Friday, October 21, 2022

More Than Just Hocus Pocus

It's vital that we recognize the power of evil in this world and to hold fast to the light that comes from the light of the world, our Lord Jesus. Ephesians chapter 6 states:
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

This is a description of spiritual warfare, and it is something that involves every Christian believer. We have an enemy who wants to take us out, spiritually speaking, and to render us ineffective in our walk with the Lord. James chapter 4 instructs us to resist the devil and he will flee. We just have to operate in God's power and principles in order to withstand the enemy's attacks; but we know that the Lord has provided the resources for us to walk in victory.


Ephesians chapter 5 issues a warning for believers in the Lord to stay away from evil practices and to seek to glorify God and walk in His light; we can read these words:
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
12 For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.
13 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.

The so-called "holiday" known as Halloween is quickly approaching, and while the celebration seems to be becoming more popular, Christians should not ignore the glorification of practices that do not honor Christ, such as witchcraft, a fascination with the dead, and more.

Faithwire recently called attention to a Religion News Service piece about the sequel to the Disney movie, Hocus Pocus, which definitely presents concerns to Christian parents. The Faithwire article states regarding the sequel....

...a recent Religion News Service article about the handling of Witchcraft in the movie might add even more angst to the mix.

The original “Hocus Pocus” emerged in 1993 amid the so-called “Satanic panic,” a timeframe during which allegations of satanic ritual abuse and other elements ran rampant in culture.

RNS reporter Heather Greene noted the original film reflected negative cultural views on witchcraft but that the new movie takes a different approach. According to Greene, in the sequel, “Witchcraft is no longer evil.”

The Faithwire article quotes Mike Signorelli, who pastors V1 Church in New York City, who said on The Playing With Fire Podcast: “We’re stepping into this area right now. New Age practices are becoming a normal phenomenon...Even secular companies are provoking people to step into the spiritual realm or to believe in the supernatural in a way that — it’s like we’re moving past atheism and we’re moving into ‘spiritual but not religious’ as a people.”

An example given in the article stated: 

Earlier this year, in an unfortunate infusion of occultism, customers using the McDonald’s app were able to buy a medium order of fries were given a free McDouble or McChicken and the chance to snag a tarot card reading.

And, Hocus Pocus 2 apparently is riding the wave of this new enlightenment to evil practices.  The RNS story says:

Flash-forward 29 years. Satanic panic is ancient history and modern witchcraft has fully emerged from the proverbial broom closet, legally recognized and accepted as a spiritual path and religion. Pentacles appear on gravestones even in veterans cemeteries. Prison chaplains host Wiccan circles and satanists fight openly for religious equality.

Occult practices, such as tarot, are now openly practiced by teens from all walks of life and all faiths.

The portrayal of witchcraft and the Sanderson sisters in the new film had to change to meet the times.
The article says: "In the new film, witchcraft is just a tool that can be used as its practitioners see fit." And the sanitization refers to a new source of this magic: "Satan is no longer the source of the witches’ magic — nature is. The forest, where the teens’ rituals are held, is called sacred and, as shown in a flashback to the witches’ childhood in old Salem, the spell book they use is given to them by another woodland witch, not the devil."

Can you say "angel of light?"  On the surface, you might say that the enemy is using a new approach - substituting worship of nature, which is a prevalent thing these days for the hard-core demonic practices.  But, make no mistake, whatever devices he uses, his endgame is to deceive and dilute, causing Christians to depart from following the ways of God.  

The RNS article seems to be critical of those who are opposed to the proliferation of Satanic practices, stating that when the first Hocus Pocus movie premiered in 1993, "witches and satanists were falsely blamed for harming young children and corrupting teenagers." But, we have to admit that the devil is real, the practices associated with Halloween are dangerous, and that the enemy's intent is to lure people into rejecting God.

But, Satanic practices are more than just mere "hocus pocus."  Real lives are being affected, and this is no game.  And, you have to be concerned when the entertainment industry explores the supernatural.  Faithwire reported recently about Vanessa Hudgens' upcoming project:
The “High School Musical” star is teaming up with Bunim-Murray Productions and her best friend, GG Magreem, for “Dead Hot: Season of the Witch,” a 90-minute voyage into the supposed “supernatural.”

The movie, which is in post-production, will document the duo’s journey to Salem, Massachusetts, where they reportedly learn about witchcraft and try to track down “ghosts,” among other spiritual activities. The one-time Disney star and Magreem are “self-taught students of witchcraft,” according to Variety.

“They’ve been doing little spells since they were kids, and they were just really interested in that world,” Julie Pizzi, president of Bunim-Murray Productions, told the outlet. “As we got to know them, we realized that their curiosity in connecting with the spirit realm and paranormal and supernatural exploration was so much deeper than ghost hunting.”

The fascination with the realm of evil spirits can lead someone into embracing harmful practices. The Bible describes the spiritual war that we face and identifies the opponents.  Witchcraft, the occult, sorcery, and other ways to "contact" this evil realm can have life-long consequences.

But, what the enemy has wrought, God gives the grace to overcome. Our God specializes in healing and restoration.  What the enemy has done, the Lord is able to undo - the power of Christ is so much greater, which is especially important to recognize in an age in which evil is being tolerated.  We have to be careful that we are not participants in practices that glorify the enemy.

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