Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Not J Christ

Because we serve a holy God, He has set standards by which we, His children, are to live, so that the we may remain right with Him and that the world might see Him through us. In the book of 2nd Corinthians, beginning with the final verses of chapter 6 and continuing into the 7th chapter, we can find these words:
17 Therefore "Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you."
18 "I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty."
1 Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

1st Peter chapter 2 calls us a "special people," another translation uses the word, "peculiar," as in distinct.  We are not of this world, and we have to guard against being duped by the world's influences. Or, under the guise of being religious, to allow worldly thoughts to enter our consciousness and produce worldly actions that do not honor God. We have to maintain our since of distinction and devotion to the Lord, rejecting the temptation to compromise.


We have to make sure that our actions are aligned with the principles of Almighty God - He alone is worthy of our praise, and we should always reflect a sense of reverence and awe. Here are some verses from Isaiah 5:

13 Therefore my people have gone into captivity, Because they have no knowledge; Their honorable men are famished, And their multitude dried up with thirst.
14 Therefore Sheol has enlarged itself And opened its mouth beyond measure; Their glory and their multitude and their pomp, And he who is jubilant, shall descend into it.

Later in the chapter, we can read:
20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!

Montero Lamar Hill is someone who talks about Jesus; you could say He has attempted to imitate Jesus - but in his fervor to entertain, He has offended Jesus and His followers.

Hill's stage name is Lil Nas X, and he has admitted he has made a big mistake.  The Christian Post ran an article that said:

"I know I messed up really bad this time," Hill, who became famous for his 2018 hit single "Old Town Road," said in an Instagram video. "I can act unbothered all I want, but it's definitely taken a mental toll on me. I'm not some evil demon guy trying to destroy everybody's values and stuff like that. That's not me."

Hill, who recently claimed to be entering his "Christian era," issued the apology on the heels of the release of his new single "J Christ." The music video of the song, which suggests his career comeback is akin to Jesus rising from the dead, depicts him on a cross and also evokes biblical imagery such as Jacob's Ladder and Noah's Flood. The video closes by quoting 2 Corinthians 5:17.

The article continues by saying:

In the lead-up to the single's release, Hill tweeted an image of himself being lifted on a cross and also published a video on Instagram and TikTok that depicted him dressed as Jesus while he mockingly partook of the Lord's Supper in a church.

He even reported tweeted a "fake acceptance letter" to Liberty University recently; the university denies that Hill was accepted as a student.

The Christian Post article also related that "Hill drew criticism for his promo material from Christians, including fellow rappers Bryson Gray and Korey Yeshua, who accused him of mocking Christians," with Yeshua stating in a TikTok video: "People will defend this because they worship these celebrities," adding, "They have made idols out of these celebrities. People need to realize there is a spiritual war happening between the light and the dark, between good and evil." 

Gray said, "All biblical Christians, we should be using Lil Nas X in two ways. One: Lil Nas X should be used for us to rally Christians up. Because if you're a Christian and you're not calling out the clear blasphemy. And I'm tired of people calling out stuff in the weak ways: 'I will pray for you brother...'" Gray also said, "...we should be using Lil Nas X to bring the body of Christ that is so fractured and separated and all over the place [together]. We should be rallying behind each other to call out sin and to defend our Lord and Savior..."

The Christian Post also pointed out that in 2021, Lil Nas X had released "666 limited-edition pairs of 'Satan shoes.'"

John Cooper, lead singer of Skillet, was certainly alarmed about this  presentation. reported:
In response to the music video, Cooper told Church Leaders the rapper desperately needs to repent and be born again. He also lists some “woes” in light of what he saw in the music video.

“Woe to those who celebrate Satan,” Cooper said, “woe to those who arrogantly compare themselves to Jesus Christ, woe to those who put their own image on a cross as if they are Jesus, and woe to those who confuse the worship of Jesus with sex.”

“Woe to those who try to confuse children, leading them astray. Woe to those who compare a musical comeback that motivates sexual immorality to Jesus rising from the dead,” he added. “Woe to those who do not know the difference between Jesus and Satan, woe to those who mock God by belittling His death and resurrection, and woe to those who invoke Christ’s name as a punch line. Do not be deceived; God is not mocked.”
He also exhorted the Church to speak out, stating: "The church must repent for our unwillingness to call the world to repentance, to stand for righteousness, and for our incredible lack of moral clarity.”

Lack of moral clarity.  That really is a problem, isn't it?  The Bible is clear on good and evil, light and darkness; yet, in an age of moral relativism and rationalization, that clarity is being muddled. And, we have to determine the areas of compromise in our own lives.  We can call upon the Holy Spirit to convict us, to shine His light of truth, so that we can be brought into conformity with God's intentions

Lil Nas X is representative of a culture ignorant of Biblical truth and way too comfortable with what God has called holy.  The sense of reverence for the things of God has declined society-wide, and even in our churches, we have to guard against becoming too casual.  Ray Comfort commented on The Meeting House the other day about this disrespect for the name of Jesus, in which His name has become a curse word.  This is a sign of disdain for the name above all names - the name of our Savior. We should approach God with reverence and awe and humble ourselves in the presence of a Holy God.

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