Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Even though the Church can find itself where there are those who wish to silence its voice and extinguish its light, the light of Christ burns brighter. Psalm 89 states:
5 And the heavens will praise Your wonders, O Lord; Your faithfulness also in the assembly of the saints.
6 For who in the heavens can be compared to the Lord? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened to the Lord?
7 God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, And to be held in reverence by all those around Him.
8 O Lord God of hosts, Who is mighty like You, O Lord? Your faithfulness also surrounds You.

We serve a sovereign God who is continuing to accomplish His purpose across the earth. When we feel weak, we can take courage in the strength of Almighty God, who is doing magnificent works and providing power to His Church, that we might reflect His glory. People in positions of authority will try to silence our influence, but as 1st Timothy 2 says, we are to pray for our leaders, and we can draw strength from the presence of the Lord with us. 


The great teacher who had attracted crowds to see and hear Him was finally put to death on a cross. Those who sought to silence Him had finally done it! He Himself declared, "It is finished!" But, He rose from the dead, confounding the political and religious leaders of His day. His life goes on and He is alive in His people. 1st Corinthians 2 says:
6 However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.
7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory,
8 which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
9 But as it is written: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him."
10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

Christians, including pro-life activists, are desirous for justice in the face of what is apparently an increase in acts of hostility toward faith institutions.  But, based on a Daily Caller report, it doesn't look like this:

Maeve Nota is 31 years old, and is no doubt a troubled soul.  The article says that Nota identifies as "transgender," and vandalized a church in Bellevue, Washington, breaking two glass doors and spray painting epithets on the building, according to a Daily Mail report - this came after the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade. But, according to the article: "Nota also assaulted a woman, spray painted another person in the face, attacked police and hit an officer’s vehicle with a bag of spray paint cans, but the Biden administration is planning on offering a plea bargain that would require no jail time, according to Fox News Digital."

The Daily Caller went on to say:

Nota’s attack was one in a long line of attacks against churches and pro-life organizations after the Supreme Court ruling and a 2022 report from the Family Research Council found that from the leak of the Dobbs decision in May to December almost 30 churches were attacked by individuals that expressed pro-abortion views. Another report published Monday found that in the first three months of 2023, attacks against churches had already climbed to 69 and that by the end of the year, the number would likely reach a record high.

There is concern that there are those in government that are not only looking the other way in instances of violence against churches and pro-life pregnancy resource centers, but actively attempting to identify people of faith whom they believe to be dangerous to national security.  Just the News reported several weeks ago, regarding the FBI: "The agency's targeting of Catholics was revealed in a press House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan." The article said:

Citing a meager FBI document production in response to a committee information request, the committee reported that "the FBI relied on information derived from at least one undercover employee and sought to use local religious organizations as 'new avenues for tripwire and source development.'"

The outreach plan "included contacting so-called 'mainline Catholic parishes' and the local 'diocesan leadership,'" according to the release from the committee. "The documents reveal that the FBI also expressed an interest in 'leverag[ing] existing sources and/or initiat[ing] Type 5 Assessments to develop new sources with the placement and access' to report on suspicious activity.
The article relates that this information "follow the recent disclosure of a since-retracted January memo generated by the Richmond Field Office characterizing Catholics with a devotion to the traditional Latin Mass as potential violent extremists."

Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, told Fox News Digital that activist secularists have grown militant and have seized the reins of power in recent decades. He said the source of hostility has shifted in the 30 years since he has headed up the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization.
He is quoted as saying, "When I first started out, most of the anti-Catholicism was coming from the media, the entertainment industry, the arts, education, primarily there," adding, "It's changed. It's coming now more from the Corporate 500, from the United States government, as well as from some state and local governments."  The article goes on to say:
Donohue mentioned bills proposed in multiple states that would require priests to break the seal of confession and the proposed Equality Act, which he said would pull public funding from Catholic hospitals that refuse to perform abortions or sex reassignment surgeries.

Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, after the latest revelations, said, regarding Attorney General Merrick Garland, according to National Review:

“Let’s be clear: your Department has decided to turn Catholic congregations into front organizations for the FBI, and when asked about it, you’ve decided to fudge the truth before Congress. This is an unconscionable assault on American Catholics’ First Amendment rights and an abdication of your duty to enforce the law without fear or favor..."
Rep. Jim Jordan, who leads the committee investigating the "weaponization" of government, wrote to FBI director Christopher Wray, who had criticized the actions of his department before the committee earlier, calling him back before the committee, saying, “Americans attend church to worship and congregate for their spiritual and personal betterment...They must be free to exercise their fundamental First Amendment rights without worrying that the FBI may have planted so-called ‘tripwire’ sources or other informants in their houses of worship.”

There are no doubt people in high places who wish to bring the role of religion to a lower place in American society; in their deal to squash ideologies they don't agree with and attempt to paint religious fervor with a broad and negative brush, are willing to take bold, yet misguided steps to find evidence that is consistent with their brand of "truth."  We have to be aware that there will be those who exhibit hostility toward our faith, but use that to motivate us to be more determined to reflect the love and presence of Christ

There's a song that asks the question, "who can stop the Lord of glory?"  Another says that the Lord "cannot be stopped." I think we can use this discussion to point us to the sovereignty of God.  Throughout the years, there have been attempts to thwart the spread of Christianity.  Those who crucified Christ thought that by eliminating the Savior that His influence would wane.  Were they wrong or what?  The teachings of Jesus and the authority of Scripture have continued to move forward and are continuing to do so even today.  And, even though in America, we see a troubled Church in some sectors, we can look around the world and see that God is on the move - and He, as Henry Blackaby says, invites us to partner with Him in His work. So, we can be discouraged - temporarily - when we see attempts to harass people of faith.  But, as Jesus said, be of good cheer, He has overcome the world. 

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