Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It All Adds Up

From Psalm 89, we read:
5 The heavens praise your wonders, O LORD, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones. 6 For who in the skies above can compare with the LORD? Who is like the LORD among the heavenly beings? 7 In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him. 8 O LORD God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O LORD, and your faithfulness surrounds you. 

The wonder and beauty of creation point to our Creator God, who is worthy to be praised.   The precision and patterns found in creation indicate to us that the earth nor its inhabitants were the result of random chance occurrences - we do not serve a random God, but One who is intimately and intricately involved in the foundation of our word and the formation of our lives.

The incredible question is posed to Job in the 38th chapter of the book of Job:
4 "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. 5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? 6 On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone-- 7 while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?

Kiefer Sutherland is back on the small-screen, in the new series called, "Touch", about an autistic boy who doesn't speak, but has some sort of uncanny ability to relate numerical sequences to human relationships.   Now, this is not an endorsement of the show - we watched a very few minutes after "American Idol" one night - but it is a fictionalized account that is based on something called the "Fibonacci sequence".

In this sequence, discovered around A.D. 1200 by Leonardo Pisa (historically known as Fibonacci), each succeeding number is hte sum of the two preceding numbers - the sequence is 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233, and so forth. This numbering pattern reveals itself in various ways throughout all of nature.  

According to Fred Willson, writing for the Institute for Creation Research, there is a pattern called the "golden spiral", such as is seen in shells:
By taking a careful look at that spiral (the chambered nautilus is probably the clearest example) you will observe that as it gets larger, it retains its identical form. Since the body of the organism grows in the path of a spiral that is equiangular and logarithmic, its form never changes. The beauty of this form is commonly called the "golden spiral."

This spiral is visible in things as diverse as: hurricanes, spiral seeds, the cochlea of the human ear, ram's horn, sea-horse tail, growing fern leaves, DNA molecule, waves breaking on the beach, tornados, galaxies, the tail of a comet as it winds around the sun, whirlpools, seed patterns of sunflowers, daisies, dandelions, and in the construction of the ears of most mammals.

This spiral follows a precise mathematical pattern.
That pattern is the "Fibonacci sequence"...there's also a "golden rectangle", found to be pleasing to the eye, incorporated into art by da Vinci, Van Gogh, Monet, and others.  If the short side of the rectangle is 1, the long side will be 1.618, which is the same ratio as found in that numerical sequence.  Willson says that the    "rectangular shape was close to the pattern used in the designing of the Parthenon of Greece and for many of their numerous pictures, vases, doorways, windowns, statues, etc., and even for certain features of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.  The United Nations building is a golden rectangle. Many of the things you use are (approximately) patterned after the golden rectangle—credit cards, playing cards, postcards, light switch plates, writing pads, 3-by-5 and 5-by-8 cards, etc."

Willson states that:
These shapes, numbers, spirals, and the divine proportion are ubiquitous in their presence throughout all of creation. They are found in living and nonliving phenomena. Their symmetry, beauty, and mathematical preciseness are evident in every aspect of nature. Although absolute perfection is not found in all of these (due to the effects of Adam' sin), their very presence virtually everywhere and in everything argues against their having occurred by blind chance or evolutionary processes. The only rational conclusion is that the Creator of the universe is a personal, intelligent Being, who created these things as a visible fingerprint of His invisible, yet personal existence. 
And, when we recognize that we serve a God of order, the designer of the world in which we live and the entire universe, we can also acknowledge that He has the ability to order our lives, and is far more capable of order our steps that we are in our own human wisdom.   We can point to design as evidence of a powerful and wise Creator God, and we can surrender to this designer, who has a precise plan for our lives.

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