Tuesday, September 1, 2015

We Really Do Love You!

When people set themselves in opposition to us, we can remember the teachings of Jesus. He said in Luke chapter 6:
27 "But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
28 bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.
29 To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.
30 Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back.
31 And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.

Luke 6:31 is known as the "golden rule," and we can be challenged to treat others in the way we wish to be treated.  People will set themselves against us, they will oppose us, and we can take up a defensive posture and proliferate the conflict - or we can take a different approach: to follow the way of love.  In these days when people show outright hostility toward Christians, we can continue to love, to serve, to demonstrate the character of Christ, with the hope that people will be drawn to the presence of Jesus within us.


There is a simple verse in Romans 12, which says:
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.

When we encounter hostility, we are called to show grace, to have an attitude of mercy, and to continue to approach those who have set themselves against us with compassion and the character of Christ. Later in the chapter, we read:
20 Therefore "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head."
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

The much-maligned couple in Oregon that are continuing to show faithfulness to God in the midst of opposition have offered a response to those with whom they disagree, and it may not be what you would expect.

According to TheBlaze.com, Aaron and Melissa Klein of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, who were ordered by Oregon state officials recently to pay $135,000 in damages after they declined to make a lesbian wedding cake, shipped out care packages to selected LGBT groups, including a cake with a heart on top, which said, "We really do love you!"  They also included gift cards and copies of “Audacity,” evangelist Ray Comfort’s film about homosexuality.

And, TheBlaze reports that recipients’ responses have run the gamut from negative to positive.

Jim Key, chief marketing officer of the Los Angeles LGBT Center, told the website: “This seems to a semi-clever publicity stunt to promote an independent film,” adding, "I hope the cake is better than the movie’s reviews.”  Key said that his organization immediately appealed to its followers on social media to ask what should be done with the package.  Finally, they gave the cake to a local religious group, but it had spoiled before anyone could eat it.

Michael Dimengo, CEO of the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada, confirmed in an interview with TheBlaze on Monday that his organization also received a cake — and joked about the fact that his staff wasted no time in eating it.  He did express gratitude to the Kleins for opening up dialogue by sending the cake.

He said, “We received it with a great deal of skepticism, but nevertheless we received it after working through our skepticism warmly...I think it takes a lot for folks to reach out to the other side of the fence. I credit them for doing that.”

A third group that reportedly received one of the cakes from the Kleins, Canvass for a Cause, attempted to auction the cake off on eBay in an effort to bring in some money to help transgendered individuals.

Melissa Klein told TheBlaze on Monday that she has been “really surprised” by the thankful reactions she has received by some of the organizations, and said that she, her husband and Ray Comfort only meant well by sending the packages. She is quoted as saying, "I was really excited to get a couple of responses. I was really surprised,” adding, “My thoughts were, ‘Okay, it’s probably going to get thrown in the garbage.’ … It was really exciting. I’m just really hoping that we can kind of open up a dialogue and be able to talk.”

As I have related before, I met the Kleins at NRB this past February, and you can hear their interview through the Faith Radio website.   I was impressed by their kindness and their joy in the Lord, and I regret that they have been so vilified by many just by taking a simple, but strong, stand on their faith.

I think Aaron and Melissa can provide some inspiration for us in several ways.

One, to encourage us to take a stand on our convictions, no matter what the consequences. Certainly, they could not have foreseen the ferocity at which public officials harassed and punished them.  And, seeing their plight could cause a sense of fear and intimidation.  But, we can be assured when we stand on truth that God will stand with us.

You can also see the value of speaking the truth - in love.  The Kleins are reaching out with compassion by this simple gesture of sending the cakes to people with whom they fundamentally disagree.  They are showing the LGBT community that there is disagreement - and, yes, the Kleins do not condone their lifestyle - but they are not shutting the door to communication.

Finally, the story can remind us that God will give us creative ideas to express truth.  Ray Comfort obviously is a communicator who has taken Biblical ideas and packaged them in compelling ways. The Kleins were inspired to do something different, what some would consider "out of the box."  We can seek the Lord and depend on Him as we find ways to share His love and speak His truth.

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