Monday, May 16, 2022


God has empowered us to fulfill what He has called us to do, and that involves an attitude of steadfastness, even when we may not see the answer. 1st Corinthians chapter 3 states:
7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.
8 Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.
9 For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building.
10 According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it.

Our lives overall are in a lifelong process of spiritual growth.  Our hearts have been transformed by the presence of the Lord, and He has given us the capability to become more like Him. He has a will for our lives, and shows us what He has ordained for us to do, in order that we might bring Him glory and do the work of the Kingdom here on earth.  But, there is a process; we may be planting, watering, or reaping, but we can be confident that God is at work. 


We can possess a proper Biblical mindset to continue to trust God, even though we might not see the manifestation or the answer to our prayers right away. 1st Corinthians 15 states:
57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

The seeds of what we are experiencing now in our spiritual lives perhaps were planted long ago.  We recognize that God's timing is perfect.  And, even a seed planted in our heart now can result in its bearing fruit days, months, or years from now.

Twenty years ago, television host and former Miss America Terry Meeuwsen had no idea that there would be an invasion of the nation of Ukraine by Russian forces, resulting in dire circumstances for Ukranian children.  But, God had placed a seed in the heart of her and her husband.  According to a Faithwire story:

It all began 20 years ago when Meeuwsen and her husband were in their 50s. They had four children at the time — two biological and two adopted — when they heard about three Ukrainian orphans in need.

“[We] heard the story of three sisters in Ukraine who were potentially going to be split up,” she said. “God just began to burden my heart with the fact that they were not to be split up.”

They ended up adopting those three sisters, and Terry believed they were obeying God in "that very specific situation."  

Not so.

She and her friend, Nataliya Khomyak, began to pray about how they could serve other orphans. The article relates:
The two were burdened that “99% of children who are in orphanages worldwide will never have families.” This fact left Meeuwsen and Khomyak prayerfully looking for answers.

“Our hearts were burdened for the 99%,” she said. “We said, ‘What happens to them?'”

So, for two years, Meeuwsen and Khomyak prayed each night and pondered how they could help orphans who age out of the system. Then, the seeds for Orphan’s Promise were set as they started working with kids in Ukraine.

After the initial center opened — an effort to help meet physical and spiritual needs — their work quickly expanded. Today, Orphan’s Promise operates more than 250 projects in over 60 countries.

The ministry has been strategically positioned by God to work in the current situation in Ukraine. Faithwire reports:

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Orphan’s Promise has been able to work through the centers and projects already in place to provide supplies, baby food, clothing, and a safe place for refugees and those impacted.

“God opened the windows of heaven and purposed all of this to happen,” Meeuwsen said.

We can remember that we have been called to faithfulness, even when we don't see the answer right away.  In this story, we see two ladies who were seeking the face of God for orphans - they saw the answer, which still has ramifications today.  We can be diligent to continue to pray and believe the Lord.  

Fact is, so much in life is part of a process, which, for the Christian, includes praying, planting, and watering.  In the midst of that process, we are called to be steadfast, trusting God one step at a time. More often than not, our call is not to launch a large ministry or initiative, even though that may end up being the end result.  We are directed to be obedient one step at a time

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