Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Descent Into Deviance

The teaching on human sexuality that we find in the Scripture is consistent throughout the Word of God.  Even though there are efforts to somehow point out that Jesus taught something different than the rest of the Bible, the whole counsel of God shows otherwise.  In Mark 10, Jesus echoed the words of 
6 But from the beginning of the creation, God 'made them male and female.'
7 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,
8 and the two shall become one flesh'; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. 

Each day, we have the chance to make the decision to follow God's truth and submit to His authority or to reject it.  More and more of the wrong choices will change the course of our lives.  The enemy wants to deceive us to make errant decisions and to get us in a position where we adopt rebellious ideologies. In matters of sex, or gender, the world has furthered a philosophy that says that there are more than the two genders that we find in biology and Scripture, and this leads to human superiority - that I can choose my gender, rather than accept what God has chosen for us.  That leads to rebellion and deviancy.


In Isaiah 45, we find a passage that coincides, I believe, with the spirit of the age, when God is no 
longer seen as Creator, with absolute authority over His creation. We can read:
9 "Woe to him who strives with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth! Shall the clay say to him who forms it, 'What are you making?' Or shall your handiwork say, 'He has no hands'?
10 Woe to him who says to his father, 'What are you begetting?' Or to the woman, 'What have you brought forth?' "

We recognize that there are spiritual implications to the cultural battles that we seem to be fighting on multiple fronts.  And, the spiritual deficiency in our nation is expressed in the area of human sexuality and the outright rejection of God as our Creator.

I commented recently on the Hallmark Channel's decision to bring more gay-friendly content to the screen, including in its storied holiday season.  So, buyer beware when you're sitting down to watch a Hallmark Christmas movie, if not this season, sometime in the future - you may see an LGBTQ storyline, perhaps a romance between two gay characters.   ABC's Good Morning America website stated a few months ago:

On Thursday, amid criticism that none of the company's 40 upcoming holiday movies feature an LGBTQ lead, a Hallmark Channel spokesperson told "Good Morning America" that change is coming.

In the coming months, the representative said, Hallmark will make announcements about "projects featuring LGBTQ storylines, characters and actors."

"Diversity and inclusion is a top priority for us," read the company's statement. "We are committed to creating a Hallmark experience where everyone feels welcome."

But, the descent into more deviancy in entertainment is certainly not the sole property of the Hallmark Channel.  Consider this, from, which announced: "The world of Star Trek will break new ground next month when the CBS All-Access series Star Trek: Discovery introduces the franchise’s first non-binary and transgender characters."  The website states that, "Actor Blu del Barrio will play Adira, a non-binary character, while Ian Alexander will play Gray, a transgender character. Both are firsts for the Star Trek universe."  The article also relates a quote from series executive  producer Michelle Paradise, who is quoted at the Deadline website: “Star Trek has always made a mission of giving visibility to underrepresented communities because it believes in showing people that a future without division on the basis of race, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation is entirely within our reach..."  Christian Headlines notes: "Alexander is transgender in real life, and del Barrio is non-binary. Del Barrio uses the pronouns 'they/them/theirs.'”

And, with a fourth Matrix film scheduled to be released in 2022, NBC, in the NBC Out portion of its website, says:

The co-director of the popular "Matrix" trilogy Lilly Wachowski confirmed that the sci-fi series is a transgender allegory.

Responding to a question posed about this Matrix fan theory, Wachowski said she was “glad that it has gotten out that that was the original intention.”

“The world wasn’t quite ready yet,” Wachowski said during a Netflix video interview that was posted Tuesday. “The corporate world wasn’t ready for it.”

Wachowski is transgender; so is his "sister," Lana - they created and directed the first three films, and Lana will be directing the fourth one.  Since they both announced they were transgender, as the article notes, it has been rumored that the films present an allegory to that effect. Lilly, in a recent YouTube video, "...said the 'Matrix' series was about a 'desire for transformation, but it was all coming from a closeted point of view.'"  The article says:

She described Switch, “a character who would be a man in the real world and then a woman in the Matrix," as representative of where her and her sister’s “headspaces were” when they were making the films.

Uh, that would be "brother," if you're paying attention to biology.

And, now, as the result of a large California wildfire being sparked by a "gender reveal party," where some sort of pyrotechnics was used, the woman credited with the recent trend of these parties has called for their banishment.  According to, Jenna Karvunidis "threw a gender reveal party in 2008 for her first child. She posted about it on her blog, which was then was picked up by a magazine and eventually became a popular thing for expecting parents."  The article goes on to say that Karvunidis did not see the dangers coming; she says, 

"I never foresaw that," she told FOX11. "I also didn't foresee the social implications of these parties, how they are harmful to certain segments of our community, transgender, and nonbinary."

A Los Angeles Times opinion piece by a Mariah Kreutter includes this language: "Gender reveal parties — a misnomer, since all they reveal is a baby’s sex — are regressive, antiquated and reinforce harmful gender stereotypes. And that’s just the ones that go right."

Interesting, isn't it?  You have people that say "trust the science" regarding such things as the coronavirus or climate change, but do not trust it for matters of gender.  Humans may have developed this "multiple-gender" concept (more than two), but the Bible still says that God made us male and female.

There is much about human sexuality that has been redefined - and it has contributed to new ways of participating in deviancy in our culture.  It is common to see an acceptance of adultery, premarital sex, homosexuality, and transgenderism, including the mistaken notion of gender fluidity.  It boils down to a rejection of God's standards and acceptance of man's fallible wisdom.  If we think we know more than God, it places us in a dangerous position.  The deceiver continues his work to blind individuals to the wonderful truth of creation and adherence to God's ways.

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