Friday, November 4, 2022

Not a Girl

We have to make sure that our own lives and the Church are not corrupted by worldly ideas that are the opposite of what God intends for us to follow. The book of Jude contains these words:
3 Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.
4 For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

In the book of Judges, we are told that in Israel, everyone did what was right in their own eyes. That does seem to be a description of current culture. Right and wrong become blurred and people wander around in various shades of gray, without moral clarity. Truth becomes personalized and relative, rather than absolute. We need an anchor for our lives, and the world cannot perform that function. To stand strong in challenging times, we need the truth of the Scriptures.


A passage in the book of Isaiah chapter 5 contains what we might consider a theme Scripture for the times in which we live. We can see these words:
20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!

The person is not a grown man trying to be a woman - he is attempting to be a GIRL!  Our culture has been introduced to the weird world of Dylan Mulvaney, who is an actor.  Underline that - he is an actor. He has his own TikTok series in which he is showing, for all the world to see, his so-called "transition" from adult male to adolescent female.  He was featured on a podcast for the Ulta beauty products chain and recently was seen interviewing - in the White House - the President of the United States!

This is a frightening instance of where we are heading. A Daily Wire story relates:

The social media influencer insists upon being called a girl, not a woman. A whopping 8.3 million TikTok follower follow along to Mulvaney’s “Days of Girlhood” series, which includes so many moments of Mulvaney “discovering” the little-known details of “being a girl.”

Mulvaney is charismatic, upbeat, self-deprecating, and inquisitive, happy to admit to ignorance and look silly. The influencer dresses in short, swinging skirts and colorful matching separates, sometimes with accessories like plastic heart-shaped sunglasses.

Mulvaney prances around — quite literally — squealing like a stereotypical tween from a Hollywood movie. While so many other men who identify as trans go overboard with feminine features, Mulvaney is flat-chested and thin. This isn’t a mimicry of womanhood — it’s an imitation of girlhood.

His Ulta Beauty podcast certainly struck a nerve.  The Daily Wire article states: "Despite their efforts to escape criticism, the hashtag #boycottulta was trending all day after the video dropped, adding, "Ulta hid replies and blocked Twitter users with fervor in the hours following the video drop. But the hits kept coming."

For example, podcast host and Christian Allie Beth Stuckey wrote, “‘I want to be a mother one day, and I absolutely can.’ No, you cannot. You can buy all the eggs, rent all the wombs, and wear all the makeup you want, but you cannot be a mother. And that’s ok. Accept who you are and don’t try to be something you can’t.”

Comedian Chad Prather stated: “Silencing and erasing women is a weird flex from a company built because of women..."

At The Daily Citizen website, Jeff Johnston of Focus on the Family wrote a piece regarding Mulvaney's Q & A with the President.  Johnston stated that among the six pillars upon which Focus is founded...

Our sixth pillar is titled, “The Value of Male and Female.” It reads:
We believe God created humans in His image, intentionally and immutably male and female, each bringing unique and complementary qualities to sexuality and relationships. … Christians are called to proclaim the truth and beauty of God’s design and the redemption of sexual brokenness in our lives and culture through Jesus Christ.
The pillar is rooted in Scripture, which teaches us that God made humans male and female in His image and likeness (See Genesis 1:27, 5:2; Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6).

While humanity consists of male and female, individuals are one or the other. Drugs, hormones and surgery don’t change someone into the opposite sex.

Mulvaney's antics have certainly attracted a lot of attention, even giving him the chance to be part of an event at the White House, in which he interviewed the President, who is supportive of his views.

However, another high-profile social media star who rode the transgender craze to fame has decided to "detransition," according to  Oli London, a man who underwent 32 surgeries in order to identity as a Korean woman, made that decision as a result of responding to God, saying:

"I actually started going to church three months ago and I go several times a week now," he told CBN News. "I've been reading the Bible, I've been learning online, and watching YouTube videos about the teaching of Jesus and that has really helped me in my detransition. It made me realize that God made me the way He did (and) I should just stick with who I am, be who I am, and just find happiness."

He is concerned about the influence that Dylan Mulvaney has on young people. The CBN article said:

London says many "impressionable" young children watch Mulvaney's content and are prime targets of his agenda.

"Dylan Mulvaney is almost pushing kids to transition," London explained. "Dylan keeps saying [he] is a girl and wants to go through puberty, but he is 25 years old. I think that manipulates children's minds and they also want to be like these influencers."

London shared that it is time to defend kids and allow them just to be children.

"In America, there's a lot of school boards that are trying to push these ideas on kids as young as five," he said. "They're trying to change children's pronouns, change children's gender. There are some cases where teachers will actually lose their jobs for misgendering a child, which is so crazy. Teachers are there to educate and I think it's wrong that many woke school boards are pushing these gender ideologies on kids because kids are easily influenced."

We can consider that there are many who call good evil and evil good - and we are told that we have to accept errant teaching and action and reject the principles of the Scriptures, in the name of tolerance. Our views - and in the context of our mid-term elections, our votes - should be based on our relationship with the Lord and adherence to His teaching.

Dylan Mulvaney is an actor; a chyron that ran on the screen during a recent Tucker Carlson interview about the man described his schtick as "cosplaying as a woman." Legitimate or not, the influence is still there, and our culture is full of deviant behaviors.  But, there is another way, a better way - to embrace the authentic Jesus, who came to earth to save our souls and help us discover who He wants us to be - and that's no act!

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