Monday, August 24, 2015

Found Out

In Luke 8, after Jesus teaches on the parable of the sower and the importance of bearing good fruit, He says:
16 "No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light.
17 For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.

First of all, we recognize that we are called to walk in the light of Christ.  We are not called to keep our faith a secret.  And, we are not called to walk in secrecy with regard to sin.  We have to make sure that we are not accommodating sinful desires and ways.  A person may think he or she is operating skillfully and cleverly in keeping certain things private, but there is the danger that he or she could be exposed - if not in this life, but definitely in the future.  For we cannot keep secrets from Almighty God - He knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts and even those secret actions that may be shielded from other people.  He is calling us to a transparent life.


God wants to lead us into a fulfilling life in Christ.  The Bible says in Proverbs 13:
15 Good understanding gains favor, But the way of the unfaithful is hard.
16 Every prudent man acts with knowledge, But a fool lays open his folly.

It's unnerving to think that personal data could end up in the wrong hands.  We have perhaps experienced credit card information that has been compromised, and are learning that skilled hackers can obtain information and perhaps use it against others.

Which brings us to the situation involving the cheating-facilitation site Ashley Madison.  First of all, you recognize that these data miners are stealing information, so there is no moral high ground they can take - it is plain and simple, unethical behavior.

But, the names that are on the list represent a vast number of people who had a desire to channel their desires for a person other than his or her spouse.  And, that is wrong and concerning.

Columnist Matt Barber makes some strong points in a recent column at  After chiding the moral relativists that see hypocrisy, when applied exclusively to Christians, as the only sin that matters, he writes:
Here is a fact: Adultery is sin.
Here is another fact: “[Y]ou may be sure that your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).
And how.
Some 32 million paying customers of the vile adultery website Ashley Madison, which makes a fortune off the backs of families it helps to destroy, have just learned this truth the hard way. The site, which boasts of being the “most successful website for finding an affair and cheating partners,” was hacked by a group calling itself the “Impact Team.” The hackers published the identities of Ashley Madison “customers” online for all to see.
Their sin found them out.
But, he pivots to discuss the redemption that is available for all through Jesus Christ, writing that, "...there is redemption available for the millions of our fellow sinners who, tragically, chose to avail themselves of this sick site’s sinful 'service.' While they have become fully exposed, utterly humiliated and, for many, even ruined by a most selfish and lustful ambition; total redemption is yet within reach."

He adds, "'For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord' (Romans 6:23)."

The Ashley Madison news apparently hits close to home:  Business Insider reports that when U.S. states are ranked based on dollars spent at the site, Alabama comes in first place.  The article points out that an analyst had said that might be artificially inflated because our state is first on the drop-down.  But, the message is clear that there are those who have been unfaithful around us, perhaps very close to us.

Kyle Idleman, Teaching Pastor at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, wrote this in response to Ashley Madison's announcement a while back that 25 percent of those using its site professed to be Christians.  This is from
There is a story in the Bible found in the Gospel of John where we read about a woman who was caught in the act of adultery. She is ripped from the bedroom and thrown at the feet of Jesus to receive her punishment. The crowd is full of hypocrites who are ready to stone her. They wait for Jesus to deliver the sentence. Instead Jesus says, "If any of you is without sin, he can cast the first stone." Slowly the stones drop to ground and the accusers walk away. Then Jesus says something to this woman. We don't know her name, but let's call her Ashley Madison. Jesus says, Ashley, neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin.
That's what I would say to those who identify as Christian on Ashley Madison. But I wouldn't just say it to 25 percent of the members; I would say it to 100 percent. We come to Jesus and he offers us forgiveness and invites us to live a new and different life.
For the minister of the gospel, the challenge is to show grace to sinners and victims of sin alike, never forgetting that we are sinners too. This is not a time to excommunicate first and ask questions later. This is a time for confrontation, grieving, and prayer.
We like to advertise our churches as places for broken people. But when sin and its consequences come to public fruition, it results in a mess we often are tempted to clean up at all costs. Unfortunately there is no quick fix for the disorder caused by sin. The gospel teaches something else: work through the disorder and chaos, and revel in grace.
There are some great lessons for us in the midst of these unfortunate circumstances.  For one thing, as Matt Barber points out, based on Scripture, your sin will be exposed.  Maybe not in this life.  But, maybe so.  What is done in what we think is the dark may be illuminated.  And, above all, God knows, and there will be consequences for our actions.  The double life is a life of risk and rebellion - the Bible says the way of the transgressor is hard.  The threats of exposed sin and the misery of embedded sin should produce repentance.

And, there's the hope in this message.  Where sin has abounded, God's grace can be found in greater abundance.  And, of course, as Paul points out, that doesn't mean we dabble in sin so that we can get more grace.  But, we can know when we come before God in genuine repentance, we can experience a great degree of His restoring love.

Finally, we have to make sure that we take the steps to remain strong when we are tempted.  The Bible tells us that God makes a way of escape for us when we face temptation.  Proactive, preventive action can be helpful, as we make sure that we are grounded in God's Word and reliant on His Spirit's power.  But, the enemy will seek to attack us at our greatest point of vulnerability.  So, we can make it our aim to recognize the attack and appropriate God's resources.

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