Thursday, January 22, 2015

Reinforcing the Pro-Life Perspective

We can regard children as a gift from the Lord, and as a society, we can be challenged to realize that God has ordained all life, even from the womb.  Here is what Psalm 127 says:
3Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.4Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth.5Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; They shall not be ashamed, But shall speak with their enemies in the gate.

It is so unfortunate in our culture today how so many mothers, to whom God has given the gift of children, discard those children and allow their lives to be taken before they are even born.  But, it is a good thing that the truth is being spread, by dedicated people who have a Biblical, pro-life perspective, who speak that truth outside abortion clinics, who participate in prayer, who counsel at pregnancy help centers, and stand for a Biblical perspective of life.  As we rejoice in our Creator, we can consider how He would want to use us as ambassadors for life.


We can testify to the greatness of God, our Creator and recognize that He is the One who ordains our lives. In Isaiah 44, the prophet writes:
Thus says the Lord who made you And formed you from the womb, who will help you: 'Fear not,      O Jacob My servant; And you, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.

Later in the chapter, we read:7And who can proclaim as I do? Then let him declare it and set it in order for Me, Since I appointed the ancient people. And the things that are coming and shall come, Let them show these to them.8Do not fear, nor be afraid; Have I not told you from that time, and declared it? You are My witnesses. Is there a God besides Me? Indeed there is no other Rock; I know not one.' "

Today was a glorious day in Washington, as multiplied thousands participated in the annual event known as the March for Life, expressing their support for pre-born children.  And, on this anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, the U.S. House of Representatives was set to take up a bill that would ban abortions after around 20 weeks gestation, the point at which scientific research has shown that a child in the womb can feel pain.

A WORLD News Group website report stated that House Republican leaders decided to call off the vote, "in response to concerns raised by several female Republican lawmakers, most notably Reps. Renee Ellmers of North Carolina and Jackie Walorski of Indiana. The lawmakers’ objections centered on an exception in the bill that allowed victims of rape or incest to obtain a late-term abortion only after reporting the rape or incest to law enforcement."

The report says that Ellmers had initially indicated she would not support the bill because of the reporting exceptions and how that might damage the Republican Party’s image in the eyes of women and millennials, but she said on Facebook earlier Wednesday evening that she would vote for the bill after all. “I have and will continue to be a strong defender of the prolife community,” she wrote.

The vote’s cancellation brought a heated response from conservative, pro-life leaders, including Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. “Moral cowardice at the expense of the vulnerable unborn is both wrong and pathetic,” he tweeted.

The Daily Signal points out that this bill passed in the House in 2013 without controversy over the exceptions. Furthermore, polling about this legislation specifically mentioned how the exceptions would work. It points out that a Quinnipiac poll indicated that 60 percent of Americans, including 59 percent of women, said they would support such legislation.

It quotes National Journal as saying that, "Rep. Renee Ellmers repeated her critique from the GOP’s retreat in Hershey, Pa., last weekend that voting on abortion bills so early in the session would turn off millennial voters.

Ironically, according to the Daily Signal, the Quinnipiac poll found that 57 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds backed the 20-week ban on abortion.

And, I would say the House would be the easiest hurdle to passage of this bill.  The Senate has been lining up sponsors, and with the infusion of pro-life Senators, that would mean the chances of the bill passing both chambers would be enhanced, even though the President has said that he would veto it.

Fans of pop music are delighting to a new song from former American Idol winner and new mom Kelly Clarkson.  The beat of her new song, "Heartbeat Song," is actually her new baby River's heartbeat slowed down before she was born, according to a quote from a radio interview referenced by the Daily Signal.  

As the publication relates, On the same day as “Heartbeat Song” released, two national pro-life groups, released a collaborative video calling attention to the “Heartbeat” court cases being heard in federal appeals court the following day. The two cases, heard back-to-back on one day recently, concern recent laws passed in Arkansas and North Dakota—restricting abortions based on when a baby’s heartbeat is detected.

Matt Lockett, Executive Director of one of those groups, Bound4LIFE, is quoted as saying, "For these two events to unexpectedly happen at exactly the same time should make us all ponder for a moment.” He added, "For ‘Heartbeat Song’ to come along, set to the heartbeat of her baby in the womb, just as two important Heartbeat laws are being defended in court—it’s either an extraordinary coincidence or a confirmation. I take it as a great confirmation that God is drawing our attention to the sanctity of life in the womb.”

Definitely something to think about.  But, a couple of disclaimers here, provided by Billy Hallowell of The Blaze:  While Clarkson revealed that the heartbeat was used to tease the song, she did not definitively say that it is used in the track, though that was People Magazine’s takeaway.  Also, he points out that, "While Clarkson included River’s heartbeat and likeness in promoting and teasing the song, the lyrics do not appear to be overwhelmingly pro-life and the subject matter the song is speaking to seems more about having fun than it does praising motherhood.  

So, I'm not endorsing her song and she's apparently not endorsing the pro-life message or movement. The Blaze story states that Clarkson has not publicly aligned herself with any pro-life groups in relation to the release of the song, nor has she said that song is intended to be interpreted to be an anthem for that purpose.

But, the song could have the positive effect of calling attention to the heartbeat of a pre-born child...

All in all, on this 42nd anniversary of the legalization of abortion in America, we can think about several things.  There's a great emphasis on the sanctity of life today, and Sanctity of Human Life events in January can be a wonderful catalyst for stimulating discussion and causing us to think about God's gift of life, God as our Creator, and how we can be involved in promoting a culture of life. But, and as Dr. Marc Newman of Movie Bible Study reminded us last week on The Meeting House, that is a topic that should be discussed year-round.  

Today, I've called attention to two areas of research regarding the nature of life in the womb - one is that unborn children feel pain at about 20 weeks' gestation, which provides a basis for legislation to prohibit abortion past that point.  In this case, the pro-life perspective is supported by science. Another way to say it is that science is not contradictory to the Christian worldview perspective. Scientific discoveries can be used in order to lend credibility for our arguments for design.   

Then, there are those cases about the fetal heartbeat.  Ultrasound technology has offered wonderful proof about the development of a child in the womb and the presence of a heartbeat.   This information can be very persuasive in helping a woman make an informed decision about her child's life and to actually make the right call - for life.

So, today, rejoice in our Creator, and stand with the thousands in Washington and across America who are standing and speaking for life.

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