Thursday, June 22, 2023

Advancement of Life

In an age where people are identified, divided, and generalized by their backgrounds, we can reflect on how we are united by our shared identity, people who share the image of God. Job 31 touches on this subject, when it says:
13 "If I have despised the cause of my male or female servant When they complained against me,
14 What then shall I do when God rises up? When He punishes, how shall I answer Him?
15 Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same One fashion us in the womb?

Jesus Christ gave His life for all - because humanity reflects the image of Almighty God, His love has been extended, His invitation to know Him has been issued.  His love now dwells in the hearts of those He has saved and therefore, we respond to Him in love and operate in our capacity to love others as He has loved them.  That love should even extend to those pre-born babies who are in danger of having their lives terminated - and to women and their families who are considering a decision to have those lives taken.


A sweeping rescue operation is in progress in our country, and a key development occurred one year ago this Saturday. The striking down of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court opened a new era of opportunities to protect the lives of pre-born children. Proverbs 24 says:
11 Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
12 If you say, "Surely we did not know this," Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?

This Saturday marks the 1-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Dobbs case, overturning Roe v. Wade, that had provided legal protection for the taking of the life of unborn children.  After almost 50 years, states had the opportunity to craft their own laws regarding abortion.  There is also a call for federal legislation to protect life, as well.  

Now, the media would tell you that the decision actually made abortion more acceptable and became a losing issue for politicians.  Abortion, to many in media and politics, has become a necessary sacrament of American life.  But, through education and compassion, expressed through the hard and diligent work of dedicated pro-life individuals, churches, and organizations, there is a move to completely stigmatize abortion - to make it, as it's been said, "unthinkable." has reported on a new Gallup poll which takes the pulse of Americans on the abortion issue. The article says:

Though the Gallup poll may appear to indicate that Americans support abortion – with questions about abortion in general showing Americans support abortions in the first trimester — a further Gallup question that more specifically identifies people’s views on abortions reveals what has been true for decades – Americans oppose most or all abortions.

The article goes to to say: "Looking at the brand new Gallup poll...69% say abortion should generally be legal in the first three months of pregnancy. But ending the analysis of the poll with that figure is highly misleading."  It relates:

That’s because the subsequent question that more accurately identifies abortion views makes it clear more Americans oppose most or all abortions.

As Gallup notes, “Specifically, close to half of Americans, 47%, now say abortion should be legal in all (34%) or most (13%) circumstances, while a similar proportion, 49%, want it legal in only a few (36%) or illegal in all (13%) circumstances.”

Add those together, and, as Life News puts it: "That means 49 percent of Americans take a pro-life position opposing all or most abortions while a lower 47% take a pro-abortion position supporting all or most abortions." In 2022, Gallup data shows 53% support for "all or most abortions" v. 45% opposition.  That's a 6-point drop in abortion support.

Professor Michael New, writing for National Review, offers this analysis:

Overall, the results contain some good news for pro-lifers. The findings indicate that 41 percent of Americans identify as “pro-life.” This is an increase of four percentage points from last year’s Gallup poll. Additionally, since last year the percentage of Americans who felt that abortion was “morally wrong” increased from 38 percent to 41 percent.

He adds:

The survey contains some evidence that pro-lifers might have lost a little bit of ground on some individual policy questions. The percentage of Americans who felt that abortion should be legal in the first three months increased by two percentage points. However, the Gallup poll adds to the body of survey data that show strong public opposition to abortion after the first trimester. The results indicate that 55 percent of Americans think abortion should be “generally illegal” in the second trimester and that 70 percent think abortion should be “generally illegal” in the third trimester.

While we can be encouraged by some of these findings, it remains that the country is still divided on the topic of abortion.  And, that leaves plenty of room to grow for the Biblical, pro-life cause.  We must recognize that not only is abortion an issue of the life of an unborn baby, created in the image of God, but that it is a matter of the heart.  

We have to continue to pray that hearts would change regarding the sanctity of life - and that can be challenging when people are hardened in the other direction.  Prayer can be an effective tool in breaking down the barriers, certainly, and we have to continue to communicate the message of life, which is more than a set of talking points.  It ideally should be the way we live - clothed with the compassion of Christ and helping women and their families in crisis to see that we truly care about them and their unborn child.  

The overturn of Roe was the end of an era, but the beginning of a new one, in which life is respected and in which compassion can flow.  An era in which the image of God is extolled and the identity of Christ in us is expressed. We can continue to seek the Lord and ask Him what we should do in response. 

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