Friday, April 1, 2022


If there's one thing we can think about on April Fools Day, it's that we can't believe everything we see - in fact, I saw a social media post to that effect earlier, essentially saying that the person was looking for an April Fool's joke, but couldn't quite tell the difference between fact and fiction. For believers, discernment is a precious commodity and God offers instruction. 1st John 4 states:
1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Regarding those "spirits," the author says later in the chapter:
5 They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them.
6 We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

We have to be so careful not to believe everything we hear or see.  And, information that we consume may be true, but could certainly be unbiblical. The father of lies wants to bait Christians to believe his lies - and his lies can be so harmful to us: remember, in the Garden, the serpent posed the question that began, "Did God really say...?"  While we should question the stream of information that flows around us in this world, we know that we have a strong foundation in the truth of God's Word. 


The Bible teaches us to reject the ways of the world, and that includes the ideologies it feeds us - the reinforcement of self-sufficiency and the rebellion of self-indulgence. 1st John chapter 2 contains these words:
15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--is not of the Father but is of the world.
17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

Oh, my, it was another awards show on broadcast television - an phenomenon that has produced its share of cringe-worthy moments throughout the years.  This year's Oscars provided such moments, including, as Pat Reeder described it on Mike Huckabee's website, the three hosts - Regina Bell, Wanda Sykes, and Amy Schumer...

...taunting viewers in Florida and chanting, “Gay, gay, gay,” proving that they not only didn’t understand what the NOT-“Don’t Say Gay” bill is, they also didn’t care if one of our most populous states immediately tuned out.

And, the lead actress in a film called, The Eyes of Tammy Faye, Jessica Chastain, in her acceptance speech struck a similar tone, stating, according to Entertainment Weekly:

We're faced with discriminatory and bigoted legislation sweeping our country with the only goal of further dividing us. There is violence and hate crimes being perpetuated on innocent civilians all over the world. In times like this, I think of Tammy, and I'm inspired by her radical acts of love. I'm inspired by her compassion and I see it as a guiding principle that leads us forward, and it connects us all in the desire that we want to be accepted for who we are, for who we love, and to live a life without the fear or violence or terror.

Of course, Tammy Faye's image shifted over the years from much-maligned televangelist's wife and television personality to some sort of beloved figure in the LGBTQ community, as it's been reported.

By the way, can you name the winner of the Oscar for Best Picture?  It was a movie that has done just over a million dollars at the box office worldwide, according to Box Office Mojo.  It's called, CODA, which stands for Child of Deaf Adults.

So, it went - until the seminal moment when comedian Chris Rock gave a shoutout from stage to the wife of nominee Will Smith, telling Jada Pinkett Smith that he was looking forward to seeing her in a sequel to the movie G.I. Jane, in which the lead character had very little hair - Smith has a medical condition that has caused hair loss.  Will initially smiled at the joke, then stormed the stage and slapped Rock in the face.

After that moment, he returned to his seat and shouted obscenities.  Later in the program, Will Smith won the Best Actor Oscar for his portrayal of the father of Venus and Serena Williams in the movie, King Richard.

The Christian Post stated that his acceptance speech...

...wasn't as celebratory as he might have envisioned because he spent much of his time explaining why he slapped Rock.

Midway through his speech, Smith revealed that Denzel Washington, himself an Academy Award-winning actor, warned him about the devil's attacks. “Denzel said to me a few minutes ago, at your highest moment, be careful, that’s when the devil comes for you,” Smith recalled.

During an intermission that followed the slap, Tyler Perry and Washington were seen comforting and giving advice to Smith.

Although he didn't apologize to Rock during his speech, Smith apologized to the Academy and his fellow nominees.
Smith said that "Love makes you do crazy things," and shared: "Richard Williams was a fierce defender of his family. In this time in my life, in this moment, I am overwhelmed by what God is calling on me to do and be in this world..."

On Monday, according to The Blaze, Smith issued an apology to Rock in an Instagram post.

The point has been made that Will Smith isn't a person committed to defending his family - it is well-known that he and Jada are in what is termed an "open marriage," meaning that they endorse the hideous notion that they permit one another to commit adultery.  Jason Whitlock, writing at The Blaze, had these words:
You can’t defend your family and excel in modern Hollywood. You can’t embrace biblical values and excel in Hollywood. Will Smith is learning this publicly and painfully. In Hollywood, your family is nothing more than fodder for the content machine. That’s why Jada Pinkett Smith talked openly about her sexual infidelity on her "Red Table Talk" podcast. That’s why Will Smith has publicly admitted that his wife talked him into an open marriage. Smith foolishly believes his biblical worldview can withstand the requirements of Hollywood. It can’t.

There is discussion about whether or not the whole incident was staged. I do think it can become increasingly difficult, with the way that we are conditioned by media, to really believe what we see or hear.  You may have encountered a case of a politician making a speech and then deny that what was clearly said was actually said.  Perhaps you have people who try to change the meaning of their statements and deploy the power of nuance. You have an actor who was found to have made up a complete incident of an attack, only to not have the facts on his side.  We have to watch and listen carefully.  Was the Will Smith/Chris Rock incident staged, perhaps for higher Oscar ratings?  Greater publicity - after all, it's been said that any kind of publicity is good publicity.  All I can say is "buyer beware."

Will Smith claims to be a defender of his wife.  And, yes, husbands should be strong in reinforcing the honor of their wives. And vice versa. Neither husbands nor wives should not be going out and denigrating their spouses to other people - if there's a problem at home, then that tension should be resolved between the two of them or perhaps a trusted counselor, and certainly our Wonderful Counselor.  But, to claim someone honors his or her spouse when they have made the decision to allow adultery into their marriage is not consistent. 

Will Smith says that he is "overwhelmed by what God is calling on me to do and be in this world..."  I don't know what that means to him, nor can anyone know what is going on in his heart of hearts. But, what God is calling him to do is to repent.  His sin has been on display, and while he has apologized publicly and profusely, his actions have become an indicator of what's in his heart.  Just as our actions indicate what's inside - Jesus is calling us to a deeper walk with Him, and that involves repenting and repairing the old ways and walking in His new life

Finally, remember what Denzel Washington allegedly said to Will Smith - essentially that pride comes before a fall. I believe that we are certainlly vulnerable when we are trapped in self-sufficiency.  Recognition can produce all sorts of exaltation of self.  We have to continue to remain humble, even when we receive affirmation or credit.  The believer in Christ should always be mindful to rely on our Savior - He is the all-sufficient One.

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