Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Challenge to Preserve Life

Jeremiah was a mighty prophet of God who spoke to the people who had been chosen by Him, sharing truth and giving direction.  Such was the call of God on his life, as we see in the first chapter of the book of Jeremiah:
5"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations."6Then said I: "Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth."7But the Lord said to me: "Do not say, 'I am a youth,' For you shall go to all to whom I send you, And whatever I command you, you shall speak.

If you ever doubt the value of a human life in the heart and mind of God, the opening words of verse 5 can be a strong reminder to us.   God has known each of us before He formed us!    He is the One who is our Creator, and Psalm 139 reminds us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, formed in the way God intends for the purpose that He has ordained.   So, who are we do doubt His handiwork? And, as a culture, who are we to attempt to terminate the life of a child in his or her mother's womb? We end up playing God, thinking we know best, when indeed we do not.

In Proverbs 24, we can read a challenge to all of us as we consider our God-given role to defend the defenseless:
11Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.12If you say, "Surely we did not know this," Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?

The Ice Bucket Challenge continues to be a viral phenomenon and call attention to the debilitating disease that is known as ALS.  And, pro-lifers concerned about the ALS Foundation's funding of embryonic stem cell research can find a number of other organizations to support.   As Stuart Shepard of CitizenLink and I talked about last Friday, David Prentice of the Family Research Council has put together a list of organizations that engage in ethical, successful adult stem cell research.

Now, a writer for a website that deals with news concerning so-called "reproductive rights" has come up with a misguided idea to use a similar model to the Ice Bucket Challenge to fund...abortion. That's right - it's called the Taco or Beer Challenge, and on the website, Andrew Bair gives a synopsis:
The so-called “Taco or Beer Challenge” calls on participants to enjoy a taco or a beer, or both, and then donate money to pay for abortions.
According to its originator, the “benefit” is that unlike the Ice Bucket Challenge, no one has to dump water on their head and someone gets funding for an abortion.
“Abortion is common. Abortion is normal. And abortion is safest when it is legal and accessible—something abortion funds help to ensure in an increasingly hostile political climate,” says Andrea Grimes at pro-abortion blog RH Reality Check.
But, as Bair points out, "...the reality is that abortion is not safe and never could be. In every abortion, there are two victims; an unborn baby who loses his or her life and a mother who is left to grieve the loss. Science shows us that by 20 weeks, an unborn baby is capable of feeling pain."

In his concluding portion of the piece, he writes: 
It’s pretty sad to watch a cause designed to aid vulnerable individuals struggling with a disease be twisted into an effort to raise money for the destruction of vulnerable unborn babies. Women should be empowered with resources and support to make life-affirming decisions that respect their lives and the lives of their unborn children.
In response, pro-life individuals should take this opportunity to stand up for unborn children and their mothers. While a radical fringe gives money to pay for abortions, we can do our part to support mothers-in-need and advocate for measures that ensure legal protection for unborn babies.
He suggests supporting the National Right to Life Committee.

Some very good points here, and I would just like to conclude by saying that each of us has the opportunity to become involved in furthering a culture of life.

One way is to get plugged in to a local pregnancy resource center.   There can be extenuating circumstances that young ladies are facing that would cause them to consider terminating the life of their unborn child.  These abortion-minded women need to see the love of Jesus and hear the truth of God's Word; plus they need to be supported as they continue to follow through on their decision to choose life.  In the near future, there will be events held by these vital ministries that will enable you to become involved.   Sav-a-Life of Alexander City is holding a Walk and Run and Diaper Dash on Saturday, Sept. 13,

Two others that come to mind include the Sav-a-Life of Covington County Annual Banquet featuring speaker Del Tackett of The Truth Project on September 22nd and the Montgomery Sav-a-Life Gala with speaker Kirk Walden, formerly the director of Sav-a-Life of Auburn and author of the book, The Wall, coming up on November 6th - I will be serving as emcee of that event, and table hosts are being encouraged to step forward before September 19th.

There are a number of positive signs regarding society's rejection of abortion.  As I've reported in the past, polling data shows that Americans are trending pro-life, the number of abortion clinics in America is declining, and the overall rate has seemingly declined, even though just one child who loses his or her life from the womb is too many.   States are stepping up to protect life with sensible legislation.  But there is still much work to be done - prayer, truth, and compassion are elements that God will use to continue to protect the lives of unborn children and to show His love toward those who are considering this unfortunate action of taking the life of a child.

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