Monday, October 31, 2022

Pray it Forward

The way we conduct ourselves, the devotion we display to Jesus Christ, can affect the lives of those with whom we come in contact. Paul writes in Philippians 4:
17 Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account.
18 Indeed I have all and abound. I am full, having received from Epaphroditus the things sent from you, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God.
19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

While we are certainly not called to be people-pleasers, by the presence of God flowing through us, we can allow Him to make an impression on other people. By walking in His authority and authenticity, we fulfill His mission to show the love of Christ. We have to be open to the promptings of the Spirit so that the love of Christ will be spread through us. Out of our love for God, we can display the love of Jesus to a world that needs to see it.


Because the presence of Christ lives within us, He can touch lives through His people who are willing to share His love. 2nd Corinthians 2 presents this imagery:
14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
15 For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.
16 To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things?
17 For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ.

Today is the end of October - for many, it is the day known as Halloween.  In just a few weeks, the fall colors will disappear and we will be in the thick of the Christmas season.

And, the "pumpkin spice" products will be disappearing from store shelves and from a certain coffee chain.  With the advent of pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks, the craze over the flavor has certainly become more pervasive.

But, for customers at an Arkansas Starbucks recently, there was another flavor at work - the flavor of God's love that carries with it a sweet aroma. And, this story has certainly spread through the Internet. reported several weeks ago:

An Arkansas mother was deeply impacted after seeing a Starbucks barista pray with a drive-thru customer – and posted the heartwarming moment on social media.

Tanya Hinsley, a Jonesboro resident, was waiting in the Starbucks drive-thru with her teenage son last week. They drove to the Starbucks together to practice his driving skills since he recently got a driver's permit.

Hinsley saw a Starbucks employee named Carrie praying with a customer at the front of the line.
So, Tanya posted a picture of Carrie's action on Facebook, and it received "hundreds of likes and comments," according to the article, which went on to say: that Hinsley wrote, "I did...see this lady at Starbucks hilltop PRAY with a woman in the drive through this morning because she needed it," adding, "Now this is worth talking about y’all." The article notes that Tanya talked with Carrie after the Facebook post, and, according to the report, "Carrie was touched by the positive reactions."

We have heard about the "pay it forward" concept in drive-thru lines, where customers will pay for someone else's order - in this case, Carrie is praying it forward, offering the love of Christ and taking a person's need to the throne of God. also noted:
Hinsley said she was touched by Carrie "simply being a light for Jesus" and hopes the situation inspires others to demonstrate kindness.

"This act of kindness and boldness in faith given out to others daily by people like Carrie, gives me hope and reminds myself and hopefully others that being kind and praying for someone doesn’t cost anything," she said.

So far, I haven't seen any repercussions documented from Carrie's action, and that's good.  There have been numerous news outlets report the story, and I'm sure that there have been negative comments, but no word from Starbucks that I have seen that Carrie faced disciplinary action.  Which is good.  But, why should I even think about that?

Well, just ask Joe Kennedy, the coach who prayed for seven years at midfield after football games and lost his job, which he will apparently be getting back soon, as the result of a positive ruling at the U.S. Supreme Court.  Or the British doctor, Richard Scott, who had faced punishment for praying with a patient until a settlement was reached.  

But, the flipside is that so many people have experienced answers to prayer. And, we should never hesitate to pray for a person - I would recommend asking for permission first - because it gives us the chance to a channel through which God will work in a person's life. 

Through our willingness to show Jesus to another person, it can make a lasting impact. The Bible speaks of an "aroma," spreading a fragrance of the presence of God to other people.  We can seek to be the people who spread peace and hope to a world that is subject to the stench of sin and spiritual decline.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Champions for Christ

Who we are as Christians is centered on the person and the presence of Jesus in us. And, He calls us to use what we have in order to serve others - intangible and tangible. In Romans 12, we find some great components of the attitude of the believer toward service:
10 Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another;
11 not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;
12 rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;
13 distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.

It all stems from the love that we have for Christ - if we love Him, then we will have a passion for service, and that involves ministering to other people.  Philippians 2 talks about putting the needs of other people above our own.  We are first and foremost servants of the Most High God, and He will express Himself through our roles in our family, in the Church, in the workplace, and other capacities in which we are called to serve.


We can take what God has given to us for the purpose of glorifying God and serving others. 1st Peter chapter 4 offers this reminder:
10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
11 If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

The 2022 edition of Major League Baseball's World Series launches tonight in, well, where else, based on recent baseball history?  Houston, where the last World Series game played there featured the Atlanta Braves winning the world championship.

The Astros are back in the Fall Classic, up against yet another team from the National League's Eastern Division, the Philadelphia Phillies, who finished third in the division behind the Braves and Mets as a wild-card team, but have caught lightning in a bottle and taken down two division champions on their way to the Series.  Houston, meanwhile, has won each of its games in its playoff quest so far.

So, as the two teams embark on their quest for a world championship, I want to take a look at two champions for Christ who will be involved in the World Series.

Just a few days ago, Sports Spectrum ran an article about Phillies catcher J.T. Realmuto; it said: "The three-time All-Star is one of many Phillies players experiencing the postseason for the first time after he missed out each of the past eight years."

The article relates:

As he’s established himself in the major leagues, Realmuto has also established his foundation on Christ. In a September 2020 appearance on the “Faith on the Field Show,” he said that although he grew up going to church, his personal relationship with Christ didn’t take off until he met his wife, Alexis. Fully committing his life to Christ changed the way he viewed his identity.

“It’s extremely important to me in life to know that the first thing I am … before I’m a father, before I’m a baseball player, the No. 1 thing I am is a follower of Christ,” he said on the podcast.
Realmuto also stated in that podcast: “Especially in today’s day, being able to fall back on that relationship with Christ, if that’s the center of your life, all these problems that you’re going through, all these worries that you have, always seem a lot smaller,” adding, “You can always have faith in Him that He’ll be there with you to get you through that.”

Meanwhile, on the Astros side, there's a pitcher named Framber Valdez who spent his offseason following last year's series involved in building a church - literally.  A USA Today article said:
After a breakout 2021 season, Houston Astros pitcher Framber Valdez is spending the winter making good on a promise to build a church in his hometown in the Dominican Republic.

“I had always asked God to continue helping and blessing me, and in return I would build a church in Guayacanes for Pastor Antonio,’’ Valdez told the MLBPA in a Spanish-language interview.

At age 14, Valdez began attending the church, which was in bad shape and made a promise that he would some day reach the major leagues and help Pastor Antonio.

“Right now, I’m fulfilling this goal. I’m very focused on two things – my career and building this church," Valdez said

The website,, reported:

Long before Framber Valdez began focusing on building arm strength and a pitch arsenal, he was obsessed with . . . well . . . building. His mother sold empanadas and juices at her coffee shop and his father ran a construction business in the town of Sabana Grande de Palenque in the Dominican Republic, and young Framber developed a fascination with houses and all the work and foresight that went into creating them from scratch.

He also embraced his Christian faith, and at age 14 he began attending a local church where the motto was “Camino al Cielo’’ (or “Pathway to Heaven”). The church was made of wood, with torn music sheets, ripped chairs and a dirt floor that was moldy from water damage. Amid the squalor, he promised his friend and mentor, Pastor Antonio, that he would one day reach the major leagues and give back to the community in a tangible way.

The article, written before the church's completion, notes, "Valdez conceived the plans and is immersed in every detail -- from columns to doors to the windows...he will have spent about 2 million pesos of his own money (or roughly $100,000) on the project."

Here are two players who provide examples for us about exalting the Lord and using their platform as major league baseball players to testify to God's grace.  They are apparently not baseball players who happen to be Christians, but Christians who play baseball.  There is a difference.  We should not first and foremost seek our identity in our work (although our profession is very important), but to regard ourselves as believers in Christ who identify in Him and exalt Christ and express Him through our work.

I think that these gentlemen can also inspire us to consider how we invest our resources.  One of them is time - serving the Lord and putting Him first.  We should also make sure we are devoting time to our families. We also discover from the Valdez story that he was intent on using his skills and his financial resources to build a church.  We can take what we have been given by God and be devoted to building the Kingdom.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Changed By the Word

Jesus, the living Word, is alive in us. The Bible tells us in John 1 that Jesus is the Word who became flesh - the embodiment of God's truth. He lives in our hearts and will bring the Word alive in us. Hebrews 4 states:
9 There remains therefore a rest for the people of God.
10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.
11 Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience.
12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
13 And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.

This passage reminds us that we can "enter in" to God's rest, which I believe is a sense of total dependence on Him and what He has to say to us. We grow in that condition as we immerse ourselves in the Word of God, reading and studying and considering what He has to say to us. As we do that, we can experience the "living and active" qualities - certainly, we grow in knowledge, but it's more than that, it's actually become more like Jesus in what we think and ultimately what we do as we act on what we have learned.


We can depend on the teachings of God's Word to instruct us, to light the way that we walk, to cause faith to arise in our hearts, so that we might grow in our devotion to the Lord. Here is a passage from Psalm 119:
130 The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.
131 I opened my mouth and panted, For I longed for Your commandments.
132 Look upon me and be merciful to me, As Your custom is toward those who love Your name.
133 Direct my steps by Your word, And let no iniquity have dominion over me.

I believe very strongly that Jesus changes lives.  Each of us, if we have been born again, were sinners who deserved eternal punishment, but our Savior, because of what He did on the cross and through His resurrection, offered us a lifeline, He became our rescuer.  So, even the most hardened criminal, the most deviant predator, the most greedy business person, and the most pathological liar, can change and receive a new heart through Jesus.

Once that change has occurred, through believing on Jesus by faith, we must truly walk as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.  He has given us a guidebook - not only by His earthly example, as the Word who became flesh, but by the internal empowerment that occurs as we decide to study and apply His truth.

Recently, the American Bible Society released survey data that highlights the transformational capability of the Bible, and it was reported on by, which stated, "The study...found that 92 percent of Bible users – defined as those who read Scripture three or four times a year apart from church – say that 'the message of the Bible has transformed my life.'”

The story cites a Society analysis that said, “Ultimately, Bible Use isn’t only about opening a book or an app...It’s about interacting with God. And when people connect with God in Scripture, their lives change, their attitudes change, their values change.” And, the article notes that the research found, "Surprisingly, 38 percent of non-Bible users also agree with the statement the “message of the Bible has transformed my life..."

The data, presented in the American Bible Society's State of the Bible: USA 2022 report, dug into the method by which people studied the Bible. The findings show:
  • 48 percent indicated "they read a few verses at a time,"
  • 40 percent said that they read passages according to their "mood,"
  • 32 percent read "full chapters or stories,"
  • about a quarter of respondents said they used a "schedule, plan or program," and
  • 22 percent indicated that they read "at the same time each day."
The finding that over a-third of respondents who don't read the Bible regularly say that it has changed their lives indicates the potential for even a non-believer, by exposure to the Word of God, can have faith produced in his or her heart.  Romans 10 states that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God - so exposure to the Word can have an effect.  Isaiah tells us that the Word will not return void.  The faith to believe in Jesus, to be saved, arises from the entrance of God's Word, which brings light.

Every day, we can be reminded that we need the life-giving truth of the Word, so that we can experience its active qualities. If we merely read the words on a page, we get more of a two-dimensional effect, but I don't think that's totally worthless - it's better than nothing. But if we really dig in, memorizing, studying, and meditating on Scripture, we can discover a richness in God's words to us, which will really change our lives.  The Word is living and will live and grow in us.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

More Than Conquerors

We have access to an incredible source of strength for our daily lives, and when we appropriate God's power and resist the inferior power of the devil, we can experience the victory provided for us by Christ. 1st Peter 5 states:
8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.
10 But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.

There are resources that God has given us in order to resist the schemes of the enemy, the one who comes, as Jesus said, to steal, kill, and destroy. Those resources include prayer, being clothed in the full armor of God, including the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God - Jesus showed in Matthew 4 about how to resist the temptation that the enemy brings.  We have the name of Jesus, through which we can stand strong against the forces aligned against us. 


We can know that Jesus is our very life, and because we love Him, we can endure this life from a position of being an overcomer in the Lord. Romans 8 says:
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36 As it is written: "For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter."
37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,
39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Halloween has become a fun holiday, it seems, but at its core, there are certainly elements of the celebration that are not consistent with the principles we find in Scripture. No wonder that churches, rather than commemorate Halloween, have for years staged alternative events, to offer a more sanitized, God-glorifying, and even evangelistic opportunity.

John Ramirez knows all too well the dangers of exposure to dark practices and involvement in the occult. A recent Christian Post article says:

From the time he was 8 years old, Ramirez, who's of Puerto Rican descent, was caught up in a satanic cult (Santeria and Espiritismo/spiritualist). Introduced to the occult by his father's family, he delved deeper into these practices. Eventually, he became a high-ranking priest in New York City, specializing in witchcraft, spells, curses and astral projection.

Ramirez, who says he was demon-possessed for 20 years, takes the work of exposing the darkness seriously. Consumed by this dark underworld, Ramirez said he specifically targeted Jesus Christ and Christianity, not other religions. No one targets Buddha or Muhammad, he said, because those religions — Islam and Buddhism — are not seen as a threat to the occult or New Age practices.

The article goes on to quote Ramirez:

"There's a quote by Anton Lavey, founder of the Church of Satan, where he says in his own words, 'I want to thank every Christian parent,' not Buddha, not Muhammad, none of that. ... 'Every Christian parent, I want to thank them that [they] allow [their] children to celebrate the devil one night out of the year,' which is Halloween,” Ramirez said warningly, "He's intentionally thanking Christian parents. Thank you for dressing up your kids, changing their identity, sacrificing spiritually.”
Ramirez recognized the potential that Christians had in the spiritual realm, but during his time practicing witchcraft, he saw that Christians were not using what they had been given; he said, “I knew Christians had the anointing, the authority, and the power to destroy the kingdom of darkness, but they didn't know how to use it,” adding “They didn't know how to execute, ... They can win a fight but not conquer anything."

Following a near-death experience, Ramirez gave his life to Jesus Christ and experienced an onslaught of spiritual opposition.  But, he came what he believes was a 30-day time of testing, and is devoted to teaching Christians spiritual strategies to walk in victory over the powers of darkness.  

And, he likens Christians celebrating Halloween to, as the article describes it, "cheating on Jesus." He says, "I teach believers because from October 1 through October 31, that's witchcraft month; it's the high season of witchcraft." The Christian Post piece also notes, "Ramirez revealed that when he was a satanist, the month of October was when he'd perform ceremonies, rituals, and receive recipes from demons in spiritualism."

John Ramirez has been involved in ministry for some 20 years now, and no doubt, he has a desire to teach and equip the Church. He says, “We need to put the devil in his place. We need to expose the devil. We need to take care of generational curses. We need to take care of infirmity devils. We need to take care of stronghold bondages of every kind in our house, in our home, in our family..."

We have to admit that the devil is real and we can see his fingerprints in so much of our culture today.  We have to move beyond complaining and start conquering through Jesus the damage that the enemy has done, appropriating what Christ has done for us.  That begins with prayer and involves standing against the spiritual forces that are at play attempting to oppose the work of God.

It is important that our choices regarding what we associate with are made in correlation with the teachings of the Scriptures.  While there is temptation all around, we can make the decision about the degree of our exposure.  We must take great care to not only recognize the work of the enemy, but to resist him, as the Scriptures teach.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Heavens Declare...

We recognize the order and the beauty of creation, and that includes human beings, who are made in the image of God - "fearfully and wonderfully made," as the Bible tells us. In Psalm 19, we can read these words:
(1) The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.
2 Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard.
4 Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun...

God has created the heavens and the earth, setting the stars in place, and creation testifies to Him. If we need an attitude adjustment or even a simple reason to praise God, we can worship Him because of His creation.  And, we can worship Him for the new creation that we are because of the presence of Christ Jesus. We can humble ourselves, surrendering to a God who gave of Himself, sending His only Son, so that we might come to know Him.  Creation reminds us of the involvement, day by day, of God in our lives.


In 1st Timothy chapter 6, there is a key phrase and Paul writes about submitting to the authority of our mighty Creator God. He writes:
17 Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.
18 Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share,
19 storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

Richly all things to enjoy...

Since the images were first reported on a few months ago, the images that have been transmitted by the James Webb Space Telescope have garnered quite a bit of attention.  Just a few days ago, the Washington Examiner website stated:

A new image captured by the James Webb Space Telescope showcases the Pillars of Creation, located over 6,000 light-years away from Earth.

The Webb telescope was able to take this new photo by using infrared detectors to see beyond most of the light-scattering effects caused by the pillars' dust. The latest photo, released Wednesday, allows viewers to look at the activity of new suns near the gas clouds of the pillar, according to BBC.
Mark McCaughrean, the senior adviser for science at the European Space Agency, is quoted as saying, "I've been studying the Eagle Nebula since the mid-1990s, trying to see 'inside' the light-years long pillars that Hubble showed, searching for young stars inside them. I always knew that when James Webb took pictures of it, they would be stunning. And so they are..."

The article notes that, "Previous photos of the pillars were taken by the Hubble Observatory between 1995 and 2014. The pillars are illuminated and sculpted by intense ultraviolet light coming from massive stars in close proximity to them." It surmises that these pillars may no longer be at the projected location, due to their distance from earth.

Creationists have long noted that the Big Bang suffers from the mature distant galaxy problem. Big Bang theorists assume that light from the most distant galaxies took more than 13 billion years to reach Earth. By Big Bang reckoning, we should be seeing these very distant galaxies, not as they are today, but as they were more than 13 billion years ago. Hence, these galaxies should look “unevolved” and “immature.”

He writes, "Yet this expectation is routinely contradicted... and preliminary data from Webb continues the trend."

But astronomer Danny Faulkner, writing for Answers in Genesis, says this about the earlier models from the Hubble telescope:
But what have these photographs really revealed? Far less than claimed. These photos are static. That is, they don’t show any change over time. Rather, the images have been interpreted in terms of the current model about how stars form from gas clouds. That model has changed much over the past half century, and I’m sure it will continue to change. There are many examples of how astronomers in the past interpreted images in terms of what they believed at the time.

That Answers in Genesis article was written by Ken Ham, who notes:

According to God’s Word, stars didn’t form slowly and gradually from “protostars” in nurseries. They were formed at God’s command when “he made the stars also” (Genesis 1:16). And he names them all: God determines the number of the stars and he gives to all of them their names (Psalm 174:4).
Ham writes, "As astronomers continue to study the heavens, they will be forced to change their ideas because they start with the wrong foundation: man’s word. Only God’s Word is unchanging." The contention here is that theories of origins are based on human understanding and that discoveries, such as the data coming back from Hubble, and now Webb, are being interpreted through the lens of humanism, rather than the Scriptures.

In another article, Ken Ham states:
As you look at the images from the James Webb Space Telescope, be in awe of the incredible beauty, wonder, and order of the heavens. But don’t stop there. Turn in praise to the One who created all of that and sums it up with the simple phrase, “he made the stars also” (Genesis 1:16b, NKJV).
He notes also, "...In evolutionary models, stars gradually form before the earth. In the biblical text, earth came before the stars (day one vs. day four)."

Hebert says, "So, at a minimum, the ability of Hubble and Webb to see extremely distant galaxies is yet another example of a failed Big Bang prediction...But it could be much more than that—it could be evidence against the very idea of an expanding universe..."  He reminds Christians:
In any case, Bible-believing Christians can be confident that the heavens will continue to testify of God’s glory and their supernatural creation by the Lord Jesus Christ, as described in Scripture...

I contend that we can see evidence of the Creator by considering His creation.  Can a person honestly say the beauty and order of creation, including the intricacies of the human body, happened as the result of mere chance?   I would even say that a "big bang," an explosion that allegedly started it all, could not produce the type of specificity that we see in creation.  An earth suitable for sustaining life, placed just the right distance from the sun.  So much around us tells the story of a loving, all-powerful Creator who did more than initiate a series of random events.  

We can also worship the Lord for giving us created things to enjoy. My wife, Beth, and I traveled to western North Carolina recently to catch some fall foliage, and what we saw certainly did not disappoint.  And, when we see the beauty all around us, it can give us a great appreciation for the One who has given us so much to see and experience.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Digital Billy Grahams

If you know Christ, if you have been born again, you have the Spirit of God on the inside of you, and He will prompt you and give you the opportunity and boldness to proclaim God's truth. In Colossians 4, we find that Paul writes:
3 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.
4 Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.
5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.
6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Because of what Jesus has done in you, you have a message, a message of transformation, of experiencing new life and all that brings.  And, you have a mouth, in order to proclaim what God has done in your life and to share who Jesus is and how someone can come into a saving knowledge of Him.  Those are powerful components, and we can trust God for open doors, as Paul wrote in Colossians 4:3, for a means and method to share this life-changing message.


As Paul wraps up his description of our spiritual armor in Ephesians 6, he encourages the readers to pray for him; we can read these words:
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints--
19 and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel,
20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Not too long ago, I introduced you to Cristina Baker, who has acquired quite a following on the social media platform, Tik Tok, releasing daily 60-second messages of encouragement in the Lord.  She was a guest on The Meeting House from the Summer 2022 Christian Product Expo in Lexington. A few months before, worship leaders Stephen McWhirter and Jason Clayborn visited with me at the 2022 National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville.

McWhirter has ventured into Tik Tok himself - he's a worship leader, so his activity on the platform is - wait for it...leading worship!   The God Reports website, in a recently-published article, reported:

During live broadcasts on TikTok led by singer songwriter Stephen McWhirter, more than 3,000 viewers on the short-video sharing site made decisions to follow Jesus. The born-again former drug addict said the regularly scheduled posts on his TikTok account (@stephenmcwhirtermusic) began a month ago.

Now, it’s a revival… and it’s on TikTok.

McWhirter, whose ministry includes touring churches in the United States and internationally, said he has never seen the kind of “harvest” he is seeing now.

“I’m seeing a real longing and a better conception of what repentance means,” he told Think Eternity. “What I’m seeing when I say revival is not superficial. You know, it’s like real repentance and people really turning to Jesus.”
The article relates that, "McWhirter said that about three weeks after attending the Digital Billy Grahams conference in Kansas City in May he decided to "really commit to TikTok.'"

What does he do?  Since that first broadcast, in which he led worship, shared his testimony about coming to the Lord after being a drug addict, and invited people to follow Christ, he says:
“I started going live every Monday through Friday[now Thursday] at 9pm Eastern Time. We do worship [music]. I have people engaging in praying together. I’m asking for this [TikTok live] to not be a spectator thing. And then I’ll share the gospel and then I’ll give people a chance to give their life to Jesus. That’s a typical Monday night through Friday night at 9pm,” he said.

“But then also in the day, at around 3:30pm Eastern Time I’ll just read. I’m reading through the Gospel of John right now. And we’re just reading the Gospel. That’s it. Reading the Bible, doing a little talking about basic things. I try not to make it political. I’m not trying to do a theology class. I’m just trying to get people in the Word and keep them connected to Jesus. I also do an altar call.”

McWhirter relates: 

“This is like this crazy man. And it’s just really simple. Real interactions with people. It’s growing exponentially and we’re trying to figure it out. Revival is happening. It’s harvest time and it’s real, digital Billy Graham kind of stuff. We’re just doing the best we can with where we are because we don’t want to stop just because everything’s not perfect yet. That’s never going to happen.”

There was an article at the Think Eternity website about that Digital Billy Grahams conference, which was co-hosted by Think Eternity founder Matt Brown, who said: “There was a strong emphasis on the need for personal evangelism, and a clear evangelistic impetus from our ministries,” adding, “We are not called to simply have influence, but to point to the need for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every person’s life that we impact.”

One of the pastors who attended the gathering, Sam Kim, said: “The church now has a historic opportunity to usher in a Gospel movement unseen since the Jesus Movement (also known as Jesus Revival),” adding, “The harvest is plentiful, but workers who understand the heart of the culture are few. The church does not need more innovative or cool missiological schemes, but a return to simplicity."

Speaking of "Digital Billy Grahams," digital evangelism has been a major emphasis of the organization that bears the late evangelist's name, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Faith Radio partners with the BGEA by providing a link to the website, through which someone can explore a relationship with Jesus.

The Association's Internet outreach just celebrated its 10th anniversary a few months back.  A conference was held at The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove in North Carolina. There, according to, "over 300 online evangelists and ministry coordinators from at least 14 countries came together...for the Search for Jesus (SFJ) Conference. Another 460 volunteers connected to the conference online..."
At the conference, Dr. Graham's grandson, Will Graham, identified one of the Internet's first to be considered a "digital Billy Graham..." The article says that Will told the crowd that "Back in 1993, Billy Graham himself became the first internet evangelist of the ministry when, in his Montreat office, he started to answer questions that came to him through the newly publicized internet."

The article goes on to say:
By 2011 became available as a website that presented a broad explanation of the Gospel. In 2012, Search for Jesus was launched as a ministry of the BGEA where visitors could not only find the truth of the Gospel, but also interact with trained volunteers in order to ask questions or be discipled.

Ten years later, the ministry has expanded to seven different languages, 45 websites, 24 social media pages and around 1,400 trained volunteers.

Two weeks before the conference, Search for Jesus (SFJ) received the 100 millionth visitor in one of its websites. 
The article relates how Billy Graham stood before a crowd in Amsterdam in 1983 and identified who would replace him; he pointed to the crowd and said, "You!" He also said, “God has raised up an army of evangelists, all over the world … and you will do greater things than I ever thought of doing, because you will have new electronic things at your fingertips to reach the world, [things] that we never dreamed about!”

You may not consider yourself to be a Billy Graham. You may not have a worldwide digital ministry like Cristina Baker or Stephen McWhirter. But, if you know Jesus, you have a story, a testimony, and you have a mouth. You can share what God has done in your life. 

You have a message, you have a mouth, and you can trust God for a means or method to share the message of hope through Jesus Christ.  Of course, one-on-one is the gold standard, and doesn't depend on anything other than a person's willingness to engage in conversation.  From there, the possibilities are endless - we can depend on God for the divine opportunities, the open doors in order to proclaim His truth.

Friday, October 21, 2022

More Than Just Hocus Pocus

It's vital that we recognize the power of evil in this world and to hold fast to the light that comes from the light of the world, our Lord Jesus. Ephesians chapter 6 states:
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

This is a description of spiritual warfare, and it is something that involves every Christian believer. We have an enemy who wants to take us out, spiritually speaking, and to render us ineffective in our walk with the Lord. James chapter 4 instructs us to resist the devil and he will flee. We just have to operate in God's power and principles in order to withstand the enemy's attacks; but we know that the Lord has provided the resources for us to walk in victory.


Ephesians chapter 5 issues a warning for believers in the Lord to stay away from evil practices and to seek to glorify God and walk in His light; we can read these words:
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
12 For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.
13 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.

The so-called "holiday" known as Halloween is quickly approaching, and while the celebration seems to be becoming more popular, Christians should not ignore the glorification of practices that do not honor Christ, such as witchcraft, a fascination with the dead, and more.

Faithwire recently called attention to a Religion News Service piece about the sequel to the Disney movie, Hocus Pocus, which definitely presents concerns to Christian parents. The Faithwire article states regarding the sequel....

...a recent Religion News Service article about the handling of Witchcraft in the movie might add even more angst to the mix.

The original “Hocus Pocus” emerged in 1993 amid the so-called “Satanic panic,” a timeframe during which allegations of satanic ritual abuse and other elements ran rampant in culture.

RNS reporter Heather Greene noted the original film reflected negative cultural views on witchcraft but that the new movie takes a different approach. According to Greene, in the sequel, “Witchcraft is no longer evil.”

The Faithwire article quotes Mike Signorelli, who pastors V1 Church in New York City, who said on The Playing With Fire Podcast: “We’re stepping into this area right now. New Age practices are becoming a normal phenomenon...Even secular companies are provoking people to step into the spiritual realm or to believe in the supernatural in a way that — it’s like we’re moving past atheism and we’re moving into ‘spiritual but not religious’ as a people.”

An example given in the article stated: 

Earlier this year, in an unfortunate infusion of occultism, customers using the McDonald’s app were able to buy a medium order of fries were given a free McDouble or McChicken and the chance to snag a tarot card reading.

And, Hocus Pocus 2 apparently is riding the wave of this new enlightenment to evil practices.  The RNS story says:

Flash-forward 29 years. Satanic panic is ancient history and modern witchcraft has fully emerged from the proverbial broom closet, legally recognized and accepted as a spiritual path and religion. Pentacles appear on gravestones even in veterans cemeteries. Prison chaplains host Wiccan circles and satanists fight openly for religious equality.

Occult practices, such as tarot, are now openly practiced by teens from all walks of life and all faiths.

The portrayal of witchcraft and the Sanderson sisters in the new film had to change to meet the times.
The article says: "In the new film, witchcraft is just a tool that can be used as its practitioners see fit." And the sanitization refers to a new source of this magic: "Satan is no longer the source of the witches’ magic — nature is. The forest, where the teens’ rituals are held, is called sacred and, as shown in a flashback to the witches’ childhood in old Salem, the spell book they use is given to them by another woodland witch, not the devil."

Can you say "angel of light?"  On the surface, you might say that the enemy is using a new approach - substituting worship of nature, which is a prevalent thing these days for the hard-core demonic practices.  But, make no mistake, whatever devices he uses, his endgame is to deceive and dilute, causing Christians to depart from following the ways of God.  

The RNS article seems to be critical of those who are opposed to the proliferation of Satanic practices, stating that when the first Hocus Pocus movie premiered in 1993, "witches and satanists were falsely blamed for harming young children and corrupting teenagers." But, we have to admit that the devil is real, the practices associated with Halloween are dangerous, and that the enemy's intent is to lure people into rejecting God.

But, Satanic practices are more than just mere "hocus pocus."  Real lives are being affected, and this is no game.  And, you have to be concerned when the entertainment industry explores the supernatural.  Faithwire reported recently about Vanessa Hudgens' upcoming project:
The “High School Musical” star is teaming up with Bunim-Murray Productions and her best friend, GG Magreem, for “Dead Hot: Season of the Witch,” a 90-minute voyage into the supposed “supernatural.”

The movie, which is in post-production, will document the duo’s journey to Salem, Massachusetts, where they reportedly learn about witchcraft and try to track down “ghosts,” among other spiritual activities. The one-time Disney star and Magreem are “self-taught students of witchcraft,” according to Variety.

“They’ve been doing little spells since they were kids, and they were just really interested in that world,” Julie Pizzi, president of Bunim-Murray Productions, told the outlet. “As we got to know them, we realized that their curiosity in connecting with the spirit realm and paranormal and supernatural exploration was so much deeper than ghost hunting.”

The fascination with the realm of evil spirits can lead someone into embracing harmful practices. The Bible describes the spiritual war that we face and identifies the opponents.  Witchcraft, the occult, sorcery, and other ways to "contact" this evil realm can have life-long consequences.

But, what the enemy has wrought, God gives the grace to overcome. Our God specializes in healing and restoration.  What the enemy has done, the Lord is able to undo - the power of Christ is so much greater, which is especially important to recognize in an age in which evil is being tolerated.  We have to be careful that we are not participants in practices that glorify the enemy.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Jesus is Just Alright

We have the ability to actually have a relationship with the living God through His Son, who gave His life so that we can. And, He expects us to walk in obedience to His principles. 1st Peter chapter 1 states:
13 Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
14 as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance;
15 but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct,
16 because it is written, "Be holy, for I am holy."

God is love and the embodiment of that love is seen through Jesus - how He interacted with people and acted in love by giving of Himself.  In this world today, there are efforts to separate Jesus, the Word who became flesh, from the rest of the Bible, but, you see, the entirety of the Scriptures testify of Him. The One who provided us an example of daily living calls us to a life of obedience: He isn't some sort of "life coach" or "self-help" motivational speaker who merely helps us to improve ourselves and become our "best self."  He calls us to die to self and live unto Him so we experience His life through us.


In Titus 1, Paul calls out those who say that they know God, but do not follow Him...there is a disconnect between shallow affirmation and devoted application. We can read these words:
15 To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.
16 They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work.

I'm calling it the "Jesus is Just Alright" survey, designated by the Doobie Brothers song that was also recorded by DC Talk. Seems like it's OK to talk about Jesus and how great He is in our culture today, and it's true - He has loved us so much that He gave His life so that we might be saved.  But, He also calls us to take up our cross, to sacrifice ourselves, and to follow Him.

Jesus loves us so much that He calls and empowers us to follow Him; but if we just stop at saying how nice and wonderful He is, we miss the bigger picture.

So, the Barna Group has partnered with other organizations to measure how teenagers perceive Jesus. reported on the findings.  The report on the Barna Group website states:

Data show it’s rare that teens think poorly of Jesus. Most teenagers around the world have a positive perception of him. About half of all teens, across faith groups, describe Jesus as “loving” (49%) and believe he offers hope to (46%) and cares about people (43%). The global impression of Jesus is that he is trustworthy, generous, wise, peaceful… and the glowing list goes on.

But, with all this talk about how wonderful Jesus is, you have to question how devoted these teenagers are to following Him.  Another part of the survey, according to CBN, has to do with how teens regard the Bible.  The article says:

The first group — “Bible engaged” — believed the Bible is God’s Word, is inspired by the Lord, and they read Scripture throughout the week. The “Bible open” group is less engaged with Scripture and has a neutral view of it, though they engage with the Bible more than three or four times a year.

The last group, “Bible unengaged,” clumps all the other teens together.

Eighty-four percent of “Bible-engaged” teens said Scripture teaches them about “living a meaningful life.” And in an era in which suicide and chaos rage, 84% said the Bible helps them understand their purpose...

However, when you look at the Barna survey summary, you find that only 38% of all teens and the same percentage of "Bible open" teenagers - 38% believe that the Bible shows a meaningful life. 

80% of "Bible engaged" teens agree that the Bible teaches about "Living wisely in today's society." But, only 34% of all teens and the same percentage of "Bible open" teens agree with that.

So, while there are many positive statements that appear in this survey about Jesus, it seems that teens aren't so keen on the Bible, which reflect His teachings.  I am reminded of the words of C.S. Lewis from his book, Mere Christianity, which we can find on the YouVersion website: "I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say..." He noted, "A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher."  The choice is clear, "you can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher."

Perhaps one of the sad findings of the Barna Group survey is that only 23% of teens believe this statement: "He makes a real difference in the world today."

So, while it may be a positive indicator that teenagers regard Jesus highly, the real question is how they respond to Him.  And, that's the situation for all of us: we can say Jesus is a good teacher, which He is, but are we a disciple?  Do we follow Him?  Do we regard His Word as authoritative and applicable for our lives today?

Jesus said that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments.  We can say we love Him, but as the Bible says, by our works we can deny Him.  Modern-day portrayals and perceptions of Jesus will miss the mark if they are blended with the world's ideas, but we truly can get to know Him through our study of the Word and by building a relationship with Him.  To merely portray Him as some sort of "great moral teacher," a "self-help guru" who has come to give us a better life is totally selling Him short. 

He. Is. Lord.  And, He calls us to a life of obedience to Him.  

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Taxpayer-Funded Deviancy

In the book of Jeremiah, chapter 32, we find a bold declaration of the power of God, spoken by the prophet in the midst of challenging times for Israel, under the threat of the Babylonians; we can find these words:
17 'Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.
18 You show lovingkindness to thousands, and repay the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them--the Great, the Mighty God, whose name is the Lord of hosts.
19 You are great in counsel and mighty in work, for your eyes are open to all the ways of the sons of men, to give everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings.

There are forces that are aligned against the people of God, and we have to recognize that there are spiritual battles that affect us every day. We can either buckle under the weight of oppression or be bold to declare the praises of our God and call upon His name.  When we come before the Lord in prayer, we release a power that is mightier than this world.  We should not merely talk about the threats to the practice of our faith, but there is real action that can be taken - and it starts with prayer!


We serve a powerful God who gives us the power to walk in His ways, the power of the Holy Spirit that can be released in our prayers in response to trends that concern us. 1st Chronicles 29 reports:
10 Therefore David blessed the Lord before all the assembly; and David said: "Blessed are You, Lord God of Israel, our Father, forever and ever.
11 Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, The power and the glory, The victory and the majesty; For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, And You are exalted as head over all.
12 Both riches and honor come from You, And You reign over all. In Your hand is power and might; In Your hand it is to make great And to give strength to all.

Through the power of taxation, there are governmental agencies and officials who use money that is entrusted to them to carry out the mission to do good for society and pervert that in order to corrupt our culture.

Following the Dobbs decision, I discovered that our U.S. government established a website that provided information for women on abortion and how and where to obtain one. That is certainly not a message that benefits our nation.

And, has published an article about a section of the Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention website which is devoted to LGBTQ issues - the article reports that section contains a
"Health Youth Resources page and is run in partnership with Planned Parenthood, and the largest organization for LGBTQ people, PFLAG."

Intercessors for America (IFA) President Dave Kubal is quoted in the article as saying: "I am concerned about the CDC and other state and federal government agencies promoting 'Q Chat' to underage children. This site promotes hormone replacement for kids, usurps parental rights, and even exposes children to the occult--all while encouraging kids to hide the site from their parents..."  IFA is encouraging parents who are concerned to send a response to government officials.

CBN News stated:
According to the Q Chat Space, the live chats "are facilitated by experienced staff who work at LGBTQ+ centers around the United States," but the "facilitators are NOT mental health professionals."

One of the adult facilitators, introduced on Q Chat Space's Instagram with "they/xe" pronouns, is "a Black nonbinary queer asexual" and a "drag artist." Another facilitator, who uses "xe/xem, they/them" pronouns, is identified as "Black, genderqueer, gray-ace, and neurodivergent," Just the News reports.

The CBN article adds:

Chat topics on the platform include "Gender Affirmation Surgeries," "Drag Culture 101," "Sex Ed Night" for trans/non-binary youth, "Having Multiple Genders," "Let's Talk About Pronouns," and "Self Discovery in Astrology."
And, it seems an essential component of selling the LGBTQ agenda to young people includes not telling parents what is going on. In fact, Breitbart reports "Each section of the website has a large button on the bottom of the screen that says 'Click/Tap here for a quick escape . . .' and shows a stick figure running towards an exit...When clicked, the button takes users to the Google homepage, hiding the site."

The Washington Post has a slogan: "Democracy Dies in Darkness."  Unfortunately, that media outlet could be questioned about its commitment to democracy and the Constitution. could play off that slogan and say that, "deviancy thrives in darkness."  On a computer screen, in the privacy of their own spaces, not visible to parents, young people's minds are being polluted with material that does not contribute to their mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  Christian parents can be motivated to turn on the light, to make sure they are communicating effectively and frequently with their children.

We recognize that we are not existing in an environment that is friendly to our faith. From forced COVID vaccines to attempts to make medical professionals perform procedures that violate our deeply-held beliefs to placing restrictions on companies who do not wish to fund abortion drugs in their health care plans, the rights of conscience are being violated by governmental officials.  We should certainly respond by praying for our leaders and - as we have the chance to do in these upcoming elections, in which some are already voting - electing leaders who respect the rich Christian heritage of our nation and are intent on protecting religious freedom.  It's too important to the fabric of our country for Christians not to participate in the process and to release the power of God through our prayers.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

True Change

God offers us the power of change, to resist and overcome sinful desires, and to walk in a manner that reflects the presence of Christ in us. We are instructed in Romans chapter 13:
12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.
13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy.
14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.

We are not called to gratify, or glorify, the power of sin. We can recognize that Jesus died and rose again in order to defeat the power of sin and death and to enable us to experience His true freedom. Certainly, we will be tempted, but as 1st Corinthians 10 reminds us, He has provided a way of escape, giving us powerful resources through which we can experience victory.  We have the power of the indwelling Christ, who has redeemed us, and the principles of God's Word.


Throughout his writings, Paul contrasts the works of the flesh, the expressions of sinfulness, with the powerful, cleansing work of the Holy Spirit. An example is found in 1st Corinthians 6:
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,
10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

One week ago, National Coming Out Day was celebrated in all 50 states. The Daily Citizen website of Focus on the Family reported:

October 11 is “National Coming Out Day,” (NCOD) designated by activists in 1988 to encourage individuals to “come out” as gay-identified. Now under the auspices of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest LGBT activist group in the U.S., NCOD is celebrated in all 50 states and countries around the world.

The day has grown far beyond celebrating those who identify as gay. HRC says:
Whether you’re lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, queer, asexual, intersex, or Two-Spirit, be proud of who you are and your support for LGBTQ+ equality this Coming Out Day!

In the Daily Citizen article, Jeff Johnston writes: 

In “coming out,” a person is supposedly saying, “This is me – my sexuality is the core of who I am and how I now express myself. Celebrate with me.”

But what if that’s not true? What if broken sexuality is not a person’s true self?

Johnston points out:

Thankfully, there are many Christian groups providing help and resources for those whose identity comes from their faith – not from their sexual feelings or sinful behaviors.

While corporate media, big business and social media celebrate NCOD, Christians are providing support for those walking away from an LGBT identity.

The Changed Movement is one such group, a loose connection of individuals who have left homosexuality or transgenderism. Many of them now lead ministries for those wanting freedom from homosexuality.
The article notes that: "The group has created a new booklet, Self-discovery: How childhood shaped our sexual identity. It explains how many in the movement “experienced shifts in our sexual feelings and gender identity as we have addressed perceptions and wounds from our childhood.”

One of those featured in the book, which is free and can be downloaded, is Garry Ingraham, who is ordained as a pastor and leads the Love and Truth Network.  He struggled with unhealthy sexual practices during childhood.  He writes:
After years of struggling. I eventually turned to my faith for peace. I began a process of self-discovery that exposed the pressures of my childhood and enabled me to find transformation. My faith became a cornerstone in my life, and I began building stable relationships with others by attending church and intentionally seeking positive emotional connections (his emphasis).

The Changed Movement asks:

Imagine how different Garry’s life might have been if he’d been given the opportunity to confront his childhood insecurities and better understand his masculinity alongside a professional therapist or counselor.

If he were a young person today, he might be pressured to embrace a gay identity and never resolve his self-hatred and rejection. Like so many in the LGBTQ community, he might be outspoken about these common experiences yet never fully understand their true source to find emotional healing.

About those who contributed to this book, Johnston writes:

Through a variety of means, such as counseling, self-understanding, pastoral care, God’s healing, healthy relationships, renewed thinking, and experiencing God’s love, they found transformation. They were able to embrace their God-given sexual identity as male or female and to walk away from homosexuality and transgenderism.

This indicates a true Biblical approach to sexual brokenness.  However, it has become trendy in some circles of Christianity to treat same-sex attraction as something that seems to be irredeemable.  Consider Denny Burk's response to a Christianity Today article written by a so-called "Side B" Christian named Bekah Mason:

“Side B Christians” treat homosexual orientation not as sin to be lamented but as an identity to be affirmed. Yes, they agree with Christians to their right that homosexual behavior is sinful and fallen, but they nevertheless don’t want to consign homosexual identity to a similar category. From Wes Hill arguing that being gay is “sanctifiable” to Grant Hartley‘s “Redeeming Queer Culture” to Gregory Coles‘ suggestion that gay orientation may be an aspect of God’s original creation design, it is clear that “Side B” folks aim to convince Christians that at least part of homosexuality ought to be redeemed rather than repented of. I don’t believe that Mason’s article is forthrightly dealing with these problems. Rather, she writes as if the debate is mainly due to the irrational rigidity of conservatives.

Burk, one of the drafters of the Nashville Statement, affirming a Biblical view of sexuality, points out Article 8, which says;

WE AFFIRM that people who experience sexual attraction for the same sex may live a rich and fruitful life pleasing to God through faith in Jesus Christ, as they, like all Christians, walk in purity of life.
But this hope for such brothers and sisters isn’t helped by the Side B paradigm. Rather, it inhibits and diminishes the formation of Christ’s holy image in his people.
Notice the call to purity - that seems to be the message the Change Movement, not the "Side B" crowd, is embracing.  Believers in Christ should be confident in the Biblical sexual ethic and consistent in their proclamation of Scripture to endorse God's plan.  

Certainly, in culture today, there is confusion about sexuality - that's by design, because the enemy sows seeds of confusion to distort God's good work that was established in Genesis.  We have to be watchful that we are not deceived and that we do not try to excuse brokenness, but look to the healer who can truly transform us.  

Also, the Ligonier survey I referenced last week found that many Christians believe that everyone is born innocent.  Now, we are all made in the image of God, but I believe in the concept of total depravity - humanity is fallen, and we need a Savior to bring us out.  We can say, regarding sinful behavior and tendencies, that's "just the way I am." But, that does not comport with who God says we are and who He wants us to be - and He gives us the capability to change

Monday, October 17, 2022

What a Dill!

Because God has done a redemptive work in our hearts, we can realize that He has appointed us to represent Him in this world; 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 states:
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation,
19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God.

Jesus has redeemed us from the power of sin and death; He has declared us to be new creatures in Him. We can be bold and motivated to tell that story - the story of a sinner who has been set free. And, as we walk in Him and depend on Him, we can count on the Lord to open the door to share our faith. We can make sure that we do not participate in worldly pursuits, but that we don't become isolated from the world, so that we can have a powerful witness.


We are called to be distinct people, as far as our display of the presence of Christ, but we are not directed to be isolated. Paul captures this sentiment in 1st Corinthians 9:
19 For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more;
20 and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law;
21 to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law;
22 to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

The popularity of pickleball has been the subject of a short feature story at the Relevant Magazine website, although the anonymous writer or writers of the article doesn't quite seem to be enamored with the sport.  The story opens by saying:

Big Pickleball is making moves. The once-blissfully obscure “sport”(?) has become inexplicably popular across multiple generations, boosted by a cadre of baby boomers who’ve somehow coaxed their Millennial and Gen Z grandchildren into suiting up too. And now, Stephen Colbert of all people is hosting a Funny or Die-produced celeb pickleball match. It’ll be called Pickled, it’ll air on CBS and it’ll follow some people playing pickleball.

An organization called USA Pickleball paints a rosier picture, stating in a June article on its website:

As more media outlets continue to pick up on the Pickleball popularity wave, USA Pickleball has found itself once again in the national television spotlight. This past week, Good Morning America has joined the queue to be the next news station to feature pickleball as one of the fastest-growing sports in America.

Good Morning America hosts Eva Pilgrim and Will Ganss took to the Brooklyn Bridge Park in New York City to showcase the sport to an ever-growing audience. From young children to seniors, pickleball is an all-inclusive game that speaks to both the competitive athlete as well as recreational players alike. There is no age restriction for the sport – both for competitive or recreational play. The beauty of pickleball is that it has no limits in terms of who can be considered “good” at the game; all you need is a net, a paddle, and a pickleball to enjoy the sport.

Based on the pictures posted with the article, pickleball appears to be a cross between tennis, badminton, and ping-pong; it's played on what appears to be a smaller version of a tennis court - with paddles.  A picture on the site of the ball indicates that it looks very much like the "wiffle" ball of story and fable.

And, a church planter who has helped to launch a church in Alabama has integrated pickleball into his ministry strategy.  An article at The Baptist Paper from earlier this year stated this about Danny Lovett:

...after years of training young pastors and helping church planting teams at Tennessee Temple University and Liberty University, he ended up as a church planter himself.
He teamed up with his friend, David Wilson, and the article says: "...God gave him and Wilson a vision, and 10 years later the Church at Chelsea Westover is thriving."

It goes on to relate:
...a little over halfway through Lovett’s time there, God started planting seeds for what would become a new ministry in his next season of life — a love for pickleball.

“It’s the fastest-growing racquet sport, and Susan [his wife] and I have traveled all over the country playing,” Lovett said.

Pickleball — a cross between table tennis, tennis and badminton — is played with a fiberglass or wooden paddle, a net and a Wiffle ball. For Lovett, it offers a lot of evangelistic opportunities.

“When I introduce myself as Pastor Danny and we get to know each other and play together, I get to share the gospel,” he explained.
He and Susan give out water under a tent at pickleball tournaments. Lovett, who is in his late 50's participated in the National Senior Games in Florida a few months ago. He says, “I like to say I’m a missionary to pickleball or a pickleball chaplain..."

Lovett is no longer at the church, but has been named Pastor Emeritus; he has entered a new season, according to The Baptist Paper this next season, as he and his wife travel in their RV, playing pickleball and sharing the gospel, their home base will be another part of their new ministry — a retreat cabin for pastors in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

The cabin will hold four families. Lovett said it is meant to minister to pastors and their wives and is under the umbrella of the Jesus is Awesome Ministry he organized before his time at the Church at Chelsea Westover.

This is a great example of how things that we like or love doing can be used for the glory of God.  Danny Lovett has a church planter's heart, and he acquired a love for this sport that has been increasing in popularity.  He saw how it could be used as an opportunity to engage people in conversation about Jesus, and he is committed to doing that, seeing it as part of his personal mission.  We can also recognize that each of us is called to a personal mission - that will look differently for each individual, but we can certainly be sensitive to God's leadership for a place or places to serve

I did a search on "pickleball churches," and found quite a few entries. I found a link to an article at The Alabama Baptist, which reported on how First Baptist Church of Centre, Alabama has incorporated pickleball into its overall ministry.  The article states:

The church started the pickleball program at its Recreational Outreach Center in 2017.

“Pickleball has brought people from different towns and backgrounds to play,” said Freida Ellis, who founded the program with Jim and Elaine Bridges. “It has been a place to meet others and have fun together. Our church membership has grown because of having our facility open for people to come together playing a team sport that provides a friendly and Christian atmosphere.”

Here again, this is an example about how some trends in culture can be used for the glory of God. The Alabama Baptist article noted that, "With 4.8 million people now playing pickleball — a combination of tennis, table tennis and badminton — it is the fastest-growing sport in the U.S." Of course, not all trends provide such an opportunity, but we can find that sports can be a neutral activity that can attract a Christian approach. 

Friday, October 14, 2022

Counting Down...

The book of Ephesians, in chapter 5, reminds us that because we belong to Christ, we are to walk in His light and reject the darkness; we find these words:
8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light
9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth),
10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.

This is a general guide to make godly choices. We can be so knowledgeable to the Scriptures and in sync with the Holy Spirit that we can discern light from darkness, absolute truth from shaky fiction. We are instructed to discover "what is acceptable to the Lord."  We can embrace the principles of Scripture and recognize and reject what does not line up.  There is a contrast, and in this world today, we can be distinctive because of the presence of Christ in us and the practice of His truth.


In Psalm 101, we find a series of verses that can propel us to make solid choices in what we expose ourselves to, which speaks powerfully to electronic media:
2 I will behave wisely in a perfect way. Oh, when will You come to me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.
3 I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not cling to me.
4 A perverse heart shall depart from me; I will not know wickedness.

New Christmas music has begun to arrive at Faith Radio, and on the day after Thanksgiving, you will have the opportunity to enjoy over 100 hours per week of Christmas music, including our "all-music" days on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

And, certain entertainment television networks have announced their new Christmas offerings. Unfortunately, for the Hallmark Channel, it's "buyer beware."  While the channel is said to be releasing its first "faith-based movie,"  it unfortunately will be debuting its first film with a gay lead couple, after the 2020 movie, The Christmas House, included a gay couple in the cast. reports that:

The movie, The Holiday Sitter, will air on December 11 and tell the story of two men who fall in love. Although the Hallmark Channel has included LGBTQ characters in its films, this is the first one to feature a same-sex couple at the center of the story.

A Hallmark news release described the film this way: "Sam is a workaholic bachelor who babysits his niece and nephew before the holidays when his sister and her husband have to go out of town. Completely out of his element, he recruits help from their handsome neighbor Jason and finds himself in an unexpected romance."

Conversely, Movieguide article says:

According to The Hollywood Reporter: THE GIFT OF PEACE follows “a once-devout Christian who stopped believing in God after her husband tragically died. As her second Christmas without him approaches, she tries going to a support group for inspiration and comfort.”

“It’s the first faith-based movie that Hallmark has ever done,” DeLoach shared. “And I’m a person of deep faith so it was really cool to be a part of that.”

She continued, “[THE GIFT OF PEACE is] about grief and it’s one of the most emotional movies Hallmark has ever done so we’re kind of breaking the mold with this one.”

Movieguide notes: 

Several networks have released their upcoming Christmas movie lineup, including Great American Family and UPtv.

Former Movieguide® Awards Host Candace Cameron Bure will appear in GAF’s A CHRISTMAS … PRESENT.

UPtv says they are gearing up for their “Most uplifting Christmas every.”

“With so many people needing to scale back in different ways this holiday season, we wanted to deliver an abundance of Christmas programming so uplifting, holiday cheer was plentiful for our viewers,” said Hector Campos, vice president of content strategy and acquisition at UPtv.

Bure, of course, a staple of Hallmark movies, has reportedly accepted an executive role at the Great American Family network, which is led by Bill Abbott, a former Hallmark executive.

The search for family-friendly entertainment content continues, and thankfully, because of the segmentation of streaming services and even some cable channels, there are "trusted sources" that we can go to.  Hallmark has proven that it is no longer a media outlet that can be totally trusted, although there will no doubt be the non-objectionable content.

It is notable that high-profile Christian actors, such as Candace Cameron Bure, Jen Lilley, and someone who has become increasingly outspoken about her faith, Danica McKellar, are now doing movies for Great American.  While When Calls the Heart remains on Hallmark Channel, a spin-off now airs on Great American Family.  

I think in our own lives, we have to watch our associations.  If our public behavior, or the people or activities with which we associate, send a contradictory message, then our witness is damaged. And, association with the wrong people or causes can even have a negative impact on our own Christian faith. There's a reason the Bible instructs us not to be "unequally yoked."

I also want to re-iterate Faith Radio's intent on being a trusted source for you - for sound, high-quality Bible teaching from some of America's greatest teachers, for music that helps you experience the presence of God, and for information that can direct you in responding to our culture.  And, please remember, your prayers and financial support are so very important as we continue to broadcast, stream, and post content that will inspire and motivate you to spiritual growth.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

State of Theology Is...

Jesus taught us about the responsibility we have to hear the Word of God and to obey it, being faithful to process what we hear. In Mark 4, we find these words:
23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear."
24 Then He said to them, "Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given.
25 For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him."

The question comes to mind: what are we listening to?  We can choose to read, study, and meditate on Scripture, so that we might be obedient to do what we have learned. Or, we can allow the world's voices to supersede what God wants us to hear. So, each day, we choose impulses and influences: the Word or the world?  The Word brings life - this world brings death. We have to make the decision to make God's Word a priority and to follow what it says, not picking and choosing, but being devoted to, what Scriptures says is, "the whole counsel of God."


In Matthew 13, we find Jesus teaching about understanding the Scriptures and making sure our eyes, ears, and hearts are open to His Word - He says:
13 Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.
14 And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: 'Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, And seeing you will see and not perceive;
15 For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, And their eyes they have closed, Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should heal them.'
16 "But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear...

Every two years, Ligonier Ministries, which was founded by the late R.C. Sproul, releases a study called the State of Theology Survey. A press release from the ministry stated:

Ligonier's biennial State of Theology survey provides insights into the views of Americans on a wide range of Christian beliefs. This comprehensive report provides key findings on beliefs about God, truth, the Bible, ethical issues, and worship. Conducted with LifeWay Research, the survey polled a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults.

When a President gives the State of the Union address each year, perhaps you have heard him say, "The State of the Union is strong."  With regard to the State of Theology in the United States, what did this survey discover?

71 percent of adults agreed with this statement, "Everyone is born innocent in the eyes of God." 65% of evangelicals agreed.  This raises concerns, because the Bible teaches there is none who is good.  The survey summary notes:
The fact that nearly two-thirds of U.S. evangelicals believe that humans are born in a state of innocence reveals that the biblical teaching of original sin is not embraced by most evangelicals. The Bible, however, makes clear that all humans are "by nature children of wrath" (Eph. 2:3). In other words, we are not sinners because we sin; rather, we sin because we are sinners. This truth is foundational for an accurate understanding of the gospel and of our absolute need for the grace of God in salvation.

In a Breakpoint commentary, published at, John Stonestreet and Kasey Leander write...

...nearly half of evangelicals agreed that God “learns and adapts” to different circumstances, in stark contrast to the biblical doctrine of unchanging nature, or immutability; 65 percent of evangelicals agreed that everyone is “born innocent in the eyes of God,” denying the doctrine of original sin, and with it, the very reason that people need salvation in the first place.

Some 56 percent of evangelicals agreed with the idea that “God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam,” in contrast to Jesus’ words in Matthew that without Him, “no one knows the Father.”

The most stunning result had to do with the topic of Jesus Christ’s divinity. When asked whether they agreed that “Jesus was a great teacher …but not God,” 43 percent of American evangelicals answered yes. That number is up 13 percent from just two years ago.

The writers say that the survey "paints a bleak picture."  You could say that The State of Theology is not strong, even though there are bright spots in the area of views on the so-called social issues.  As Stonestreet and Leander state: "It’s worth noting that these failures are not because evangelicals have a low view of Scripture. Some 95 percent, after all, still agree with the statement that 'the Bible is 100 percent accurate in all that it teaches.' The implication, then, is that they simply don’t know what it teaches, either because they haven’t been taught or they haven’t cared enough to learn."

Richard Land, Executive Editor of The Christian Post, provided some analysis regarding what just over a quarter of self-identified evangelicals say they believe; he wrote at the website:

The late R.C. Sproul, founder of one of the survey’s sponsors, Ligonier Ministries, often observed that “everyone’s a theologian.” He was right in that “theologian” means literally logos (words) about theos (God). Dr. Sproul would quickly add that “not everyone is a good theologian.”

This current survey certainly underscores the veracity of that statement. The survey discovered that one-fourth (26%) of Evangelicals disavowed a belief in the literal truth of the Bible.
This is the survey language that 26% of evangelicals agreed with: "The Bible, like all sacred writings, contains helpful accounts of ancient myths but is not literally true."  Land went on to say:
Unfortunately, that theological error is just the beginning.

Once you come to the conclusion that the Bible is only truly the authoritative Word of God in parts, you start falling into the temptation of “Dalmatian theology” (“the Bible is inspired in spots and I’m inspired to determine which spots”). Of course, what happens is the parts that are “inspired” are the parts you agree with and the parts that are not inspired are the parts with which you disagree.

Certainly, there are Bible-believing Christians who attend churches across America and around the world.  And, the survey indicates that in a number of the critical areas I highlighted, at least a majority believe in traditional, Biblical, orthodox Christian doctrine.  But not enough.

The Breakpoint piece concluded by saying:

The results of this study show it’s time for many so-called Christians to repent, for many churches to renew their commitments to catechism, and for all of us who claim Christ to commit our hearts and minds to know who He is, who He has revealed Himself to be.

Jesus spoke about those with ears to hear.  James wrote about being more than hearers, but also doers. But, if we are not hearing, as it seems to be the case with many evangelicals, we won't be obedient to the Lord; thus, the need for repentance.  But, as Romans 10 asks the question, how will they hear?  Each of us has the responsibility to be faithful to the Word of God, reading the Bible, listening to Biblical teaching, and then thinking about how we can apply it to our lives.  And, we actually have to "do" it - faith without works is dead!