Monday, March 5, 2018

The Next Billy Graham

As Paul wraps up the book of 1st Thessalonians, he relates some short, and powerful, principles that
we can put to use in our lives. We can read:
21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.
22 Abstain from every form of evil.
23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
24 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

God has invited us to come into a relationship with Himself, and He wants to demonstrate His power and His faithfulness through us.  He is doing a work on the inside of us so that Christ may be expressed outwardly.  He has placed a calling on each of us, divine direction for us to fulfill; and verse 24 reminds us of His great power to bring His intentions to pass through us.  God is faithful, and He wants to do mighty things through us.


In 2nd Peter 1, we see a list of characteristics that are consistent with our faith in Christ.  The author challenges readers to make sure that Christ's character and His calling are operating within us.  We
10 Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble;
11 for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It was quite a moment - chatting with Andrew Palau, the son of the great evangelist, Luis Palau, discussing the late Billy Graham and his impact.  If you do a search for the "next Billy Graham," there is reason to believe that Luis is part of the overall discussion.  His international credentials are impressive.

But, there are others - the man whose radio program, Daily Hope, debuts on Faith Radio today - Rick Warren - is also someone who is certainly near the top of the list of well-known preachers who might follow in Graham's footsteps.

And, when you think of large crusades, Greg Laurie's Harvest Crusades have been responsible for significant numbers of people coming into a saving knowledge of Christ.

You could even put Franklin Graham, who has carried on his father's ministry, in the mix, as well.

But, all of these gentlemen have unique ministries of their own.  They have their own call of God, they are prominent in their profession and proclamation, but even Franklin has his unique qualities.

Billy Graham was one-of-a-kind - and, in a sense, we all are!

But, regarding the "next Billy Graham," recent Meeting House guest William Martin stated in a press release from A. Larry Ross Communications:
"I don't think any single person will be 'the next Billy Graham.' Evangelical Christianity has become so large and multifaceted that no one person can dominate it in the way that he did, regardless of talent or dedication. It's just not going to happen. But 'Billy Graham' is not an office in the Christian church that has to be filled, like pope or bishop. Multitudes of people inspired by him will carry on the work of preaching the Christian gospel. And that's what was most important to him.
A Charlotte Observer article from last May stated:
Graham himself sensed way back in 1974 that the times were changing even then and that the evangelical message would be carried forward not by just one religious superstar but by armies of preachers – in the United States and around the globe.
At the time, he was attending the International Congress on World Evangelization in Lausanne, Switzerland. Someone asked him The Question: Who will be the next Billy Graham?
He answered by pointing to the gathering before him of 2,300 Christian leaders from 150 countries. “They will,” he said.
More on that later...

Last week in Nashville, National Religious Broadcasters recognized an outstanding Christian communicator.  Its Board of Directors annually presents the Billy Graham Award for Excellence in Christian Communications.  This year's winner is Greg Laurie.  NRB President and CEO Jerry Johnson is quoted on the NRB website: “In God’s providence, the NRB Executive Committee chose Greg Laurie to receive this year’s Billy Graham Award weeks ago, before it would be known that the honor would be bestowed on him on the very day of the great evangelist’s funeral,” adding, “While the world mourns the loss of Dr. Graham, we see in the life of Greg Laurie another evangelist faithful to preach the Gospel to all the world who is an innovator in communicating God’s Word, following in Dr. Graham pacesetting communications footsteps.” 

Just two years ago, Warren's radio broadcast, Daily Hope, received the same award. The NRB website stated:
Daily Hope, the Bible teaching media ministry of Dr. Rick Warren, gives hope to the hurting, encourages purpose driven living, equips purpose driven churches and leaders, champions religious liberty worldwide, and supports the Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan in 197 countries, focusing on the unreached 3,000 tribes with no Bible, believers, or Body of Christ.
And, this year, Luis Palau was inducted into the NRB Hall of Fame. The NRB website reports that:
In a video, Luis Palau thanked NRB and told the audience, “Frankly, there are many other people who deserve [the award] just as much as me. We just stuck around for many decades. But the glory I want to give to Jesus Christ, to God the Father, and to the blessed Holy Spirit. I am an unworthy servant of the Savior. And it’s all about the cross, all about the cross. If it wasn’t for the cross, we would all be condemned forever.”
Billy Kim of Far East Broadcasting Company was also honored.

So, back to the "next Billy Graham" question.  I think that each of us can be inspired by this man's legacy, his dedication to proclaiming the gospel, and living out God's will.  His call and effectiveness were unique - there is no other Billy Graham!   Period.

And, truth is, there is only one you.  No one else possesses your gifts or your calling.  God has placed an assignment upon your life, and He has granted you the capacity to fulfill it.  The first thing that God desires for you is to come into a saving knowledge of Christ; He wants you to walk in relationship with our Savior.  That ushers us into the adventure of walking with God consistently. You may not be filling stadiums preaching the gospel, but you can be found faithful to be obedient.

For the Christian communicator, Billy Graham was a trailblazer - his use of the media, including radio, was inspired and inspiring.  His example can motivate us to be about the business of communicating truth.

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