Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A Remarkable Dinner

Jesus exhibited the characteristics of a servant; ultimately humbling Himself before death so that we
might have new life. He calls us to be humble and kind to others. Philippians 2 states:
3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.
4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

We are called to look outside ourselves and to see the world, and the residents of it, through the eyes of Jesus.  His nature is that of humility, and we are given the capacity to show kindness toward other people.  Later in this chapter of Philippians, Paul writes how Jesus came to earth as a man, a sacrificial act of humility, so that He might be exalted.  The Bible teaches us to be humble before God, and that involves putting down self-reliance and relying on the Spirit.


We are called to exhibit kindness; it is listed among the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians chapter 5.  We
can read this in Colossians 3 about our mindest and demeanor:
12 Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering;
13 bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.
14 But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.

You might not think that a simple dinner at a Bar-B-Q restaurant in Alabama would make national news and become a social media sensation, but such a meal recently has certainly touched hearts.

Jamario Howard, a 23-year-old African-American man from Lincoln, Alabama, was eating at Brad's Bar-B-Que in Oxford with two of his friends, when he noticed an older, white woman sitting a booth in the restaurant - alone.  The website for the Today show related:
Howard said he consulted his friends and they decided he should join the woman at her table.
He said he approached the woman, asking if he could sit with her. She agreed and introduced herself as Eleanor.
Howard said that Eleanor told him all about her grandchildren, the volunteer work she does at a local hospital and the activities she and her husband used to do together. She also shared that her husband had passed away and that the next day, April 19, would have been their 60th wedding anniversary.
The three men asked her to join them for dinner, which lasted for 45 minutes.  The website article says:
“Always be kind,” Howard explained. “It can go a long way for you and a long way for them.”
Howard said that he has seen Eleanor a few times since their dinner last week. The two plan to keep in touch.
The post on Facebook, which was embedded in the article, has generated over a quarter of a million responses.  Jamario wrote:
The point in this is always be kind and be nice to people. You never know what they are going through. This woman changed my outlook on life and how i look at other people. Everyone has a story so do not judge! And people i can’t stress this enough. GO SEE YOUR MOM AND YOUR GRANDPARENTS. They miss you!!
CBS News interviewed the woman, Eleanor Baker, who is 80. She is quoted as saying: "I think it was a God thing. I think God sent me there..."    The CBS article also says:
And certainly, if Eleanor's right that God played any role in this, it may be to remind us of the joy that awaits just outside the bubbles we live in.
Jamario related, "I used to say when I was younger, and I still say today, I want to change the world somehow," adding, "And I don't know how. I'm not rich. I'm not famous. And I'm not very smart either, so I can't be president."  He went on to say, "But we can show the world it's alright to be kind...And then, before long, maybe the world will be a much better place."

Notice the dynamics here - three young black men and an older white women, demonstrating the power of connection.  You know, there is so much that can divide us: race, age, and culture, but these barriers can be overcomekindness can unite us.

The CBS News story referred to the "bubbles we live in."  We can become accustomed to certain ways to live, locked into certain routines, spending time with the same people - perhaps God is calling us outside our comfort zones, to do something really different, to reach outside your "bubble."

Finally, we can heighten our spiritual sensitivity; consider who is "alone" in your world?  There are people in need all around us, and we can be reliant on the Holy Spirit to direct us to those who need a connection; at just the right time and place.

Monday, April 29, 2019

For a Reason

God wants us to be good stewards of the gifts that He has provided for us.  One of those gifts is life
itself. Ephesians 5 states:
15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise,
16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

He is the giver of life, and He wants to teach us and move through us so that our lives reflect His glory and His truth.  We are called to make the best use of our time and pursue His will.  He has a purpose for each of our lives, and as we are devoted to fulfilling it, we can know that we have access to His power in order to bring that to pass.  He is loving and gracious, and has great things in store for the people who have called upon His name.


We can be reminded that life is temporary, and the days we are given on earth are intended to be used
for the glory of God. James chapter 4 states:
12 There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?
13 Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit";
14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.
15 Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."

Every day is a gift from God, and if you're here, you can recognize that and acknowledge the hand of God.  He has a purpose for you - here and now!

In times of tragedy, we not only reflect on and honor those who have lost their lives, but we can also be encouraged by the survival stories.  It's not up to us to determine why God chose to spare some, but we can trust in Him that there is a reason.

The 20th anniversary of the Columbine shooting was commemorated on April 20 of this year.  Perhaps you have heard the stories of Cassie Bernall or Rachel Joy Scott, who perished at the hands of the shooters, presumably because of their faith in Christ.

Rachel's brother, Craig, survived.  His story is told in the new documentary series, After Columbine, which has been released by Pure Flix.  Billy Hallowell of Pure Flix Insider wrote a piece that was posted on the Faithwire website

Craig Scott and Evan Todd are part of the series.  According to the article, Craig recalls being in the school library, hearing popping sounds, and being told by a teacher to hide:
“I asked God to take away my fear, because I literally felt like my heart was going to stop beating, and in that moment I felt relief from my fear,” he said, noting that he experienced something profound in that moment. “About a minute later I heard a voice speak to me and told me ‘Get out of there.’”
Craig had noticed the shooters had left, so, as the story recounts, he "stood up and yelled for everyone to exit the library."  Scott said, “If I didn’t listen to that voice, I think more of us would have been killed..." The shooters re-entered the library after students had left.

The article also states:
Todd, who was also in the library that morning, recalled praying during the attack, asking God to help him survive the ordeal.
“I was praying to God to let me live, to end … what was happening,” he said, noting that the shooters confronted and threatened to kill him.
Evan Todd was asked by one of the shooters why they shouldn't take his life.  The article says that, "Todd responded that he had always been good to people at the school, and for some reason the shooters spared his life and left the library; he was the last person to speak to them."  He related, “Something happened in that moment that I still believe to this day wasn’t my words,” adding, “It was something greater, more powerful.”

In the wake of another mass shooting, this time at another synagogue in America, we can ask some very important questions in this dangerous world: Why do we survive?  Why are we here?  If our lives have been preserved, then we have to attribute that to the hand of God.  So, grateful for our lives, we have to be convinced of God's purpose.  Every day is a gift, and we can live to the glory of God.

In the aftermath of the senseless taking of the lives of others, we can certainly grieve for those lost without bitterness.  And, we can rejoice in those saved without pride.  Survival is not a virtue, it is an undeserved benefit.  We can be challenged to make the most of it.

When we do face danger in our lives, whether it be the physical, emotional, or spiritual, we can remember that in the heat of the moment, we can be committed to prayer.  We can be so conditioned to communing with God that we will cry out to Him in the midst of our struggles.

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Plans

We can experience the guiding hand of God upon our lives.  He desires to do incredible things through our lives, so that we may grow in Him and that people may be drawn to the Lord.  We read in
Psalm 32:
7 You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah
8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.

We are believers in Christ, and we can trust that, as Colossians 3 reminds us, our lives are "hidden with Christ in God."  There is a purpose for our lives and God wants to express His nature and His glory through His people.  As we walk in obedience, we can experience the presence of God, confident that He loves us and goes before us.  Our lives can reflect His greatness.  We can rejoice that Almighty God has chosen to bring us into a relationship with Himself.


There is a passage in Jeremiah 29 that reminds us of the sovereignty of God and His plans for our
lives. We can read:
11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

As I have related over the past few months, I believe we are in an unprecedented season, during which the truth about abortion is being revealed to our culture.  One of the tools that God has used to bring His truth is the movie, Unplanned, which has now done over $17 million at the box office.

Not only does the film tell the story of the transformation of Abby Johnson from Planned Parenthood director to pro-life advocate; a person who believed the lies of the nation's largest abortion provider and embraced the truth of God's Word and the love of His people, but it is a unique and disturbing look inside an abortion clinic and the mindset of the industry, which profits from killing living human beings.

And, there are more and more ways that the film is being used by the Lord. CBN reported on some of those ways, stating:
But box office success isn't the only goal for the film's supporters. It's about changing hearts and lives. So one group is even planning to air the film on the public sidewalk right in front of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Washington, DC at 1225 4th St. NE.
Their original plan to show it on Good Friday was delayed by weather, but they're still planning to show it at that location.
And, there is a desire to show the film at other Planned Parenthood centers, as well, according to Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition. He also is quoted as saying, "'Unplanned' has been censored and discriminated against by social media giants, television networks and other outlets..." CBN reports that, "He says it has faced an unprecedented blockade from Google and Twitter, with ads also being blocked by TV networks like Hallmark, Bravo, The Food Network, and Lifetime."

The article goes on to say:
CBN News recently reported close to 100 abortion clinic workers have left their jobs since seeing the film.
During his testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Chuck Konzelman, director of "Unplanned", said 94 clinic workers have approached Abby Johnson's nonprofit, And Then There Were None, about leaving the abortion industry, according to Pure Flix Insider.
CBN also reports that Ashley Bratcher, who plays Abby in the film, was on Fox and Friends recently and said, "The response had been incredibly positive. I mean, through it all – this has been the most rewarding and fulfilling role I've ever had in my entire career," adding, "To be able to hear someone come up to you and say, 'I was so affected by your work that I decided instead of having an abortion, that I'm now going to have my child' – I don't know how to really explain the way that feels to know that you could have potentially just saved a life."

There is a personal connection for Ashley.  Christian Cinema reports:
Bratcher knew that her mother had gone through with an abortion when she was a high school student, and wanted to make sure that her mother did not see the film as a judgment against her. “There’s such redemption and grace in the story,” Bratcher explained, “and I didn’t want her to feel judged.”
On the other end of the line, Bratcher’s mother wept. “What you don’t know,” Bratcher’s mother finally choked out, “is that I went to the clinic, heard my name called, and found myself on the clinic table examined by a very pregnant nurse. I got physically sick. I couldn’t do it.”
“I chose you.”
Even though Bratcher has told this story before, and shared it with tens of thousands of people, she still gets emotional re-telling it. “I never knew I had a story of my own,” she said. “It still brings me to my knees, that my life, and my being in this movie, have been divinely orchestrated. God planned my story from conception to this moment.”
And, God has chosen.  God has planned.  For this film to have a profound impact.  He chose Abby Johnson and orchestrated her exit from the abortion industry.  He sovereignly placed Shawn Carney and his wife Marilisa at the Texas abortion clinic to minister the love and grace of Christ.  He planned for Ashley Bratcher to play the role of Abby Johnson and have a personal impact on her.  And, He has brought thousands into theatres across America to experience the story.  What a mighty God we serve!

Let's consider some principles as we rejoice in what God has been doing through this film:

First of all, we can stand in amazement at what God has planned for us.  It's not about human potential; it's about God's power to do the impossible through us.  Our lives are not accidents, you have a purpose.  Remember what the Scriptures have to say about the plans He has for us.

We can seize opportunities to share about the sanctity of life and perhaps, as He leads, to be involved in pro-life ministry.  We have a hopeful and Biblical message to proclaim, and the Church is uniquely positioned and qualified to help women in crisis.

And, we can see the hand of God as He uses people to tell stories of His greatness.  Jesus told parables and He has given us the ability to share stories that reinforce Biblical truth.  As we are motivated by the love of Christ, we can be bold to share what He has done.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Speaking Out

Jesus calls us to come before Him and to know Him; we worship Him based on our knowledge of
Him and our position in Christ. John 4 states:
23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.
24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

We are called to grow in the Lord; our salvation experience is not an end unto itself, but the beginning of an adventure that He desires for us to pursue.  He desires for us to get to know Him; and we know Him as we fellowship with Him, as we call on Him, and as we spend time in the Word of God. The Word will change us from within, and we can see how His principles apply to each area of our lives.  His truth renews our minds, influences our decisions, and addresses our concerns.


We can be earnest seekers of God's truth and be motivated to apply and proclaim what God's Word
has to say. John 16 states:
13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.

The Bible speaks to a comprehensive array of topics; in fact, when we are facing a dilemma, it's important that we make Scripture our "go-to" place in order to receive answers.  The Bible has plenty to say about matters that would be considered to be political, and we should not shy away from speaking out boldly consistent with a Christian worldview perspective.

But, I think that the Church could do well to confront a hesitancy to speak out on these matters, even though political commentary, debate, and discussion dominate so much of the media today.  I believe that our worldview can provide the context through which we can see a host of issues.

A Barna Group survey has identified even a hesitancy in our pulpits across America.  ChristianHeadlines.com states:
In a new report from the Barna Group, nine out of 10 Christian pastors said they feel that helping Christians form biblical beliefs about specific issues is a major part of their job.
The report found that pastors face pressure to address specific, sometimes hot button, issues. However, at the same time, pastors said they struggled with just how to address those topics, such as LGBT issues and same-sex marriage.
“The stakes are high in the public square,” the researchers wrote in their report. “The issues pastors feel most pressured to speak out on are the same ones they feel limited to speak on.”
The article linked to a Christianity Today report on the survey.

In its report on the Barna study, ChristianHeadlines.com stated that, "half of Christian pastors said they felt occasionally or frequently limited in their ability to speak out about those controversial issues."  Barna Group President David Kinnaman is quoted as saying, "They actually feel pressured to not preach on certain topics or pressured to speak on topics that they are not ready to talk about..."

The actual Barna summary states that 11% of Christian pastors say they frequently "feel limited in their ability to speak out on moral and social issues because people will take offense;" 39% occasionally feel that way.  That adds up to the "half of Christian pastors."  The summary states, "When asked to identify the source of the concerns, pastors are much more likely to say that they feel limited by those inside the church than those outside. In other words, the reactions of those in the pews are most on the minds of today’s pastors."

The article says:
The biggest topic clergy say they felt pressure to talk about is homosexuality. Nearly half of respondents says they feel limited in how to talk about homosexuality in their church, but at the same time some 37 percent said they felt pressure to speak about it.
Another topic the survey covered was religious freedom. The story related, "Some 75 percent of pastors said they believe religious freedom is becoming 'less valued,' while about 44 percent said they predict that other freedoms could be threatened in the next 10 years."

While this Barna survey dealt with pastors, there can be some universal applications for all of us.  One of the first principles is to pray for boldness.  It can be intimidating sometimes to speak out, I get that.  We can make sure that we are informed, that we are Biblical, and that we are dependent on the Lord to give us the right words to say in the right spirit.

Number 2 is related.  We can be motivated to get some assistance, do some research, find instances in which the Christian worldview perspective is clearly articulated.

And, finally, we can certainly recognize the Bible's authority over a holistic array of issues.  This would include topics that would be considered "political."  As Franklin Graham wrote on Facebook recently, "...God doesn’t have a political party. But God does have commandments, laws, and standards He gives us to live by. God is God. He doesn’t change. His Word is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Lousy Economic Policy

The Bible directs us to live a life free from greed and covetousness.  We look to the Lord as our
provider. Jesus said in Luke 12:15:
15 "...Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses."

He told the story of a man who selfishly wanted to accumulate wealth, to build "barns and bigger
barns." We read:
20 But God said to him, 'Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?'
21 So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."

We have been given the capacity to stand strong against that which tempts us.  The lure of more can distract us from enjoying God's best.  We are called in Scripture to find our contentment in Him, to make Him the first priority in our lives.  If we are consumed with the pursuit of pleasure and possessions, that can mute the most important pursuit - a relationship with Almighty God through Jesus Christ.  We lay down our ambitions so that we can be consumed with what pleases Him.


We have to avoid the temptations that surround us, and as God gives the opportunity, stand against temptations in the political realm that would harm people and communities.  1st Timothy 6 provides
this encouragement:
9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition.
10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
11 But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.

The Alabama Senate, perhaps as soon as tomorrow, will have the opportunity to vote on a bill that provide for a vote by citizens in the state to change our Constitution to allow a lottery; in so doing, voters would also be voting on legalizing electronic bingo, which the state Supreme Court has already found to be illegal, at certain locations, as well as allowing full-fledged casinos on Indian lands. Joe Godfrey of ALCAP provided information and analysis on Tuesday's Meeting House program.  The bill, amended to protect electronic bingo, received a positive vote from the Senate Tourism Committee on Tuesday.  This is a huge matter of prayer and you can respond by contacting your senator, asking him or her to vote "no" to such a comprehensive bill; no, it is certainly not, as proponents have said, a "clean" lottery.

Really, with respect to gambling, it cannot be described as a "clean" endeavor.  It is corrupt activity that is surrounded by and administered by corruption.  Nevertheless, year after year, there are those that propose gambling as a source of revenue for the state.  Of course, a lottery or casino "winner" becomes such because others have to lose.  A Christian Research Institute article says:
There is no “Eleventh Commandment” in the Bible saying “Thou shalt not gamble.” However, gambling violates at least five doctrines of Scripture: the sovereignty of God, stewardship, covetousness, brotherly love, and God’s instruction not to be brought under the power of anything.
From the website Stop Predatory Gambling:
In 1969, New Jersey congressman Cornelius Gallagher wrote that if the Garden State enacted a lottery “we could abandon all taxation in New Jersey and increase every service in our state four times over.”
Today, New Jersey has a state lottery, several casinos, online casino gambling, and commercialized sports betting. Yet the state is in the worst fiscal condition of any U.S. state, ranking 50th in the nation in George Mason University Mercatus Center’s report on the fiscal condition of states.
NJ exemplifies how government-sanctioned gambling has been a spectacular failure as a revenue source. It’s proven to be THE biggest budget gimmick and the calling card of anti-reform politicians across the U.S.
There are those in government who want to saddle the state of Alabama with increased gambling, in the form of a lottery.  The Stop Predatory Gambling site says:
According to the Rockefeller Institute of Government at State University of New York-Albany, the organization doing the best independent research on public revenues from gambling, states creating new revenue streams from gambling may see momentary bumps in tax income but “in the long-run, the growth in state revenues from gambling activities slows or even reverses and declines.”
And, as the article points out, "new gambling operations that are intended to pay for normal increases in state spending add to, rather than ease, long-term budget imbalances."

Plus, there are the "major social costs:"
In addition to targeting and exploiting the financially desperate and cultivating addiction, government-sanctioned gambling leads to increases in rates of personal bankruptcy and provides new avenues for crime and money laundering.
Do our lawmakers want to continue to place the state on a path of increased social maladies as the result of increased gambling?  A Business Insider article lists example after example from various states of the negative effects of lotteries. It states:
They are (1) regressive taxes on poor people, in that a ticket costs relatively more for a poor person than a rich person, and (2) punitive taxes on the poor and uneducated people who are the most avid buyers.
The people who can least afford it are throwing away on average 47 cents on the dollar every time they buy a ticket. And the government, which relies increasingly on the lottery for funding, goes out of its way to tell them it is a good idea.
I have shared a host of principles today.  In summary, we can be reminded of four things:

Participation in gambling is a violation of numerous Biblical principles.  That includes the basic call to love our neighbor.  We are not practicing love when our "neighbor" is having to lose so that someone else may win.

Economically speaking, it is an unreliable source of revenue.  As Stop Predatory Gambling states: it is the "biggest budget gimmick" in America.

Plus, there are enormous social costs tied in with gambling activity. It divides families and brings untold harm to communities.   The activity breeds addicts, which is costly to the social structures of a community.

The good news is that it can be stopped - now.  Pray for legislators to exercise Godly wisdom in opposing this menace.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


The presence of anger and our lack of resistance to frustrating forces can unleash a path of destruction.  When we face difficult situations, we can exercise the restraint of the Spirit.  Colossians
3 states:
8 But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth.
9 Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds,
10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him...

We can respond to misunderstandings, conflict, and accusation through the power of the flesh, which certainly is the incorrect path; or we can rely on God's Spirit, as He helps us to navigate the complexities of life.  Which can become frustrating.  If we give into anger, our judgment can become clouded; we will become intent on retaliation rather than reconciliation, and we damage our credibility in the face of charges against us.  We can seek God for vindication and maintain a humble spirit.


Anger and lack of honesty are powerful, destructive forces, and we must take steps to eradicate them
from our lives. We have God's power available to help us do that. Proverbs 29 says:
11 A fool vents all his feelings, But a wise man holds them back.
12 If a ruler pays attention to lies, All his servants become wicked.
13 The poor man and the oppressor have this in common: The Lord gives light to the eyes of both.

The long-anticipated Mueller report was released last week, and perhaps you have been exposed to the seemingly endless parade of media analysis and punditry, of legal experts attempting to apply their knowledge to the findings of the special counsel.

Bottom line: the Mueller team did not find that there was collusion with Russia or its representatives by the Trump campaign concerning the 2016 election.  That much seems clear, and constitutes a clear win for the President.

But, whether or not the President impeded in the investigation - also known as "obstruction of justice," the clarity of the first finding was missing in the second half of the report.  The team said this, as Al Perrotta points out at The Stream website:
“If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. However, we are unable to reach that judgement.”
Perrotta points out: "That is not a legal statement. That is a political one. Note how the phrase 'clearly did not' puts the burden of proof on Trump." His translation: “We cannot show he committed obstruction of justice, hard as we tried. And we’re supposed to shut-up at this point, but we can’t help ourselves.”

So after two years, the highly-funded, experienced, legal whizzes decided that Congress would be a better determiner of the President's innocence than they.   There were 10 instances that the team believed could have constituted obstruction of justice.  Just a smattering here, again from Perrotta:
  • The appointment of a Special Counsel and efforts to remove him.
  • Efforts to curtail the Special Counsel’s investigation.
  • Efforts to prevent public disclosure of evidence.
  • Further efforts to have the Attorney General take control of the investigation.
  • Efforts to have McGahn deny that the President had ordered him to have the Special Counsel removed.
McGahn was White House counsel.  

It's been widely reported that the President's reaction to the appointment of Mueller included profanity and the declaration that his Presidency was done.  He was mad at Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia investigation.  It is a poorly kept secret in Washington circles that Trump considered firing Robert Mueller.  But, in the end, the special counsel's work ended up moving forward without impedence.  

Columnist and media host Erick Erickson says why:
...there is a key line in the Mueller report that “The President’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests.” In other words, the President tried to obstruct justice, but was not successful. For two years, individuals on the left and in the media have routinely engaged in harassment of any competent individual who might want to work for the President. We should be glad this effort at harassment and intimidation was unsuccessful.
Even among many of his supporters, I would say, Donald Trump is not a shining example of grace and mercy.  He is known for his propensity to hold grudges and to fight back against those he perceives to be his opponents.  And, there were plenty of people that he regarded as such here - James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Mueller himself, and members of the Mueller team.  It became apparent that some on the team did not have clean hands regarding the investigation and certainly had a political ax to grind.  Nevertheless, the report does not paint a flattering picture of the President, but the portrait should not be unexpected.

The Democrats will subpeona high-ranking officials, such as Attorney General Barr, former White House Counsel McGahn, and Mueller himself.  There is plenty of "must see TV" ahead, which will provide compelling content, but perhaps add to the weight of the investigation that has already affected the American consciousness.  Will there be impeachment?  Democrats are divided: some Republicans would like to see it because it would hurt the Democrats, but the political reality is that even though the House might vote to impeach, the Senate would have to conduct the trial and ultimately vote to remove from office, which is unlikely given the party makeup.  And, in contrast to the Clinton impeachment, as then-special counsel Ken Starr said on Fox over the weekend, his team had found actual crimes.

But, what I'd like to do is think with you about how we should respond when we are accused, perhaps falsely so.  One dominant question would be: "How far do you go when falsely accused (or you believe that you are)?" I think one starting point would be to embrace the truth.  Don't try to whitewash the situation, but be straightforward and honest.

We can also pray that the truth will prevail.  In the process of doing that, we can be intent on resisting anger.  We can also trust God for vindication.  And, if there are circumstances in which we have missed the mark, we can make sure that we are honest, humble, and repentant, desiring to make things right.  Clarity and truth can help to remove misunderstanding.

Anger can serve to cloud issues.  Anger inhibits good judgment.  By the power of the Spirit, we can control frustration and rely on God for soundmindedness.

The President, as we know, tends to favor a team of rivals approach.  He demands loyalty ultimately, but apparently, he thrives on chaos among advisors.  This is a model that he has used throughout his career.  In this case, his choice of associates actually, in some cases, helped him; for instance, as Erickson pointed out, the decisions of his White House counsel may have gotten him off from an obstruction charge.  The Bible speaks of a multitude of counselors...we can be devoted to enlisting assistance, but in the right way - we can be intent on surrounding ourselves with good, Godly counsel to help us navigate difficult situations.

Finally, in life, we will face accusations; not only from the human perspective, but from the spiritual. We are in battle with the devil, described as the "accuser of the brethren."  But, Revelation teaches us that we can overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony.  We can be secure in our position in Christ, forgiven by His blood, and grounded in the truth of the Scriptures. 

Monday, April 22, 2019

Shifting and Suffering

As we look around our world today, we see that there are areas in which it is really tough to live out the Christian faith; and while we encounter opposition in America today, we also recognize that people can be arrested and perhaps even put to death for their faith in some countries.  1st Peter 4
12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you;
13 but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.
14 If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified.

Jesus promised in John 16 that in this world, we would have tribulation, but be of good cheer.  We can be encouraged by those who are facing persecution around the world, who view the opportunity to suffer for Christ as a privilege and seek to give Him glory. And, they continue to exhibit a level of perseverance; not allowing the suffering to dry up their faith, but to release it and to become more fervent in their practice; even meeting in secret so they might express their devotion to honoring the Lord.


The Bible speaks in 1st Peter 2 about our relationship to governmental authority. We can read:
13 Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whether to the king as supreme,
14 or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good.
15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men--
16 as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God.
17 Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.

Perhaps your celebration of our risen Lord yesterday was punctuated by the report of multiple bombings in the nation of Sri Lanka, where the death toll in coordinated bomb attacks on churches and hotels has surpassed 200.  In 2017, in an incident pointed out by Christianity Today, it was on Palm Sunday that was "the occasion for deadly attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt."  The CT story states: "Sadly, Holy Week has been a dangerous time for places where Christian minorities face terrorist violence, and churches typically prepare with heightened security."

David Curry of Open Doors USA is quoted in the article. He says, “These coordinated attacks against churches in Sri Lanka were planned on Easter to strike fear in the hearts of Christians. But this sort of tactic will not prevail this Easter,” adding, “I call on all Christians to unite in their suffering and in their testimony of how Jesus triumphs over death. We stand against this attack fiercely believing that all people should have the right to worship freely.”

The article says that...
...Johnnie Moore, an evangelical leader and commissioner with the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, tweeted: “Christians now awaken each Easter & ask, ‘WHERE will [we] be killed this year?’ Not, ‘IF.’”
While the attacks in Sri Lanka, which is located in the Indian Ocean, have been labeled as terrorist attacks and over a dozen people have been brought into custody, it was not initially unclear what group may have been responsible.  Sri Lanka is a predominantly Buddhist country.

The National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka referenced Romans 12 in a statement; it says: “Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying..." According to Christianity Today, the group urged Christians to “remain calm and refrain from being misled by rumours during this time of crisis."

The article also says:
Last October, Sri Lankan evangelicals complained of rising religious freedom violations, with the NCEASL reporting 67 incidents from January to September 2018. Last August, the Sri Lankan Supreme Court confirmed that the right “to propagate” one’s religion is not protected by the Constitution, which gives Buddhism the “foremost place” among all other religions and places it under state protection, reported World Watch Monitor.
Tensions run high between Christians and other faith groups around the world, and Christians face religious persecution all across the globe.  They share in the sufferings of Christ as they themselves suffer for His name.

But, there is good news that is emerging in some nations.  Take, for instance, Sudan.  Another Christianity Today article says that, in the aftermath of the overthrow of "30-year dictator" Omar al-Bashir, Sudanese Christians are mobilizing.  The article states:
On April 10, one day before Bashir’s arrest, the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) leading protests put out a call for Christian participation, acknowledging “you have suffered sectarian and psychological restrictions for years … [which have left you] without the right to worship freely.”
Shortly thereafter the SPA declared “Christ is the heart of the revolution,” and cited “blessed are the peacemakers.”
On April 14, Sudanese Christians responded.
Leaders from the Evangelical Presbyterian, Baptist, and Church of Christ denominations in Sudan appeared at a sit-in at military headquarters, offering hymns sung by both Christians and Muslims.
“This is a time to move away from the trenches of religious and ethnic discrimination and head towards an inclusive and unifying Sudanese national identity for all of us,” said Rafaat Masaad, head of the Evangelical Synods in Sudan.
“We must make a covenant that we will not withdraw or accept anything less than a new Sudan ruled by humanity and citizenship.”
Sudan is ranked sixth on Open Doors' World Watch List of leading persecutors of Christians; Algeria, which has recently experienced a military overthrow of its longtime president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, is #22.

There, the Algerian Protestant Church, better known as the EPA, representing its French acronym has mobilized in favor of a more democratic nation.  The CT article says:
“Since the beginning of the year, all the churches have begun to pray and fast for the elections,” said an unidentified Algerian Open Doors source, knowing the results are “unpredictable” but aiming for better legal standing.
"We hope that the Lord intervenes in our country.”
But on March 22, with the protests fully engaged, the EPA put out an official statement.
“We Algerian Christians, as equal Algerian citizens, fully share the aspirations and the legitimate demands of the Algerian people in their peaceful fight for a modern and democratic Republic,” it declared, “where the fundamental rights of the citizen will be respected and protected, no matter what their political and religious convictions may be.”
But, the Christianity Today article strikes a cautious tone, because even though you might have strongmen who have been deposed, that doesn't mean that the situation may improve for Christians.  Take, for instance, Egypt, where one strong leader was deposed and the Muslim Brotherhood rose to power before being removed by the military - the replacement wasn't necessarily an upgrade.  But, in Egypt, Coptic Christians seem to have curried favor with al-Sisi government there.  Perhaps the situations in Sudan and Algeria can result in greater religious freedom.  And, even the events in Sri Lanka over the weekend could identify the need for the protection of Christians in that country.

Here are some concepts that can be taken away from these developments.

First of all, we know that God deals in the affairs of nations, and ultimately, governmental authorities, even the hostile ones, can be used for His glory.  Our officials may not do what we want them to do, and we are called to pray for them, but even what seems to be a negative outcome can provide an opportunity for the Spirit to work.

But He may use His people in the process of regime change.  Look at the spiritual dynamics, for instance, of the fall of eastern European nations that lay behind the Iron Curtain decades ago.  Certainly, He used people devoted to Biblical principles to establish this nation and its founding principles. And, in our republic, He uses people, including His people, to take that opportunity to vote in order to select leadership.

Ultimately, in persecution or freedom, our allegiance is ultimately to Almighty God; if we are being persecuted, as Jesus taught, we endure for His glory.  We cannot look to politicians to save us; our hope is in Christ.

Friday, April 19, 2019


Jesus invites all to come to Him; the cross on which He died reminds us of His expression of His love for all humanity. Revelation 3 states:
18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.
19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.
20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

Jesus gave His life so that we can come to know Him.  By His blood, He has brought forgiveness of sins and the promise of a right relationship with God.  He was our perfect sacrifice for sin, paying a penalty that each of us could never pay.  And, He rose from the dead, so that we could experience His new life.  He defeated death so that we could have eternal life.  That is now available for all, for anyone, who would accept Him as Lord and Savior.


We can reflect on all that God has in store for us as we surrender our lives to Him; embracing His
Son and being born again. Colossians 1 states:
13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,
14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.

He loved to skateboard and he loved the party scene.  After his girlfriend became pregnant - twice - and aborted both their babies, he got mad at God.  As the God Reports story relates, his partying "ramped up."  He got a job with an international sports and events marketing company and traveled the globe.

He is quoted in the article as saying:
“Playboy mansion parties, porn stars hosting our events, taking cocaine like crazy,” he remembers. “It feels good for a while. But what happens is the hole in my heart keeps getting bigger and bigger. I keep having to fill it with more alcohol, more drugs, more girls. It’s like the dog that chases its tail. That’s what I felt my life was.”
Ryan Ries asked God for a sign - God gave Him the Word.  In a hotel room in Panama City, Panama.  With a Gideons Bible.  He was there on a promotional gig and overdosed on a powerful combination of drugs; he almost died.  The story says:
He grabbed the Gideon’s Bible from the hotel room and started reading on the plane from Panama City to LAX.
“I literally read the Bible for six hours,” he says. “I remember the whole skateboard team, they’re looking at me, going, ‘The cocaine pirate is actually reading the Bible? Are you kidding me right now?’”
But when he landed, he felt peace for the first time in a long time.
Once home, he prayed. “I have some serious issues,” he told God. “I need you to remove this stuff out of my life.”
Ryan gave His life to Christ and began to use his talents for the Lord.  A CBN article quotes Ryan:
So by the time I came back to church, you know, after living this life for 19 years, being very disconnected from Christians and Christianity and God, you definitely feel like a black sheep when you walk into church.

And I just laid it all down at the cross in the Garden of Gethsemane and said, ‘God, if you can have someone contact me that's not in my inner circle, I'll follow you and I'll go tell my story.’ The Holy Spirit answered my prayer the next day.
I was out in Israel with Sonny Sandoval, the lead singer from P.O.D. and he told me this idea of this movement he had called The Whosoevers, the anybodies around the world coming together to reach the culture.
The God Reports site states:
“Whosoevers” comes from John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The Whosovers is dedicated to reaching out to young people with the truth of Jesus.  The Tactical Faith website has an interview with Ryan, recorded at a conference sponsored by Maven, a new ministry started by Brett Kunkle, that is, according to Tactical Faith, "...focused on equipping a younger generation on defending the faith with grace and truth."  The website says, "This guy has a passion for Jesus, and a willingness to bear the cross of Jesus."

The CBN article quotes Ryan:
This movement is for the youth around the world. We speak purpose into the lives of people that need Christ. In reality, Jesus loves homosexuals, Jesus loves the prostitutes, Jesus loves sinners. That’s why God sent Him into the world. And by Him loving them and them accepting Him then God transforms their heart, transforms their mind, and does the work supernaturally in the natural.
From death to life...and "whosoever" can receive it.  That's the message of Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  We can place all our sin, all our hurt, our sorrow, our shame, on the cross and experience Christ lifting our burdens and walking in the new life that He promises.

From darkness to light.  We have all walked in the darkness, separated from God by our sin.  But Jesus shone His light in the darkness!  The light of the world has come to set us free.  His truth enlightens our minds so that we might know Him better.

From deception to liberation.  The enemy wants to destroy our lives, and He will lie to us to keep us in bondage.  But, Christ brings His truth and we can break free from the deception of the enemy so that we might experience what God has to offer us.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The "Why?"

Because Jesus lives, we live in Him.  He said that He is the resurrection and the life and the life of a
Christian is found in Him. 1st Peter 1 says:
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
4 to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you...

The cross can remind us of what Jesus did for us and the empty tomb is a living reminder of the presence of the Lord in His people.  We can receive forgiveness from God because Jesus removed all the barriers and has invited us to come into a relationship with Himself through salvation.  In a world that is desperate need of a source of hope, the Lord has come to remind us that He is the light of the world and source of our hope, our strength, and our forgiveness!


Before He raised Lazarus from the dead, Jesus taught his sisters, Mary and Martha, about Himself
and foreshadowed His own resurrection. We read in John 11:
25 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.
26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"

We read in verse 27 that Martha replied, "Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world."

Jesus asked the question concerning resurrection and eternal life: "Do you believe this?"  A story on the Christian Today website leads off by saying:
Only 46 per cent of British Christians believe Jesus died on the cross to save them from their sins, a new poll has found.
The survey of 2,042 British adults was carried out by ComRes on behalf of the BBC and asked participants, 'To what extent, if at all, do you agree or disagree that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected at Easter so that you can be forgiven for your sins?'
Out of the respondents who identified as Christian, a quarter said they neither disagreed nor agreed, while 17 per cent of Christians said they did not agree.
The poll also examined matters surrounding forgiveness and if respondents thought certain actions could not be forgiven.

Also, in the U.K., around two-thirds of those surveyed attend a religious service, outside of weddings and funerals.

The Church Times website reported that the more active a person identified as a Christian was, the more likely he or she was to agree with the statement.  That article says:
Of those respondents who attended church at least monthly, 67 per cent agreed, as did nearly half (48 per cent) of those who had ever attended. Among “active Christians” (those who identified as Christian and attended church at least monthly), there was 82-per-cent agreement.
Regarding the forgiveness questions, the Church Times website states:
A high percentage of respondents said that they would find it “impossible” to forgive crimes. For murder, the percentage was 73 per cent, with 23 per cent selecting “difficult”. For child abuse, it was 85 per cent.
Nearly one quarter (23 per cent) stated that infidelity would be impossible to forgive, and 60 per cent said that it would be “difficult”.
But, as the Bishop of Manchester, Dr. David Walker points out: "On most of the example wrongdoings the survey poses, regular churchgoers were significantly more likely to think that it was possible to forgive than the general population. That doesn’t surprise me, but it does encourage me enormously.”

The Bishop also says:
I would want to see the crucifixion and resurrection in slightly broader terms, emphasising the promise of eternal life and the assurance of God’s unquenchable love for all his creation. The fact that the survey focuses on sin inevitably has a bearing on how people have answered.
Nonetheless, the clearest finding of the poll is that people who go to church regularly feel more able to forgive. On most of the example wrongdoings the survey poses, regular churchgoers were significantly more likely to think that it was possible to forgive than the general population. That doesn’t surprise me, but it does encourage me enormously.
He also pointed to an area of hope from the survey data, saying that, "one of the striking features of the research is that the group most likely to identify as Christian were under the age of 24." He says, "I meet many young people who are curious about faith and are setting out on their own faith journeys. It also backs up the findings of other recent studies."

The crucifixion of Christ.  His resurrection from the dead.  The forgiveness of sins.  These are all concepts that we can reflect on during this Holy Week.  We can no doubt commemorate the "what?" but we should always consider the "why?"  And, the more we are exposed to the truth of the Scriptures, the greater handle we get on these weightier matters concerning the acts of Jesus at the end of His earthly life.

Unfortunately, you have many British Christians that do not believe that Jesus died and rose again - that is certainly problematic, but not necessarily surprising.  In America, we see that Christianity is being redefined.  We have to sharpen our sensitivity in the Church to the true meaning of Christ's coming - He didn't come to give us the good life or to make us feel better about ourselves; He came to give us the best life - His life.  He has come set us free from the power of the sin that Hebrews 12 says "so easily entangles."

During this season, we can be challenged to embrace the gospel message and appreciate its clarity; to think about how what Jesus did on the cross and through His resurrection affects us.  He wants to change us, to live through us, to express His love to us and His nature through us.

The Mob

We are called and empowered to be people who love Christ and reflect our love for Him in the situations we encounter each day.  1st Corinthians 2 tells us that we are to have a different mindset
than the world - we can read:
12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.
13 These things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

No doubt, each of us has been placed in this world for a purpose.  And, we can consistently examine how much of the world is in us.  We may have an opportunity to inject Godly wisdom into a situation and allow His truth the shape the thinking of others; but we have to guard against the wisdom of the world to affect us and cause us to compromise His principles.  Romans 12 speaks of having our minds renewed, and that can be so helpful when we encounter streams of thought that don't line up wt His truth.


The Bible shows us how we can demonstrate Godly character, and we can rely on the Spirit to speak
through us when we are in challenging situations. Colossians 4 states:
5 Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time.
6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.

Kay Coles James knows what it means to be an outsider.  She is from Richmond, Virginia, an African-American lady who, as a child was, according to The Daily Signal, "one of two dozen black children who integrated a school" there; the article said that she was "braving taunts, shoves, and being stuck with pins."

Well, decades later, James, who is now President of the Heritage Foundation, has faced the taunts of the corporate world because of her deeply held convictions - she has been known as a reliable, determined, Christian voice for years. The Signal says:
Earlier this year, Google invited James to join an artificial intelligence advisory council that would exchange views to help guide Google’s policies in this area.
Almost immediately, a petition was circulated demanding her removal.  Obviously, she - or more specifically, her views - didn't fit in.  The Daily Signal states:
The petition was eventually signed by some 2,500 people, not just at Google, but at dozens of universities in the United States and Canada and woke companies such as Lyft and Vox Media. The company gave in to the mob last week and disbanded the council.
James’ transgression? The petition accused her of being “anti-trans, anti-LGBTQ and anti-immigrant,” and produced as evidence three tweets.
Of course, as the article says, "James is none of those things."  The article, written by Heritage Foundation Senior Fellow Mike Gonzalez, traces this attempted suppression of traditional views, many of which are consistent with a Christian worldview perspective, back to the early 20th Century and philosophers who have attempted to inhibit freedom and instigate socialism.  This involved taking over "institutions" with revolutionary ideas.

One such individual was a Columbia University professor named Herbert Marcuse, who called for "Repressive Tolerance."  Gonzalez writes:
Writing in 1965, he called for “the practice of discriminating tolerance in an inverse direction, as a means of shifting the balance between Right and Left by restraining the liberty of the Right, thus counteracting the pervasive inequality of freedom.”
Now, as he points out, "Having taken over most of the academy, Hollywood, and the media, they have set their sights on the new commanding heights, the internet. Thus, we see this bias not just at Google, but also in Twitter, Facebook, and the others."  He warns against wanting to slap government regulation on the tech companies, but says that people need to continue to speak out.

James has done just that, writing an op-ed in the Washington Post about her plight.  She has been bullied in her life, and she continues to stand firm.  We can be reminded to stand firm in the face of resistance and oppression.

There does seem to be plenty of that to go around these days.  Many don't understand or appreciate the Christian faith, as Jesus taught and lived it.  There are those that redefine Christianity to fit in a more socially acceptable box.  But, our call is not to make Christianity socially acceptable, but to reflect the reality of Jesus in us.  Cultural institutions have been infected with hostility to the Bible as a whole and toward Christians who live it; but the Bible encourages us to not grow weary in obedience and, as Jesus taught, to be of good cheer, because He has overcome the world.

The aim of our lives is not to try to craft a personal faith that the world accepts, but for Jesus to live through us in a manner in which people are drawn to Him.  We can be firm in our convictions, while our compassion is very evident.  Tolerance is the order of the day, yet Christians are not afforded that same privilege, it seems.  Even though we are being forced to accept ideas that are inconsistent with the Bible, we don't have to incorporate them into our lives and have to guard against the temptation to do so.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Pete, Pence, & the Presidency

Jesus came to die and to live again so that we, by identifying with His death and resurrection, we might be raised to new life and experience His power to put to death the deeds of our sinful flesh.  Romans 8 says:
11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.
12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors--not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh.
13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

Jesus came to save sinners and to empower us to triumph over sin.  In an age where we find people who identify by their sin and attempt to justify it by placing a "God-stamp" on it, we recognize that we are no longer identified by our sin, but by His resurrection power.  When we sin, we have a powerful ally to bring us forgiveness and to give us the tools through which we can resist temptation and crucify the desires that are not pleasing to God.


We are called to live the crucified life, recognizing that Jesus gave His life, not to justify our sins or
rationalize our behavior, but to honor Him with the choices we make and the character we demonstrate. In Galatians 5, we can read:
24 And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

The 2020 Presidential campaign is beginning to ramp up, no doubt, as half the Democratic Party seems to be running.  But, an odd development is that the 2024 campaign seems to be getting started, as well.  The latest Democratic "Flavor of the Week" candidate, South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg, who has received some traction as a gay man who uses religious rhetoric against someone who is known for his personal faith, likely 2024 candidate Vice-President Mike Pence.  Yes, "Mayor Pete," as he is called, has taken the VP to task for supporting Mr. Trump's "porn star presidency," but his sharpest arrows have certainly been toward Pence.

The problem for Pete is that Mike Pence has taken the high road and acted in a civil manner - and he's told the truth.  Now, Buttigieg, who has tried to establish himself as some sort of moral authority even as he engages in behavior that is certainly contrary to Scripture, such as being "married" to another man and supporting abortion, has said this, according to a CBN.com story:
“I wish the Mike Pence’s of the world would understand, that if you have a problem with who I am, your quarrel is not with me,” Buttigieg, who is openly gay and married, declared Sunday. “Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.”
Buttigieg also referred to Pence when insisting that his gay marriage brought him “closer to God.”
I think the errant theology is clear there, but Pence took a clever and personal approach, not engaging him on sexuality, but on integrity. The article says that, "the Vice President told CNBC that Buttigieg 'knows better' than to say 'things that are critical of my Christian faith and about me personally.'"  But, the Vice-President wasn't finished...CBN goes on:
“He knows me,” Pence added, “but I get it. You know, it’s look, again, 19 people running for president on that side in a party that’s sliding off to the left. And they’re all competing with one another for how much more liberal they are.”
Pence, who has been a staunch believer in traditional marriage for his entire political career, noted that this “doesn’t mean that we’re we’re critical of anyone else who has a different point of view..”
Oh, and Mike Pence used to be governor of Indiana, so he, as he says, "worked very closely with Mayor Pete;” also, they “had a great working relationship.”

And, as Faithwire reports, Karen Pence, who has been criticized for teaching at a Christian school that upholds Biblical beliefs, including on the topic of marriage, took a respectful tone:
During an interview with Fox News Radio host Brian Kilmeade, Karen Pence said people “shouldn’t be attacked” over their religious beliefs.
“I think, in our country, we need to understand you shouldn’t be attacked for what your religious beliefs are and I think kids need to learn that, at a young age, that this is OK, what faith people have,” she said. “We don’t attack them for their faith.” 
But you can, I believe, examine his policies.  Author and media host Michael Brown states in a piece at LifeSiteNews.com:
Buttigieg says that one of his favorite verses in the Bible is where Jesus says, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these ... you did for me" (see Matt. 25:31–46). Yet Buttigieg claims that when it comes to abortion, "Jesus never mentioned the issue."
So, for Buttigieg, whose platform is thoroughly to the left, innocent, helpless babies in the womb are not included in the "least of these," yet illegal immigrants are.
In fact, not only is he "openly pro-choice," but when it comes to late-term abortion, he will make no official comment, saying only this: "when a woman is in that situation ... extremely difficult, painful, often medically serious situations where life or health of the mother is at stake, involvement of a male government official like me is not helpful."
So much for caring for "the least of these."
So much to process here..a few related thoughts:

First, a word about Mike Pence's reaction to criticism; he has chosen to take the high road, not responding in kind to unfair criticism or publicly denigrating another person's faith.  Humans will commonly respond in anger to personal attacks, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can demonstrate character that is respectful and that honors Christ.

With respect to matters of policy, we can be challenged to get to know the candidates and examine the Scripturality of the issues.  The Bible affirms life and traditional marriage of one man and one woman.  Will a candidate uphold these cornerstone principles and defend them?

What about the so-called Green New Deal?  It seems that has become a legislative initiative that Mayor Pete and most of the other Democratic candidates have lined up behind in some form or the other.  Does giving out "free money" regardless of work square with Scripture?  How far does an intrusive government enforcing socialistic principles fall outside the boundaries of 1st Peter 3, which charges government with maintaining order and punishing evil?  Do candidates who aspire to the Presidency or other offices believe rights come from God or from government?  There is a discussion of the source of rights currently on the Faith Radio website and app, with constitutional attorney Jenna Ellis.

We can also be inspired to make sure that our Christianity is defined by the Scriptures, not by what might sound good to the culture at large.  And, as Everett Piper, the President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University wrote in an op-ed for The Washington Times, "You don’t get to make up your own Christianity. You also don’t get to make up your own Jesus, and in case you missed it, He is explicitly clear on His definition of marriage: 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh.'"

Piper asks the question of the Presidential hopeful...
..."has it ever occurred to you, that the “Mike Pences of the world” don’t have a problem with “who you are,” but rather we just disagree with what you do? We believe human identity is much more than the sum total of someone’s sexual inclinations. In fact, the “creator” whom you so boldly reference makes this pretty clear.

There is no place in His entire biblical narrative where He defines us by our desires. All of us, however, are known by our choices.
During this Holy Week, may we defined by our desire to follow Christ and reflect on the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for us.  In an age where the banner of Christianity seems to cover some unbiblical ideas and those become the central focus on one's theology, it seems, we can return to the simple truth that we need a Savior, and Jesus died for us.

Monday, April 15, 2019


Yesterday was the beginning of Holy Week, marked by Palm Sunday, commemorating the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.  The story of the events of the week culminated in His death and resurrection, and those are key elements in our own stories of redemption through Christ.  Colossians 2 states:
19 For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell,
20 and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.
21 And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled
22 in the body of His flesh through death...

He did it - for you!  You are part of the incredible story of Easter, because Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead so that you might come to know Him, that you could be brought into fellowship with God through Him.  His story is told through you: you have a new heart, you have become a new creation, and He expresses His newness of life through your life.  This is an incredible time of year where perhaps people are more receptive to the awareness of the presence of God, which can be seen in His people.

The story of what Christ has done for us and the events unfolding during what is commonly called "Holy Week" is our story, the story of a Savior who gave His life so that we might come to know Him, and He has expressed that story in and through us.  Titus 2 says:
11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,
12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age,
13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,
14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.

Minh Viet is a Vietnamese boy who is 11 years old.  His story is told in a recent Faithwire article, which relates:
Minh Viet’s addiction to playing violent video games began at 8 years old, and since then, he’s been at it for hours every day. One visible effect of his obsession is the uncontrollable blinking of his eyes.

But more alarming than the eye twitching is how these games led Minh Viet to think about suicide. One time came after his mother scolded him and took away his iPad.
Minh Viet said, “I cried. I want to commit suicide.” When asked how this is done, he said he learned how to do it from his gaming. “In the video games, they jump off the roof.”
The article quoted his mother, Ngocanh Le: “He says that I will commit suicide. He cannot do what adults expect him to do. He feels he is a failure.”

In this case, this young man was tempted to act, based upon images that he encountered in a a video game.  His mother was no doubt concerned, but as a Christian believed that prayer and God's Word could provide answers for her son.  But, as the article says, "she also knew that Minh Viet needed something that would catch his attention, just like the video games."

Enter a tool that God has been using the lives of children for years, an animated video series that has just been translated into Vietnamese: SuperbookFaithwire reports:
“He loves ‘Superbook’ very much. He has shifted from video games to ‘Superbook.’ He understands more about the Bible. And sometimes, he says to me he feels he’s very sinful. But God has saved him. He was touched by God. And in school, he got very much improvement.”
The story relates that:
In Vietnam, 7,000 children are learning the Word of God through “Superbook.” CBN Vietnam is praying that more churches will use the “Superbook” curriculum so that children who have been deceived by the devil like Minh Viet can be saved.
Superbook got its start back in 1981 when the Christian Broadcasting Network, or CBN, created it to reach out to the children of Japan, according to CBN's website, which says: "Over 8 million people a night watched Superbook on Japanese prime-time television, and the Bible became the nation's best-selling book."  In 1989, an unstable time in the former Soviet Union, "When Superbook aired during prime-time on the Soviet National Channel, CBN received over 6 million letters from children, introducing an entire generation to the Bible."

That original series has literally gone around the world. The website states, "More than 500 million people watched the series, 52 episodes were translated in 43 languages and broadcast in 106 countries."  There are a number of "Emmy-winning artists and storytellers" who are working with CBN to "reimagine the classic series using the latest 3D CGI technology."

Well, it is clear that God has used and will continue to use these animated presentations that present His truth.  You see, the story captured in God's Word is timeless.  Yes, the methodology of telling His story may change, and as the Superbook producers have shown, sometimes updates are necessary to leverage new ways to tell stories.  We can be reliant on Holy Spirit to show when changes need to be made.

We also recognize that the story of salvation through Christ does not change, including the Biblical fact of how we can be saved - Jesus came to earth, He died on a cross, is risen from the dead, and lives in you and me.  That's the story, and we can be committed to preserving its integrity. During this Holy Week, we can reflect on how God's story has intersected with our own.

Also, more opportunities for God to express His story are on the way.  Not only will Breakthrough and The Pilgrim's Progress be in theatres this week, but it was announced at NRB that there will be new episodes of Veggie Tales roll out in the future.  We can be thankful for Christian storytellers who are dedicated to presenting the truth of Jesus.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Model Generosity

We cannot be good in our own strength, but we can allow the presence of the Lord to be expresssed from within us.  We can be challenged by Proverbs 16:
1 The preparations of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.
2 All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the spirits.
3 Commit your works to the Lord, And your thoughts will be established.

Our ambition to do the right thing comes from the presence of the indwelling Christ.  Because of the direction of His Word and the prompting of the Spirit, we have the potential to know what to do in the situations we encounter in life.  Sometimes, even though we may be struggling, we can still find the still, small voice, if we are still and, as the Psalm says, know that He is God.  In those quiet moments, we can discover what the Lord would have us to do and we can draw upon the seeds of compassion and desire to please God.


The call to serve and to reflect the character of Christ is underscored in Psalm 37.  None of us can rightly be called "good," but good deeds are reflected in our lives through the presence of the Lord working through us. Here's a passage from that Psalm:
23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.
24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.
25 I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread.
26 He is ever merciful, and lends; And his descendants are blessed.

Yesterday, we talked about Biblical principles that are violated by gambling.  We have to stand against the presence of greed in our lives, and one practical way to do that is to develop a charitable heart.

We can be inspired by the example of a filmmaker who has been known for his honest portrayals of life in America, who has been known for integrating Christian truth into his movies.

His name is Tyler Perry, and recently, he used his financial gain to help someone who had experienced loss.  According to ChristianHeadlines.com, Audrey Turner received a call from the actor and producer after her mother was murdered.   The story relates:
"It was a call I wasn't even going to answer. I said, 'Well, let me answer it to see who it is.' I answered and the person on the other end said, 'This is Tyler.' I said, 'Who?' …[H]e said, 'Tyler Perry.' At that point, I just broke down crying," said Evans' daughter Audrey Turner to WSB-TV.

The four children, two of whom are minors, feared eviction following their mother’s death. But, the actor and filmmaker, best known for his role as Madea, covered their rent. He also paid for two funerals — one in Atlanta and another in Evans’ home state of Wisconsin — as well as tuition for freshman Sharadiant Turner, who attends Spelman College in Atlanta.
The story states that the mother, Tynesha Evans, who was 45 years old, "was fatally shot in the parking lot of a Wells Fargo bank in Alpharetta, Georgia. The alleged shooter was her 58-year-old boyfriend. The Alpharetta Police Department reported that an armed civilian heard the attack and responded to the shooter, demanding that he put down his gun, and waited until the police arrived. Tynesha was taken to the hospital, where she died."

But, this is not a first for Perry. Christian Headlines says that, "According to USA Today, Perry paid over $400,000 in layaway bills at two Walmart stores last December."

I am by no means endorsing the work or lifestyle of Tyler Perry; even though he has been known for his references to faith in film and his personal life, he has faced criticism for not exactly walking the walk. For instance, Movieguide does caution against the filmmaker's latest release.  But I do believe the seeds of faith are there, driving him to do charitable acts such as those I have reported, and that's what I want to drive home.

And, because of the seeds of faith and leadership of the Holy Spirit, people will do the right thing. One of the more recent references to his faith comes in a 2017 piece on the Sonoma Christian Home website, which references his book called, Heaven is Waiting, states:
In his book, Tyler Perry shares how his experiences affected his work, how he nurtured his dreams, and how he discovered solace in nature. Further, he explains his resolute determination to reach ever higher, how he developed an awareness of God, and how he learned to tune into God’s voice. He tells how he persevered through hard times, how he chose faith over fear, and how he developed commitment and service to others. Even more, he explains how has God has guided his life lessons and insights into scripture, as well as why he now shares them with others.
Some takeaways from this story, include the challenge to practice generosity.  The Bible teaches us to look to the Lord, which means that we will look beyond ourselves, outside ourselves, and put the needs of others above our own.  He has been so generous to us, which is something we will commemorate more intensely next week - and He gives us the capacity to love others with His love.  That transcends just being nice, but being concerned and compassionate.

We can also recognize that the seeds of God's Word will produce fruit.  Sometimes that will not be readily apparent, but we can be convinced that where God's truth has been planted, there is the potential for growth, and we may be called to water the seed in a person's life.

All in all, we can look for ways to bless others and to exalt Christ.  God gives us spiritual sensitivity and that can be activated through our devotion to Him and our reliance on the Spirit to direct our steps.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Risky Revenue

God provides resources so that we can honor Him, and He gives us the ability to engage in commerce, to buy and sell, and to be economically responsible.  But, when people gamble, they are
engaging in risky and unbiblical behavior. 1st Timothy 6 says:
9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition.
10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

The gambling industry, whether it be lotteries, casinos, or even sports wagering on the Internet, entices people to take a risk on some unspecified reward, which more often than not does not come into fruition.  The Bible teaches work and responsibility, gambling reinforces greed.  A winner is only a winner because someone else, or a number of someone elses, lose.  The pursuit of shiny rewards through gambling runs counter to Biblical pursuits.


I will be mentioning some verses referenced by a website later in today's commentary, and it deals with people being responsible and pursuing a solid work ethic.  These verses are part of this overall
passage from 2nd Thessalonians 3:
10 For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.
11 For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies.
12 Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread.
13 But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good.

The NCAA men's basketball tournament is now history, and one of the negative cultural aspects of the tournament is the sheer amount of money that is spent on gambling on the outcomes.  According to an article from several weeks ago at the Baptist Press website, "Americans are expected to wager more than $8 billion on this year's NCAA men's basketball tournament."

There is the expectation, due to a Supreme Court decision, that more states will be allowing gambling on sports, and recently, the article relates that LifeWay Research surveyed pastors recently on the topic of sports gambling.  LifeWay had previously found that 64 percent of Americans in general "disagree that sports gambling is immoral," with 31 percent agreeing, but a study from last year "found most pastors believe it is morally wrong to bet on sports, while few agree it should be legalized nationwide."  The results:
Around 6 in 10 (59 percent) pastors agree it is morally wrong to bet on sports, while 32 percent disagree.
Scott McConnell, executive director of LifeWay Research, said, "The large majority of pastors oppose sports betting," and added, "And pastors are willing to put their ministry where their mouth is by being ready to help those hurt by gambling and to discourage people from participating."

The numbers:
Nearly 9 in 10 pastors (88 percent) say if their state legalizes sports gambling, they will offer counseling for those struggling with debt or addiction.

Majorities say they will use private conversations to discourage participation (65 percent) and offer support groups for gambling addiction (60 percent).
Less than half - 42 percent - of pastors said they would advocate for "stricter laws on sports betting," with still fewer, about a third, saying they would discourage participation in sports betting in their sermons.

Only 12 percent of pastors believe sports betting should be legalized nationwide.

This removal on the prohibition on sports gambling gives states another opportunity to consider what they see to be a revenue stream, unreliable and addictive as it is.  The lure of gambling, whether it be through a lottery, or a casino or a computer desktop or smartphone, continues to plague our land. And lawmakers in Alabama seem to be addicted to the idea of expanding gambling in our state.

Currently, there are bills that would do just that, including the allowance of a statewide lottery.

But, the Scriptural principles that are violated by gambling still remain, and point to gambling as an immoral activity.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association website offers this insight:
Gambling clearly breaks several biblical principles which are central to a Christian’s way of life. A Christian lifestyle is one that expresses faith in the loving care and provision of Almighty God, not in chance or luck (Matthew 6:33). A Christian seeks to love his neighbor, not to profit from a loss by someone else. A Christian seeks to avoid every form of greed and covetousness and to be content with what he has (see Hebrews 13:5). In addition, a Christian realizes that everything he possesses has been given in stewardship by God and should only be used in a way that honors Him.
The site quotes Billy Graham, who said:
“Gambling is nowhere approved in the Bible. Instead, the Bible stresses that the Christian should earn his living by honest work and effort, and this would exclude relying on chance (2 Thessalonians 3:10-12). The Bible tells us to ‘abstain from all appearance of evil’ (1 Thessalonians 5:22). Gambling has often done untold evil to people by making them lose money that could be used for good purposes or even the necessities of life. Money is given to us by God to be used for good, not evil. Anyone seeking to do God’s will should not be involved in gambling.”
So, Alabama lawmakers should not be authorizing or paving the way for the authorization of immoral activity.  They can stop it in the Legislature, rather than pass the buck and allow a lottery or gambling expansion to go to a statewide vote, where, as it's been pointed out, large-scale gambling interests will overwhelm opponents with huge advertising dollars to deceive the public about perceived benefits.

There are certainly some moral issues that come into play when considering expansion of gambling in our state.  Lawmakers, essentially, become stumbling blocks to others when they allow activity that has the potential to destroy lives and families.  They should investigate honest and reliable revenue sources, rather than bank on unstable funding streams.

We can pray for our legislators to exercise godly wisdom.  It seems as if, year after year, those we elect to represent us have been tempted by the lure of gambling legislation.  It's a big money-maker for some, namely the gambling interests; but in order to win, someone has to lose.

The Bible warns against the love of money, certainly, and is dead set against greed and coveteousness.  I believe that Biblically, we should not pursue "get rich quick" schemes, rather, as the Billy Graham piece alludes to, we are to work hard and responsibly.