Friday, September 1, 2023

Rock to Rock

Jesus wants us to come into a saving knowledge of Himself and grow in Him - and out of that relationship will flow out of the believer a sense of visible compassion . Jesus gave us instruction in Matthew 5 about impacting those around us, when He taught:
13 "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.
14 You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

I want to key in verse 16, which recognizes the presence of the indwelling Christ - His light is present within our hearts, and He desires to display that light through yielded, humble vessels, servants who love God and allow His love to flow through us.  We can overcome the darkness by shining God's light - by speaking His truth and serving the people around us.  We can be bold and strong in the Lord to be powerful witnesses to the presence of Christ in us. 


Through our demonstration of the compassion of Jesus, people can be drawn to our Savior. As we lift Him up, He draws people to Himself. 1st John 3 states:
16 By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
17 But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?
18 My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.
19 And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him.

Recently on The Meeting House, I featured an interview with Shari Rigby and Lara Silva.  Lara is the lead actor in and Shari is the director of a new film called, Divine Influencer.  In our conversation at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention, the Dream Center in Los Angeles was mentioned.  It's an awesome ministry that reaches out to people in need, providing essential services for the down and out, including the homeless.  Dream Center leader Matthew Barnett has been a guest on the radio show.

Well, the Dream Center was in the news recently because of a rather high-profile individual who visited the facility.  According to a Faithwire story, one of Matthew's staff members had notified him that this person's wife would be bringing by a donation for a pregnant mother.  

The story relates: "Barnett told CBN’s Faithwire he went to meet her and help grab the items," and saw that former professional wrestler, now actor and entrepreneur Dwayne Johnson was "inside the vehicle."  It goes on to say:

“I’m just walking down, getting ready to say ‘thank you’ as we take all of her stuff out of the car,” he said. “The Rock’s in the back talking to someone on the phone.”

Barnett said he didn’t want to bother the actor, but Johnson suddenly jumped out of the back seat and was excited to meet the preacher and others at The Dream Center, an organization providing transitional housing and resources for the poor and addicted, among others.

The article goes on to say:

...Johnson spent plenty of time talking with some of the individuals staying at The Dream Center, including one mother who is eight months pregnant. It was the woman for whom Johnson and his wife provided a crib, stuffed animals, and other items in preparation of her baby’s birth.

“[He was] talking to this mother … for 10 minutes, asking what she’s going through,” Barnett said. “She was in foster care most of her life … it meant so much for her.”

Johnson also talked with a man in the ministry’s rehab program, taking pictures and chatting with others along the way. Barnett captured the scenes on his social media accounts.

The pastor wrote on Instagram about how Johnson sought to take care of the expectant mother — and he shared how the actor treated everyone he encountered.

"The Rock" shared on social media:

“Dream Center is doing amazing work for our brothers and sisters who are struggling and broken – the mana is real when you shake these hands and feel these hugs,” Johnson wrote. “Great to meet ‘mama to be’ Zaynah and congratulations on the baby!”

He continued, “We’ve all been there a time or two and struggling people don’t need a hand out — they just need a hand up.”
Google that word "mana" and you find this definition: "(especially in Polynesian, Melanesian, and Maori belief) pervasive supernatural or magical power."

Well, Dwayne Johnson is partially right - there was a supernatural power evident that day - the power of God's love flowing through an amazing ministry and its people; but not in a spiritist or naturalistic way. 

I don't know what Dwayne Johnson's spiritual beliefs might be and what his view of Christianity is. But, I would think that his time in the presence of God through the charity of believers made an impact.  Faithwire noted:
Barnett said he was blown away to see Johnson share his experience so openly on social media.

“Nobody has ever done that as a celebrity on that level,” the pastor said. “It was really an unexpected surprise. I feel like he’ll probably come back another time as well.”

That's high praise for someone who ministers in the heart of a star-studded corner of the world to those who are on the opposite end of the financial spectrum. 

"The Rock" saw Christianity in action, and it made an impact, it planted a seed.  With all the hostility toward Christians that we see in our culture today, one of the most powerful statements we can make is to demonstrate the love of Jesus.  Our attitude of charity and selflessness can speak powerfully to those who do not know Him.  That's why ministries such as the Dream Center and so many others across our land are being used by God to lead people to Christ.  People are sensing God's love and responding by giving their lives to Christ. 

In your ministry activity - and we are all called to one form of ministry or the other - you may never meet a celebrity.  But, you meet people who are equally loved by God to whom you are called to minister.  And, you can treat each person like a movie star, a person who is created in God's image, who is cherished by Him - and your love and acceptance can bring the presence of God into a situation, into a relationship, into a desperate set of circumstances.  Your faithfulness can become infectious and point to God's faithfulness. 

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