Friday, January 27, 2017

Voices for Life

In Job 31, we see a group of verses dealing with showing compassion for all people, regardless of
their social standing:
13 "If I have despised the cause of my male or female servant When they complained against me,
14 What then shall I do when God rises up? When He punishes, how shall I answer Him?
15 Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same One fashion us in the womb?

Job recognized that even those who worked for him were created by God - formed by Him in the womb.  This is yet another Scriptural example of the heart of our Father toward all life.  He has formed us, and He has ordained a purpose for our lives.  We can spend our lives pursuing His will, His best, and we can be challenged to help others discover God's view of them and to see themselves from His perspective.


In Proverbs 24, we can read a passage that can be applied to the plight of unborn children whose lives are in danger at the hands of those who would take their lives through abortion:
11 Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
12 If you say, "Surely we did not know this," Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?

There are numerous themes on which you could concentrate on this day, with hundreds of thousands gathering in Washington and still others participating in online events...all centered around the value of a human life inside the womb.  And, even though, as has reported, Whoopi Goldberg and some of the ladies of The View might not like to use the term "pro-life," and dissected the term recently, the term says a lot about the worldview that we embrace.  We do not advocate or remain neutral about the taking of pre-born life.  One of the panelists said no one is pro-abortion, but I disagree.  Look at Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood; look at the numerous lawmakers who, in the name of women's rights, are willing to sacrifice unborn children.  I suppose one can think he or she is "pro-choice," but not be pro-abortion, and as the poll I mentioned yesterday indicated, you can self-identify as pro-choice but favor restrictions on the procedure.

A pop superstar recently identified Planned Parenthood as "modern-day eugenics."  According to The Federalist, Nick Cannon was:
...asked to clarify a comment he made about Planned Parenthood being a “real genocide” during an interview with the New York City radio show “The Breakfast Club” two weeks ago.
“Yeah, (Planned Parenthood is) modern-day eugenics,” Cannon says.
“Can’t elaborate anymore?” the videographer asks. “It’s an important topic.”
“Yeah,” Cannon responds. “It’s population control.”
In another article, the website confirmed the accusations:
He’s not wrong. Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was a racist and a eugenicist who wanted to stop “biologically unfit” persons from having children. She was a big hit when speaking to a woman’s chapter of the Klu Klux Klan, and confessed in a letter that she wanted to “exterminate the Negro population.”
“We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out the idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members,” Sanger wrote in a letter dated from 1939. In 1934, Sanger proposed a federal law that would legislate who could have children.
If we could have more celebrities voicing their opposition to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry in general!  Even if they have compromising positions on other issues.  African-American writer Ryan Bomberger, in a piece on, took issue with rapper Common's appearance at a Planned Parenthood fundraiser:
Common, who once lamented having his own son aborted, helped to raise money for the leading killer of unarmed black lives—Planned Parenthood. His 1997 song, Retrospect For Life, is filled with conflict and remorse for what he heartbreakingly describes as “turning a woman’s womb into a tomb.” The song was praised by many in the music industry for its poignancy. It rightfully illuminates the selfishness of abortion Common’s lyrics filled with pained reflection:
Must have really thought I was god to take the life of my son
I could have sacrificed going out
To think my homies who did it I used to joke about, from now on
I’m a use self control instead of birth control
Cause $315 ain’t worth your soul
And, it's true - the taking of a life through abortion, as many have testified, injures the soul.  Take actress Jennifer O'Neill, for instance.  She was featured on the Charisma News website:
"I did have a life [that] ... looked so spectacular, and in so many ways it was," said O'Neill, 55, who is best known for her role in the 1971 film Summer of '42. "But it didn't bring me the satisfaction. It didn't fill that empty part of us that only God could fill. As the adage goes, I started looking for love in all the wrong places, thinking someone else could fill me up."
After attempting suicide at 14, she went on to marry nine times and suffer nine miscarriages after an abortion. She nearly died three times--in a car accident, a horseback-riding accident that broke her back, and after accidentally shooting herself in the stomach during a traumatic season when she discovered her fifth husband had sexually abused her teenage daughter.
But her life changed dramatically after she accepted Christ in 1986. She said she found what she had been looking for--a love that was unconditional--and began a journey toward healing, which started with her learning to make Christ Lord of her life. It also included several lessons in forgiveness along the way.
She is a spokesperson for the Silent No More Awareness campaign, encouraging women who have experienced abortion to speak up about what they have encountered. published some quotes from the March for Life on its Twitter feed;

NFL player Ben Watson: "We must end the unthinkable practice of abortion in the United States of America."  He also challenged men to be responsible and be leaders in protecting women and children from abortion.  He said, "Truth is greater than any trend."

Vice-President Pence promised that, "This administration will work to end taxpayer funding of abortion and abortion providers."  In what may become his most memorable quote, he said, "Life is winning again in America."

And, Presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway is quoted as saying: "It is no coincidence that the first right cited in the Declaration of Independence is the right to Life"  She also said, "We are here to protect & promote the most precious gift in the world - the gift of life."

Our challenge is simple - we have to continue to speak for the rights of the pre-born.  I believe it's Biblical and encouraging for our culture.  I believe that how a society regards the unborn is directly related to how it cares for those who are outside the womb.  When we walk to take the life and even the possessions of another, it shows that people disregard one another, in violation of the heart and commandments of God.

And, to those who tweeted out in response to the March, chiding those who showed up for not being affirming to people once they're born, I would say, look at Jesus...look at Him - it's a message for all of us, to develop compassion for all humanity.  If we as the body of Christ can lead the way and set the example for viewing others through His eyes, what a powerful impact it can have.

We can also adopt a holistic approach to issues of life.  We absolutely should be concerned about rescuing children who are in danger of having their lives taken.  And, we can show compassion for families affected by a pregnancy in crisis.  We can minister to women who have had abortions and are facing emotional and spiritual distress.  And, I am thankful that adoption has become a prime focus of pro-life people.

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