Thursday, August 31, 2023

Future Generations

You know, the spread of the gospel and the demonstration of Biblical truth is not just for us individually, or our families, our churches, and our contemporaries - we are called, I believe to leave a permanent mark on those who will come behind us. Psalm 145 states:
3 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; And His greatness is unsearchable.
4 One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts.
5 I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, And on Your wondrous works.

So, there really is a tremendous responsibility we have to live out our faith, recognizing that people are watching.  We can be bold to live in a manner that glorifies God and communicates to the world that He loves humanity and desires for all to come into a relationship with Himself. We can continue to pray and be involved in God's work in order that people can come into that saving knowledge of Christ. As Jesus instructed us, we don't hide our light, but allow His light to shine through us. 


It is important that each of us is determined to leave a faith imprint to the generations to come. Psalm 78 addresses this transmission of the Word of God:
4 We will not hide them from their children, Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.
5 For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel, Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;
6 That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born, That they may arise and declare them to their children,
7 That they may set their hope in God, And not forget the works of God, But keep His commandments...

The Bible speaks powerfully about the generations to come - and it's important that we are concerned about the spiritual health and devotion to the Lord of what is known as Generation Z, or Gen Z for short. 

The Christian Post recently reported on the spiritual viewpoints of this generation, stating: "The latest chapter of the American Bible Society’s State of the Bible USA 2023 report...focuses on the spiritual practices of Generation Z, who were born in 1997 or later."

Here is one of the major talking points:

The newest installment of the annual survey examined the beliefs and practices of Gen Zers, comparing and contrasting them to older generations. The report shows that, although a higher share of respondents belonging to Generation Z identify as agnostics, atheists or “nones” (34%) than the older generations, 58% of Gen Z respondents identify as Christians.
Of course, when you see those words, "identify as," I think you should pause and think that this is self-identification - and their definition may not line up with the Bible. And, as the article notes: "Thirty percent of Gen Z respondents meet the definition of a Bible user, which refers to those who interact with the Bible on their own outside of a church service at least three times a year."

But, there is a dynamic of practice and experience that showed up in this survey, as The Christian Post notes:

Despite the lack of Scripture engagement among America’s youth, about half of Gen Z respondents agreed with the statement that “the message of the Bible has transformed my life.” Among Gen Z adults between the ages of 18 and 21, 49% agreed that the Bible had a transformative effect on their lives. That number rose to 52% among Gen Z respondents between the ages of 22 and 26.
ABS Chief Ministry Insights Officer John Farquhar Plake stated that Gen Z is “a generation struggling to find their footing with faith.”  The article says:
After noting that “scripture engagement rates for Gen Z have been on a steady decline over the past three years,” he expressed gratitude that “this generation still shows significant interest in the Bible and the message of Jesus.”

“Ministry leaders may be surprised to find how open Gen Z adults in their communities are to discussion about God’s Word,” he added. “And if the trends we’re seeing continue—it’s crucial to be having those conservations now.”

Coming up later this month, you will hear from the leader of Precept, David Arthur, the son of ministry founders Kay and Jack Arthur.  The ministry has just launched a new outreach called "Yarrow." The Precept website notes:

In 2021, Precept sensed God calling us to reach out to the next generation with the hope and truth of God’s Word.

Yarrow is our answer to that call.

A product brand of Precept, Yarrow is the Bible study guide for the next generation.
The significance of that name? The Yarrow website notes: "...while the yarrow plant has been known to humans for a while, its uses vary widely. From treating headaches to elevating your salad, this plant keeps giving!" The site goes on to say, "The Bible is like that—you can read it over and over and yet still come away having discovered something new every time..."

The Church and individual Christians can consider the importance of reaching future generations with the gospel - the perpetuation of the practice of Biblical Christianity. While those in the Gen Z category may communicate differently and might even relate to the Scriptures in a different way - the Bible's meaning does not change.  While the packaging may be altered, the "precepts," if you will, are reliable and powerful.

And, there is a spiritual sensitivity among these future generations - and through the Internet and especially social media, there is no shortage of options.  So, while a person may claim to be "spiritual," that doesn't mean that he or she is devoted to Biblical Christianity.  The spiritual smorgasbord that exists does not necessarily point to the principles of Scripture.  So, each of us should make sure that we are devoted to the one true God and the truth of His Word - accept no substitutes!

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

In the Name of Jesus

Jesus said that no one comes to the Father except by Him - we recognize that when we pray in the name of Jesus, we are praying to the God of the Universe in the name of His Son, the name described as the name above every name. John 16 says:
23 And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.
24 Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

So, God invites us to come before Him - and that access has been granted through Jesus Himself. So, when we come, we stand clothed in Christ, desirous to see His will performed in our lives, dedicated and reverential.  The name of Jesus is not a "magic" word that we throw around - when we speak His name, we are standing in solidarity with Him, we are expressing our desire to be aligned with His will, to release His power so that God and God alone would receive the glory.


Jesus teaches us that we can pray in His name, the name above every name, according to Philippians chapter 2, praying with confidence and expectation. In John 14, Jesus said:

12 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.
13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it...

Yesterday, I spotlighted a school board member in California who was dedicated to having a godly influence in her community.  This can be motivational to each of us to be salt and light wherever we are called to serve.

Intercessors for America ran an article on its website earlier this month that told the story of another local school board member who was devoted to not only serving in that capacity, but praying for God to show up in a powerful way in that body.

An article on its website related:

The School Board of the Tulsa Public Schools (TPS) in Oklahoma has a history of being very liberal. They also have rubber-stamped every liberal agenda presented by the superintendent of TPS.

In 2020, a group of believers started attending the school board meetings — praying before and during the meetings. E’Lena Ashley belonged to that prayer group. She decided to run for a vacant school board seat in 2022. She won.

The article goes on to say:

E’Lena has transformed the TPS school board. She invited experienced intercessors to pray over all the chairs in the room prior to school board meetings. She wisely refused to rubber-stamp the TPS superintendent’s yearly budget. As a result, a $343,000 embezzlement was discovered.

The actions in Tulsa, like those in California, have received national coverage.  

Then came what IFA calls, "The Prayer That Rocked the State."  Intercessors for America covered it in another article, stating that Ashley...

...stepped up to the podium on May 20, 2023, and prayed a simple prayer of blessing in the name of Jesus over the new graduates of Tulsa’s East Central High School. The firestorm that followed shook the town and, ultimately, the state.
This occurred at the commencement ceremony for the school. She prayed: “I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that each one of you would walk forward from this moment in the excellence and love of God. That He would guide you, direct you, and draw you to your ultimate goal.” Then, she gave her graduation speech.

The article notes: "The prayer lasted a mere 18 seconds, but that one mention of the name of Jesus set off a firestorm of adverse reactions far beyond reason, thrusting E’Lena into a vicious attack against her, personally."  For example:
The local newspaper derided her with a barrage of negative articles. Social media trolls called her names and harassed her. The Tulsa public school superintendent and a fellow board member wrote open letters condemning her for violating the U.S. Constitution and the TPS students’ religious rights. In a matter of days, the threats of lawsuits began. The first threat came from the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation. The organization’s website says it actively pursues cases it perceives to be violations of the First Amendment.

But thousands stood with E'Lena.  IFA reported:

The ramifications of her prayer spread throughout Oklahoma like the Fourth of July fireworks. Oklahoma’s conservative community got a taste of the spiritual resistance E’Lena endured, when they attended a public rally at which the Oklahoma secretary of education presented over 2,000 letters of support for E’Lena’s graduation prayer — amid heckling protesters.

E’Lena’s trial reminds us as intercessors to pray for newly elected school board members as they enter a position where the battle is intense and the persecution is real, especially for those who sincerely care about the students and their physical and spiritual well-being.

There is a prayer opportunity coming up this Friday, the day that once-fired football coach Joe Kennedy coaches his first game back at Bremerton High School in the state of Washington.  On its website, First Liberty, the legal organization who successfully defended the coach who had been dismissed for praying on the field following games, posted this:

To celebrate Coach Kennedy’s comeback, we’re calling on everyone to take part in the First Freedom Challenge: Take a Knee with Coach Kennedy campaign. We’re asking Americans to take a knee wherever they are in personal private prayer on Friday, Sept. 1.

This is a simple yet powerful step we can take to restore faith in our schools and communities. It could even help spark revival throughout our country.

You can learn more at, which stands for Religious Freedom in America.  Then, type in /challenge.

Joe Kennedy believes in prayer.  Those who stand with him and those who will kneel with him this Friday do, too. And, in Tulsa that band of prayer warriors, which includes current school board member E'Lena Ashley, believe it, too - they've seen it.  Coach Kennedy and E'Lena Ashley faced opposition, but their commitment is strong.  That's a great word of encouragement for each of us.  We can continue to pray and stand strong in the name of Jesus, confident that He hears us and will respond as we stand with Him.

We can reflect on how God may have placed each of us strategically in a place of influence - as a parent with students in schools, in the workplace, in the church, maybe even in the grocery store or a local coffee shop.  We can be conscious of God's call and follow His direction as He provides open doors for us to testify to the presence of Jesus in us. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Spare Us

In Proverbs chapter 11, we can find a reminder about the distinct influence that God's people can have in our communities. The chapter says:
11 By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted, But it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.
12 He who is devoid of wisdom despises his neighbor, But a man of understanding holds his peace.

The acts of the people of God can have a profound impact on the communities we are called to serve. We can accept the challenge to live according to the principles of Scripture and we can therefore be a blessing to the people around us.  When we live as the Church, the way we ought to live, certainly, there will be detractors, but you would hope that people would be drawn to live according to the way that leads to eternal and abundant life.  Our influence can literally save lives for eternity.


Rather than complain about the moral decline throughout our nation, it is important that we are interceding, praying that hearts will be open and the God would work powerfully. In Genesis 18, the wicked city of Sodom was facing a crisis; judgment was imminent. Abraham, as a righteous man, chosen by God, had the ear of God - we can read these words, beginning here with Abraham:
24 Suppose there were fifty righteous within the city; would You also destroy the place and not spare it for the fifty righteous that were in it?
25 Far be it from You to do such a thing as this, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be as the wicked; far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"
26 So the Lord said, "If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes."

Abraham then began to rely on God's grace, and the number of 50 began to be reduced. In verse 32, the "final offer" is made:
32 Then he said, "Let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak but once more: Suppose ten should be found there?" And He said, "I will not destroy it for the sake of ten."
33 So the Lord went His way as soon as He had finished speaking with Abraham; and Abraham returned to his place.

We know that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, and yes, there was a family of six people - Lot, his wife, their two daughters, and their sons-in-law - who escaped.  What if Abraham had reduced the number to six?  The grace of God was certainly present. 

The issue of parental rights has been elevated across our country, and we are seeing parents who are appealing to educational authorities and taking hold of their God-given responsibility to do what they see is best for their children. The Bible says in Deuteronomy chapter 6:
5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
6 "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.
7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

And, while parents have that responsibility to lead their children, making sure that those whom they choose to educate their children are acting in a manner consistent with their principles they are learning at home, some Christian parents have taken the extra step and run for school board, so that they can have a greater say in the policies and curriculum of their local school systems, taking seriously their call to be salt and light in that way. 

Sonja Shaw is the President of the Chino Valley Unified School District in California, one of several districts that have taken steps recently to uphold the rights of parents to know important information about their students.  And, she has faced threats for her bold stand. The Christian Post reported:
Shaw, who was elected to the board last November, and others were apparently targeted after CVUSD adopted the parental notification policy in a 4-1 decision on July 20. That policy requires school officials to notify parents within three days of a student’s decision to identify with a gender “other than the student’s biological sex” or other official records.

At that July 20 meeting, Shaw had a confrontational exchange with Tony Thurmond, the state Superintendent of Public Instruction, who also attended the meeting to object to the policy’s passage on behalf of Gov. Gavin Newsom's administration.
The article notes that Shaw has been threatened, stating: "The threats of violence over the district’s parental notification policy, which the board passed in late July, has sparked an active police investigation that has led to at least one arrest." The article says:
While police say the first threat made was linked to a non-California resident and Chino police worked with local authorities on that case, “several other threatening messages, emails, and social media posts have been sent to members of the CVUSD Board” — including Shaw herself, who told CP there have been “voicemails threatening my life and now one other board member’s life.”
But, Shaw is reliant on the Lord during this challenging time. She is quoted as saying, “It’s no secret I’m a Christ follower.”  The Christian Post article states:
Shaw, a Chino native who is a wife and mother of two, is also a small business owner and leads a local Bible study.

She says her decision to run for the school board began during the COVID-19 lockdowns as California enacted some of the most stringent public health restrictions in the country.

“When the shutdown happened a few years ago is when so many of us parents got involved and things were revealed about the elected officials and they began exposing their intentions and focus,” Shaw said. “As more and more parents united, we knew they had no desire to listen to us.”

The Washington Stand website reports that California Attorney General Rob Bonta has "announced ...he has opened a civil rights investigation into 'potential legal violations' of notifying parents."  He calls the policy "forced outing" of transgender students. 

CBN reports today that Attorney General Bonta has filed legal action against the district to prevent the policy from being implemented.  Not a surprise, according to Sonja Shaw.  The article says:

Chino Valley Board President Sonja Shaw told ABC News the lawsuit is no surprise to her and the state has repeatedly taken steps "to shut parents out of their children's lives."

"We will stand our ground and protect our children with all we can because we are not breaking the law," she told the outlet. "Parents have a constitutional right in the upbringing of their children. Period."

Shaw and supporters say parents have a right to know the decisions their children are making in schools.

The Washington Stand article quotes attorney Laura Powell, who stated: "Bonta cites a general right to privacy under the state constitution, but fails to cite any case applying this right to gender identity, much less in the context of a child’s right to keeping information private from their parents..."  The article includes more from Powell, who said:

“Interestingly, the right to privacy for transsexualism is based on the idea that it’s a ‘profound psychiatric disorder,’ and people have a general right to keep their medical history private,” she wrote. “The question presented here is whether children have a right to keep serious psychiatric conditions they are suffering from secret from their parents,” she concluded.

The article include quotes from other experts:

“Parents, do we have your attention yet? The state is coming for your kids,” said Lance Christensen, vice president of California Policy Center. “Using case law that he knows to be incorrectly applied, the AG is going after a duly elected school district that implemented a policy completely consistent with current state law.” Bonta’s legal challenge proves that “California officials think the government should be parenting children,” according to the Education First Alliance.

The Christian Post article includes further statements from Shaw about the role of her Christian faith in her role:

“People from all over the nation have called, emailed and continue to write letters of support and saying this gave them hope,” she explained. “A few years ago, when I joined this journey, God kept showing me hope [in] Jeremiah 29:11.

“I have drawn closer and closer to God during this time and look to Him for direction and protection.”

From time to time, as I address the issue of civic engagement, I will challenge listeners to consider running for office themselves.  It's certainly a challenge to put yourself up for elective office, to run a campaign, and then to serve in that capacity if you are elected.  But, we need Christians in places of influence - many in our government have strayed from the values rooted in Judeo-Christian principles upon which our nation is founded.  One person, directed by and empowered by the Spirit of God, can have a dramatic impact in whatever sphere to which he or she is called. 

Sonja Shaw and other school board members in California devoted to upholding Christian principles have begun to make a difference.  We should never write off any city, county, state, or our nation just because ungodly principles have been embraced or implemented.  God was extremely graceful when He told Abraham that he would not pour his wrath on Sodom if he could find only 10 people who served God.  Only 10 - there are far more in our American cities in decline, way more than that in our nation.  There is a remnant, a Church who has been placed here by God to act in accordance with His Kingdom principles.  One could make the accusation: well, that's just Christian nationalism.  I believe that it's Biblical Christianity - to be desirous to make the glory of God known in every single aspect of life and culture.  Perhaps God is sparing the judgment we deserve in our nation because of the presence of His Church.  

Monday, August 28, 2023

Keep Pressing

As we keep our eyes on Jesus, we know that He will one day call us home to be with Him, but until then, by the strength that He gives, we continue to do His work. The apostle Paul captured that in 2nd Timothy chapter 4, writing:
6 For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand.
7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.

This world is not our ultimate resting place, and we can view our existence here as part of God's plan for us.  We are people on mission, who are called to grow in Him and to reflect and share what He has done for us.  While we may retire from an occupation, we can continue to do the work of the ministry; for we have all been called. We can develop a long-term perspective and seek to glorify God in whatever stage of life we find ourselves.


In Philippians 3, Paul encourages believers to continue on the trajectory to which God has called them - drawing closer to Him consistently. He writes:
12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.
13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,
14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
15 Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you.

I don't believe there comes a time in the life of a believer in which we make the conscious decision to just lay it all down, head back to the house, and withdraw.  Now, there may be extenuating circumstances later in life that would sideline an individual - even so, God does not forget that person.  But, by and large, as the Leeland song says, if we have breath in our lungs, we're not done.

It's heartening to hear about seasoned citizens - in their 80's and 90's - who are allowing themselves to be used of God.  That's the story of a lady who was featured in a 1819 News story last year. 

Her name is Mary Glynn Peeples.  The story relates how she and her husband, Sam, got married in 1955, but a dramatic change in the course of their lives occurred in 1964; it states:

After the couple became born-again Christians in 1964, their journey really began. Sam brought Campus Crusade for Christ to the University of Alabama, and although Mary was along for the ride, she said Sam was the ringleader.

“He just had a love for evangelism,” said Peeples. “I was not as loving of it as he was. He kind of dragged me along. I did what he wanted to do because I loved him.”

The couple had three children and were eventually called to do missionary work. She had never lived anywhere but Alabama so the call to do mission work in Asia was a big change for Peeples.

“Dr. Bill Bright, who founded Campus Crusade, challenged us to move to Asia,” said Peeples. “When he presented me with that idea I said, ‘Where is Asia?'”

During their time in the Philippines, the couple led a school for Asian Christians, and they taught Bible classes in various churches.

After three years, the couple headed to Washington, D.C. where they spent two years helping to start the Christian Embassy to reach people in government.

The Peeples met and ministered to a number of influential people; then, they became involved in Christian counseling.  

In 2012, Sam passed away, but Mary Glynn continued to be active in ministry.  She is quoted as saying: “I’m 90 years old, and I am slowing down a bit but I love it and I just have a heart to teach people the truth because the truth sets you free,” adding, “There’s so many miserable people in this world and I just want to help show them that it can be different.” As the article points out, she is still involved in counseling and teaching Bible studies on a weekly basis for adults, as well as children.

Even though Sam is no longer on the earth, Mary Glynn knows where he is; she says, "...after he died, I decided that I had to think on truth to survive, and the truth is that he is in Heaven and Christ is in me. So, when I go to bed at night and miss him, I think about that and that excites me.”  And, she has this desire when she reunites with him and goes home to be with the Lord:

“I hope that I have left the fact that the information in the Bible is the most important information in the world,” said Peeples. “Jesus told Nicodemus, ‘You must be born again,' and Nicodemus said, ‘How do you do that?’ Most people want to do what’s right but they don’t know how. Never tell anyone what to do unless you can tell them how to do it.”

Mary Glynn Peeples has certainly told people how to do it - how to walk the Christian walk - and continues to do so.  She is a wonderful example of someone who is dedicated to doing the Lord's work until He calls us home.  Certainly, there will be extenuating circumstances that may sideline us along the way.  But, we are not exempt from doing ministry - if we are able - until our expiration date, when we change locations from this earth to our heavenly home. 

She still does a podcast called, Peeples' Passion.  And, as we grow, we can continue to develop a passion to draw closer to God and know Him better.  We should, as the apostle Paul teaches us, continue to press on in that trajectory, not looking back or drifting back, nor standing still, but moving ahead in His strength.

Friday, August 25, 2023


Where instability is all around us, Christian believers can be secure in our Savior. In 2nd Thessalonians 3, the apostle Paul admonishes us to stand on God's principles, writing:
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle.
16 Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace,
17 comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.

We have to make sure that we are continuing to walk in the ways which God has taught us, firmly rooted on the principles of Scripture and reflecting our dependence on the Lord. He calls us to a consistent, authentic walk that demonstrates that we know Jesus and that we are abiding in Him. Jesus taught that as we abide in Him and His Word, that we will bear fruit for the Kingdom - we should be intent on fulfilling God's plan for us. 


In the book of Joshua, chapter 1, the Lord admonishes the newly-appointed leader of Israel to be courageous and consistent, recognizing that God would go with him. We can find these words:
7 Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.
8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Finally free.  

You might say that is the mindset of longtime ESPN anchor Sage Steele - Steele and her former employee announced a settlement in a lawsuit recently and she is now released without the threat of pushback and retaliation for violating the company's ideological mindset. offered this recently:

After settling a free speech dispute with Disney-owned ESPN, veteran sportscaster Sage Steele is using her platform to support and protect female sports.

Sage's case stems from comments she made on a popular podcast in 2021, where she voiced her disapproval of Disney's COVID vaccination policy. In response, the company forced Sage to apologize and took away high-profile assignments. So, she sued Disney for violating her constitutional rights.

"I have been part of empowering women in this man's world, starting with myself – as a little girl, having this dream of being a sportscaster, but on every level professionally with women – and I will never stop that," said Steele.
She posted online: "Having successfully settled my case with ESPN/DISNEY, I have decided to leave so I can exercise my First Amendment rights more freely. I am grateful for so many wonderful experiences over the past 16 years and am excited for my next chapter."

One area in which she has spoken out, and I would anticipate, will continue to do so has to do with biological males competing against females. The CBN article said:
"This is not new that women and men are different," Steele said. "Physiologically, men are stronger than women – that's just how it is. God made us differently, in many beautiful ways."

She went on to emphasize, "Transgender women, biological men – do not belong in competing in sports with women, period. It's actually ridiculous that we're even having this conversation in our society today."

The Washington Examiner reported on Steele's settlement, stating:

Former ESPN anchor Sage Steele outlined how she was treated differently at the network than other anchors, based on politics.

Steele admitted to Megyn Kelly on SiriusXM's The Megyn Kelly Show that she was "heartbroken" to be suspended from upcoming events. Kelly introduced Steele with a compilation of other ESPN anchors making political statements on air.
She is quoted as saying: "I think that's just what breaks my heart is that there were different rules for me than everyone else," adding, "When I lost the Rose Parade, which just was a big deal, it was on ABC, and it was — it's iconic, and it's special, I just didn't know what I was gonna do with that. I knew that mentally I had checked out and was heartbroken again at the hypocrisy of the rules. Either the rule's a rule for everybody or nobody. But you can't pick and choose, but especially if it's just one person — it's just me..."

In an example of ESPN’s leftist slant, political pandering, and blatant hypocrisy, Kelly and Steele spoke about how ESPN personalities reacted to Florida passing the Parental Rights in Education Act. ESPN commentators said that they and the network were “allies” of the alphabet soup crowd, and then announced that the network would stay on the air but observe a “moment of silence.” A moment of silence, akin to grieving, over legislation that gave parents rights.

This week, Steele was in Tuscaloosa speaking to the Alabama football team.  The On3 website noted:

The official Alabama Football Twitter account posted some photos from Steele’s visit. One was her in conversation in Saban’s office, while the other two display her up front, speaking to the entire team. Steele has been in the broadcasting game for quite some time and should have had a good story to tell.

“What is your Why? Thank you, @sagesteele for sharing your Why with @AlabamaFTBL,” the tweet said.

Perhaps she gave a clue to how she answers that question personally in some of her recent comments. Steele's outspokenness, she believes, is a holy calling, according to The Washington Stand, which reported that she said recently: “I feel like God has put me here for a reason,” adding, “not just the way He made me, but … to get out there and have this conversation and to call out the hypocrisy, because that is what it is. And until someone has the courage to call it out on a larger platform, this will continue. And frankly, there are so many people who are afraid to speak up.”  Steele, who is biracial, apparently held to the wrong views on racial issues, stating,  You see, you’re entitled to an opinion just so long as it aligns with their views on race. That’s the problem. Even you as a biracial woman can get slammed, can get criticized, can be called all sorts of terrible things because your views on race only count if they align with theirs.” 

I think it can be instructive to determine just what our "why?" is.  Our purpose - wrapped up in our identity.  And, our identity should be who God says we are, not who the world tells us we should be.  From that flows our purpose.  So, we can ask ourselves why we're here.  God has a mission for us; He desires for us to come to know Him and to represent Him in this world.

When we realize who we are and what God intended us to be, then we can make our decisions based on His principles and His intentions.  That can sometimes lead to bold choices, to bold statements, even to bold stands. And, we can be confident that when we decide to go with Him, He will give us the courage to do what we ought to do.  Sage Steele has been known for her outspoken, principled stands on a variety of issues, which have been consistent with a Biblical worldview.  Jesus called out those who were hypocritical, and we have to make sure we relate to others from a place of authenticity and consistency. 

Thursday, August 24, 2023


Because Christ lives in us, He will give us the boldness to proclaim His truth, recognizing His Word will not return void. In 2nd Timothy 4, Paul challenges Timothy:
2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;
4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

This passage has these phrases bookeneded: "Preach the word!" in verse 2 and "fulfill your ministry" in verse 5.  We do not belong to this world, but we have been given a mission to reach the world with the gospel of Christ.  We've been entrusted with the gospel and empowered to share it in a way that will reach hearts and be used in bringing about life change.  God has called us to be faithful - to plant seeds, and to be part of the harvest of souls coming to Christ.


In Colossians chapter 4, the apostle Paul addressed the importance of communicating God's truth, as well as the way it should be shared. We can read these words:
2 Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving;
3 meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains,
4 that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.
5 Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time.
6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.

Earlier this week, I was sharing about a young man who loves Jesus and wants to tell others about Him, who had shown up at an event, as it was reported at The Daily Wire website, "to preach and start conversations about God’s design for human sexuality."  After a subsequent event, at which he was detained by law enforcement, according to the Sentinel website, he said, "I’d do it all over again if it gives me an opportunity to share the good news and rescue innocent children being sexualized by their parents."

So, he and his peers were apparently dedicated to starting "conversations."  That word stuck out to me as I related this young man's story.  Because, as it's been pointed out, starting a "gospel conversation" can result in seeds being planted and hearts being changed.

The Barna Group reports on one of it surveys:

Relationships between Christians and people of no faith are fairly common—and they often involve talking about Jesus. In fact, 65 percent of people of no faith personally know someone who follows Jesus, and 45 percent say such a peer has talked with them about their Christian faith.

Interestingly enough, the Barna researchers asked an interesting question: "What do people of no faith hope these spiritual conversations look like?"  The survey summary stated:

In our survey, responses are clear: The top thing people look for in a conversation with a Christian is that they “listen without judgment.” People of no faith are also hoping for honesty about questions and doubts, and they don’t want forced conclusions. The best learning environment, they express, is one marked by care and consideration.

39% of those who have "no faith" shared what was characterized as the top answer. But, as you look at the survey results, you see threads of honesty, lack of coercion, and care. 

These responses remind us that spiritual conversations can’t be divorced from the relationships in which they can occur. When they go poorly or are simply ineffective, it may not only limit curiosity about Jesus but also hinder connection between the individuals.

Given these insights, the task becomes helping Christians learn how to build relationships and have conversations that honor these values and create spaces where there is mutual care, respect and authenticity.

These survey results certainly can reinforce the notion that not only is it what you say regarding your relationship with Jesus, but how you say it.  I will sometimes link the words conviction and compassion.  Certainly the Word will not return void, no matter what the packaging, and we are called to be seed-planters.  But, perhaps the Word can be sown in a more compelling way, spoken, as Ephesians 4 relates, "with love." We have to make sure that we are so motivated by love for others and a desire to see them come to know Christ, that our love and concern radiates through our words and demeanor.

And, one of the elements that we should incorporate in our approach to others is the ability to listen.  In the aftermath of a spiritual conversation, 36% of respondents said they "felt cared for." 28% said they felt "heard."  But, 25% said they felt "unheard."  We can be so intent on getting our message across that we talk past another person.  We can develop a greater sense of empathy by listening to what someone is saying and relying on the Holy Spirit to be able to say just the right words that will communicate effectively in response.  In a world seeking answers, if we are obedient to the Lord and reliant on His Spirit, we can see God use us in tremendous ways.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Flaming Out

Jesus contrasted His light with the darkness of the world. He declared that He is the light of the world and said that we are, as well - because of His presence in us. Luke 11 states:
33 "No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a lampstand, that those who come in may see the light.
34 The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness.
35 Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness.
36 If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light."

So, we have been given the light of Christ and His truth can change our perspective. But, the world will tell us a different story - we have to stand against the ways of darkness, that are inconsistent with the teachings of Scripture, so that we can maintain that sense of His light. We have to have our eyes fully open and make sure that we allow the light of Christ to influence of thoughts, attitudes, and emotions, so that our minds are not corrupted or led astray.


There are those that claim the name of Christ, but deny Him by their actions. We have to recognize that not all that is called "Christian" actually reflects the teachings of Christ. In 2nd Timothy chapter 3, Paul lists the characteristics of those whom he describes in verse 5: "having a form of godliness but denying its power," adding, "And from such people turn away!"

He goes on to write:
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith;
9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.

A milestone was reached recently on the iTunes Christian music chart.  For what has been reported as one day and one day only, Matthew Blake became the first "drag queen" to top the chart.

How is that even possible?  A drag queen, who represents the deviance of fallen humanity, topping a Christian music chart.  The Christian Post reported that:

Matthew Blake, who wears makeup and women’s clothing and performs under the name Flamy Grant, released the album “Bible Belt Baby” last year but recently hit the top spot on the iTunes Christian and Gospel chart along with the album’s lead single, “Good Day.”

Sean Feucht publicized Blake's collaboration with Derek Webb in a tweet, saying: “If you're wondering the end goal of the deconstruction movement in the church, then look no further than former worship leader @derekwebb's new collab with a drag queen. These are truly the last days.” 

The article said:

In response to Feucht’s tweet, Blake commented, “End goal? Baby we’re just getting started” and called on his Instagram followers to “prove Feucht wrong.”

In a September 2022 interview, Blake acknowledged his drag name was inspired by “arguably the most successful Christian artist of all time,” CCM legend Amy Grant.

Webb, as the Christian Post reported, "...featured the drag performer on his 2023 release The Jesus Hypothesis in a song called 'Boys Will Be Girls,' a video that features both performers in makeup while standing in front of a cross and includes the lyrics, 'I heard Jesus loved and spent his life with those who /Were abandoned by proud and fearful men /So if a church won’t celebrate and love you /They’re believing lies that can’t save you or them /Cause you’re so beautiful by any name.'”

Just days ago, reported that following Feucht's comments...

...Blake took to TikTok to have his followers stream the song. That led to its ranking on Apple Music Christian music charts, which is not the industry standard.

Blake's song was allegedly at the top of the chart for one day but is now nowhere to be found in the top 100.

Billboard even reported on Blake's success, complete with a gender identity pronoun:

And yes, the inspiration behind their drag name does, in fact, know all about it. “I know Amy Grant knows about me,” Blake says with a smile. “Some people who were in her orbit have talked to me and said, ‘Amy thinks it’s great.’ I am hopeful that there will be some kind of collaboration someday.”

When a pastor at their progressive Christian church asked Blake if they would want to perform a sermon during one of their virtual services during the pandemic, they agreed, filmed it, and posted a clip of it on TikTok. After it blew up, Blake knew that they were onto something. “It was like, ‘Oh, this is not just for me. This is actually able to speak to people, and they’re all saying that this makes them feel safe and seen,'” they recall. “That’s all I ever want my art to do.”

The report that the namesake for Blake's act is fond of the drag performer's schtick is not surprising.  Grant has apparently been known to be LGBT-affirming.  In a commentary on The Point, John Stonestreet of the Colson Center said:

Recently, Christian music legend Amy Grant appeared on the pro-LGBT podcast “Proud Radio.” Asked about gay artists in country music, Grant said that she thinks it’s important to “set a welcome table” for people of all sexual orientations because: “None of us are a surprise to God. Nothing about who we are or what we’ve done.” The host understood these words as an endorsement of his gay lifestyle.

But nothing Grant said is technically wrong. God does love and welcome sinners. He isn’t surprised by who we are or what we’ve done. But in this cultural moment, to speak only the culturally acceptable truths about love and acceptance while keeping silent on the offensive truths about sin and salvation ends up not telling the truth, at all.

This hearkens back to Lauren Daigle's unfortunate comment in an interview about her being unsure about whether or not homosexuality is a sin. 

And, furthermore, Amy Grant has faced criticism for her hosting of her niece's same-sex wedding at the farm the she and husband Vince Gill own.

But, enough about Flamy, er Matthew, and Amy.  What's going on in our culture, especially the Christian music universe?  Adam Holz of Plugged In from Focus on the Family recalls when...

...CCM artists and the songs they created faithfully cohered to a biblically orthodox worldview. Sure, there were examples to the contrary here and there. But generally speaking, if we were talking about CCM, we could make some assumptions about what to expect theologically.

But just as once-trusted mainstream entertainment outlets have increasingly embraced social activism and politically progressive messaging—Disney, of course, comes to mind—so we’re now seeing a parallel phenomenon under the broad umbrella of CCM.

Holz goes on to state:

Webb has said, “If you claim to be someone’s ally, but aren’t getting hit by the stones thrown at them, you’re not standing close enough.” Blake, on Flamy Grant’s Instagram page, is more profanely blunt: “A community of people who wholeheartedly and full-throatedly reject the notion that Christian faith has to look like the fearful, petty, weak evangelicalism that demonizes so many people and dominates too much of life in the US. … F— that. You belong here, if here’s where you want to be. I love you.”

I quote these two voices to give you a sense of what they’re arguing, where they’re coming from and how they’re convinced that embracing Jesus and embracing an LGBT identity and behavior are compatible.

We’re certainly familiar with LGBT affirmation in mainstream entertainment. But, increasingly, this example shows us how a similar conversation is emerging somewhere we might once have considered a safe harbor in the cultural storm: the world of contemporary Christian music.

That harbor, it turns out, is churning and roiling with the waves and currents of this controversy. As with so many other forms of entertainment these days, CCM is a realm that requires wisdom and discernment with regard to the messages and worldviews being communicated. Parents can’t simply assume that a CCM artist will conform to their own understanding of Scripture.

And, while Jesus preached a message welcoming all to follow Him, He did not endorse their sin, nor ours. Holz says: "I believe—deeply—that Jesus has compassion on those who’ve struggled with a heavy burden of shame, isolation, fear and weariness. But the antidote to those struggles isn’t celebrating and affirming whatever we might think is right. Instead, the Gospel is an invitation to walk with Him, to let Jesus transform every aspect of our lives: what we eat, what we buy, what we value, how we treat others. And, yes, how we think, feel and behave sexually." He adds, "That Gospel is so much bigger—and so much more abundant—than the false, seemingly compassionate gospel of sexual inclusivity."

So, as Holz is saying, and I agree, even in what seems to be or claims to be Christian, it's "buyer beware."  We have to be careful to stay away from artists and messages that seem to be wrapped in a Christian package, yet inside contain a lifestyle and content that do not glorify God and contradict Scripture. Music is such a wonderful form of creative expression and the enemy would certainly want to corrupt what God desires to be used for His glory.  

So the entertainment choices we have to make even extend into the Christian realm - and into programming choices that are made here on Faith Radio, as we continue to seek to be a trusted source for you, so you may draw closer to the Lord.   

We should exhibit concern over artists who seem to have lost their way, buying into the world's lie that somehow sexual deviancy brings glory to God and that welcoming and affirming sinful lifestyles is connected to the expression of the love of Jesus.  It does seem that the pressure to conform is ramping up on Christians who want to live a holy life - recognizing that terrain, we can seek to maintain a faithful witness that demonstrates the amazing life - as Adam Holz rightly says, the abundant - life that Jesus wants us to enjoy. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

No Darkness

The proclamation of the gospel produces light - when we are living according to the principles we find in the Scriptures and allow Jesus to live through us, great things happen. In John 8, we can see this snapshot into the ministry of Jesus:
29 And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him."
30 As He spoke these words, many believed in Him.
31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.
32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

We have been entrusted with a precious gift - the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.  The born-again believer has responded to the truth of the Scriptures and decided to follow the Lord. Now, we have the responsibility to demonstrate His truth by radical obedience to Him and by speaking that truth, drawing a strong contrast to what the world is offering. We can be bold and courageous to be the voice of God as we represent His Kingdom.


The lines of distinction between the light of God and the darkness of the world are quite clear, and we can be faithful to shine the light of Jesus Christ, so that people may see His love and truth. 1st John 1 states:
5 This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.
6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.
7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

Just three weeks ago, there was a dubious event that was held in Watertown, Wisconsin, and it attracted quite a share of protestors, rightfully so - some of whom were arrested.

The Sentinel website noted that:

Police arrested and detained several young people in Watertown, Wisconsin, on Saturday while they were preaching the gospel at a public drag queen event targeted toward children.

Video circulated on social media showing multiple police officers arresting Marcus Schroeder as he was reading from the Bible. One officer was recorded aggressively pulling a microphone out of his hands and walking him away in handcuffs. Nick Proell, another young Christian, was detained and removed from the venue but later released with a warning.

Jason Storms, who recorded the viral video, said in remarks provided to The Sentinel that the young people, who attend Mercy Seat Christian Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin, were some of more than 200 individuals from various groups assembled to protest the drag show.

Shroeder told The Sentinel: “It was worth it. It’s actually an honor to be counted worthy to stand with the cloud of witnesses who have gone before us and been arrested for the sake of spreading Christ and his kingdom,” adding, “If the police wanted to try and set an example for others or anything like that, the only thing I’ve seen is actually the exact opposite, where more and more people are seeing the severity of what’s going on and being called to more action.”

The article went on to say: 

Proell likewise told The Sentinel that he “absolutely” does not regret his detainment. “I’d do it all over again if it gives me an opportunity to share the good news and rescue innocent children being sexualized by their parents,” he said. “God will use it for good. We will stand for truth even if we stand alone."

The writer of the piece for the Sentinel website, Ben Zeisloft, had covered Proell in another story from last year, as Phil Johnson of Grace to You had pointed out. On Twitter, Zeisloft said:

Nick, who was detained at the drag event, had his beloved personal Bible eaten by feral college leftists while preaching the gospel outside of a @MattWalshBlog speech only eight months ago. He is an absolute beast for the kingdom.

Zeisloft was writing for The Daily Wire at the time and reported:

The Daily Wire has learned that the Bible belonged to Nick Proell, a local teenager who joined peers from his church to preach and start conversations about God’s design for human sexuality among left-wing demonstrators gathered outside of the event. In an interview with The Daily Wire, Proell explained that the copy of the Scriptures was a Legacy Standard Bible purchased for roughly $100 at the end of last year.

“It was my personal study Bible that I used every single day,” Proell explained. “At church, at Bible study, to preach, you name it.” 

Proell had set his Bible down to talk to some of the protestors of the Matt Walsh What is a Woman? event, when it was apparently taken by someone outside the event, who began to, yes, actually eat the Bible.  Over $1000 in recording equipment were also stolen. 

A subsequent story on the Sentinel website related comments from Schroeder and Proell:

“Jesus told us to disciple the nations and teach them to obey all that Christ has commanded us, and part of the nations includes the culture,” Schroeder said, dismissing the notion that they were engaged in a mere culture war. “It's not that we're just trying to get political. This is God's world, and people have to live by God's rules. So we're here to take a stand for justice.”

“Jesus is Lord, and because he is the King and has made me a new creation through repentance and faith in him, I want to tell everyone living in sin that they can have true joy and peace if they simply turn to him in faith,” added Proell. “He has taken away my death sentence by taking my place. He died on a cross and was raised to life on the third day, defeating death and conquering the grave. If I truly believe in him, how could I not preach this good news to those who are lost in the LGBT movement?”

Men dressing as women, evil portrayed as good...these are the symptoms of a society that has collectively turned its back on God.  Those who glorify deviant sexual behavior are cutting right to the heart of the book of Genesis chapter 2, which states God's good plan for marriage.  When a culture rejects God, it rejects the things of God and the knowledge of God.  That is why a heart change is needed; only Jesus can change the condition of a human heart - to transform it from hard and calloused to pliable and open.  

The faith to be saved arises from the presence of the Word of God - faith comes by hearing, which comes from the Scriptures. Nick Proell said, "We will stand for truth even if we stand alone." The proclamation of truth can lead to the transformation of a life.  So, we can consider how we are speaking and living the truth in our own lives.  The truth of the gospel sets people free - our adherence to truth sets us free and our announcement of truth can set others free.  We can be convinced in our own minds about how that can be applied - to people who are lost pushing a sexual agenda that is contrary to God's Word, to children who are being sexualized by it, to pre-born children whose lives are being taken, to those who are trapped in all sorts of sin.  We have the answers, and we can be faithful to represent the Lord to those who do not follow Him.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Standing With the Fallen

When crisis comes, believers in the Lord can take the presence of Christ into difficult situations, providing spiritual, emotional, and physical relief. Christians become of tangible reminder of God's love. In Psalm 42, we can read these words:
8 The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, And in the night His song shall be with me-- A prayer to the God of my life.
9 I will say to God my Rock, "Why have You forgotten me? Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?"
10 As with a breaking of my bones, My enemies reproach me, While they say to me all day long, "Where is your God?"
11 Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.

When our lives are in disarray and our hearts are in turmoil, we can go to the Lord to find peace for our souls. When we feel forgotten, we can recognize that God is with us.  As the latest Faith Radio Ministry Magazine suggests, we are not alone - we can know and experience the nearness of God and bring His presence into the circumstances we face.  He walks with us when we suffer and provides strength when we think we are weak. 


This passage from Psalm 121 can help us to recognize on whom - we depend when trouble comes into our lives. It states:
(1) I will lift up my eyes to the hills-- From whence comes my help?
2 My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.
3 He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber.

The death toll is well over 100 in those wildfires that have ravaged a portion of the Hawaiian island of Maui, in and around the city of Lahaina.  That's the city where Harvest Christian Fellowship, based in Southern California and pastored by Faith Radio programmer Greg Laurie, has a church called Harvest at Kumulani Chapel. 

Just days ago, Greg Laurie issued a blog post, in which he said:

As you know, devastating fires have effectively destroyed most of this old town of Lahaina and many lives have been lost. The number keeps climbing and there are a thousand people unaccounted for. This is so tragic.

And as you also know, we have a church there called Harvest Kumulani. It’s about 10 or 11 miles from downtown Lahaina. Our church has been dramatically affected. Many people in our congregation have had their homes burned down, but our church has a great sense of ohana. That’s Hawaiian for “family.” They’re pulling together. They’re caring for each other.

The Harvest ministry is working in the area and partnering with Samaritan's Purse, which, not unexpectedly, has a team on the ground.  Pastor Greg noted:

We believe that our greatest message is hope. You know, hope. What is hope? An acronym for hope is holding on with patient expectation. And we want to bring help, hope, and perspective to people. And for those that don’t know Jesus, the hope of the gospel. And for those that believe, let them know that they are loved and that we care for them and we’re there to help them.

Harvest has established a relief fund for the wildfire victims.  

A CBN article noted that there have been some 2000 buildings burned in the region, but Harvest at Kumulani Chapel and another church building have withstood the onslaught.  And, the article made mention of some miracle stories.  For instance...

The family of Joe Schilling says he died a hero, trying to assist his elderly neighbors.

Mike Cicchino and his wife were trapped on the beach. They took off their shirts, dunked them in water, and tried to cover their faces. Cicchino ran up and down the seawall, shouting his lost dogs' names. He saw dead bodies slumped next to the wall. "Help me," people screamed. Elderly and disabled people couldn't make it over the wall on their own. Some were badly burned, and Cicchino lifted as many as he could. He ran until he vomited from the smoke, his eyes nearly swollen shut.

CBN's Operation Blessing is on the ground, as well, working to bring assistance, along with partners such as Youth With a Mission.  The article also notes the work of CityServe.

Baptist Press reported on the efforts to help in Lahaina, and quoted from Rocky Komatsu, pastor of Waiehu Community Church in the area.  The article stated:

Southern Baptist churches are joining local non-profits and individual volunteers in what Komatsu called a “grassroots effort.” Anyone with a boat, helicopter or plane is collecting supplies and taking them from the central area of the island over to Lahaina in drop centers that have been set up. A select few people are authorized to enter by land.

In the midst of an interview with Baptist Press, Komatsu was helping load supplies with some people that he didn’t even know.

“The good thing is that the community as a whole is rallying around Lahaina,” he said.

“It’s pretty neat to see in the midst of this tragedy lots of people from all different walks of life coming together from different parts of the island. Our churches are partnering together to collecting supplies to provide for people in the shelters as well as to send to Lahaina.

Ron Hutchcraft, another Faith Radio programmer, also related that theme of hope on The Christian Post website, saying:

The racing flames in the iconic Lahaina community of Maui simply consumed everything in its path, often leaving only ashes where minutes before a building had stood.

The charming tourist magnet and idyllic community has suddenly become a desolate landscape of loss. Except for the tree. The 150-year-old banyan tree soars to 60 feet and covers an entire city block. It is badly charred and its future is uncertain, but today it stands as one surviving symbol of hope amidst all the sadness and ruin.

"Everything is gone," one survivor said. But the tree is still standing.

He went on to say:

I realized as I prayed for Lahaina that this is just how I felt on that May day when my "everything" was gone – my Karen, the love of my life since I was 19 years old. The only person on earth who had done my whole adult life with me. Gone. Suddenly gone.

But one thing was still standing – the Tree that you often see on necklaces and on church steeples. The cross where Jesus died a death that has changed millions of lives ever since. That cross became an anchor on that darkest day of my life.

Ron recounted:

I did not stand alone as I stood by Karen's fresh grave. My Jesus was there.

Lahaina's banyan tree has an uncertain future. God's "safely home" Tree is there forever. Indestructible.

That Tree says I am forever loved. Forever forgiven. Forever safe. Never alone.

No fire can take that away.

There is hope in the fire.  There is hope in the rubble.  It's a powerful message that no doubt is being communicated by those who are ministering in the name of the Lord.  And, in our own times of loss and suffering, we can continue to stand strong in the hope of Christ.   The Bible poses that question from Psalm 121: "From whence comes my help?"  We can ask ourselves on whom we depend when tough times come.

Tough times have come to Maui, but the Church is standing with those in need - being the hands and feet of Jesus, being used of the Lord to supply resources and standing together with those who are hurting.  The Church in community is a powerful and relieving force when there is hurt and pain. In our times of loss, we can turn to the One who has found us, who is mindful of our needs and loves us through our darkest moments.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Who Do You Represent?

We have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus and we have been given new life in Him - He has enlisted us into His service as His ambassadors; we are called to represent Him. In 1st Timothy 1, Paul writes:
12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry,
13 although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.
14 And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.
15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

Because we have a Savior, we are not to live as if we do not have one, as if we do not know Him. That means, as Paul writes in Romans 1, we are not to be ashamed of the gospel - as His representatives, we are directed and empowered to live for Him.  We are appointed to a walk of personal holiness, reflecting the presence and principles of the living Lord.  Because of His grace, our sins are forgiven, and we have the ability to call attention to Him.


When we are called to represent a person or organization, we should attempt to do it in the very best way possible - that is especially important in the Church. Ephesians 2 reminds us:
19 Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,
20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone,
21 in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord,
22 in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

It's been a tumultuous month for the U.S. Women's National Team in soccer.  The team had sub-par performances in the opening round of the Women's World Cup worldwide championship tournament, barely made it to the final round of 16, and was held scoreless in regulation in a defeat at the hands of the Swedish team.

Now comes the news that the coach, Vlatko Andonovski, has resigned from his position. One of the players, Carli Lloyd, has condemned the performance on the world stage, and pundits are trying to figure out what went wrong.

Maybe evangelist Franklin Graham is on to something. He tweeted out these words:
The US Women’s National Soccer Team lost to Sweden yesterday at the 2023 Women's World Cup. I used to pull for our women’s soccer team, but recently they have shown disrespect for the US & have used their platform to promote the LGBTQ agenda. When they lost, I wasn’t sad. I wish I didn’t feel that way, but when players think it is more about them than the nation they represent, I can’t support that...

Fox Sports soccer analyst Alexi Lalas related similar sentiments, tweeting:

Don’t kill the messenger. This #USWNT is polarizing. Politics, causes, stances, & behavior have made this team unlikeable to a portion of America. This team has built its brand and has derived its power from being the best/winning.

Over at The Stream, write Joseph D'Hippolito narrowed the focus down to one influential player on the team:

Megan Rapinoe will be remembered for turning the national women’s soccer team into a personal political plaything, for contaminating team morale and for alienating large segments of the team’s fan base — in many cases, permanently.

Rapinoe in 2016 joined in the National Anthem protests by kneeling, and according to the article:

Rapinoe’s influence is pervasive even when she’s not in the starting lineup, as was the case during the Women’s World Cup this year. As a result, the Americans provided an odd pre-game sight: Most players stood silently but some sang with their hands over their hearts.

That inconsistency reflects deteriorating morale. Carli Lloyd, one of Rapinoe’s former teammates who won two Women’s World Cups and two Olympic gold medals, described the situation last year without mentioning Rapinoe.

“The culture has changed,” said Lloyd, whose 134 goals ranks fourth all-time internationally. “It was really tough and challenging to be playing these last several years. I wanted to win and I wanted to help the team, but the culture within the team was the worst I’ve ever seen. To be quite honest, I hated it.”
Former women's team goalie Hope Solo is quoted as saying: “I’ve seen Megan Rapinoe almost bully players into kneeling because she really wants to stand up for something in her particular way,” adding, “But it’s our right as Americans to do it whatever way we’re comfortable with, and I think that’s really hard being on the main stage right now with so many political issues for athletes.”

It was disconcerting, apparently, to see athletes who are appointed to represent America show, as Graham put it, "disrespect" to our nation.  We can certainly disagree about various issues, but it seems if you are the representing an entire nation, that you should be able to present a united front.

Of course, Rapinoe is a lesbian, married to WNBA star Sue Bird.  The Stream article notes that... part of her LGBTQ advocacy, the Lesbian midfielder promotes opening women’s teams to transgender athletes. In saying she was “100 percent supportive of trans inclusion,” Rapinoe offered her best imitation of Marie Antionette’s comments to disgruntled peasants:
I would also encourage everyone out there who is afraid someone’s going to have an unfair advantage over their kid to really take a step back and think what are we actually talking about here. We’re talking about people’s lives. I’m sorry, your kid’s high school volleyball team just isn’t that important. It’s not more important than any one kid’s life.

So, the female athletes have to put up with being in private spaces with biological males - what sort of effect would that have on them?  How about working to compete in a sport and to fall short because the rules were unfair?  Please - the furtherance of this harmful agenda is damaging to children: those that have bought into the trans lie and those who have to absorb the fallout.  It is not some sort of righteous cause - it is just the opposite. 

So, while pundits will try to figure out what went wrong with this years women's World Cup soccer team, these circumstances show what will happen when a unit is divided.  And, I would contend that if you are going to represent a country on the athletic field, you should represent that country in the best way you can and not engage in divisive expressions.  

I think there are applications in church culture, as well. If a church is divided by personal agendas, then the effectiveness of that body in fulfilling God's mission is diminished.  We have to make sure that our one, uniting agenda is to glorify God according to Scripture. We are called to further that agenda, and we have seen instances where you have those who bring the "gay-affirming" agenda into local churches, which weakens their adherence to the gospel. 

And, we as believers should recognize that we are representatives of Jesus Christ - we have been sent to this planet to represent a heavenly country - we are citizens of heaven.  As such, we are to act in accordance with who Jesus is and what He teaches.  We are to, as it's been said, make Him famous.  We are to show the love of Christ, and by so doing, maintain a witness through which people will be drawn to Him.

Thursday, August 17, 2023


The early church prospered under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and men like the apostle Paul, who corresponded with another church leader named Titus, who had a specific mission. We can read these words in the book of Titus, chapter 1:
1 Paul, a bondservant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect and the acknowledgment of the truth which accords with godliness,
2 in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began,
3 but has in due time manifested His word through preaching, which was committed to me according to the commandment of God our Savior;
4 To Titus, a true son in our common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior.
5 For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you...

Titus had a specific mission - to place things "in order" and to appoint spiritual leadership. In the early days of the Church, there was an accountability structure, and Paul highlighted the importance on several occasions about having the right leaders in place.  The Church at Crete had a reputation, but they were not beyond saving.  Every church congregation is composed of sinners, and we have to recognize that and boldly proclaim the remedy for sin and to have best practices in place to make sure that Christ is exalted and that the church walks in victory.


Throughout the book of Acts and by reading the letters of the apostle Paul, among other, we gain a sense of the growth and challenges of the early Church.  A central focus was devotion to the Word of God. In Acts 17, we can read:
10 Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews.
11 These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.
12 Therefore many of them believed, and also not a few of the Greeks, prominent women as well as men.
13 But when the Jews from Thessalonica learned that the word of God was preached by Paul at Berea, they came there also and stirred up the crowds.

We are seeing turmoil occur in several of America's largest Christian denominations.  You could say that differences over doctrine are front and center, especially in the withdrawal of thousands of United Methodist churches over adherence to Scripture, specifically in the area of human sexuality.  As I see it, Southern Baptists are divided between those who believe there is a theological drift and those who don't.  Again, it seems that the devotion to the Word of God is a sticking point.

There is certainly a shift in people's religious practices, and professor and statistician Ryan Burge has some key observations. At the Graphs About Religion website, he writes:

Obviously, the rise of the Nones is the biggest story in American religion right now, but the second most important shift in the landscape is the unmistakable rise of the Nons. The only religious family that has grown over the last decade is non-denominational Protestant Christianity. There’s little reason to believe that their ascendance will slow at any point in the near future.
He goes on to say: "If the future of American society is a shift away from institutions, there’s no bigger beneficiary of this trend in the religion space than non-denominational evangelicalism."

He traces the rise of the number of Americans attending non-denominational Protestant churches, writing:
In 1972, less than 3% of all American adults indicated that they were non-denominational. That share has only risen from there. In the 1970s and 1980s, the growth rate was undoubtedly small. It took until 1996 for the share of Americans who were non-denominational to surge past five percent. But from that point forward that line has only gotten steeper.

They got to 7.5% of the population in 2004. They reached ten percent of the sample by 2012. The most recent data says that nearly thirteen percent of all adults in the United States are non-denominational Protestant Christians. There are more non-denominationals in the U.S. today than mainline Protestants.

Among Protestants, Burge cites a 2018 study showing that 22% of Protestants were non-denominational, while 10% were Southern Baptist, and 7.5% United Methodists.  He also noted that the 2020 survey, the Religion Census, showed 21 million+ non-denominational attendees, over 17.6 million Southern Baptists, and just over 8 million United Methodists. 

And, it's not just among younger people. Burge crunched some numbers and found: "about 15% of all religious adherents are non-denominational in counties where the median age is 30 years old. In counties where the median age in 60, about 18% of the adherents are non-denominational."

He believes that the decentralization of our culture has contributed to the rise of non-denominational Christianity, writing:
It’s not institutions that run the show, it’s individuals. Society has demolished the gatekeepers. Social media allows anyone with an internet connection to build a following in the tens of thousands in mere days.

Denominations used to absolutely dominate American religion. The leaders of the United Methodists, the Episcopalians, and the Evangelical Lutherans got to decide who could become a pastor and where they would be shepherding a flock. Now, a handful of non-denominational churches are started every weekend in the United States, completely from the grassroots.

There are tremendous benefits to this new approach to religion. There are also very real downsides. One thing is clear to me: non-denominational churches are only going to increase in the years to come. What I cannot fully predict is the long-term impact they will have on American society and American religion.

As Burge points out, the denominational structure has benefits - but when the denomination moves away from the rank-and-file in individual churches, then those congregations have to make the difficult decision whether or not to remain affiliated.  It sets up somewhat of a conference realignment, ostensibly for different reasons, but church congregations have to decide on who they wish to affiliate with or associate with.  

With a decentralized mindset that is apparently present, people are examining their options.  Whether denominational or non-denominational, a critical component of a church is its devotion to the Word of God.  And, there should be a sense of community and Biblical accountability for the leadership. You even find large non-denominational churches have banded together. Because, quite frankly - we need one another.  Alliances make us stronger, and can provide us with the accountability that is so needed in the Church today.  

Bottom line - church attendance and church membership have their benefits.  We need to be plugged in and accountable to a body of believers.  And, we have to make sure that the Word of God is paramount in the operation of a church.  When the Word ceases to be at the center of the mission of a congregation, then we have to evaluate if God is perhaps directing us elsewhere.  The lure of the world is strong and exercises somewhat of a magnetic pull on churches today - we need to pray for our churches, our pastors, and church leadership, that they would resist that pull and be more joined to Jesus than ever.   Now is a good time to be thinking about how you and your church will observe Pastor and Staff Appreciation Month in October, a time where there is a special emphasis made on recognizing and affirming those who serve in leadership in our congregations.   Faith Radio will be offering special ways in which you can do that.  Watch our website for more information.