Friday, December 22, 2023

ADVENT DAY 22 (I Can Know His Peace): Take Over

The Bible provides for us promises and principles that we can absorb into our minds, so that we can think correctly and develop what 1st Corinthians 2 calls, "the mind of Christ." Philippians chapter 4 relates:
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things.

When we read the list of the "fruit of the Spirit" in Galatians 5, we find the word, "peace," listed second.  "Love" is first, which I think is certainly deliberate - if we know the love of Christ and walk in that love, we will see manifestations of the very presence of God in our lives.  So, if we are confident in His love, then we can know that we are at peace with Him - peace through Jesus results in inner peace - knowing that God is with us and He offers us the ability to reject fear, worry, anxiety, discouragement and to walk in a sense of stability in the Lord.


In an age of anxiety, we need to know the peace of God that passes all understanding, available to us through the One who is called the Prince of Peace in Isaiah chapter 9.  It's Day 22 of our 25-day spiritual "adventure," working our way through the Faith Radio Advent Guide, found in the center section of our latest Faith Radio Ministry Magazine, which is available online through 

Today's theme is: "I can know His peace," and the related Scripture passage is found in Isaiah 9, which states:
6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end...

One of the cities in the River Region and our Faith Radio broadcast area has received national attention, and earlier this month, a special "Home Town Takeover" program aired on HGTV featuring two cities, one of which was Wetumpka, which actually was "taken over" by Ben and Erin Napier in their series. Movieguide reported on the "check up" by the Napiers, including a summary of the special program, which was posted on
“The small town renewal movement is working! The Napiers took on the revival of Wetumpka, AL, and the Marrs jumped on board to help take on yet another community, Fort Morgan, CO. Now, they’re checking on the continued growth in these two amazing towns..."

The Movieguide website also noted a recent Instagram post, in which Erin gave glory to God for their 15 years of marriage:

“I sometimes think of all the people in the world, and how the earth is just this tiny dusty speck in the universe. And somehow, we managed to find each other,” Erin posted on Instagram. “Thank you, Lord, for 15 years in a marriage that feels like home and comfort and assurance and strength and LOVE.”
Erin paid tribute to Ben last year in a Father's Day Instagram post, in which she said that, according to a story at "Here’s what the truly great dads do: they fix things, broken necklaces, broken barbies, broken hearts,” adding, "They teach their daughters what to expect from the men they’ll someday love and what’s unacceptable, too...They love their wives so well, with such faithfulness, their children see it and understand what marriage is meant to be. They carry the heavy things so we don’t have to.” She said that, "God gave us the finest daddy he could come up with..."

You may be familiar with the backstory of the Napiers.  They spoke at a convocation at Liberty University in 2019, and the school's website shared some of their story.  They met in junior college, married and after college, moved to Erin's hometown of Laurel, MS.  The school's website notes:

Ben worked as a youth pastor, and Erin worked, with Ben’s help, to revitalize Laurel and document the process through social media. With evidence of their success shared online, the Napiers soon caught the attention of producers at HGTV.

At the time, the couple was uncertain about the future of their careers, and HGTV brought them to something new: their own television show. Erin described her work as her way of sharing her love for her home, and she encouraged those listening to share their own passions with others.

“We were scared, and then we got this email that said, ‘I’m just in love with your town, your love story, and what you’re doing in Laurel, and I wondered if you’ve ever thought about doing TV,’” Erin said. “If you share it the right way, you’re passionate, and you’re authentic about the things that you love and believe in, other people feel like it gives them permission to believe in it, too.”

The article goes on to say:

The Napiers weren’t looking to be in the spotlight, Ben said, but they wanted to submit themselves to God’s plans.

“At that point it didn’t feel like it was necessarily what God was saying He had planned for us, but instead it felt like an affirmation, that He was telling us to keep going and keep following,” Ben said.

So, you could say that the Napiers are devoted to fixing things - to renovate, to see beyond the here and now to what could be.  And, when they take over - well, as the residents of Wetumpka have experienced, incredible things happen. 

So, maybe this year, you are sensing that you need a renovated spirit, the healing of something that is broken, a fresh "take over" of the Holy Spirit.  When things aren't right within, the peace of God can flood our lives and give us a renewed perspective. 

The peace of God can be available to us in the decisions we make, as well. Ben and Erin Napier can remind us of how a couple submitted to God can bring joy to people. As they testified at Liberty, they sensed the "affirmation" of God as the door opened up for a television show. That can certainly be a scary possibility, but they purposed to "keep following," as Ben said, what God had in store for them. If we are devoted to the Word, seeking the face of God, and sensitive to the still, small voice, the sense of peace, then we can be confident of God's leadership.  The presence or absence of the peace of God can be a reliable means to discern the will of God. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 26 that, "You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You."

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