Wednesday, August 3, 2022


The book of 2nd Corinthians can provide motivation for us to stay spiritually sharp - we can read in verses 3 and 4 of chapter 11:
3 But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
4 For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted--you may well put up with it! 

A familiar passage is found later in the chapter, in verse 14: "...Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light."

We have to be so careful to follow the light of Christ, to walk in the wisdom and direction of His Word, and not allowing ourselves to be led astray by the cultural trends that run contrary to God's standards. Fear and manipulation are all around us, and the information we receive may not always be reliable. But, we have a filter - the Bible - which can show us the way in which we should walk and provide clarity in a confused society.


We are surrounded by the "false prophets" of the age, not just in the culture, but also in the Church, with the intent of gaining power and control through deception and manipulation. 2nd Peter chapter 2 states:
1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.
2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed.
3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.

We have to be so careful that our lives are grounded in truth.  Our knowledge of and adherence to the truth, prevents us from being manipulated.  And, a principal area in which rampant manipulation is occurring is in the area of public health.  The fear of catastrophic illness is a proven, powerful tool to keep people compliant.

We have to be wise in the management of our personal health.  Certainly, we have incredible medical professionals whom we trust to take care of us.  And, we can be responsible in personal conduct, engaging in behavior that enhances our health, so that we can live for God's glory effectively.

The latest health scare is something call "monkeypox." It's a disease that is apparently rarely fatal, but can be painful, with lesions and sores appearing on one's body.  But, health officials are sounding the alarm. But, by and large, it can be preventable.  The Washington Stand reported:

“Transmission was suspected to have occurred through sexual activity in 95% of the persons with infection,” according to a monkeypox study published late last week in the New England Journal of Medicine. “Overall, 98% of the persons with infection were gay or bisexual men.”

It went on to say:

One in three people who tested positive for monkeypox had visited “sex-on-site venues” within the past month, the study found, and one in five “attended large gatherings (>30 persons), such as Pride events.”
The article quoted from epidemiologist Dr. Andrew Bostom, who told Tony Perkins, “The virus looks eminently avoidable by avoiding these practices,” adding, “I don’t see that how that translates into the into the general population. It just doesn’t.” The piece goes on to say:
So far, the public discussion over combating the virus has largely revolved around treating the outbreak rather than discouraging the underlying causes. “If they want to declare a national emergency, maybe they need to do away with these apps like Grindr, maybe shut down the gay bars where a lot of this activity has been centered,” observed Perkins. “I mean, they closed the churches during COVID,” despite a dearth of evidence that church attendance proved an especially contagious vector of transmission.

Oh, you can't have that, can you?  After all, as the Stand reports: 

LGBTQ activists and many public health officials — including Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is contributing to the Biden administration’s response — seek to widen the government’s response, stoking fears of widespread transmission.
Here we go again - as Cheryl Chumley, columnist for the Washington Times, wrote recently, regarding COVID:
This administration would have Americans take shots forever — if not for this variant, then for that one; if not for that variant, wait for it, wait for it, there’ll be another one. Do they work? Eh, define “work.” The media, meanwhile, just as with two-plus years of deceptive, outright lying, coronavirus reporting, are coming out with the same old game plan of deceptive, outright lying, reporting to advance the government’s preferred COVID-19 narrative.

And, indeed, thousands of doses of monkeypox vaccine have reported been ordered by the federal government, according to The Washington Stand.

Chumley wrote in another article that "The coronavirus was a too-good-to-be-true moment" for those who would "strip Americans of their freedoms — to stop the economies and momentum of the world, actually. The power grab worked with such success that the powers-who-grabbed don’t want to let go." She notes: "As World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has written: The Great Reset is here, the Great Reset is now, and the Great Reset is not going away."  

She writes: "Historically, America, land of the God-given individual rights, has stood as the final wall for globalists to crumble in order to bring to reality their total top-down controls on all of society. But recent times have seen chinks in that wall."  And, she delivers a blow to monkeypox hysteria:
The monkeypox is a virus that affects mostly men who have sex with men. But why let that small matter get in the way of swirling the fear?

“Declaring monkeypox to be a global emergency would mean the UN health agency considers the outbreak to be an ‘extraordinary event’ and the disease is at risk of spreading across even more borders, possibly requiring a global response,” CTV News wrote.

Make way for Dr. Anthony Fauci to proclaim madly the need to social distance and shut down again — and possibly wear face masks, if not one, then two. Or 10. It’s common sense, dontcha know.

Again, from CTV News: “Declaring monkeypox to be a global emergency … would also give monkeypox the same distinction as the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing effort to eradicate polio.”
And, the head of the WHO has declared monkeypox to be a global health emergency, even though he did not have agreement among members of the committee that is supposed to decide such things.

Talk show host and commentator Erick Erickson related the sad story of Sebastian Kohn.  He writes:
Mr. Köhn works for George Soros. One of his jobs is to normalize global prostitution. In this piece at the Guardian, he talks about how he contracted monkeypox during Pride festivities in New York.
I had sex with several guys over the weekend. Then a week later, on 1 July, I started feeling very fatigued. I had a high fever with chills and muscle aches, and my lymph nodes were so swollen they were protruding two inches out of my throat.

Erickson went on to say: "So he had knowledge of it spreading but feels like a victim because he couldn’t get a vaccine and did not want to curb his promiscuous behavior."

And, Erickson, in this article from last Monday, July 25, laments the current state of our culture at large:

We are witnessing a breakdown in society because the press and public health community have together picked a side and lost empathy for the other side. Instead of boldly speaking truth to all for everyone’s betterment, they’re picking winners, losers, and playing to one side for that side’s betterment. The woke capture of our institutions is causing a collapse of trust.

Just consider the actual truth — monkeypox is not truly an emergency, and a majority of the World Health Organization panel refused to vote for it as an emergency but got overruled. It has spread to less than 20,000 people, mostly through random gay group sex. That’s not an emergency on a global scale. But the head of the World Health Organization overruled the vote and insists it is, but will not be clear and bold about how to stop it. The man who wanted global lockdowns for COVID so far seemingly wants no change in behavior to stop what he believes is a global emergency.

The monkeypox scare is being played up, while the root cause of the spread is most certainly being played down. No matter: the LGBTQ agenda is at play here.  So, is the agenda of globalism.  The two seemingly separate agendas are tied together by the World Economic Forum. But, a recent article on "The Great Reset" at the World Economic Forum site contends that LGBTQ inclusion is good for business. It says:

• Economies that are more inclusive are better placed to recover from the shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic.

• A strong positive correlation exists between LGBT+ inclusion and economic resilience.

• In particular, cities that embrace diversity may reap an ‘inclusion dividend’ as they begin to rebuild their economies.

So, the promotion of LGTBQ ideas is believed to be good for business. Or do economies that are growing - in business hubs, in cities - just happen to have a higher concentration of LGBTQ people?

I think one of the lessons that each of us can learn is that we should become risk-averse to dangerous behaviors.  There are behaviors in which Christians engage that are not productive and will not contribute to our spiritual well-being.  We should identify these areas of temptation and take Biblical steps to withstand.

Truth is, on a broader level, opportunistic globalists will use anything and everything to consolidate power and control.  The tactic in the public health sphere is to spread fear, so that people will surrender their freedom.  We have to constantly remind ourselves, as believers in Christ, to not give in to fear. Faith leads to courage, fear leads to compromise.  We are not to be led by the whims of the culture, but by the wisdom of the Word of God. 

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