Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Winter Storm 2014: Surprise, Samaritans, and a Selfless Mea Culpa

In Ephesians 4, we see a template for living in a manner that pleases God, based on the premise of putting off the old and putting on the new, the new nature created in Christ Jesus.  Verse 24 tells us to...
24...put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.25Therefore, putting away lying, "Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor," for we are members of one another.
In verse 28, we are given the example of working to do what is good, so that we might have something to give...28Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.
And, we are called to communicate with grace:29  Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

We can depend on the Spirit of God so that we might live with a sense of grace toward other people.   That will entail a spirit of humility, as we regard the needs of others above ourselves.  And, we can be conscious of communicating truth with compassion as we choose our words wisely and following the promptings of the Spirit within us.   We can be challenged to express and extend grace - in acts and words!

In James chapter 4, we read about the grace that God gives so that we might walk in His ways in a humble manner:
5Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, "The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously"?6But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."7Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
And, in verse 10, we see these words:10Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.
And, over the past 2 days, humility has been on display in the wake of Winter Storm Leon.

There are a variety of issues that we are facing across the Faith Radio broadcast area today.   In the River Region, the roofs and yards are covered in a strange conglomeration of snow and ice, and in South Alabama, including the Wiregrass, a greater measure of ice has resulted in power outages in some areas.   There is still ice on the roads, and residents across the area have been urged to stay home.

In our area, the majority of residents were either at home or were able to make it home when the storm hit yesterday morning, a few hours earlier than had been expected.   In the Birmingham area and the Atlanta metro, the story was quite different for many - where a very small amount of snow had been predicted, the storm hit mid-morning, schools were still in session and a mad rush began - but the streets were clogged with wrecked vehicles and frozen precipitation, and those who were travelling became, and in some cases, are still, separated from their destinations.   Schools kept children overnight and many were stranded in vehicles across the area roadways.   The element of surprise resulted in a dangerous and frustration set of circumstances.

And, in the midst of the storm, the so-called "Good Samaritans" were out in force.  The website,, kept a running count of some of these instances.   Here are a few examples:

The city of Calera's mayor Jon Graham, as well as its Police and Fire Departments, transported kids home in light of grounded buses.

A group of citizens started a Facebook page, and then a Google document, to organize rescues throughout Birmingham. "Just a wonderful group of people all pulling together," Trey Edwards said of a group organizing the Facebook page, called "Stranded Motorists Help Jan 28, 2014."

A type 1 diabetic good Samaritan who helped stranded motorists on U.S. 31 had gone missing last night, but Kelly Garner has since been found and rescued from a wooded area behind Vestavia Hills' library.

A good Samaritan pushed cars up a hill under the Red Mountain Express Way for 5+ hrs yesterday, and someone tweeted out that she wanted to thank him.

It was a sold-out crowd at the Annual Birmingham Business Alliance Lunch at the Sheraton Hotel Tuesday, but snow meant more than 300 ticket holders were unable to attend. Quick thinking by the BBA and the hotel staff meant the hot meals went next door to the Boutwell Auditorium warming center.

And, there are multiple stories of people who were walking in the cold and someone came to their aid.

These instances can be a reminder to us to be ready to demonstrate the love and character of Christ, just as He taught us it the parable of the Good Samaritan.  Wednesday Meeting House guest Dr. Joe Savage of the University of Mobile relates about being sensitive to the Holy Spirit as He sets the agenda for our days.   There may be opportunities He has in store for us that we may miss if we schedule or program Him out of our days.  You can't say that all of these acts of kindness were driven by the love of Jesus, but they can be a prompting to us to be sensitive to others in need.

One of the frustrating elements for the people of Birmingham and Atlanta was that they did not see this coming.   Weather forecasters, who, even though they have a high degree of technology available to them, do not deal in an exact science.   I am grateful for Rich Thomas and Storm Team 12, as well as Ashley McDonald and the team at the Alabama News Network - they have been working efficiently and tirelessly to keep you informed.  

Over the years in the Birmingham area, people have come to trust James Spann at ABC33/40 and the website   James is a Christian and I believe recognizes the importance of humility in his life - and his profession.   On his blog, he offered a humble mea culpa regarding his team's forecasting of yesterday's events.   Here are some excerpts...he writes:
As is sometimes the case, the forecast was actually good on the synoptic scale, but the mesoscale placement was bad. By about 100-125 miles. The band of heavier snow that was to have set up over South Alabama (they did get good snow later in the day) initiated over the I-20/59 corridor. Birmingham’s official snow total was 2.0 inches; Anniston’s official total was 1.5″, and Tuscaloosa had 0.3″ (at the Airport… some there had more).
Temperatures were also colder than forecast...
I am convinced the fact that this was the third in a series of brutally cold air masses to move down into Alabama was a big role in the travel issues (making for a cold infrastructure), despite only 1-2 inches of “dry” snow. And, the 20 degree temperature was a huge factor as well. I will say I have never seen this kind of impact on roads with 1 to 2 inches of snow in Alabama in my 35 years as a professional meteorologist. But, now we know it can happen. It usually takes freezing rain (rain that falls with temperatures below 32 degrees) for this kind of mess.
And, then he made this amazing statement: "There was clear human suffering as a result of my bad forecast."

He also states:
Yep, over the last 12 hours lots of social media vitriol has been directed at me, and it is deserved. People who are tired, hungry, in strange places trying to sleep away from their families and children, need to vent. Do NOT vent at school officials or your boss. They make decisions on weather forecasts, and what they got was bad information. I am the one to blame.
And, the apology...
My many years in this chair have given me a pretty thick skin, so the social media hate doesn’t bother me; the human suffering is what bothers me. I take my job seriously, and I will carry on. If i just decide to quit, then the next person who comes in behind me will have the same problems. The occasional missed forecast that leads to a sentinel event.
I have said this to both professional meteorology societies in speeches over the last two years. Humility is missing in our science. There are many things we don’t know, and many things we can’t do. Just about the time you think you are infallible, you will be brought to your knees. For the ones in meteorology and climate that say “I could be wrong”, I will listen and respect their opinion. But, for those that claim no error, we all know their time is coming.
So, an apology from me for a botched forecast. Won’t be the last bad forecast I write, but I will keep working to get better and stronger daily. And, no, for this kind of thing doesn’t “get me down”, it energizes me. Thanks for your support and for those that did write an encouraging note over the last 12 hours...
One comment read:  "Like so many others I was stuck in it for 12 hours but I had a lot of help to get home. You're a wonderful, positive force, and a Godly man, and we love you."

James recognizes his incredible responsibility as a communicator.   And, I can identify, as someone who does a radio program every day.   I am quite critical of myself and have a desire to communicate God's truth with accuracy and clarity.  And, I believe that these moments of transparency from Mr. Spann can be an inspiration to all of us, to make sure we are humble and that we are careful with the words that we speak.   Your influence may not rival that of James Spann, or Faith Radio for that matter, but perhaps God has entrusted or will entrust to you the responsibility of communicating truth in the way that He would intend, that will minister grace in a critical time.

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