Thursday, November 3, 2022

On the Issues

When we select leaders who are righteous, or those embrace Biblical principles, we increase the possibility of wisdom that is consistent with the Scriptures being released and applied. Proverbs 11 states:
3 The integrity of the upright will guide them, But the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them.
4 Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, But righteousness delivers from death.
5 The righteousness of the blameless will direct his way aright, But the wicked will fall by his own wickedness.

We see time and again throughout the Scriptures, as well as in the history of our own nation, instances where God used leaders in order to bring about His purposes. Some leaders were not righteous, at all, but God used them as instruments to carry out His will.  But, we can pray for God to raise up governmental leaders who will be devoted to His principles, and when we vote in the next few days, we can pray and allow the Holy Spirit to use us to select people of character who will contribute to the promotion of righteousness and integrity in our land.


When we consider that type of country in which we, as Christian believers, would like to live, that can guide our vote next week. There is a principle stated in Proverbs 29 regarding what you might call, "righteous rule:"
2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
3 Whoever loves wisdom makes his father rejoice, But a companion of harlots wastes his wealth.
4 The king establishes the land by justice, But he who receives bribes overthrows it.

Later in the chapter, we can see this verse:
12 If a ruler pays attention to lies, All his servants become wicked.

Voters prepare to go to the polls next Tuesday, November 8 to select federal, state, and local leaders. It's a huge day, with implications for the short-term, undoubtedly, but also for the foreseeable future of our country.

Obviously, Bible-believing Christ-followers are very much like other Americans - we go to the grocery store, fill up our vehicles with gas, and may be a bit more wary of our circumstances these days.  It's true that inflation, crime, and probably illegal immigration are probably the top 3 issues that voters will be considering.

However, there are other issues that are of relevance to Christians, too - abortion has been an important issue, and with the Dobbs decision sending abortion policy to the states, it is incumbent upon believers to determine a candidate's commitment to life.  The rise of more transgender issues, including teaching sexual orientation and gender identity in schools, allowing boys to play on girls' sports teams and use their private facilities, and the permanent damage done to children who wish to undergo treatments or surgeries to try to change their "gender" are all issues that have Biblical roots and have elevated concern among Christians.  Plus, there are religious freedom concerns.

My Faith Votes conducted a survey of what it calls its "followers," and its website published a "brief summary of the issues that mattered most" to those respondents; they are:

#1 Abortion The Supreme Court ruling in the Dobbs case is a turning point for the pro-life movement. Voters are becoming more engaged at the state level now that they see the greater potential to stand for life.

#2 Immigration and Border Security After record-breaking numbers of arrests and illegal border crossings so far in 2022, it's not a surprise to see this issue near the top of the list. The Christian community must lead well on this issue, which is why we're speaking with faith leaders and developing resources on the topic that will be released in the coming weeks.

#3 Religious Freedom and the Economy Religious freedom and the economy were a very close third and fourth issue, respectively. Both are impacting the day-to-day lives of believers and putting a strain on the nation.

Almost 55 percent of respondents included abortion in their top 3 issues, just under 49 percent said illegal immigration.  About a-third named abortion as their top issue, with the economy designated as  the top issue by just under one-in-five.

George Barna, Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, was on The Meeting House recently to talk about the "America's Values Survey," conducted by the CRC for AmericasOne. Following that conversation, another several more installments were released.One had to do with what is termed, "Issues of Influence: The Economy is Hot; Religious Freedom and Environment Are Not." The survey summary report stated, regarding all respondents:

Not surprisingly, the most influential issues relate to the economy. Topping the list are inflation and the rising cost of living, listed as having “a lot of influence” on their votes by 61%.  Food prices and shortages were identified by 60%, and oil and gasoline policies and prices were named by roughly six out of 10 adults, at 58%.
In the next trio of issues, two out of three had to do with safety; the report notes..." the other three issues in the top six were crime, policing, and personal safety, chosen as a highly influential issue by half of all adults (50%). Also mentioned were the cost, quality, and availability of health insurance and health care, named by 47% of voting-eligible adults, and protection against terrorism (also at 47%)."

Let's narrow the focus now to those claiming to be "religious" people; the report notes:

Among the religious segments of the population, the three top-ranked issues—inflation, food prices, and gas prices—were nearly universal. The only exceptions were adults who have a biblical worldview, who ranked food prices and shortages as the fifth most-impactful issue, and people who claim to be theologically liberal ranking gas prices and policies fifth. 

In the Arizona Christian survey, "Surprisingly, religious segments such as born-again Christians and people who regularly attend evangelical churches did not include issues such as abortion, national morals and values, and religious freedom in their top-five lists."  However, when you narrow the scope even more, to the sliver of the population that possesses a Biblical worldview, things change:

The top 5 issues ranked by how many adults attribute '"a lot' of influence" among those who have a Biblical worldview are:
  1. Inflation and the cost of living
  2. Oil and gas policies and prices
  3. Abortion
  4. Religious freedom 
  5. Food prices
The summary stated: "Barna...noted that the issues of greatest concern to Americans now address personal rather than common-good interests."  He said, “Issues such as mental health policies, poverty, the quality of public schools, national morals and values, and unifying the nation are more about the common good than self-interest,” adding, “Even among the most deeply religious Americans, regardless of their faith of choice, a greater emphasis was placed upon the personal impact of governance choices and public policies. That focus on self, to the exclusion of the community, is a reflection of the syncretistic worldview and the decline of spiritual commitment in America.” 

These surveys paint a picture of a variety of issues, with the top issues centered around the economy, it seems.  But, among Christians, in some circles, you can see a greater devotion to issues such as abortion and religious freedom.

The concern for each of us is to determine how our Biblical perspective influences how we respond to various issues.  Once we have made that determination, then we can select candidates who best align with that perspective.  We are responsible to do good research and gather accurate information, not just what we might see or hear in a video clip or soundbite, or what we might encounter in a campaign ad.  A candidate may try to appeal to a faith-based constituency, but when you look at his or her record, you might find a different story.  We must be prayerful and take this citizenship responsibility seriously.

The life issue so very important, because, as it's been said, if a person does not regard the sanctity of life, he or she is likely to be wrong on other issues of morality, as well.  It is notable that many who support abortion, so it seems, also embrace a liberalized view of LGBTQ issues and possess a disregard of religious freedom. Those who are pro-abortion do indicate a hostility toward matters of faith and the teachings of the Scriptures, even though some try to twist the Scriptures to fit a narrative that would support the termination of human life, re-branding it and disguising the brutal act as upholding a right to so-called "choice."  We can walk with clarity and confidence in the Lord.

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