Friday, June 29, 2018


When the Pharisees came to Jesus, according to Matthew 19, asking Him about divorce, He taught
them about the sanctity of marriage, and He was quite clear about God's view on the topic. He said:
4 And He answered and said to them, "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female,'
5 and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'?
6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."

The Bible teaches us about the concept of marriage representing Christ and His bride, the Church. So, as we consider the love that our Lord as for us as members of His body, so we can apply those principles as foundational in the building of a strong marriage.  God has provided tools so that we can build properly and Biblically, so that the love He intends for a couple to express to one another is actually manifested in this God-ordained relationship.


In the 4th chapter of Ecclesiastes, Solomon uses powerful imagery that can be applied to the marriage relationship, as couples can be reminded that their unity with the Lord and each other can be critical
in the preservation of that marriage. The passage reads:
9 Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor.
10 For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up.
11 Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone?
12 Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

It's inspiring when people in the public eye, instead of becoming fodder for tabloids about the breakups of their marriages, actually talk about what it takes for a marriage to last.

Recently, according to a Faithwire story, a power couple in country music opened up about the elements of a lasting marriage relationship. The article said:
Country stars Tim McGraw and Faith Hill have opened up about the keys to the longevity they have enjoyed in their marriage. Alongside carving out quality time together in the midst of their incredibly busy music careers, the pair also noted a crucial aspect of keeping things healthy in their nearly 22-year relationship: prayer.
“As we get older it’s less about the big gestures and more about just spending the time together at home,” McGraw told PEOPLE in a recent interview. “For our 20th wedding anniversary, we stayed home, in our pajamas and watched TV. We loved it.”
But the pair also ensure they steal a few moments between themselves and God before every performance.
Hill, who is touring with her husband, said, "Tim and I share a quick quiet moment together before hitting the stage,” adding, “Always praying.”

Another high-profile entertainment couple have reached another milestone - their fifth child!  According to, "Crew Gaines decided to make an early arrival on June 23, 2018. Proud mama Joanna (40) wasn’t too taken aback considering the precious boy was 'a sweet surprise from day one.'”  Chip had tweeted out, according to the article,
And then there were 5.. The Gaines crew is now 1 stronger! 10 beautiful toes and 10 beautiful fingers all accounted for, and big momma is doing great! #blessedBeyondBelief
The Gaines are a couple that have also dedicated themselves to marriage longevity.  A PEOPLE article on the couple reported after they announced on the Today show that they were stepping away from their successful TV show, Fixer Upper, Chip said:
“For us, the most important thing in the world is Jo and I’s relationship followed very quickly by these four beautiful kids. We didn’t want to push it, redline it for so long that we woke up and realized we are at a point of no return. We wanted to take a step back and focus on the thing that was absolutely the most important thing to us in the world.”
“People in our inner circle, I tell them we’re as healthy as we’ve ever been, I just didn’t want to keep pushing this envelope to the fullest extent,” he continued. “We’re really thankful that we had the opportunity to step back and take a break.”
The Gaines recently celebrated 15 years of marriage.

In a culture that is so consumed by celebrity breakup and norms about marriage and family being redefined, it's refreshing when couples declare their love and commitment for one another.  The McGraws emphasize time with one another, as well as prayer, as two of the building blocks for a two-decades-long marriage.

The Gaines speak of priorities - they were willing to lay aside a highly popular television show to help preserve and strengthen their marriage - they did not want to, as Chip says, "push it" too far.

These are inspiring stories, and can remind and challenge those of us who are married or who anticipate being so one day, to make sure that there are essential building blocks in place.  Couples can become so consumed in other pursuits that they don't take the proper time for one another - so it's important that couples practice their commitment - taking the time to be together.

Prayer is a key element, as well - couples who are praying together have the opportunity to grow in love for one another as they pray for and with each other.

And, finally, sometimes you have to contend or protect a marriage against external factors that would threaten the unity of and affection in the relationship.  Setting the right priorities provides a safeguard against forces that can be destructive.

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