's principles.  And, marriage is still relevant - it's an incredible idea from God's heart - and I think if we love our mates and enjoy our marriages, then we can be talking about it.   And, encouraging couples to be part of what we might call marital maintenance.   There are plenty of resources out there, including books like Dr. Emerson Eggerichs' Love and Respect, as well as his latest devotional book.   FamilyLife's "Weekend to Remember", Marriage Encounter, and so many others, give us as couples to opportunity to grow in our relationship and/or to absorb Biblical principles that can be used to improve marriages that may be suffering from the weight of some challenges.   Marriage is worth saving, and God is pleased as we speak out about, or even brag about, what He has done in bringing together two people who deeply love one another into the covenant of marriage.

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