Friday, February 1, 2013

Flee, Freeze, or Fight

In Hebrews chapter 12, we are challenged to run the race of life, to live our lives with an attitude of endurance:
1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  If we are viewing our lives as a long-distance race, we recognize that endurance is a key component.    Adverse circumstances can weigh us down and make us want to give up, but God can sustain us and strengthen us for the battles we face.  But, the Lord wants to do a lasting work in us, building our character and drawing us close to Him - we keep pressing on as He gives us the inner strength and the perfect peace that are helpful as we keep going.   In our darkest moments, we can have the assurance that He is there, working in us, reminding us of His love and faithfulness.

James 1 is a rather familiar passage to many, and it can provide encouragement for us, even when facing the most adverse of circumstances:
2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

The spotlight will shine on the brothers Harbaugh this Sunday evening in Super Bowl XLVII (47) in New Orleans, and no matter which Harbaugh will get the credit for the victory, there's another Harbaugh involved who should really be an inspiration to all of us as fathers - and leaders.

That would be their father, Jack - after all, he's the one who modeled leadership, toughness, tenacity, and devotion to faith and family for the 2 brothers.   And, there's a great Jack Harbaugh story that goes back to 1992 - he was hired as head football coach at Western Kentucky University.   At the time, the Hilltoppers were in danger of losing their football program.  Budget cuts, scholoarship losses and elimination of two coaching positions hampered the program, and Jack - then the head coach - struggled with where to turn.

Enter the 2 sons - one an NFL quarterback at the time, the other an assistant with another university.  Quarterback Jim volunteered to serve as an unpaid assistant coach at WKU during the NFL off-season. Coach Harbaugh’s other son John was a recruiter at the University of Cincinnati, and his father asked him to share the names of prospects that weren’t a fit at Cincinnati but might be at WKU. The list then made its way into the hands of brother Jim Harbaugh, who used his name recognition as an NFL star as a foot in the door to spark prospects interest in WKU and who otherwise might not have given the University a second look.

According to columnist John Brubaker, coach Harbaugh posted a sign in the locker room which read “Those Who Stay Will Be Champions.” The sign remains there as a reminder to all about the power and value of resilience. Brubaker asks: What is your rally cry and how does it speak to the mission or task at hand?

He goes on to write:

Budget cuts, downsizing, salary freezes, outright elimination of some departments. You could be next and the only question is what you do: flee, freeze, or fight.
Most might choose to flee but you’d actually have to have other employment options and in this economy there aren’t a lot of jobs to be had. When this happens, many others feel forced to freeze, feeling shocked by the gravity of it all they opt to do nothing. After all, they feel powerless and trapped by circumstances.

There are a select few leaders who do like Coach Jack Harbaugh did, choose to fight back and not simply be a witness and casualty to circumstance. They hold themselves 100 percent responsible for their success or failure, and as a result, create their own circumstances.
Flee, freeze, or fight.   Those are the options highlighted here.   There are certain things we are instructed to run from in life, generally dealing with temptation.   And, there will be legitimate cases where God will direct us to leave a situation.   Freezing up out of fear of the unknown can be very devastating.  

Harbaugh, the elder, took responsibility - he did something; and perhaps God is calling you to not allow yourself to be victimized by circumstances or paralyzed by adversity.   If we exhibit perseverance, depending on the Lord, He will perform, as James 1 says, a perfect work in us - to His glory.

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