Friday, April 26, 2019

The Plans

We can experience the guiding hand of God upon our lives.  He desires to do incredible things through our lives, so that we may grow in Him and that people may be drawn to the Lord.  We read in
Psalm 32:
7 You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah
8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.

We are believers in Christ, and we can trust that, as Colossians 3 reminds us, our lives are "hidden with Christ in God."  There is a purpose for our lives and God wants to express His nature and His glory through His people.  As we walk in obedience, we can experience the presence of God, confident that He loves us and goes before us.  Our lives can reflect His greatness.  We can rejoice that Almighty God has chosen to bring us into a relationship with Himself.


There is a passage in Jeremiah 29 that reminds us of the sovereignty of God and His plans for our
lives. We can read:
11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

As I have related over the past few months, I believe we are in an unprecedented season, during which the truth about abortion is being revealed to our culture.  One of the tools that God has used to bring His truth is the movie, Unplanned, which has now done over $17 million at the box office.

Not only does the film tell the story of the transformation of Abby Johnson from Planned Parenthood director to pro-life advocate; a person who believed the lies of the nation's largest abortion provider and embraced the truth of God's Word and the love of His people, but it is a unique and disturbing look inside an abortion clinic and the mindset of the industry, which profits from killing living human beings.

And, there are more and more ways that the film is being used by the Lord. CBN reported on some of those ways, stating:
But box office success isn't the only goal for the film's supporters. It's about changing hearts and lives. So one group is even planning to air the film on the public sidewalk right in front of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Washington, DC at 1225 4th St. NE.
Their original plan to show it on Good Friday was delayed by weather, but they're still planning to show it at that location.
And, there is a desire to show the film at other Planned Parenthood centers, as well, according to Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition. He also is quoted as saying, "'Unplanned' has been censored and discriminated against by social media giants, television networks and other outlets..." CBN reports that, "He says it has faced an unprecedented blockade from Google and Twitter, with ads also being blocked by TV networks like Hallmark, Bravo, The Food Network, and Lifetime."

The article goes on to say:
CBN News recently reported close to 100 abortion clinic workers have left their jobs since seeing the film.
During his testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Chuck Konzelman, director of "Unplanned", said 94 clinic workers have approached Abby Johnson's nonprofit, And Then There Were None, about leaving the abortion industry, according to Pure Flix Insider.
CBN also reports that Ashley Bratcher, who plays Abby in the film, was on Fox and Friends recently and said, "The response had been incredibly positive. I mean, through it all – this has been the most rewarding and fulfilling role I've ever had in my entire career," adding, "To be able to hear someone come up to you and say, 'I was so affected by your work that I decided instead of having an abortion, that I'm now going to have my child' – I don't know how to really explain the way that feels to know that you could have potentially just saved a life."

There is a personal connection for Ashley.  Christian Cinema reports:
Bratcher knew that her mother had gone through with an abortion when she was a high school student, and wanted to make sure that her mother did not see the film as a judgment against her. “There’s such redemption and grace in the story,” Bratcher explained, “and I didn’t want her to feel judged.”
On the other end of the line, Bratcher’s mother wept. “What you don’t know,” Bratcher’s mother finally choked out, “is that I went to the clinic, heard my name called, and found myself on the clinic table examined by a very pregnant nurse. I got physically sick. I couldn’t do it.”
“I chose you.”
Even though Bratcher has told this story before, and shared it with tens of thousands of people, she still gets emotional re-telling it. “I never knew I had a story of my own,” she said. “It still brings me to my knees, that my life, and my being in this movie, have been divinely orchestrated. God planned my story from conception to this moment.”
And, God has chosen.  God has planned.  For this film to have a profound impact.  He chose Abby Johnson and orchestrated her exit from the abortion industry.  He sovereignly placed Shawn Carney and his wife Marilisa at the Texas abortion clinic to minister the love and grace of Christ.  He planned for Ashley Bratcher to play the role of Abby Johnson and have a personal impact on her.  And, He has brought thousands into theatres across America to experience the story.  What a mighty God we serve!

Let's consider some principles as we rejoice in what God has been doing through this film:

First of all, we can stand in amazement at what God has planned for us.  It's not about human potential; it's about God's power to do the impossible through us.  Our lives are not accidents, you have a purpose.  Remember what the Scriptures have to say about the plans He has for us.

We can seize opportunities to share about the sanctity of life and perhaps, as He leads, to be involved in pro-life ministry.  We have a hopeful and Biblical message to proclaim, and the Church is uniquely positioned and qualified to help women in crisis.

And, we can see the hand of God as He uses people to tell stories of His greatness.  Jesus told parables and He has given us the ability to share stories that reinforce Biblical truth.  As we are motivated by the love of Christ, we can be bold to share what He has done.

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