Friday, August 23, 2019


The Bible encourages us to get a true picture of ourselves, and James chapter 1 tells us to look to the
Word in a mirror - in Christ, we can see who God has truly made us to be. Galatians 6 tells us:
2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
3 For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
4 But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.
5 For each one shall bear his own load.
6 Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches.

The Bible tells us that without God we can do nothing - so we may have an incorrect view of ourselves that is not consistent with our new identity in Jesus Christ.  But, if we are seeking God's face and allowing the Spirit of God to control us, we can depend on Him to build Godly character within our lives.  Biblically speaking, we are who He says we are, not who we think we are.  We get a distorted picture as we rely on human wisdom and ideas.


The Bible, in Philippians 4, encourages us to practice right and pure thinking, centered on truth, and
can motivate us to be a good example of godliness, so that others will follow. We can read:
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things.
9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

Nicole Weider was drawn into the world of modeling, and had done work for Victoria's Secret, but grew weary of the expectations and the distorted view of beauty and appearance that she encountered.  She now interacts with Christian young ladies online through Project Inspired, which she founded.

In correlation with the release of a new film called, Catching Faith 2, Nicole shared with Faithwire about her perspective on the film and the modeling world.  She relates:
Weider, who runs Project Inspired, left the modeling world after she found Jesus and realized how detrimental her modeling career was.
“I realized that being a model was truly not what it was cracked up to be. I felt degraded, that I was never ‘perfect’ enough, and being judged only on my appearance was hurting my self-esteem,” she explained in an interview with Faithwire. “I realized I wanted more for my life. I rediscovered my faith that I had as a little girl, and it changed my life because I was passionate about using my gifts for God instead of the empty modeling industry.”
A earlier Faithwire story stated: "Following her exit from the industry, Nicole Weider founded the largest online community for teen girls in 2010 called Project Inspired. Through her vital work, Weider hopes to point girls to their inner beauty and free them from the unrealistic and unhealthy standards society places on them."

That article also says:
In a separate interview with CBN, Weider shared why refuses to recommend the modeling industry as a wise career choice for any young woman.
“It’s just not worth it to be judged only on how you look,” she said. “As a model, there is extreme pressure on the way you look. My agent was marketing me as sexy but I wasn’t even eighteen yet. I felt pressure to be this sex object when in reality it was destroying my self-esteem.”
“I really believe the enemy attacks us as women. He’s that negative voice,” she added. “I started feeling really anxious on set. My heart was giving me warning signs. After I posed in these magazines, it led me to a crisis about who I was. I didn’t want to model, but I placed my identity, for so long, in modeling.”
Issues surrounding identity, and specifically identity in Christ, are explored in the new Kendrick Brothers' film, Overcomer, which opens in theatres today.  And, Nicole was in Atlanta recently for the red carpet premiere of the film - she and I had a chance to chat at that event.

She is involved in a film called, Catching Faith 2.  She is quoted by Faithwire:
“When I read the script I was really moved by the strength of the family despite a turn of events, and how they relied on God and each other to get through it,” Weider explained. “I also thought that the script was inspiring, entertaining, and a film that the entire family can enjoy.”
The plot involves “a young woman getting married, high school football, and the strength of family sticking together despite a turn of events."

The article goes on to say:
Weider explained that the film was special to her because she has a place in her heart for combining the cinematic arts and faith.
“I believe you can honor God while producing high quality and entertaining movie. I’ve experienced God’s redemption and His love and grace in my own life, and I want to share that as much as possible with the world.”
The movie, Catching Faith 2: The Homecoming will be released on home video on September 3.  Nicole is listed on IMDB as Executive Producer of the film.

There is a question that is spotlighted in Overcomer: put simply, my paraphrase is that it's "who are you?"  We can be identified by what we do and the roles in which we function, but ultimately, our identity is found in Christ.  From that place, we can express His nature in the activities we do. Our security comes through our ability to rest in Christ and in who He says we are.

The enemy also wants to tell us who we are, and the story isn't good - he wants to distort the picture of our true identity. So, we have to counter his lies with the truth about who God says we are.  We can be confident in the Lord and allow Him to express Himself through us.

And, like Nicole, we can be motivated to share what God has done.  She pursued a modeling career, which actually gave her some notoriety and a platform that she now uses for God's glory.  Her message has to do with true beauty, and she attempts to inspire, as the name of her organization suggests, young women to pursue what brings honor to God.  We can encourage others with what we have discovered about God.

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