Monday, August 14, 2023

Prayer in the Imminent Threat

While the Christian life is full of innumerable spiritual blessings, we mustn't be discouraged when temporal blessings don't come in the way we think they should. Paul writes in 2nd Timothy chapter 3:
10 But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance,
11 persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra--what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me.
12 Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.

Paul was intent on modeling the Christian life for the followers of Jesus to whom he was called to minister, and to us as we seek to follow the principles of Christ.  In verse 10, he lists some of the fruit of the Christian life and shifts in verse 11 to the hardships he faced - the persecutions for the sake of Christ.  He stated that God delivered him and reminded the believers in verse 12 that if we want to live a life that exemplifies Jesus, we will be persecuted for our faith.  When we face struggles because of our faith, we can rely on the God who goes with us.


In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus dedicated a significant portion of what are known as the Beatitudes to the subject of persecution. In Matthew 5, he says:
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.
12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

There is much concern in the world today about the menace that the nation of China represents.  Through its promotion of Chinese nationalism and suppression of Christian ideas and practice, this worldly power threatens to export its authoritarianism to the entire world and bring into subjection those who stand in its way.

In one sense, it is certainly a miserable time for Christians in China - with the threat of persecution and prosecution for their faith, which lowers their social credit score and social standing.  Church buildings are being destroyed and Christian teaching is being co-opted so that the state is pre-eminent.  

But, the people there are not in despair, and the Church is healthy and growing. 

Neither are the believers in Taiwan, the island nation that China still lays claim to. For years, there has been an imminent threat that China would invade Taiwan, which would put the United States and other nations in a difficult strategic situation and destabilize the entire region. 

But, believers in Taiwan are preparing - by praying.  A recent CBN News report stated:

While the war drums grow louder by day, Taiwan's Christians are taking to their knees by night.

"The united prayers and fasting prayers of the churches in Taiwan are much more than ever before. It's an unprecedented prayer movement," Brian Lu, pastor of Shekinah House of Bread of Life in Taipei, told CBN News.

All across this island, people are meeting every day, 24 hours a day, to pray for revival, unity, repentance, and protection over their land.
Gordon Huang is quoted in the article; he is described as a "prominent church leader" there, the pastor of a "well-known" congregation. He says: "I believe something so simple is starting to have such a huge impact upon people in the church and also the people around the church..." He adds, "I think one thing for sure is that people are going to be so shaken and people will want to hear the Gospel. Are you ready or are you going to be on the run yourself?"

Another pastor, Don Young, has launched what is called the Revival Prayer Group "movement." The article says:
"Prayer is the only way that you can get through anything shaking," said Young who now works with the Georgia-based College of Prayer International. "Jesus said everything by prayer. He did nothing apart from prayer. Before it was just kind of a moment with God, we all have them, but now it was shaping up to become a movement for God. There's a huge difference between a moment and a movement."

CBN reports:

More than 40,000 Revival Prayer Groups have sprouted up, with members of China's underground church movement also taking part. Each group has about 5 members, so that brings the current total to roughly 200,000 participants.
The leader of the Taiwan Christian Alliance, Rev. Yang, says: "We want to have 300,000 RPG groups where we also unite with churches in China, coming together, all the leaders and members, on both sides, so we can pray with the goal of impacting China as well..."

Pastor Huang relates: "Many people came and joined RPG because they heard testimonies of how God is answering prayer so you have a lot of unbelieving people joining RPG and as they open their mouths and prayer, they experience the Lord so they are coming to the Lord as well..."

In the world of weapons, an RPG is a "rocket-propelled grenade."  In the world of spiritual warfare in Taiwan, the acronym, RPG, represents the groups of Christians who are using their spiritual weapons in order to seek the Lord in a volatile situation.  When we feel threatened - and there is much to be concerned about these days - rather than cower in fear about what may be coming upon us, we can respond bravely in faith.

We can be confident that God responds to the prayers of His people - now, while He certainly can do the miraculous in the lives of nations, we also know that His response may not be to put the end to a conflict or dangerous situation.  But, we can be confident that He will work through His people to accomplish His ends.  Just ask the believers caught in the crossfire of the Russia-Ukraine war: the death and destruction has not ceased, but in the midst of it, people are experiencing the peace of God, the inner peace that passes all understanding.  People are coming into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in the middle of desperate situations.  While Chinese Christians are facing persecution and Taiwanese Christians look to the threat to the west of them, believers are looking to God, and when that occurs, God shows up in powerful ways.

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