Wednesday, October 22, 2014

God's Rescuing Agents

In Galatians 1, we read a passage that reminds us that Jesus has come to rescue us from the power of sin, who has extended grace to us so that we might come to know Him: 
3Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ,4who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father,5to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

We serve a God who loved us so much that, even though humanity departed from His ways, He sent His only son so that in Him fallen human beings might have a right relationship with Himself.  In our sinful state, apart from God, He has made it possible for our lives to be transformed and our hearts renewed by His power and grace.  Jesus is our rescuer, delivering us from the forces of evil so that we might lead lives that are pleasing to God and that we might walk in victory through Him.

In Isaiah 43, we see verses that testify to the faithfulness of God, who is with us, and wants to express His love to us...and through us:
1But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.2When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.

There was a daring rescue caught on video in Fresno, California recently. A two-unit apartment building was ablaze.  An article on The Christian Post website described the scene: 73-year-old Robert Wells "couldn't make it out of this life-threatening situation on his own. But, several minutes into this house fire, a man came out of nowhere to grab Robert and carry him out to safety." The article stated that "...everyone watching witnessed a big explosion in the house, but saw a man running through the smoke with a man on his back."  It says that, "The man then took Robert to a safe place and takes off. He was a guardian angel for the man stuck in the building! God bless this man and his family!"
The man was later identified, according to, as Thomas Artiaga, who was caught on camera running with Wells on his shoulder as flames tore through the building this past Saturday morning.  A slow-moving Wells was stuck in his backyard. Flames and smoke surrounded his escape, at least until Artiaga and three other men rushed in to help.

Later, after his identity was revealed, Artiaga reunited with Wells at the hotel where their family was staying, Wells said to Artiaga, "I guess I wasn't going fast enough for you." Artiaga replied, "No, I seen you by the fence and seen you couldn't walk that good...My first reaction was grab you and pick you up."

He remains humble about the experience, saying he wasn't acting bravely or even courageously. He just acted. "It was just an instinct, you know," he said. "Instinct, you see someone and help out people."

"He's one of those Good Samaritans that's hard to find anymore," Wells said.

The television report says that, "Artiaga is still offering the Wells family help. And they need it since they say they lost everything in this fire."

This story can certainly help inspire us, and it is interesting that several Biblical references have come into play here.  Let's think together about God's rescuing agents:

First of all, The Christian Post had described Thomas Artiaga as a "guardian angel."  Of course, he was later identified, but think for a moment - if it had never been revealed who Thomas was, could you have concluded it was an angel?  If you examine the Biblical accounts of angelic encounters, I think we have to open ourselves up to believe that angels are working in our world today, and may even take upon themselves physical form.  I do believe that we have angels among us, doing the work of God, and we can acknowledge their presence.

Then, the man who was rescued described Thomas as a "Good Samaritan."  That could certainly be applied here.  Artiaga was willing to step in to help.  He even took a risk in order to help save this man who was trapped.   And, he continues to want to assist.  When you read the parable of the Good Samaritan, you see that the person who helped not only rescued the man by the side of the road, but he went further and continued to help take care of him, including making sure he had a place to stay

Finally, let's think together about our ultimate rescuer, the One who has come to rescue us from eternal flames, to offer us eternity not in punishment, but in glory.  Jesus came to intervene in our lives - to save us and to give us a right relationship with God, which has enormous implications here on earth as we experience His transformation.  And, He gives us a new home in eternity.  We give God the praise for rescuing us and bringing us salvation!

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