Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday for the Givers

In Christ, we have a new nature - our motivations become transformed, and we begin to respond to God and to other people with hearts that are connected to the love of Christ.   Here's what 2nd Corinthians 5 says:
14 For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view.

God is the giver of all good gifts, the One who sent His one and only Son to die for us, the One who will draw us closer to Himself as we give our lives in surrender to Him.   Because He is by nature a giver, we also have a new bent to be givers, as well.   Because of who we are in Christ, it becomes natural to be unselfish and to give of ourselves.   Selfishness is a product of the old self, it holds us back, but we're called to put that off and live in the power of the new creation - to live to give.

Jesus taught about the giving nature of our Father God in Matthew chapter 7:
9 "Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

On the heels of Cyber Monday, which came following Black Friday, and Thanksgiving Day before that, we now have "Giving Tuesday".   The topic and activity of giving is a concept that is consistent with the Christian faith, but this commemoration is being embraced by organizations that are not faith-based, and some that are.   According to ABCNews.com, the idea came from Henry Timms, deputy executive director of the Jewish community center 92nd Street Y, and Kathy Calvin, CEO of the United Nations Foundation. Timms began thinking about the concept during the holidays last year, and the idea gained momentum this past spring.

"When 92Y's Henry Timms called he explained the opportunity this way, 'We have a day for giving thanks, two days for getting deals. Why shouldn't there be a day for giving back?'" Calvin said.
She said the UN Foundation loved the idea.

"There are so many creative ways that people can volunteer and donate in today's world of social media," Calvin said. "A national day of giving back around the holiday shopping season just makes sense. It helps people everywhere make the most of their philanthropic side."

It does make sense - and for believers in Christ, as I highlighted on the blog and on yesterday's program, the day of Thanksgiving, to many, has become such a day, as we release the power of thanksgiving by touching the lives of others and producing more thanksgiving to God.   But, I'm OK with a Giving Tuesday - and so are many entities:  As of Monday morning, Giving Tuesday had 2,106 partners listed on the movement's website, including corporations, nonprofits, schools and religious groups.

Some examples of faith-based organizations who are making a special emphasis include:
Relief organization World Vision, which is promoting giving to Sandy victims as part of Giving Tuesday.
Devin Hermanson, World Vision's senior marketing director, said he hopes Giving Tuesday fights what the nonprofit industry calls donor or compassion fatigue. "Sometimes people feel overwhelmed and they don't see their dollars at work. We need to do our part to show people the benefit of their donation dollars," he said.

Shoe website Sole Society is donating shoes to Soles4Souls, which donates shoes to people living in over 125 countries, for every pair purchased as part of Cyber Week.

ABC also called attention to Heifer International, which has been working with communities to end hunger and poverty for the last 65 years.   Heifer International now works in 42 countries, including China, Nepal, Brazil, Rwanda, Armenia and the U.S.

I really believe that giving is a way of life for the devoted believer in Jesus Christ.   It's part of our nature to be a giver - God our Father is described in James as the giver of all good gifts, and Jesus gave His own life so that we might have salvation and know Him.   Because we have been reborn in Christ, we have that new nature that is bent on giving.   Selfishness, which is a product of our old nature, the flesh, will keep us centered on ourselves, but as we give of ourselves to Christ, then we can be flooded with and motivated by the love of Jesus.  

So, on Giving Tuesday, we as Christians can use all this attention as a catalyst for displaying His love and acting according to our nature.   And, as your prayerfully consider how and where to give, may I suggest Faith Radio?   We are a listener-supported broadcast ministry featuring a lineup of some of the best Bible teachers on the planet, music that creates an atmosphere of worship, and information from a Christian perspective.   Please consider a tax-deductible gift at year's end - we have a goal of $315,000 between now and December 31st - please support our broadcast ministry, especially if you never have - and Giving Tuesday is a great day to start.

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