Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Advent-ure 2021 December 14: Christ Would be Seated on David’s Throne (Finding Answers)

Jesus came to earth as a child, born into lowly circumstances, but He will rule and reign as King forever. He was descended from a famous king, and even the Pharisees acknowledged it, according to Matthew 22, where it's stated:
41 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,
42 saying, "What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?" They said to Him, "The Son of David."
43 He said to them, "How then does David in the Spirit call Him 'Lord,' saying:
44 'The Lord said to my Lord, "Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool" '?
45 "If David then calls Him 'Lord,' how is He his Son?"
46 And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor from that day on did anyone dare question Him anymore.

This is a reference to David's writings in Psalm 110. Jesus taught that even the mighty King David, ruler over Israel, would bow before Him, the one who is seated even today at the right hand of the throne of God.  The genealogy teaches us that Jesus was descended from David, certifying his connection to the King of ages past and pointing to His coming Kingdom. Jesus has been given an everlasting Kingdom, and we have been called to walk in its principles in submission to our great Lord.


It can be terribly discouraging when we see the violence that is being perpetrated throughout our society, the fruit of the seed of a society where you have many who have rejected God and do not live in His ways. Instead of humility, we find selfishness; in the place of love, we find hate and anger. We find that worldly authority seems helpless to curb the trends, but there is an authority that is greater than this world to whom we can look to solve the dilemmas that we face. 

It's Day 14 of "25: A Christmas Advent-ure," as we continue to move through this year's Faith Radio Advent Guide, "The Timeline to Transformation." Isaiah 9 describes an authority who would usher in a Kingdom, a descendant of David who would sit on his throne. We can read:
6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Corey Brooks is a pastor and the founder of Project H.O.O.D. in the city of Chicago - I have referred to him before on The Meeting House program. The name includes an acrostic for Helping Others Obtain Destiny. He recently moved into a tent in his neighborhood of Woodlawn to call attention to and show his opposition to violence that has riddled his community.  That's according to a story on the ChristianHeadlines.com website. He's also in the process of raising money to build a new community center; the effort is reminiscent of an effort in 2012, in which the pastor raised money to buy and demolish an old motel that was a "hotbed for drugs and prostitution," according to the article, which quotes the pastor as saying: 
"I'm in an environment on the South Side of Chicago that can be pretty tough," Brooks told the Chicago Sun-Times in an interview. "To be outside in the elements, to make that sacrifice over a long period of time, draws attention."
He also said, "The shootings in Cook County are at an all-time high since the '90s," adding, "Our neighborhood really needs a place of transformation, a place where they can go and get all the things that they need to start trying to change their life. This center is really, really needed at this point in time."  That place is called The Leadership and Economic Opportunity Center, which has been proposed as an 85,000 square foot facility that will provide, as the article notes, "a safe place for youth amid violence."  The pricetag: 35 million dollars.  Last Monday, when this article was published, he had rolled over $7 million.  The article says:
The center would be part of Brooks' organization, Project H.O.O.D., which has helped over 1,500 at-risk youth and 2,500 adults in transition around Woodlawn and Englewood through its violence prevention programs, as well as education and workforce training.

Brooks also invited CEOs, community leaders, families, and individuals to camp out with him as funds continued to be raised.

One of those CEO's, who was quoted in the Sun-Times article, is Michael Paulsen, Senior Vice President of Lockton Companies, who has donated to Project H.O.O.D. in the past and spent a night back in November.  He said, “We’re calling on the majority of CEOs in the Chicagoland area to step up...Find out what we’re doing on the South Side in terms of our programs to provide training for jobs [and] in terms of violence prevention to help reduce and stop gun violence on the South Side.”

Todd Ricketts, co-owner of the Chicago Cubs, has also endorsed the effort. 

The violence in many American cities, including Chicago indicates, to some extent, a lack of resources, motivation, and strategy. But, where some sources may fall short, the Kingdom of God can produce and attract resources in order to accomplish good things for the communities we serve. We can move beyond depending solely on governing authorities to produce positive change, although you could say that in a number of cases, they are doing what they can. But, the Kingdom brings so much more to the table.

And, because of the love of Christ and dependence on His transforming power, we bring a lot of motivation into our culture - because of the presence of Christ within us, we are sustained by Him to see Him do incredible things.  Nothing is impossible with Him.

We also have access to the wisdom of God - the principles of His Kingdom can be instrumental in developing strategies not only for personal spiritual growth and outreach for our churches, but to bring transformative principles to the people around us.  People of faith who know Christ can provide leadership in bringing positive change, if only we express our willingness to get involved. 

The Bible accurately prophesies that Jesus would sit on David's throne - the genealogy is the proof that He was a direct descendant of David, and the lineage of his mother and earthly father both included David. Therefore, Jesus has royal ancestry, the line of a King - and He is our King, ruler over heaven and earth.

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