Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween - People Coming To Your Door

As Paul stood on trial before King Agrippa, he proclaimed His call from God, according to Acts 26:
16 But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you. 17 I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, 18 to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.'  Paul had his unique call from God, and he fulfilled it mightily - but there's a sense of this call to each of us here, as well - because we are called to by used of the Holy Spirit to help open eyes by sharing love and speaking truth.   We can help turn people from darkness into God's marvelous light and show them how to change course from serving the enemy to serving Christ and experience His forgiveness and His promise of eternal life.   We are carriers who are called to communicate the powerful message of life change, radical transformation, by the power of Jesus Christ, and we can take advantage of the divine opportunities that He ordains.

In Romans chapter 1, we're reminded of our attitude toward sharing the gospel, as we think about our responsibility to share the good news:

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "The just shall live by faith."

A woman from Fargo, ND has sent out a rather provocative letter, which quickly spread via social media after she announced her intentions.  According to, it's addressed to the parents of the trick-or-treaters who received it and informs the parents that their children appear to be "moderately obese," a local TV station reported.  The letter urges parents not to feed children candy and to guide the youngsters toward a healthier lifestyle. The woman, who gave her name as, "Cheryl", told the hosts of a morning radio show Tuesday she wants the city's children to be healthier.  "I just want to send a message to the parents of kids that are really overweight ... I think it's just really irresponsible of parents to send them out looking for free candy just 'cause all the other kids are doing it.  I'm contributing to their health problems and really, their kids are everybody's kids. It's a whole village."

Dr. Katie Gordon, assistant professor of Clinical Psychology at North Dakota State University, said such a letter could do more harm than good.   She believes that if a child is vulnerable, this action might trigger major problems.

I think Cheryl has a good heart and a definite desire to address a major social issue, but when you repel the people you're trying to reach, then it becomes counterproductive.   The same principle would be in operation if a Christian believer who is disturbed by the origins of Halloween and symbols associated with it would hand a person a tract without responding to the request for a treat.   How many children do you think would buy what it is you are selling?

But, Halloween can be a great time to integrate the gospel - people will be coming to your door; how can you reach them with the love of Christ?   Well, for one thing, friendliness is important.   If you are displaying kindness to these kids who ring your doorbell, that can be a critical impression.   That man down the street from the house I grew up in who was less-than-congenial on Halloween night sticks in my memory really more than the slew of houses that did grant my request for a treat.

And, the church we visited yesterday for a Pastor and Staff Appreciation lunch, Open Door Baptist in Prattville, shared with us a really cool idea - they stuffed goody bags that included not only treats, but also the greatest "treat" of all - the good news of the gospel, how someone can enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.   Here is a church that is being creative to reach their community for Christ.    And, individually and corporately, our outreach to people can follow what our friends at the North American Mission Board call an ABC principle.   It's written as part of an event planning tool, but we can be inspired for our own individual outreach, too

"A" stands for "attraction." Unsaved people must be attracted to your event. No matter how dynamic your program, no matter how glorious your music, and no matter how engaging your speaker, evangelism cannot take place without an audience of unchurched people.  Plan an event which will attract the unchurched.  

"B" stands for "bridge." Provide a nonthreatening, relational bridge for sharing Jesus. This could be a meal, special music, group-building fellowship activity, evangelistic film, or any number of other elements to bring people together to hear the message of Christ. Create a climate in which
communication of the gospel can take place.

"C" stands for "communicate the gospel." Evangelism cannot happen unless the gospel is communicated. There is no point to your event without this. The gospel must be clearly and
convincingly expressed to your audience. Plan to share Christ with as much care and detail as you use planning the other elements of your event. Follow-up is crucial. You must record and follow up on all who surrender their lives to the Lord.

These can also be incorporated into one-on-one evangelism, and is certainly the impetus for Fall Festivals and Trunk-or-Treat events that so many churches are participating in.  These are certainly principles that are integrated into the Judgment House concept.   And, coming up in just a few days, unsaved people will be joining with believers in homes across America in the My Hope America with Billy Graham outreach, in which people are invited for a simple gathering in a family's home, perhaps to share a meal or some snacks, and to hear a message from Billy Graham and a personal testimony of God's work in someone's life - a simple, but profound opportunity to attract the unsaved, build a bridge, and communicate the gospel.   It's so important to be sensitive to divine opportunities to reach out to people with the love of the Lord and to share the best news of all - that God loves them and Jesus Christ came to save!


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