Monday, July 13, 2020

Not Backing Down

When we struggle, when we face opposition, when our faith is challenged or even ridiculed, we can continue to adopt the perspective we find in Galatians 6:
7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.
9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

The Bible teaches the concept of perseverance, continuing to allow God to strengthen us even when we feel weak, when our faith is tried, when we believe that we are not having an impact.  God has a purpose for His Church, and we are called to show the world that He is alive and that He is alive in the hearts of His people.  We can continue to be people who love Him deeply and love others with an abundance of compassion, even when we feel challenged.


In the book of Titus, we see some exhortations to display good character, including these words in
chapter 2:
6 Likewise exhort the young men to be sober-minded,
7 in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility,
8 sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you.

A few weeks ago on The Meeting House program on Faith Radio, I shared a conversation with Mike Haley, who leads a program called, Raising Highly Capable Kids, which is offered through the Rezilient Kids platform launched by Focus on the Family some 10 years ago.  According to Focus President Jim Daly's blog, the program "helps parents understand what foundational building blocks their children need to exhibit the positive behaviors – and avoid the negative behaviors – that will ultimately help them do well in life."

As Mike Haley explained in our conversation, the program is established in a variety of areas through partnerships with various organizations, including churches.  As Daly points out in this post from 2016, once such community was Spring Branch, Texas; he writes:
Spring Branch is home to large immigrant communities who are in need of support. Like most parents, its moms and dads love their children dearly. However, some of these parents don’t have the tools they need to help their children thrive in life.
That’s why Goya, a family-owned company, decided to step in and help equip these parents with the knowledge and resources they need to raise their children well. For Goya’s Unanue family, partnering with programs, scholarships and activities that benefit families, children, and community wellness is a natural part of their family-centered Hispanic heritage.
Goya stepped up to partner with Focus, and just days ago, Daly stepped up to defend Goya against backlash the company had received because of comments that CEO Robert Unanue made at the White House. The Daily Citizen website of Focus on the Family stated:
Focus President Jim Daly addressed the controversy on Twitter: “@GoyaFoods announced the donation of 1 million pounds of life-saving food to food banks around the US & is now facing a boycott. Why? Because the CEO said something positive about @realDonaldTrump. This must stop. Support free speech, end cancel culture & go #BuyGoya products today.”
So, what was it that Unanue said that was so ingredious?  Here it is: “We’re all truly blessed… to have a leader like President Trump who is a builder,” Unanue said. “And that’s what my grandfather did. He came to this country to build, to grow, to prosper. And so, we have an incredible builder and we pray for our leadership, our president and we pray for our country.”

This was at a press conference in which not only did Unanue announce a huge donation of needed foot, but for the President to announce an initiative "to promote educational and economic opportunities for Hispanic Americans."

The Focus article also said:
It’s ironic that this attempt to cancel Goya Foods comes just days after 153 prominent liberals signed a letter warning against the corrosive effects of cancel culture.
In an interview on Fox News Friday morning, Unanue said he wasn’t bowing to the pressure from cancel culture. “It’s suppression of speech… I’m not apologizing for saying what I said.”
Oh, and by the way, as Focus points out, when former first lady Michelle Obama called on Goya to partner on her health and fitness program, the company was part of that effort, as well.

But, instead of backing down and apologizing, the Daily Mail reported that Unanue "doubles down" in his support for the President and had a few choice words for "cancel culture."  The article says:
The businessman brushed off the boycott as 'a reflection of the division' in America and made several thinly-veiled attacks on protesters for 'tearing down statues of Jesus Christ' and spreading 'hate'.

'So many people are against the boycott and for our company, so it's just a reflection, I believe, of the division that exists in this country,' he said.

'I don't know who to attribute this quote to but we live by the philosophy that there are those who are born to love and to build and others to hate and destroy.
'And unfortunately this great divide is killing our nation.'
The Daily Mail related: "He added: 'We're tearing down statues of Jesus Christ', which appears to be in reference to the lone calls from controversial social justice warrior Shaun King for 'white European' Jesus statues to be torn down made - calls that have never materialised."  I will note, however, that Faithwire has reported on churches being burned in the U.S. across the country this past weekend.

Warning of what he sees as the potential of "great destruction" for the U.S., Unanue stated, "...we need to continue to love and to build, to make a difference and to give back to our neighbors..."

We should be quick to apologize and ask for forgiveness - when we've actually done something wrong.  But, calls for apologies should never be used as a bullying tactic; and you know what?  Even an apology for those who gleefully participate in "cancel culture" is not enough.

Even in the midst of opposition, we should joyfully serve Christ and look to serve others.

Recognize the spiritual dynamics of the conflict in which we find ourselves.  There is a legitimate discussion that is occurring throughout our country regarding race relations.  But, there is a significant faction that has left that discussion behind or weaponized it with the fire of identity politics, moving on to issues such as implementing Marxism or socialism, which, as it's been pointed out, are godless systems.  There is a wave of anarchy that is intent on tearing down this nation and its Christian foundations, and we as the Church have got to be discerning and ready - unfortunately, even though we recognize that God has been working in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have to be careful not to be sidelined.  We have to be vigilant and alert, prayed up and in God's Word, so that we can be mobilized to be able to walk in and vocalize Biblical truth.

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