Wednesday, August 9, 2017


In Acts 2, on the day of Pentecost, Peter is speaking to the people gathered there, and quotes from the prophet Joel:
19 I will show wonders in heaven above And signs in the earth beneath: Blood and fire and vapor of smoke.
20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
21 And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be saved.'

The Bible clearly points to signs preceding the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.  It also teaches that if people respond to God's call, and even heed His warnings, that people can enter into a relationship with Him.  Whether or not a solar eclipse or a blood moon can be a fulfillment of a Biblical prophecy, we can all admit that we are in a troubled world - a fallen world, in which sin abounds; but a world that was created by God and on which He has placed His people - people whom He desires to redeem...that is why He sent His Son.


In Psalm 19, we get a glimpse into the panoramic majesty of our great God, whose handiwork is seen in the heavens:
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.
2 Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard.
4 Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun...

On this day after a very insightful conversation with Jeff Kinley aired about the state of America and end-times prophecy, I want to pull some information from another recent Meeting House guest and broaden the discussion to include a possible tie-in between the solar eclipse on August 21 and the condition of things in our nation.

First of all, Dr. Michael Guillen, former Science Editor for ABC News, appeared on the program to discuss his book, The Null Prophecy.  The first few moments of our conversation dealt with a subject that he integrates into that novel - the power of the sun.  He has written an article for the website that parallels what he discussed with me.

He talked about the corona of the sun, which, as he states in the article is "arguably the most mysterious, most turbulent, most unpredictable, most deadly part of the sun."  He said that:
During a total eclipse, the moon’s round shadow perfectly blots out the photosphere. The glaring brightness of the photosphere normally blinds us to the corona, which is the sun’s far-fainter, halo-like outer atmosphere.
Inside the photosphere is energy that is the equivalent of 100 billion hydrogen bombs detonating every second.

He states that: "the corona is also given to deadly tantrums. Without any warning, it will rise up and fling massive, killer clouds of electrically-charged particles – coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, they’re called – in every direction."  Such an event occurred in 1859, and Guillen is certain it will occur again:
The National Academy of Sciences has published a chilling report describing what is likely to happen when, not if, the next Carrington-like Event whacks us unexpectedly. The damage worldwide will include: “disruption of the transportation, communication, banking, and finance systems, and government services; the breakdown of the distribution of potable water owing to pump failure; and the loss of perishable foods and medications because of lack of refrigeration.”
Guillen, who is a believer, ends the Fox column by stating that the eclipse will "give you a rare glimpse at the sun’s normally invisible, enigmatic corona; it will remind you of how easily that wondrous halo can instantly snuff out the mighty, high-tech world we’ve created for ourselves."

Anne Graham Lotz has released a post that talks about the spiritual implications of this cosmic event coming up on the 21st.  She begins with this Scripture and opening paragraph:
The sun will be turned to darkness…before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. Joel 2:31
A few years ago I was teaching through the book of Joel when the ancient words of his prophecy came up off the page. I knew with hair-raising certainty that God’s severe judgment was coming on America! I have taught Joel several times since. Each time has served to confirm with deep conviction that God is warning America of impending disaster and destruction.
She goes on to say that Jewish rabbis "...have historically viewed solar eclipses as warnings from God to Gentile nations. Therefore, my perspective on the upcoming phenomenon is not celebratory. While no one can know for sure if judgment is coming on America, it does seem that God is signaling us about something. Time will tell what that something is."

She does indicate that there could be a warning, balanced with a call to "return to Him." Lotz writes: "Without doubt this is the time for God’s people to get right with God. To repent of our own sin. To share the Gospel with our neighbors. And to pray that in the midst of His coming wrath, God would remember mercy (Habakkuk 3:2)."

So, whatever the significance of the eclipse might be, there are some takeaways for Christians:

From Guillen: the power of the sun demonstrates the might and majesty of its Creator.  The Bible says that the heavens declare the glory of God.  You do have a sense of helplessness when you ponder the potential of the sun.  And, as he points out, our great technologically-advanced society is fragile when you consider the possibilities of what a solar explosion could bring.

From Lotz: the power of the Son is demonstrated through the might and majesty of His Creator. Perhaps the solar eclipse is a sign from God in the heavens.  Or it can be taken that way.  Regardless, there is a message to us about God's judgment on sin as well as His compassion on the sinner.  We do well to heed the signal that we are being given.  

For all of us, we acknowledge God is on the throne - He is powerful, He is in control.  And, His creation is far more majestic than the kingdoms we have built on this earth.  Our world is in turmoil, we need Jesus, and we, as His representatives, are called to communicate that truth.  Heavenly demonstrations can be the basis for a heavenly discussion on the power, judgment - and compassion of God.

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