Friday, November 30, 2018


We serve a God who can alter our outlook as we lay our lives on the altar, willing to be adopted by
Him into His spiritual family through new life in Christ. Romans 15 has much to teach us about being hopeful people. For instance, we can read beginning in verse 4:
4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.
5 Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus,
6 that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Biblical hope involves anticipation, expectation, and a dependence on God's goodness.  This weekend, many Christians around the world will enter the season of Advent.  In that practice, we think about welcoming Christ afresh and anew into our lives as we celebrate His first Advent, and reflect on the promise of His coming again to earth.  Because Jesus has come to earth and come into our lives as Christians, we can grow in faith, knowing that He desires to work in us for His glory.


In Jesus Christ and through a relationship with Him, we can have a changed perspective, and even
when we encounter hopelessness, we can have His hope. Romans 15 states:
11 And again: "Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peoples!"
12 And again, Isaiah says: "There shall be a root of Jesse; And He who shall rise to reign over the Gentiles, In Him the Gentiles shall hope."
13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Terry and Divya McArthur are from Lumberton, North Carolina and live there with their 12-year-old son, Christian.  They are also hurricane survivors.  They went through Hurricane Matthew in 2016, and Divya, who had inherited her grandmother's house, decided, with her husband to repair their house and stay in the area.

On its website, the relief organization Operation Blessing states:
They felt certain that Matthew had been a once in a hundred years’ storm, and they worked hard to get their home back into shape. Meanwhile, Divya continued working at her small salon in town, and Terry as a corrections officer.
When Hurricane Florence headed their way this year, they thought their house would be fine. Still, they heeded the warnings to get to higher ground just to make sure they didn’t get trapped, and they took all the precautions they could to protect their house.
It wasn’t until after the worst of the storm, when a nearby river crested later that week, that tragedy struck for a second time. Divya had to deal with seeing her home destroyed with contaminated water and mold once again. She said, “For lack of a better word, it’s a disaster…. I was kind of numb. You don’t want it to be true.”
The story relates:
In the midst of it all Divya quoted Romans 8:28, saying, “’All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord.’ So that’s where I’m finding peace.”
Even though they were encouraged to "abandon" their home, there was so much emotional attachment.  Operation Blessing showed up in Lumberton, and Divya said, “Thank you to those who give…. I’m grateful and my heart is leaping. I have some hope now.” Volunteers were there and helped "remove flooring, sheet rock, and damaged items from the home."

But, as you can imagine, I am sure the McArthurs needed a break.  So, while their home in North Carolina was being repaired, according to CBN, they were invited to come to New York City for a taping of The Tonight Show.  Host Jimmy Fallon recognized them and asked the question, "Your house is a very special house, why is it special to you?" Divya replied, "Because my grandmother gave it to me," Divya replied.

The story continues:
"Your grandmother left it to you and you've had a tough couple of years huh?" Fallon said, pointing out they were hit by Hurricane Matthew in 2016 and now again by Hurricane Florence.
Fallon said the family would be given a new roof and their home would be given a makeover with new furnishings thanks to a partnership between Home Depot and Operation Blessing.
Fallon said, "Here's what they're gonna do...They're gonna come in, they're gonna fix your home, they're gonna fix your roof, they're gonna repaint and insulate your house, they're gonna provide new furniture and appliances, redo your yard, and send in a Home Depot designer to refurnish your home."

As the Operation Blessing website says, "As Divya predicted, it’s clear that God is working things together for her family’s good, and turning their tragedy into triumph."

Good for Jimmy Fallon.  It's been pointed out that he is less involved with the negative political humor that characterizes his competitors Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel.  And to partner with a Christian relief organization is an encouraging step for the show.  

We can be reminded that there are still many victims of Hurricane Michael near our Faith Radio listening area.  Our Billy Irvin volunteered in the Panama City Beach area with Operation Blessing recently.  We have featured the work of Samaritan's Purse in the region.  And, local churches from our area are partnering with churches and organizations in storm-ravaged areas to provide help and hope.  We encourage you to consider how you can help those who have suffered loss in the wake of this destructive storm.

The McArthurs are not merely getting a repair job from Operation Blessing and Home Depot; they are receiving a total revamp, a makeover.  It is reminiscent of what Christ does in us when we accept Him as Savior.  The Christian life is not merely a fix for our human fraility, it is a total remaking of our lives from the inside out, predicated on His giving us a new life. 

Finally, we remember that we are called to be people of hope; we can know that as we continue to love God, that He will work in our lives according to His faithfulness.  We have the opportunity at Christmas to represent that hope in tangible ways.

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