Tuesday, March 19, 2019

By Design 3/26

We can be careful not to reject the will of God for our lives nor attempt to redefine His truth.  We have to recognize our position as the created ones, with our lives ordained by our mighty Creator.
Isaiah 29 states:
15 Woe to those who seek deep to hide their counsel far from the Lord, And their works are in the dark; They say, "Who sees us?" and, "Who knows us?"
16 Surely you have things turned around! Shall the potter be esteemed as the clay; For shall the thing made say of him who made it, "He did not make me"? Or shall the thing formed say of him who formed it, "He has no understanding"?

With a sense of reverence and awe before God, we can accept who He has made for us to be and to surrender to His intent for us.  He desires for us to submit to His principles and yield to His Spirit.  He is sovereign, He is in control, and when we allow Him to have His way, we can know that our lives will be pleasing to Him.  We can experience His satisfaction.  He is the One who has made us and we can trust that He certainly knows what is best for us.


Some will claim that Jesus did not teach about sexuality and marriage, but there is a passage in Matthew 19 that is very plain to me:
4 And He answered and said to them, "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female,'
5 and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'?
6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."

One of the truly remarkable and disturbing trends in culture today has to do with gender confusion, including the twisting of traditional gender roles.  Instead of embracing God's design of male and female, people make the decision that they are not really the gender that their biology would determine them to be.  They think they can choose their gender based on how they feel, and will take steps to "correct" the error of nature.

And, recently, there have been reports, which have been refuted, of high-profile mothers who have indicated that they would take a gender-neutral approach to parenting. That would be Meghan Markle, wife of Prince Harry, as well as actress Kate Hudson.  Nevertheless, it has become a discussion topic in the wider culture.

Now, you have the instance of Wyley Simpson.  In an article at The Stream, Michael Brown writes:
Wyley Simpson is a biological female who is attracted to men. And Wyley just had a baby.
So far, so good?
Not quite. Wyley identifies as a male, which makes him a gay transgender male – a woman who identifies as a man but is attracted to men.
So, Wyley met a gay man named Stephan Gaeth. Wyley, as a biological female, "still had her reproductive organs intact," according to Brown, who writes, "Because Wyley 'had been on testosterone treatments and sports a beard, deeper voice,' she didn’t think she could have a child." But, it happened.  And, it has happened before; Brown states:
In August, 2017, CNN reported that, “Trystan Reese, a transgender man living in Portland, Oregon, has given birth to a boy with his partner of seven years, Biff Chaplow. Their son, Leo Murray Chaplow, was born July 14.”
So, once again, a biological female who is attracted to men and who identifies as a male has given birth to a son, who will doubtless call her “Dad” rather than “Mom.”
And, Rowan, the son of Wyley and Stephan, will be raised "with two 'fathers,' one of whom is actually his mother," as Brown puts it.

Michael Brown wrote a book in 2011 called, A Queer Thing Happened to America.  In it, he wrote about a flight that went off course and was shot down by the Soviet military in 1983; he quoted a piece in The Stream article. He relates the analogy to today's culture:
A small error multiplied becomes a large, consequential error. A slight deviation from the path becomes enormous and even deadly over the course of time. Any marksman will tell you that the tiniest miscalculation in aim will result in a badly missed target. It’s all about the trajectory: If followed to its natural and logical conclusion, where will the current direction take us?”
Brown writes, "Only a gospel-based moral and cultural revolution can stem the flood."

Walt Heyer believed the lie.  In a WORLD Magazine article about opposition to Christian counseling, we can read:
The movement against therapists who hold Biblical views of sexuality and gender also ignores a growing population of Americans who openly regret engaging in transgenderism.
Former transgender activist Walt Heyer, 78, had sex change surgery in 1983 and lived as a woman for eight years before he became a Christian and accepted his biological sex. He released Trans Life Survivors in October, a book of stories from dozens of individuals who regret their decision to undergo sex change surgery. The book only tells 30 stories, but Heyer said hundreds contacted him and said they wished they hadn’t identified as transgender.
The article goes on to say:
Heyer argues that a childhood event—sexual abuse or being cross-dressed by an adult—often precedes gender dysphoria, which sometimes co-exists with other mental conditions. He contends doctors should slow down and first search for the underlying issues before recommending hormone therapy and surgical procedures. When patients realize a transgender life does not bring the hoped-for relief, the same system of doctors “abandons them to their pain,” Heyer said.
Yet, the transgender philosophy continues to permeate society, as people who are not satisfied with God's design try to decide for themselves who they should be and how they should behave.  The warped thinking that leads to the embracing of dozens of different genders, the implementation of gender pronouns, the myth of gender fluidity, and laws that accommodate errant thinking.  Yet, the truth remains: God has a plan; He created us male and female, calling us into male-female marriages, one of the benefits of which is procreation, producing children and populating the earth.  Homosexuality does not bring about the biological, organic population of our species; you need a male and a female - it's God's design!

Now, we have to recognize that God has overarching principles regarding gender and sexuality.  Culture has begun to adopt different principles that attempt to alter His design.  We can also consider how we, in our own lives, in other areas, attempt to alter the will of God.  It comes down to a choice to follow His will for us and to apply His principles, or make our own decisions based on what we think is smart.  Are we really smarter than God?   Human "wisdom" fails magnanimously in the face of the deep, timeless wisdom of God Himself.

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