Thursday, May 18, 2017

Who's Leading Us?

There is a chain of influence that can be readily identified - those whom we allow to lead or influence us will shape they way we live, and as people look to us, our example will influence them.  We don't
want to be a "weak link," and we have to be careful to guard ourselves, a point Paul relates in 1st Corinthians 15:
33 Do not be deceived: "Evil company corrupts good habits."
34 Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame.

The Bible talks about testing the spirits.  And, with all the choices we have, it's important that we take great care to guard our hearts, so that the purity of our devotion to Christ is not corrupted.  Because how we are influenced will affect how we influence other people.  Who or what we submit to will dramatically alter the course of our lives.  We have to be responsible with what we accept into our consciousness, so that we might adhere to Biblical truth.


As we consider Godly influence, let us consider the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 5:
13 "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.
14 You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Questions of leadership are always important to consider; we can look at ourselves and determine the quality and application of our personal leadership skills - because you can likely find someone whom you are called to lead.  We can also evaluate how well we regard and are following those whom God has placed to lead us., I want to consider who we choose to lead us - politically and spiritually.  The American Culture and Faith Institute, led by George Barna, has put together a fascinating survey on how various leaders are regarded.  These studies focus on the SAGE Cons - defined as the "spiritually active, governance engaged conservatives."  According to the study summary:
In RightView™ studies SAGE Cons are identified as adults who are registered voters; conservative on political matters; have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior; are active in pursuing their Christian faith; and are actively engaged in politics and government. They represent about 8% to 10% of the national adult population, which constitutes a segment of some 20 to 25 million individuals.
There are actually three list of leaders generated from the survey data: national political leaders, national spiritual leaders, and leaders of change.  It's not surprising that the same person tops the latter two lists.  But, first, let's have some of that political data.  And, keep in mind that this survey was taken in January and February of this year.

In the list of political leaders, Vice-President Mike Pence led the way, with a 98% favorability rating, followed close at hand by HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson at 97%, Baptist minister and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee at 94%, President Trump at 91%, and Ted Cruz at 85% in favorability ratings.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions was at 79% favorable, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan at 73%.  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell only garnered 44% of these SAGE Cons - his favorability and unfavorability scores were the same - 44%.

On the list of ministry leaders, Franklin Graham was the overwhelming favorite at 97%.  Barna actually received a 77% rating, with 21% saying that they did not know whether they considered him favorable or unfavorable.  There were a lot of "don't know"s on the list.  Tony Perkins got a 66% favorability score, with 33% in the "don't know" category; similar to Gary Bauer, with 64% and a 32% "don't know" number.  Just over a third viewed James Robison favorably, but his "don't know"s were in the low 60's.  Jack Graham, Jim Garlow, and Samuel Rodriguez were relatively unknown to the general population of SAGE Cons.

Now, to the overall "leaders of change" list.  In this survey, "SAGE Cons had the opportunity to name any leaders that came to mind as having fostered positive cultural transformation in 2016."  The top of the list - and it's not even close - with 66%...Franklin Graham.  Next, it was Dr. Ben Carson, with 38%, followed by Trump at an even 30 and Pence at 27.  In the next tier, in the teens, it was three Faith Radio programmers: James Dobson, Ravi Zacharias, and Tony Perkins, who was tied with Mike Huckabee at 16%.  Jim Daly, Eric Metaxas, and Mat Staver also made the list, in single digits.

Who would you have placed on the list?  The summary also notes that: "Perhaps surprisingly, many of the high-profile leaders regularly promoted by the major media did not appear on the list constructed by Christian conservatives."

So, what are some takeaways for us today?

First of all, while this list is by no means exhaustive, it can cause us to examine whom we regard as trusted spiritual leaders for us.  I talk often about having reliable sources to teach us, to train us in the ways of the Lord, to help shape our thinking spiritually.  Faith Radio has a stellar, qualified speaker lineup of trusted sources who present sound and solid Bible teaching.  I would encourage you to consider making our lineup a starting point and maybe even expand your consumption of the teaching.

What are some characteristics of a "change agent," to use a phrase from Christian author Os Hillman? We have the capacity in Christ to bring about change in our own lives and in the lives of the people around us.  We have to examine whom we are influencing and in what way.  Hopefully, through our adherence to Scripture and our Godly example, we are leading others to walk with Christ.

Two important questions: who's leading us and who are we leading?  There is a continuum here - what or who influence us will affect how we lead, which will affect those who follow...and so it is spread.  We have to make sure we are a strong link in the chain, devoted to the ways of the Lord.

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