Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Veteran's Makeover

Veteran's Day gives us a chance to say "thank you" to those who have given of themselves to defend our freedoms, and to reflect on the concept of sacrifice, which is something that Jesus lived out and challenged his disciples to walk in, as well. An example is found in John 15, as Jesus said:
12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.
14 You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.

So, we think together about laying down our lives for a cause greater than ourselves.  Our Veterans were willing to do that - for the cause of freedom and the defense of our great nation and its founding principles - and that's huge.   But, we as believers in Christ can also be challenged to lay down our lives for a greater cause - the cause of our Savior, who has called us to not only serve Him, but to be his friend.   We are in a relationship with the Son of the Living God, and we are partakers of the divine nature - we demonstrate our friendship with Jesus by the way that we exhibit an attitude of sacrifice and compassion.

In Hebrews chapter 13, we see a passage that helps us to see that we can worship God with our lives and with the way we serve:
15 Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.16But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

On this Veteran's Day, I wanted to shine the spotlight on someone who served our country but after his time of service ran into some tough times in his life. His name is Jim Wolf, a 54-year-old Army veteran who has lived on the streets and in the shelters around Grand Rapids, Michigan, for decades, and has long struggled with alcoholism. Not too long ago, his path intersected with a local organization called Degage Ministries, who arranged for Jim to get a makeover - a physical transformation that became a catalyst for some change in other ways, as well.

According to an story, filmmaker Rob Bliss lined up some volunteers, and Jim received a new haircut, beard trim, dye job and a designer suit, which was intended to inspire Wolf, from the outside in. The makeover was recorded on video, and hundreds of thousands of people have viewed the process in a time-lapse recording.   Bliss hopes that people will “stop ignoring and start adoring” homeless people.    He says that, “It’s more than just a haircut and clothing. To see yourself look like that is to see that potential. There are things inside implied by the way you look outside — stability and peace of mind."

Since receiving the new ‘do, Wolf has applied for veterans housing to get off the streets and has started going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

There are some great takeaways for us for us on this day when we commemorate those who have been willing to give of themselves for the cause of freedom and the continuation of the American way of life.   First of all, we are to never to take for granted the sacrifice of those in the armed services.  We can never give into the temptation to ignore those who are currently serving our country, as well as those who have made a sacrifice to serve, perhaps even the ultimate sacrifice.   So, take time to thank the veterans and active duty, guardsmen and women, and reservists who have made the commitment to America - to you and me, to serve.

Jim Wolf's story, while gratifying with respect to what has occurred in the not-too-distant past, is sad in another respect: he left the military and was thrust into a spiral of alcoholism and homelessness.  While I would think that most veterans live well-adjusted lives and become engaged in our communities, there are those that suffer after they leave military service.  Sometimes it's short-term, dealing with the re-engagement process, but there are those who have long-term challenges.   Some, especially recent veterans, have encountered Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and then you have the vets who have faced physical injury and continue to battle those effects.   As believers in Christ, we can offer compassion and assistance to those who have served our nation, some of whom have become especially vulnerable as a result of their experiences in the military, including combat situations.
Finally, filmmaker Rob Bliss is someone who wanted to restore dignity to Jim Wolf after decades of desolation.  And, I think the Scriptures teach that we often have to minister to people physically so that we can reach their hearts.   In this case, the outward ministry was effective in helping Jim to see himself as a person of worth, and he was motivated to take some necessary steps to get his life together.   The creativity of Rob and the folks at Degage Ministries have resulted in perhaps a dramatic course correction for someone of whom they became aware.   We can be sensitive to those that are down and out that perhaps the Lord will lead our way - so be sensitive and seek to live according to a spirit of compassion and self-sacrifice.

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