Friday, February 12, 2016

True Love

In the book of 2nd John, the writer reinforces the Biblical concept of love, which is an unselfish expression toward another person, not the selfish view of what "love" is that is perpetrated by the
5 And now I plead with you, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment to you, but that which we have had from the beginning: that we love one another.
6 This is love, that we walk according to His commandments. This is the commandment, that as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it.
7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

The world is full of deception and if we buy into unscriptural ideas, then we are not walking in the way God would intend.  He calls us to walk in His Spirit and to resist the pursuit of self-gratification and seek the satisfaction that can only come from Him.  That can express itself in our approach to relationships, including our marriages.  It is easy to become self-consumed and to be involved in life away from our homes - and our mates.  It's important that we depend on God to arrange our desires and our priorities so that our marriages do not suffer.


The Bible teaches us the true meaning of love - love that is consistent with God's nature, that can be infused into our human relationships. Ephesians 5 says:
1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.
2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.
3 But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints...

This weekend marks the celebration of Valentine's Day, which is named after St. Valentine, or multiple St. Valentines, according to the HISTORY Channel website.  One of them was reportedly  a priest who performed secret wedding ceremonies after marriage was banned for men on military service by the emperor.  Another legend says that an imprisoned Valentine actually sent the first “valentine” greeting himself after he fell in love with a young girl–possibly his jailor’s daughter–who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter signed “From your Valentine,” an expression that is still in use today.  Fast forward - today, according to the Greeting Card Association, an estimated 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year, making Valentine’s Day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year.

And, Valentine's Day gives yet another opportunity to focus on our relationships, and especially God's love to be expressed in our relationships.  There are numerous marriage conferences that are taking place in the Faith Radio coverage area, including one in Opelika a couple of weeks ago, another next weekend, "Better Together," sponsored by 4 area churches.  Then, in 2 weeks, it's "Together at the Springs" at Shocco.

It's important to teach and model for our young people what right romantic relationships look like, in alignment with God's truth.  No doubt, there are distorted views of relationships that are out there. Take, for instance, what's taken place this week at the University of Utah.  According to the Campus Reform website (caution: offensive content), the campus group, Students for Choice, were due to hand out raffle tickets for a year's worth of contraceptives.  There was also free STD/HIV testing, a “make your own safe sex kit,” and an event titled Sex and Consent: Embrace the Awkward, where the, “Center for Student Wellness wants to remind you to be up front and honest before doing anything.” Closing the week’s events is Planned Parenthood Ambassador training.  There were sessions promoting something called, "reproductive justice (whatever that is)."

The Right to Life at UU group asked for Sex Week to be defunded and relocated off campus. In a letter sent to the Center for Student Wellness before last year’s events, Right to Life complained that Sex Week “encourage[s] sexual partners to view each other as objects used for pleasure,” saying that while the group’s members support educating students about STD’s and unplanned pregnancies, “this message of education is being lost in the immature nature of Sex Week.”

Well, at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, students decided they would counter their campus's Sex Week by offering their own series of events promoting God's plan for sexuality, according to a website called, The Compass.  There, the Newman Catholic Student Community (best known as the Newman Club) and Phoenix Students for Life spent the days leading up to Valentine’s Day spreading the message that true love is possible and you can find it by practicing “right dating relationships.” They declared the week leading up to Valentine's Day as "True Love Week."  They told their fellow students that abstinence is not only possible, but will indeed lead those who practice it to their true love.

The first event of True Love Week was actually Feb. 3, when students handed out fresh roses to fellow students with messages about chastity and abstinence during the annual event promoting membership in campus organizations.  This past Monday, they presented the popular Christian movie “Fireproof."  Tuesday, they sponsored a panel discussion about right relationships.  And, Wednesday, there was a panel discussion on living a chaste life, including individuals from both the university and the religious sector.

I certainly appreciate True Love Week as an alternative to a college campus Sex Week - that concept seems to be a cesspool of perverted ideas of God's view of sexuality.  And, kudos to the Utah students who protest an observance on their campus.

In this culture, it is so important that we are bold in our declaration of God's plan - for life, in all areas, including areas pertaining to relationships.  God's plan is centered around purity for those who are not married, for not engaging in sexual immorality.  And, it's also centered around a devoted, exclusive relationship in marriage consisting of one man and one woman in a one-flesh relationship. We have to be bold to defend these truths.

We also have to be better in our approach to relationships.  If we are convinced that God's way is best, then we can be convinced in our own minds that following His path and recognizing that we are empowered to do so, can bring enormous blessings and satisfaction.

And, finally, we have to be bonded to our spouses like never before.  The pressure is great, but God's love is greater.  We can take steps to walk in love, to make time for one another, to improve in our communication and conflict resolution, and we can recommit ourselves to working and living as a team - it's one-flesh, it's important, and it's in line with God's purpose for us.

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