Monday, February 19, 2018


The Bible gives us clear instruction as to how we are to regard those who are placed in positions of leadership, including Presidents and all those who serve in political or governmental roles.  Romans
13 states:
1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same.

So, our governmental leaders, whether they realize it or not, have a responsibility before God.  Daniel teaches that they have been placed there.  And, the Bible speaks to the role of government, which has implications for the size of government.  We also recognize that it is not the government's role to prevent the practice of faith; rather, I believe that faith consistent with the Scriptures should be upheld and adhered to by our leaders.  We can pray for the end - that they would seek the Lord and follow godly counsel.


Paul reminds us to pray for authorities, including governmental leaders, in 1st Timothy chapter 2:
1 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men,
2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

On this Presidents' Day, I wanted to point to a group of people who are very important in contributing to a President's legacy, the policies for which he is known, and the legacy for which he is remembered.  A President cannot go it alone - he (or she) must have people around him who provide strength and counsel.  People to whom that leader will listen - but not just people to affirm the leader's point of view, but who will offer direction, and even be bold to disagree.

And, you really hope it can be godly counsel.  Much has been made of the evangelical advisory board that then-candidate Donald Trump formed during his general election campaign.  Many of these apparently still have the ear of the President today.  One could make the case that his response to the immigration issue has stemmed from this ad hoc committee's input.

But, this group has been maligned in the media, especially when Trump makes a misstatement or seems to contradict the principles of Christianity.  But, you would hope this is not a one-way street or a symbolic assortment, but that they are speaking into his life and holding him accountable.

Throughout the years, Presidents have had people that will speak truth to them.  Someone who comes to mind is Billy Graham - according to an article that ran on the CBS North Carolina website:
Billy Graham met with every sitting president from Truman to Barack Obama.
Asked by CBS North Carolina how his father had the close type of adviser role to so many presidents across party lines over such a long period of time, Franklin Graham said, “Well, first of all, the politicians, for the most part, are self-serving. They saw that Billy Graham attracted a large crowd and they wanted to be seen with him. It wasn’t so much that my father wanted to be with him. They sought him out.”
The article states:
Billy Graham’s role ranged from times of national tragedy to personal difficulty.
“All of them he had a relationship, but it was prayer. He’d pray with them. I think Nixon he was the closest. And I think when he heard those tapes that there was another side to Nixon, he was so disappointed because he didn’t know that Nixon used that kind of language, didn’t know that Nixon had that other side to his life,” Franklin Graham said.
“My father, when a person was in trouble, he didn’t run away from them. He got even closer to them.”
Graham began his relationships with the 33rd President - Truman, and it continues through the 45th -
Billy Graham may not have met with Trump while he has been President, but Franklin said that he knows Trump "very well."  The President was at Graham's 95th Birthday party in 2013.

There is an article that appeared recently at The Stream about an adviser to five Presidents.  His name is Frederick Douglass.  I will discuss him more tomorrow.  There was a Q&A with Rev. Dean Nelson, Chairman of the Douglass Leadership Institute.  About Douglass, he said:
There is hardly a more formidable figure in American political history than Frederick Douglass. He was born into slavery in 1818. He overcame tremendous obstacles to not only escape from slavery, but then to go on to be a leading figure in the abolition movement. He ended up being the most photographed person in the 19th century, because he used the technology of his day to help advance his cause.
Douglass was an advisor to five U.S. Presidents. He was a social reformer — and not only for the abolition of slavery. He advocated for women’s suffrage and also for the rights of black Americans. I believe God raised him up as a unique figure during the Civil War era. He had a deep dedication to American principles and an abiding faith.
Historians lament he’s the most famous person that no one in this current generation knows much about. It’s our hope that through our initiatives, we can reintroduce him. Douglass became one of the greatest statesmen our country has ever known.
Godly counsel - that's something you can definitely pray for.  We need godly men and women, strategically placed by the Holy Spirit, who will speak truth to power, who are devoted to applying God's Word in the enormous situations we face as a nation.

We also recognize that even though you may not be an adviser to a President or some other politician, you can definitely assist our leaders - by praying for them.   The Bible is clear when it tells us to pray for those in authority.  Why?  So that we can lead gentle and quiet lives, that we can live in an atmosphere for the gospel to flourish, according to 1st Timothy 2.

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