Thursday, September 20, 2018

Message of Life

Every human being is a unique creation of God - and it is not the decision of a human being to determine if an unborn child lives or dies. Psalm 139 underscores the sanctity of life:
13 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.

The implications of God as our Creator are enormous - and our entire outlook toward this life, toward the value of our own lives, and of others, can be shaped by the fundamental understanding of how we have been created by Him.  But, the knowledge of God as Creator has certain responsibilities; for if we believe that He is maker of heaven and earth, then each person has to consider His principles and what He has said about a relationship with Him.  So, despite the evidence, people will reject the concept of design and the presence of a Creator God; otherwise, they are responsible for submitting to His Lordship.

Proverbs 24 emphasizes the responsibility that people have when they see injustice, the unjust taking
of human life in the womb. We can read:
11 Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
12 If you say, "Surely we did not know this," Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?

In communities all across our land, there are devoted believers who are involved in saving the lives of unborn children and ministering to their families.  The role of the pregnancy resource center in American life cannot be understated.

And, recently, the Charlotte Lozier Institute, the research arm of the Susan B. Anthony List, released a study of the work of around 2,600 out of over 2,750 of such centers in the land.  The results are impressive.

On the organization's website, it is stated that: "In 2017, pregnancy centers provided almost 2,000,000 people with free services, with estimated community cost savings of at least $161 million annually."

The work is carried out by a significant team of volunteers: over 67,000!  Including an estimate of  7,500 medical professionals.  Here are some other stats:
  • 400,100 hours of free services were contributed by credentialed nurse sonographers and registered diagnostic medical sonographers in 2017.
  • 100 mobile units with ultrasound are on the road to bring services to women out in the community.
  • 30,000 contacts per month reach Heartbeat International’s Option Line hotline and email/chat lines.
And, last year, alone, over 679,000 free pregnancy tests were performed.  Over 295 thousand mothers and fathers "attended parenting course."  There were also over 24,000 people who were provided support after an abortion.  Plus, in excess of a million students went to educational presentations that taught "sexual risk avoidance."

Even though it was not included in the survey results, we know that Christian-based pregnancy resource centers are also involved in sharing the message of God's love for those who are in crisis situations and people come to salvation through Jesus Christ through these efforts.  

There was attempt out of California not long ago that would force pregnancy resource centers to communicate a message that contradicts their overall purpose - to refer for abortion. The law was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court and sent back to the Federal Ninth Circuit court. Liberty Counsel represents three centers in the state. Its Founder and Chair, Mat Staver, is quoted on its website: “This recent study by the Charlotte Lozier Institute confirms the priceless value of pro-life pregnancy centers in our communities,” adding, “These centers help save the lives of babies and women by providing support which empowers mothers and fathers to make the right choices. Many volunteers give back to their communities by donating services that would typically cost millions of dollars each year. At Liberty Counsel, our mission is to clear the path so these centers can freely accomplish the mission God has given them..."

No wonder that those who favor abortion on demand want to restrict the work of these centers of hope and life!  I believe that those who lead and volunteer in pregnancy resource centers are engaged on the front lines of spiritual warfare - we are talking, literally, matters of life and death. They share a powerful message, and when that message is communicated with compassion, it can be a powerful, life-changing force!

We also can remember to be aware of how these centers are impacting communities.  And, they are present in well over two thousand places in America alone.  Multiply that by the ability of mobile ultrasound centers that can be strategically placed, even near abortion clinics, and you see that the truth can be disseminated effectively.

And, truth is such an important component here in so many centers - the truth of God's Word, God's Word about the life of a pre-born child, and about how He wants to intervene in the crisis that perhaps has brought a pregnant woman to that center's doors.  Then, she hears not only His truth, but sees the tangible evidence of life through the technology of an ultrasound machine.  God has raised up this technology in order to save lives, and combined with the human touch, He is showing His faithfulness.

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