Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Models and Mentors

Ephesians 5 points us to who we should imitate:
1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. 3 But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; 4 neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.   So we are called to follow the example of Christ and be imitators of God.   Jesus Himself said to His disciples that if they have seen Him, they have seen the Father - indeed, He and the Father were one.  If we want to see the heart of God, we look into the character and behavior of Jesus - we see how He responded to various circumstances, how He viewed others - with love and compassion, and how He reflected the Father's glory, just as we are called to do.    The apostle Paul was so confident in his walk with Christ that he gave this admonition to the church at Corinth, in 1st Corinthians chapter 11: 1 Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. 2 Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you.    James Holmes was in court yesterday, in somewhat of a daze and with his hair dyed red, perhaps confirming the report that he had pretended to be the "Joker", the villian in the Batman series that reach psychotic proportions in the movie, "The Dark Knight", as he was portrayed by the late Heath Ledger.  To what degree he was inspired by the series is unclear, but what is clear is that the suspect made a choice to follow evil and to imitate a realm that is outside reality and the scope of acceptable behavior.     And, now there are reports of other people across America who have been arrested and made references to either the new Batman movie or the incident in Colorado.  (from Yahoo! News)  Timothy Courtois from Maine was stopped for speeding, and, when police searched his car, they found an AK-47 assault weapon, four handguns, ammunition and news clippings about the mass shooting that left 12 people dead early Friday, authorities said.
 Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies were called to a cinema complex in Norwalk, California after moviegoers said 52-year-old Clark Tabor shouted: "I should go off like in Colorado." They said he then asked: "Does anybody have a gun?"  The reason: the move apparently started late.

And, moviegoers in Sierra Visa, AZ, panicked when a man who appeared intoxicated was confronted during a showing of the movie.  The Cochise County Sheriff's office said it caused "mass hysteria" and about 50 people fled the theater.
  Now, this is not to denigrate the new Batman movie or the series, or violence in movies generally - although, what we allow into our minds, especially in significant doses, can influence our behavior.   Overexposure to violent images, or other images that are contrary to God's word, can have an effect on us, no doubt.    So, we have to filter our entertainment choices through the grid of God's truth, the Philippians 4:8 test.  These instances do cause me to think about what we imitate.   Paul was so confident that his walk with Christ was such that people should follow it - he was a tangible expression of the risen Christ.    Jesus is also a model for us.   And, there is a chance that we will follow what is modelled for us - this is especially true with children and teens, but even adults can be influenced by the behavior of others.   I believe that's why it's important that we surround ourselves with people who will exert a positive, godly influence on us.   And, that we expose ourselves to material that will reinforce our faith, such as what is presented 24/7 here on Faith Radio.     And, godly mentors can also hold us accountable and point us in the right direction.   We see the relationship with Paul and Timothy and recognize that even Timothy, who was a great leader in his own right, needed the direction of an older, wiser man.   And, notice that Paul had the benefit of spiritual companionship - Barnabas, then Silas, for example - that gave him a support system.  God has given us the tools to live a live that pleases him, and following godly examples can be of great benefit in our pursuit of spiritual maturity.

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