Thursday, December 19, 2019

Advent-ure December 19: The Light of His Word

Through His Word, God brings light into our lives - by His Spirit, He guides us in the way we should
walk. In 2nd Timothy 2, Paul is writing about Scriptural authority, and says:
7 Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things.
8 Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel,
9 for which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained.

We need to have Biblical illumination, so that we are not stumbling around trying to find our way, but relying on the One who said that He is the way.  He has not left us without direction - God has given us His Word, and He desires for it to become part of us.  That comes through regarding the Word as our spiritual food and making regular study of God's Word a consistent pattern.  As we embark on a new year, we can develop a strategy for personal Bible reading and study.


Today's focus in our 25-day Christmas Advent-ure in the Faith Radio Advent Guide, called Around the World in 25 Days! is the nation of India.  India has been receiving quite a bit of attention because of a spike in persecution of Christians, especially at the hands of radical Hindus.  India has moved up to #10 on the World Watch List of the leading countries which persecute believers in Christ, as named by the organization, Open Doors.

Those who celebrate Christmas in the country may take part in the practice of displaying Star Lanterns, which are paper lanterns in the shape of stars, according to the website, This is especially popular in the province of Goa and the city of Mumbai, where manger scenes are also popular.

The corresponding Scripture passage is from 2nd Corinthians chapter 4:
6 For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

We know that God's Word brings light into our lives and will bring us into a greater knowledge of Him.  And, here at the end of the year, some notable Bible verses have been pinpointed as being popular with those who use technology to access the Word.

The website, Facts and Trends, reports that:
Both YouVersion, the world’s most popular Bible app, and Bible Gateway, the most visited Christian website, recently announced their top Bible verses for the year.
Among global YouVersion users, the 2019 verse of the year is Philippians 4:6.
The verse is quoted: "Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

YouVersion founder Bobby Gruenewald said, "We’re encouraged to see so many people turning to the Bible in response to their worries, remembering what God has done in their lives, and choosing to trust in His faithfulness.”  The story notes:
Paul’s admonition to the Philippians was the most popular verse in countries ranging from the United States, Jamaica, and France to Kenya, the United Arab Emirates and China.
The article reports that: "Among visitors to Bible Gateway in 2019, the top verse was a familiar one: John 3:16."  6 of Bible Gateway's top 11 verses are from the 23rd Psalm.  Philippians 4:6 ranked 14th in popularity on that website.  And, the Facts and Trends article reports that:
Bible Gateway also tracks the most searched for words each year. “Love” is the most popular search term in both English and Spanish.
So, let's consider a few things today. First of all, our Lord desires for us to search the Scriptures.  And, God has provided great tools to help us do so.  But, the Christian life is more than just knowing a few Bible references or memorizing a few popular Scriptures - it involves having the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, change us.

As we enter into the final weeks of 2019, we can be motivated to make God's Word a priority in 2020.  Bible reading guides abound, including the Bible and Bible reading plan on the Faith Radio app.  The World Evangelical Alliance is leading a number of organizations to commemorate 2020 as the Global Year of the Bible.  According to the Year of the Bible website:
Only half the story of the Bible is being told today. Yes, those claiming to be religious and “Bible-engaged” are declining. But there is a new wave of truth-seekers not content to hear second-hand information about God’s Word. While many see only negative statistics when it comes to faith, we believe there is a Bible revival unfolding. From 2016 until today, those using digital platforms to engage God’s Word has exploded from 200 to over 400 million people worldwide, and the numbers are growing. Imagine if the world found its 2020 vision from the Word of God. Imagine more people, in the Bible more than at any other time in history.
Partners in the effort are: the Table Coalition and the Pulse Movement, in which evangelist Nick Hall is involved; also the American Bible Society, Museum of the Bible, and Biblica: The International Bible Society.

Tomorrow on The Meeting House, you'll hear about a new Bible product that leads you through the Bible in one year and provides perspective on praying for our nation - it's the One Year Pray for America Bible, and you can find out more tomorrow.

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