Tuesday, April 3, 2018

We Need a Princess

We are new creatures in Christ, and He has given to us a new identity in Him; He desires to express
His character through His people. 1st Peter 2 says:
9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
10 who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

We have been chosen by God - and His Word shows us who we are in Him.  We have been united with our Heavenly Father, and He has called us to exchange our old identity for a new one, in which we experience His grace and mercy, where we discover what it means to be loved, as well as how to show His compassion.  By His Spirit, we can encounter His strength; we can be free from the past and hopeful for the future.  We are a child of God; we belong to Him.


The first three verses of Isaiah 61 illustrate the character of Christ and provide insight into true beauty and joy in exchange for what the world has to offer.
1 "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Because the Lord has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn,
3 To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified."

The alarm bells certainly sounded when a local affiliate of Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania posted an offensive tweet the other day.  According to LifeNews.com, the tweet said: "We need a Disney princess who’s had an abortion,” and, “We need a Disney princess who’s pro-choice.”  The tweet also called for a Disney princess who is an "undocumented immigrant," a "union worker," and transgender.

The LifeNews article stated:
Planned Parenthood would utterly corrupt their idealistic young minds by pushing little girls to accept death and destruction in the name of “choice” and “empowerment.”
This propaganda was so disturbing that even many “pro-choice” individuals left critical comments on the post. Within an hour, the abortion chain deleted it. LifeNews took a screen shot of the tweet before it was deleted.
The site noted that, "The Pennsylvania Family Institute, which first noticed the tweet, pointed out that the Pennsylvania abortion affiliate received $3.5 million tax dollars in 2016 alone to push its outrageous agenda on children and adults. Nationally, the abortion chain receives about $500 million annually in tax dollars."  And, that funding will continue, thanks to the recent omnibus spending bill.

Well, according to Faithwire, a former Disney World princess learned about the tweet and wrote a piece for the Medium website, entitled, “I WAS A DISNEY PRINCESS AND HAD AN ABORTION.”  Deanna Falchook was a performer in the 80's at the Disney park; her voice appeared in recordings as Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, and she was in an average of five shows per day in front of Cinderella's castle.

The story continues:
...at age 18, Falchook shares that she “became pregnant and had an abortion to keep my job as a singing princess.”
“There was no pressure from the company or management to abort my baby,” she notes.
“I didn’t tell them. But I made a decision on my own that I quickly lived to regret.”
Immediately after her abortion, Falchook says she “struggled deeply,"
She wrote, "I continued to sing songs in front of the castle about dreams coming true, but eventually had to quit my dream job due to my inability to reconcile my decision within myself. I wanted to die."

The article says that, "After a long, difficult struggle to find healing, Falchook shares that she is now 'by the grace of God … living an amazing life.'"  She stated:
Disney doesn’t need a princess who has had an abortion. For years feminists have been princess bashing because they clearly don’t really grasp the depth of the princess stories that have already been told of overcoming evil, beauty rising out of the ugliness of the world, empowering love that is willing to slay dragons, resurrecting life after evil witch potions threatens to poison and demanding true love in a world that wants to rewrite the happy ending into something less romantic. Cinderella, Aurora, Belle, Merida, Ariel, Mulan all represent strength, power, grace, favor, determination and beauty out of ashes.
Abortion doesn’t empower.
Even though Planned Parenthood's chapter deleted the tweet, it still represents the philosophy that drives the nation's largest abortion provider - a philosophy that is coated in death and cloaked in deception.  And, the normalization of abortion as just another so-called "choice" in American life hides the real truth of the brutality of what actually occurs.  If this highly profitable industry can deny reality and somehow make abortion look more acceptable, then it will attract more customers, representing more lives lost.

Reaching out to even the very young helps to fulfill this agenda.  As LifeNews states:
In the minds of Planned Parenthood leaders, no age is too young for its pro-abortion indoctrination. The abortion chain goes to middle schools and high schools across the country to teach its questionable sex education programs.
The abortion giant also publishes multiple “resources” for children and teenagers concerning sexual activity. These materials claim to provide “age appropriate” sex education to children starting at age 4.
This presents a challenge to the Church - to recognize the attempts to corrupt the minds of our young people and to offer Biblical standards: about the value of life itself, and about what it truly means to be compassionate.  Also, the Church can be challenged to teach young girls about what it means to be a woman and to discover their true identity in Jesus Christ.  As Deanna Falchook states, the Disney princess model teaches appealing character traits, including beauty out of the ugliness of the world - Isaiah 61 refers to beauty rising out of ashes.  The Bible presents a viewpoint of what true strength, beauty, and grace actually are.  And, hopefully, we all are modeling what the true character of Christ looks like.

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